United Nations Express Deep Concerns About “Unacceptable” Situations Involving Personnel In Eritrea
United Nations Express Deep Concerns About “Unacceptable” Situations Involving Personnel In Eritrea
ኣረክብ ስልጣንካ ውጻእ ካብዛ ዓዲ፡
መንእሰይ ክቐስን ክድበስ ወላዲ፡
ክትከል መንግስቲ ብቅዋም ተቐያዲ።
ፖሊስ ግብጺ፡ ሓንቲ ጓል 37 ኤርትራዊት ኣደ ጓል 8ን 10 ኣዋልድ ደኣ ሒዛ ካብ ግብጺ ናብ እስራኤል ክትሰግር ከላ ኣብ ዶብ ብጥይት ቶኪሶም ከምዝቐተሉዋ ብቐዳም 16 ለካቲት ሮይተርስ ካብ እሽማዒልያ፡ ግብጺ ኣብ ዘመሓላለፎ ጸብጻብ ሓቢሩ።
On Saturday, Egyptian police shot and killed a 37 year-old Eritrean woman who tried to slip across the border with two daughters, aged eight and 10.
On Saturday, Egyptian police shot and killed a 37 year-old Eritrean woman who tried to slip across the border with two daughters, aged eight and 10.
I can imagine the anguish Taha’s family must be going through. Typical of this regime’s sadistic practices, Taha was most likely denied visitation rights from his family during his years of incarceration. It is no doubt heart-breaking for the family to find out about his death this way. I am saddened by this unfortunate news and offer the family my deepest condolences.
I can imagine the anguish Taha’s family must be going through. Typical of this regime’s sadistic practices, Taha was most likely denied visitation rights from his family during his years of incarceration. It is no doubt heart-breaking for the family to find out about his death this way. I am saddened by this unfortunate news and offer the family my deepest condolences.
Eritrea’s Vicious Religious Persecution Has Arrived In the US
Eritrea’s Vicious Religious Persecution Has Arrived In the US
Recent Actions by the Government of Eritrea show that it is Just as Frustrated with the United Nations as several other States in the Body. Unlike some Countries like the United States which reduces the amount of its Financial Contributions when it sees fit the Authorities in Asmara are using a different Tactic.
Recent Actions by the Government of Eritrea show that it is Just as Frustrated with the United Nations as several other States in the Body. Unlike some Countries like the United States which reduces the amount of its Financial Contributions when it sees fit the Authorities in Asmara are using a different Tactic.
In a rare rebuke of an individual nation, the United Nations Security Council “strongly condemned” Eritrea for obstructing the peacekeeping mission on its disputed border with Ethiopia
In a rare rebuke of an individual nation, the United Nations Security Council “strongly condemned” Eritrea for obstructing the peacekeeping mission on its disputed border with Ethiopia
ISMAILIA, Egypt (Reuters) – Egyptian police shot and killed an Eritrean women trying to sneak across Egypt’s border into Israel on Saturday after she disobeyed orders to stop, security sources said.
ISMAILIA, Egypt (Reuters) – Egyptian police shot and killed an Eritrean women trying to sneak across Egypt’s border into Israel on Saturday after she disobeyed orders to stop, security sources said.
Eritrean protesters handed critics leaflets before the screening of “Heart of Fire,” a film about child warriors inspired by the bestselling biography of the singer Senait Mehari. They argued that Mehari’s book is not founded in fact and unfairly puts Eritrea in a bad light.
Eritrean protesters handed critics leaflets before the screening of “Heart of Fire,” a film about child warriors inspired by the bestselling biography of the singer Senait Mehari. They argued that Mehari’s book is not founded in fact and unfairly puts Eritrea in a bad light.
The United Nations is halting peacekeeping operations in Eritrea, and closing its mission headquarters in Asmara. The pullout comes two months after the Eritrean government cut off vital fuel supplies and ordered the peacekeepers out…
The United Nations is halting peacekeeping operations in Eritrea, and closing its mission headquarters in Asmara. The pullout comes two months after the Eritrean government cut off vital fuel supplies and ordered the peacekeepers out…
ትሩብሊ ኣንቲ ትሩብሊ
መዕቆቢ ዘይብልኪ መጽለሊ
መዕቀሊ ዘይብልኪ ማይ ክዛሪ
ዳዕሮ’ኳ ዘይብልኪ መውዓሊ
ሱሩ ነዊሕ ዝኸይድ ምድረ ምድሪ
ጎታን ብዓል ጽላል ንእምኒ ፈንቃሊ
ካብ ዓዲ ሓበሻ’ዶ ክልእከልኪ ዋሪ
ብዛዕባኺ እንታይ ከምነውሪ
The Eritrean Strongman, Mr. Isaias Afewerki has long pinned his political fortune solely on one thing: a face-saving end to his lingering dispute with Ethiopia. No foreign power can claim it is willing to help him score any victory. And the increasingly voiceless Eritrean people simply wish they were free. Still there is hope for change.
The Eritrean Strongman, Mr. Isaias Afewerki has long pinned his political fortune solely on one thing: a face-saving end to his lingering dispute with Ethiopia. No foreign power can claim it is willing to help him score any victory. And the increasingly voiceless Eritrean people simply wish they were free. Still there is hope for change.
Reporters Without Borders criticises lack of public commitment to press freedom and fears anti-media violence in coming months
Reporters Without Borders criticises lack of public commitment to press freedom and fears anti-media violence in coming months
ኣብ ናይጀርያ ሓላፊ ቆንስላዊ ጉዳያት ኤርትራ ኮይኑ ዝዓዪ ዝነበረ ዘርአስላሰ ረድኢ ንውልቀምልካዊ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ብምቅዋም ኣብ መወዳእታ ወርሒ ጥሪ 2008 ኣብ ዓዲ እንግሊዝ ፖለቲካዊ ዑቕባ ሓቲቱ።
Zereselassie Redea, an official from the Eritrean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who has been working as head of the councillor affairs in Nigeria, sought political asylum in the United Kingdom.
Zereselassie Redea, an official from the Eritrean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who has been working as head of the councillor affairs in Nigeria, sought political asylum in the United Kingdom.
ስርዓት ህግደፍ ን መንእሰይ ኤርትራ ግዱድ ዕስክርና ነጻ ጉልበት ብምጥቓም መጻኢ ሂወቱ ኣጸልሚቱ ባርያ ናይ ሰበስልጣናት ገርዎ ይርከብ ። ነዚ ግዱድ ዕስክርና ዝመረሮም በሽሓት ዝቑጸሩ መንእሰያት ድማ ብሰንኪ እዚ ስርዓት ዝፈትውዋ ሀገሮም ገዲፎም ካብ ቅድሚ ሕጂ ተራእይዎ ዘይፈልጥ ቑጽሪ ናብ ጎረባብቲ ሃገራት ይውሕዙ ኣለዉ ።
KHARTOUM, Feb 6 (Reuters) – Thousands of Eritrean refugees, many fleeing mandatory military service or jail, have arrived in Sudan in the past year and need help, the U.N. refugee agency (UNHCR) said on Wednesday.
KHARTOUM, Feb 6 (Reuters) – Thousands of Eritrean refugees, many fleeing mandatory military service or jail, have arrived in Sudan in the past year and need help, the U.N. refugee agency (UNHCR) said on Wednesday.
ADDIS ABABA, Feb 4 (Reuters) – Eritrean opposition groups trying to bring down President Isaias Afwerki plan to set up a government in exile for the Red Sea state, an opposition leader said on Monday from the Ethiopian capital.
ADDIS ABABA, Feb 4 (Reuters) – Eritrean opposition groups trying to bring down President Isaias Afwerki plan to set up a government in exile for the Red Sea state, an opposition leader said on Monday from the Ethiopian capital.
ሐደ ኤርትራዊ ስደተኛ ናብ ኤርትራ ክጥረዝ አብ ነፋሪት ምስተሰቕለ ብናይ ሐይሊ ጎነጽ ተቓውሞኡ ብምርአይ ናይ ነፋሪት ፓይሎት እዚ ሰብዚ አስጋኢ ስለዝኾነ አይብገስን ኢሉ ስለ ዝአበየ ካብ ነፋሪት ክወርድ ድሕሪ ምኽአሉ አብ ትሕቲ ፖሊስ ይርከብ አሎ፡
On January 30, 2008, the UN Security Council passed a resolution extending UNMEE’s mandate for another six month occupation of Eritrea. The resolution also carried a one-sided condemnation of Eritrea for hampering UNMEE’s activities in Eritrea.
On January 30, 2008, the UN Security Council passed a resolution extending UNMEE’s mandate for another six month occupation of Eritrea. The resolution also carried a one-sided condemnation of Eritrea for hampering UNMEE’s activities in Eritrea.
በቲ ጓለይ ከይትቕየመኒ
በቲ ‘ሃገረይ’ ከይትጎድለኒ
ሰዓታት ቀይረ ዝተኽለሉ ብርዐይ
ለይተይ ገይረዮ መዓልተይ
ዓራተይ ገይረዮ መንበረይ
ሓበነይ ምስ ደቀሰት እብለኩም ‘ሃገረይ’