EU says no more money to Eritrea
By Habte Hagos On Monday, 15 June 2020, the European Union at the meeting of the Committee on Development (DEVE) on the EU's development cooperation with Eritrea (state of play and the EU's policy objectives)

By Habte Hagos On Monday, 15 June 2020, the European Union at the meeting of the Committee on Development (DEVE) on the EU’s development cooperation with Eritrea (state of play and the EU’s policy objectives) meeting, said no to the Eritrean government’s request for €50 million for more road works in the country. The EU is also sending €30 million originally reserved for Eritrea to Sudan instead.
Woldegabriel June 18, 2020
Dear Mr. Habte Hagos,
Great work, sir
ወዲ ሃገር June 18, 2020
ኤውሮጳውያን ፥ ኣብ ኤሪትራ ዘሎ ግፍዕን ጥፍኣትን ፥ ኣጸቢቆም ከም ዝፈልጡ ዘጠራጥር ኣይኮነን ። እቲ ስርዓት ፋሺስታዊ ሙዃኑ እዳ ፈለጡ ፥ “ኣነ መንግስቲ-እየ” ምስ ዝብል ጥቅሞም ምሕላዉ ጥራሕ እዩ ዘገድሶም ።
ዝበዝሐ ነዳዲ ዓለም ኣብ ዝሓልፈሉ ገማግም ቀይሕ ባሕሪ ፥ ብባሩድ ዝመለአት ኢዱ እንዳ ኣወጣወጠ ፥ “ኣነ እንተ ዘይሃሊየ ጥፍኣትኩም ተጸበዩ” ንዝብል ስርዓት ሰጊኦም ፥ ገለ ከኾሉሱዎ ምርኣይ እቲ ሉሙድ euro-centric ፖሊካ እዪ። ንህዝቢ ኤሪትራ ፥ ሰብኣዊ ርህራ የብሎምን።
k.tewolde June 19, 2020
You summed it up perfectly Wedi Hagher, there is nothing new here, the players are playing as usual and the Eritrean people are being played,until we–the Eritrean people if there are any of us left get together in unison and assume the position of players and decide our own destiny,break our own bread…the ones sitting around the poker table will continue to move their chips where they can find a deal whether it is in euro,dollar,riyal ……or yen. We have been explaining our situation for far too long, it is time to explore a decisive resolution once for all this way we don’t have to bother explaining anymore,>>> my middle school teacher I recall muses after he saw us struggling for 20 min, ‘a problem is no more a problem when it is solved.’ after he sliced and diced the quadratic equation on the blackboard and fed us into our mouth with his hand, Mentor show me how to solve the problem,be an example,win my heart and soul,be a Martin Luther King, a Nelson Mandela,… Eritrean Martyr.
Almaz June 19, 2020
I do not think this is correct and credible info.. In fact, my source were just telling me that the budget allocated was already in progress for a promising work underway and there is no legal way to bring it back at this stage. Almaz.
ወዲ ሃገር June 19, 2020
“the Eritrean people if there are any of us left get together in unison and assume the position of players and decide our own destiny,break our own bread…”
ኩቡር ዶቶረ
እቲ ዝበዝሐ ህዝብና ፥ ብሰንኪ እዚ ኣረመናዊ ስርዓት ፥ ይጠፍእ ፥ ይጸንት ምህላዊ ሕጂ ተረዲኡዎ ኣሎ ። ግን ጸላእቱ ኣብ ሞንጎኡ ዝዘረኡዎ ፥ ብፍላይ ህግደፍ ክሰርሓሉ ዝጸንሐ ፥ ዘይምትእምማን ፥ ምጥርጣር ፥ ገና ጠንቂ ስቃይና ሙዃኑ ዘይርዳእ ቡዙሕ ሰብ ኣሎ።
ንሕና ኤሪትራውያን ፥ ከምቲ ዝበልካዮ ፥ ባዕልና ዓቅምታትና ኣኪብና ፥ ብሓደ መደብ፥ ግዜ ከየጥፋእና ፥ ሃገርናን ህዝብናን ንምድሓን ፥ እንተ ዘይተንቀሳቀስና ፥ ጠፋእና።
የቀንየልና ዶቶረ።
kidane June 19, 2020
Thank you Habte Hagos. We justice seeking Eritreans should welcome any adverse action against the subhuman group of PFDJ.
hagos netsanet July 12, 2020
ኣሰና, ኣበይ ጠፊእና ድኣ ?
berhe tensea October 31, 2020
An money sent to Eritrea is only going to end up in the pocket of the Ethiopian dictator and his few tools only.
Thanks to the real Eritreans who worked hard for this to happen.
rezen January 29, 2024
Subject: “EU says no more money to Eritrea”
Humble Opinion, 29 Jan 2024
a) I beg you, Dear Readers
b) Let us be honest when narrating about OUR>>> RICH>>> BELOVED>>> ENTIRE BLACK
c) Please re-read the subject title
d) Having cleansed Black African Continent, “EU says no more money to Eritrea”
e) It sounds ‘amazing’ but that is the basic characteristic of colonial powers for time immemorial
f) Dear Black Africans : Please, re-read colonial history upon Black African Continent.
g) To the extreme, you may even notice that OUR OWN BLACK LEADERS are even more
“colonizers” than their COLONIZERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES, OUR OWN BROTHERS TURNING TO
COLONIZE US >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> THEIR BRETHREN and SISTERS !?!?!?!?!?