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Reporters Without Borders- Press release
4 December 2009
ETHIOPIA – Weekly forced to stop publishing, its journalists flee abroad
Reporters Without Borders condemns the climate of fear to which Ethiopia’s independent media are currently exposed. The Addis Ababa-based weekly Addis Neger suspended publication today after several of its editors fled the country in the past few days because they were afraid they would be arrested.

Mogos Tekeste

There seems to be a lot of confusion on the status of the rule of law in Eritrea.

This confusion contributes towards the opposition being at odds with each other, extends a life support system to the oppressive political order of the People’s Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ) and finally, it baffles the international democratic forces and discourages it from lending an effective and valuable targeted support to the Eritrean  people.


Mogos Tekeste

There seems to be a lot of confusion on the status of the rule of law in Eritrea.

This confusion contributes towards the opposition being at odds with each other, extends a life support system to the oppressive political order of the People’s Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ) and finally, it baffles the international democratic forces and discourages it from lending an effective and valuable targeted support to the Eritrean  people.


ኣብ ዝሓለፈ እዋናት መራኸቢ ብዙሓን ናይ ሃገር ኖርወይ፡ ንጉዳይ ሃለዋት ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣመልኪተን ብቐጻሊ ሻቕሎተን ከቃልሓ ጽኒሐን። እቲ ብዝያዳ ዘሻቐለን ዘሎ ድማ እቲ ደረት ዝሰኣነ፣ ኣብ ልዕሊ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዝወርድ ዘሎ፣ ዝተፈላለየ መልክዕ ዝኽተል ህግደፋዊ መዓት እዩ።

Date: 01 Dec 2009
On the morning of 30 November 2009, the Working Group on the UPR examined the situation of human rights in Eritrea. Eritrea was represented by the Economic Advisor for the Ministry of National Development, Mr Girmai Abraham. The majority of African States participating in the discussion took the opportunity to praise Eritrea for its commitment to human rights and their achievements within their current reality. However, a number of other States expressed concern about the following issues:

Date: 01 Dec 2009
On the morning of 30 November 2009, the Working Group on the UPR examined the situation of human rights in Eritrea. Eritrea was represented by the Economic Advisor for the Ministry of National Development, Mr Girmai Abraham. The majority of African States participating in the discussion took the opportunity to praise Eritrea for its commitment to human rights and their achievements within their current reality. However, a number of other States expressed concern about the following issues:

ህዝቢ ኤርትራ እቲ ዝነውሓን ዝመረረን ዕጥቃዊ ናይ ነጻነት ቃልሲ ኣብ ኣህጉርና ኣፍሪቃ ዘካየደ ህዝቢ ኢዩ።እዚ ንኣስታት ሓደ ክፍለ ዘመን ካብ ተቃውሞ መግዛእቲ ዘየዕረፈ ህዝቢ፡ንሰላሳ ዓመት ዘኣክል ምእንቲ መሰሉን ሰብእዊ ክብሩን ዘይተኣደነ መስዋእቲ ዝከፈለ ዝደመየን ዝቆሰለን ንክትገልጾ ቃላት ዘይርከቦ ምዑትን ቆራጽን ንዓለም መስተንክርን ዝኮነ ሓርበኛዊ ቂያ ዝፈጽመ ህዝቢ ኢዩ።

Michael Abraha                                                                                                  

The international community is on the verge of meting out a collective punishment on the Eritrean political and military leadership. The proposed UN sanctions will be the harshest ever imposed on an African nation in recent memory. The Eritrean government says it is not concerned.

Michael Abraha                                                                                                  

The international community is on the verge of meting out a collective punishment on the Eritrean political and military leadership. The proposed UN sanctions will be the harshest ever imposed on an African nation in recent memory. The Eritrean government says it is not concerned.

 Milkias Mihretab Yohannes

One of my worst days back in those terrible days in Asmara was Tuesday. Since my news paper was,  published every Wednesday, I have to go to the ministry of Information for approvals and pass the censorship test before going to the press, that is Tuesday(qursus Solus, “cursed Tuesday” as they said it in Tigrinya). Tuesday was the day me and my colleagues feel anxious, apprehensive even nervous as we don’t possibly know what the outcome and decisions  of the censor department might be.

 Milkias Mihretab Yohannes

One of my worst days back in those terrible days in Asmara was Tuesday. Since my news paper was,  published every Wednesday, I have to go to the ministry of Information for approvals and pass the censorship test before going to the press, that is Tuesday(qursus Solus, “cursed Tuesday” as they said it in Tigrinya). Tuesday was the day me and my colleagues feel anxious, apprehensive even nervous as we don’t possibly know what the outcome and decisions  of the censor department might be.

ሰርናዮ ስቕታ ሰጊርናዮ ከውታ፡ኣብ መበል ዒይስራን ሓሙሽተን ዓመት ምምስራት ሃማደኤ ከም ጭርሖ ዝተወስደ ፍሉይ ኣርእስቲ ኢዩ።እቲ ጭርሖ፡ምስ ህሉው ኩነታት ህዝቢ ኤርትራን ፍርቂ ኣካል ኅብረ ተሰብ ዝኾነ ደቂ ኣንስትዮ ሕይወት ተራእዩ፡ካብ ፕሮፖጋንዳ ሓሊፉ ካልእ ክህልዎ ዝኽእል ኣይነበረን።

New York, November 25, 2009—The Committee to Protect Journalists honored four journalists with its 2009 International Press Freedom Awards in a ceremony Tuesday night that highlighted impunity in journalist murders, this week’s killings of Philippine journalists, and the Internet’s emerging role in press freedom. Anthony Lewis, a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner and founding CPJ board member, was honored with the Burton Benjamin Memorial Award for lifetime achievement.

New York, November 25, 2009—The Committee to Protect Journalists honored four journalists with its 2009 International Press Freedom Awards in a ceremony Tuesday night that highlighted impunity in journalist murders, this week’s killings of Philippine journalists, and the Internet’s emerging role in press freedom. Anthony Lewis, a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner and founding CPJ board member, was honored with the Burton Benjamin Memorial Award for lifetime achievement.

መሰል ህዝቢ ዘየኽብር ስርዓት፡ ልኡላውነት ሃገር ክሕሉ ኣይክእልን እዩ።

ባይቶ ጸጥታ ውድብ ሕቡራት  ሃገራት፡ ንሓያለ ኣዋርሕ ድንዕ-ድንዕ ክብል ድሕሪ ምጽናሕ፡ ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ሰሙን ኣብ ልዕሊ ኤርትራ እገዳ መሸጣ ኣጽዋር፡ ኣብ ልዕሊ ኣባላት መንግስቲ ስርዓት ህግደፍን ኣዘዝቲ ሰራዊትን ብፍላይ ከኣ፡ ናይ መገሻ ቀይድን ምድስካል ንብረቶምን ክግበር ዝጽውዕ ንድፊ ኣዋዲዱ ውሳኔ ክህበሉ ኣብ ተጠንቀቕ ኣሎ።

ኣብ ሰሜን ኣመሪካ፡ ኣብ ኖርዝ-ካሮላይና ዝቕመጡ ግዱሳት ኤርትራውያን፡ ድምጺ ኣሰና ንምስሳን ብዝወሰዱዎ ተበግሶ ኣስታት 2 ሽሕ ዶላር ብምውጻእ፡ ኣብ ቀጻልነት ድምጺ ኣሰና ዓቢ ኣበርክቶ ገይሮም።


ኣንቲ መለይ! በጃኺባ ስምዕዮ ኣውያተይ        

 ! ኣብልለይ እዚ ዓጽሚ ዓይነይ!         

ብርሃን ክርኢ ከም ዓለመይ                                                                        

ካን ዓዊረ መይተ ብደወይ!

Norway has decided to increase emergency relief to Kenya, Somalia, Eritrea and Ethiopia because of the drought. – At the same time it is important to increase food security, Development Minister Erik Solheim says. More than 20 million people are suffering from hunger as a result of the severe drought and conflicts in this densely populated region.

Norway has decided to increase emergency relief to Kenya, Somalia, Eritrea and Ethiopia because of the drought. – At the same time it is important to increase food security, Development Minister Erik Solheim says. More than 20 million people are suffering from hunger as a result of the severe drought and conflicts in this densely populated region.

ብሰንኪዚ ኣብ ሃገርና ዘሎ ዘምእኩልን ዘይቅዋማዊን ስርዓት፡ ኣብ ህዝብና ብሓፈሻ ኣብ መንእሰያትና ካኣ ብፍላይ ኣንጠልጢሉን ኣጋጢሙን ዘሎ ሓደጋ ካብ ዝኾነ እዋን ዝኸፍኣን ኣዝዩ ኣሰካፍን ምኻኑ ንማንም ኤርትራዊ ክዉል ኣይኮነን። መንእሰያትና ብሰንኪዚ ዘይምእኩልን ዘይቅዋማዊን ምሕደራ ዝፈትዉዋ ሃረሮምን ቤተሰቦምን ራሕሪሖም ንኽስደዱ ዘጋጥሞም ዘሎ ሽግርን ኣደራዕን ፍታሕ ክናደየሉ ካኣ ብቐንዱ ነቲ መንእሰይ ዝምልከትካ እንተኾነ፡ ብሓፈሻ ግን ነይ ነብስወከፍ ኤርትራዊ ሞራላዊን ዜጋዊን ሓላፍነት እዩ።

 ብተስፋይ ተኽለ

ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ንኽልቲኡ ቅዱስ ዝኾነ ሃይማኖታት ክርስትና ኮነ ምስልምና፣ ካብቶም ቀዳሞት ዝተቐበሉዎ አህዛብ ሐደ ኢዩ። ክልቲኡ ቅዱስ ዝኾነ ሃይማኖታትና ከአ አብ ማሕበራዊ መነባብሮና ኮነ  አብ መዓልታዊ ጉዕዞና፣ ከም ህዝቢ ጸገም ፈጢሩልና አይፈልጥን ኢዩ። ክልቲኡ ሃይማኖታት ብሐቀኛን መሰረታዊ መግለጺኡ ንፍቕርን ሰላምን ሕውነትንምበር፣ ንጽልኢን ጎነጽን ባእሲን ከቶ አየስተምህርን ኢዩ።

ዕለት 25 ሕዳር ዓለምለኸ ጸረ ግህስትመዓልቲ ደቂኣንስትዮ ተባሂሉ ካብዝጽዋን ካብዝኽበርን ልዕሊ 20 ዓመት ዝኣክል ኣቑጺሩ እነሆ። እዚ መዓልቲዚ ንመዘከርታ ናይተን ጸረ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ዝተቓለሳ ሚራባል ዝተባህላ ሰለስተ ኣሕዋት ኣብ ዕለት 25 ሕዳር 1960 . ኣብ ዴሞኒካኒሸ ረፖፕሊክ ብግፍዒ እቲ ዝነበረ ዓማጺ ስርዓት ጸጥታዊ ትካል ተኣሲረን ንወርሒ ዝኣክል መግቢ ንኸይውሃበንን ከቢድ ምግፍዕን መግረፍትን ወሪድወን ንዝሞታ ተቓለስቲ ዝዝከር መዓልቲ እዩ።