ኣብዚ እዋን’ዚ መብዛሕቶኦም እቶም ካብ ዝተፈላለያ ሃገራት ዓዶም ገዲፎም ናብ ስደት ዘምርሑ ዘለዉ ሚልዮናት ኣህዛብ፡ ኣብ ሃገራቶም ሓድሕድ ኩናትን ናይ ካልኦት ሃገራት ግዳማዊ ጣልቃ ምእታውን ስለዘሎ’ዩ። ንኣብነት ሃገራት ሶርያ፡ ዒራቅ፡ የመን፡ ሶማል፡ ሊብያ፡ ኣፍጋኒስታን፡ ደቡብ ሱዳን እንተተመልኪትና፡ ቀንዲ ጠንቂ ሞት፡ መቁሰልቲ፡ ውሽጣዊ ምምዝባል፡ ስደት፡ ጥሜት፡
ኣብዚ እዋን’ዚ መብዛሕቶኦም እቶም ካብ ዝተፈላለያ ሃገራት ዓዶም ገዲፎም ናብ ስደት ዘምርሑ ዘለዉ ሚልዮናት ኣህዛብ፡ ኣብ ሃገራቶም ሓድሕድ ኩናትን ናይ ካልኦት ሃገራት ግዳማዊ ጣልቃ ምእታውን ስለዘሎ’ዩ። ንኣብነት ሃገራት ሶርያ፡ ዒራቅ፡ የመን፡ ሶማል፡ ሊብያ፡ ኣፍጋኒስታን፡ ደቡብ ሱዳን እንተተመልኪትና፡ ቀንዲ ጠንቂ ሞት፡ መቁሰልቲ፡ ውሽጣዊ ምምዝባል፡ ስደት፡ ጥሜት፡
KHARTOUM, Aug. 14 (Xinhua) -- Sudan government on Monday urged the United Nations (UN) to provide funds to help around 2 million refugees on its territories, Sudan tribune reported. Sudan's Minister of International Cooperation, Idris Suleiman, made the pledge when meeting the representative of the UN
By Charles Onyango Obbo Since the July 2015 vote in Burundi, all the East African Community countries except South Sudan have had elections. The latest were Rwanda on August 4, and then Kenya a few hours ago on August 8. In all the elections, except Rwanda, the
BY JAMES PATRICK KELLY Special to the Idaho Statesman Kibrom Milash and Tirhas Hailu, owners of Kibrom’s Ethiopian and Eritrean Cuisine, aren’t ones to let a little adversity get them down. After leaving their drought-stricken, authoritarian-governed country of Eritrea, the enterprising young couple operated a small restaurant in
ትማሊ 08/11/2017 ነበርቲ ደለይቲ ፍትሂ ሲያትል ተቃውሞኦም ጀሚሮም። ኣብቲ ብርክት ዝበሉ ተሳተፈቲ ዝተረከብዎ ሰልፊ እዞም ዝስዕቡ ጭርሓታት ብምስማዕ ደለይቲ ፍትሂ ጠለባቶም ናብ መላዕ ዓለም ኣተሓላሊፎም፣ ጸብጻብ መርመሪት ኮሚሽን ንድግፍ WE SUPPORT THE REPORT OF UN COMMISSION OF INQUIRE ON HUMAN RIGHTS IN ERITREA Isayas must be tried for
Review by Bereket Habte Selassie He spent a major part of his adult life fighting for freedom and human dignity, in a passionate struggle on behalf of his people, the forgotten people of Eritrea. His struggle was frequently a lonely one under bitterly disappointing circumstances—under conditions
On a wet, windy London summer’s evening, Mo Farah managed once again to elicit roars of approval from an adoring IAAF World Championships crowd. And that was just for the warm up strides. Drawn in the first heat, the recently crowned 2017 world 10,000m champion returned to
ኣብ ዓባይ ብሪጣንያ ከተማ ከተማ ለንደን ዝርከቡ ኤርትራውያን ብ 5 ነሓሰ፣ ኣብ ለንደን ኣዳራሽ Initiatives for Change ብክብ ዝበለ ወግዒ መዓልቲ ሓርበኛታት ኤርትራ ኣኽቢሮም። ኣብቲ ንቓልሲ ናጽነት ኤርትራ ብኣካል ዘርከቡሉን ዝወዓሉዎ ድሕሪ ናጽነት ዝተወልዱ ሓደሽቲ ወለዶን ከምኡ ‘ውን ወጻእተኛታት ፈተውትን ኣዕሩኽን ኤርትራ ዝተረኽቡሉ ኣጋጣሚ፣ ንታሪኽ ሓርበኝነት
Mon 07 Aug 2017 By Eno Adeogun There are growing concerns for the wellbeing of an Orthodox Church leader in Eritrea who hasn't been seen in public since he attended mass at a church last month. His Holiness Abune Antonios, the legitimate Patriarch of the Eritrean Orthodox (Tewahdo)
Members of the Ethiopian athletics team, participating at the 2017 IAAF World Athletics Championships in London, have become victims of robbery, reports said on Monday.The burglars, believed to be the hotel room attendants (cleaners), stole money and other personal properties from the athletes’ pockets, wallets
ወናም ኤርትራዊ ስነጥበበኛ መምህር ኣልኣሚን ዓብደለጢፍ ኣብ መበል 75 ዓመቱ ትማሊ ቀዳም ዓሪፉ። ብመሰረት ዝረኸብናዮ ሓበሬታ፣ ስነጥበበኛ መምህር ኣልኣሚን ብ 1942 ኣብ ኣስመራ ኣባሻውል እዩ ተወሊዱ። ኣብ ጃልያ መምህር ኮይኑ እናሰርሐ ኸሎ ድማ፣ ፈለማ ምስ ማትኣ (ማሕበር ትያትር ኣስመራ) ቀጺሉ ድማ፣ ምስ ማምሃል (ማሕበር ምምዕባል ሃገራዊ
News | 6 August 2017 Eric Reidy “The main reason I left was poverty,” Yobieli says. But in Eritrea, poverty and politics are deeply intertwined. “My family was poor because my father was a soldier. He was taken to the army.”Like all Eritrean adults, Yobieli’s father was conscripted into
ግዕዙይ ስርዓትን ተበላጺ ዜጋን ናይ ሓንቲ ሳንቲም ክልተ ገጻት'ዮም ምኽንያቱ እቲ ሓደ ብዘይትሓደ ትንፋስ የብሉን። ግዕዙይ ስርዓት ዝልለየሎም ባህርያት ነዞም ዝስዕቡ የጣቃልሉ: ብቀንዱ፡ንስልጣን ንህዝቢ ከገልግለሉ ዘይኮነ፡ ውልቀ ረብሕኡን ስልጣኑን ንክዕቅብ ንህዝቢ ብአልማማ ከም ባርይኡ ጊላ ጌሩ ክረግጾሉ ሂርድግ ይብል። ርእይቶ ምኽርን ለበዋን ህዝቢ ምስማዕ አይናቱን፡
ኣቦይ ኣድሓኖም ገብረኪዳን(ላንጋኖ) ! 15 መስከረም፡ 1925 30 ሓምለ፡ 2017 ዘለዓለማዊ ዕረፍቲ መንግስተ ሰማያት ይግበረልኩም!!! ነሓሰ 3፡ 2017 ጸሓይ ኣብ ምዕራባ፡ ክትጸንሓልካ እናደለኻያ ከም ትኽወለካ መጠን፡ ወለዲ`ውን ጣዕሞም እናመቀረካ ስለ ዝኸይድ፡ ክጸንሑልካ፡ ወረ ኪነብሩልካ ትደልዮም፤ ግን ዘይከኣል ኮይኑ እነሆ ንሕያዋይ ኣቦና ተገዲድና ነፋንዎም። እዛ ዘይተናሕሲ ቈጸራ ዘይትህብ ናይ መውዳእታ ጸዋዒትና
ሓደ ካብቲ ንስርዓት ህግደፍ ኣብ ልዕሊ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣዋዲ ዘይብሉ ጥንቅላዕላዕ ክብል ዘኽእሎ ዘሎ ቀንዲ ረቋሒ፡ ህዝቢ ነቲ ኣብ ዝባኑ ተጻዒኑ ዘሎ ኣርዑት መግዛእቲ ንምድርባይ ንርሑቅ ዝጥምትን ፍልልያት ከጽብብ ብቅዓት ዘለዎ መሪሕ ክረክብ ስለዘይክኣለን ስርዓት ህግደፍ ንዝኾነ ህዝባዊ ምንቅስቃስ ምዕይ ከይበለ ንምጭፍላቅ ሓያል ትካላዊ ኣሰራርሓን
From January to June 2017, UNICEF Eritrea worked closely with the Government and partners to provide children and women with access to nutrition, health, education, water, sanitation and hygiene and child protection services and support, as per UNICEF’s Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC) appeal. [gview file="http://archive.assenna.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/UNICEF-Eritrea-Humanitarian-Situation-Report-as-of-30-June-2017.pdf"]
ንሕና ኣብ ዓባይ ብሪጣንያ እንርከብ ኤርትራውያን፡ ቀዳመይቲ ቀዳም ናይ ወርሒ ነሓሰ፡ ንኹሉ ተጋዳላይን ህዝቢን ኤርትራ ዘስመረት፡ ዓቢ ታሪኻዊ ፍጻሜ ዝተራእየላ ሰሙን ብምንባራ፡ ብግዝያውነት ከም “መዓልቲ ሓርበኛታት ኤርትራ” ጌርና ኣብ ስደት ክንዝክራ ኣሎና ዝብል ተበግሶ ምውሳድና ዝዝከር ኢዩ። በዚ መሰረት፡ ዓሚ (2016) እታ ፈላሚት “መዓልቲ ሓርበኛታት
ንኣቦይ ኣድሓኖም መንገስተ ሰማያት የዋርሶም - ንስድራቤት ጽንዓት ይሃብ!
እምነ፡ ጸጽብቁ እምነ ሰላም ክረከብ ብፍትሒ ክዳነ ብምሽቁራር ከይስጉም ደኒነ ኣብ ገዛእ መሬተይ ክድቅስ ቀሲነ። ብልቢ እምነ፡ ኣብ መሬተይ ብኽብረት ክነብር ክወልድ ክዝምድ ከምቲ ንቡር ምስ ሞዛኖይ ብንእስነተይ ክዕንድር ንሰላም ክዝምር ወግዒ ሃገረይ ከስተማቅር። እምነ፡ ዓዲ ዝወዓሉ ወለደይ ክጥውሮም ዓስቦም ክኸፍሎም ፍረ ጻዕሮም ኣለኹልኩም ክብሎም ኣብ ሕማም እርጋኖም ብንጥፈት ክዋሳእ ኣብ ሓዘን ሓጎሶም። እምነ፡ ብዙሕ’የ ዝምነ ግዱዕ ክሕግዝ
መወከሲ ዝኸውን መዝግበ-ቃላት ደኣ፥ ኣብዚ ኣብ ቀረባ የብለይን እምበር፥ እቲ “-ዕርቂ-” ዝብል ቃል፥ ምስምማዕ, ምልዛብ, ምትዕራቕ, ምርድዳእ, ምቅርራብ ካብ ምባል ዝሓልፍ፥ ካልእ ትርጉም ክህልዎ ዝኽእል ኣይኮነን። ብዝኾነ ብዘይ ሕድገት ዝብጻሕ ዕርቂ ግና የልቦን። ስለዚ’ዮም ዓደቦና’ውን “-ዝወለደ እንተለሓሰ፥ ዝበደለ እንተኸሓሰ፥ ኣባጅጎስ ክንደይኮን ምተሓጎሰ-” ዝብሉ። ብዘይ ንስሓን
እታ ብቡዛሓት ሃጸያት ተፈቲና ዘይተሳዓረት ቤተ-ክርስቲያን፥ ሕጂ'ውን ብሃጸይ ኣሥመራ ኣብ ከቢድ ፈተና ትርከብ። "ንማሕበረይ ኣብዚ ኸውሒ እዚ ኽሃንጻ እየ፡ ደጌታት ሲኦል ድማ ኣይሕይልዋን እዮም" (ማቴ 16፤ 18)። እቲ ድንጋጸ ዘይብሉ ስርዓት ኣሥመራ፥ ብጉዳይ ፓትርያሪክ እንጠንዮስ ዓቅሉ ጸቢብዎ ከምዘሎ ካብቲ ዝገብሮ ዘሎ፥ ነቲ ልቢ ዘልዎ ከስተውዕሎ ዘጸግም
How does one feel when his beloved city, Asmara, earns an international recognition? Quite honestly, ‘Euphoria’ would be an understatement. Is it not? If we could gauge the Eritrean sentiment upon hearing the announcement of the much coveted distinction, certainly, the euphoria gripping Eritreans would
ብመሰረቱ ደቂሰባት ውይ ውድባት ወይውን መንግስታት ኣብ ዓለም ካብ ሕሉፍ ታሪኾም ክመሃሩ ግቡእ ኢዩ። ነቲ ጽቡቚ ክዕቅብዎ ነቲ ሕማቕ ድማ ክመሃርሉ ናይ ግድን ይኸውን። ካብዚ ሓሊፉ፡ ወግሐ-ጸብሐ፡ “እዚ ዝፈጸምኩ፡ እዚ ዝፈጠርኩ ኢየ” እናበልካ ዘላ-ኣለም ምፍካር ግን ንቕድሚት ከይትስጉም ልሙስ ኢዩ ዝገብረካ። ስርዓት ህግደፍ እውን ከም ግቡእ
By Fesseha Nair The struggle from dictatorship to democracy depends on its ownership expressed through its meaningful participation to affirm this it needs democratic institutions and campaign strategy and grand strategy. The goal of the struggle from dictatorship to democracy is clear to remove the dictatorship
By Eric Reidy Yobieli is 12 years old. He sits on a small leather stool and fumbles with his hands, interlocking his fingers and pulling them apart. There's a dark shadow of soft peach fuzz on his upper lip, and his cheeks are childishly smooth. But,
On October 3, 2013, a Sicilian prosecutor named Calogero Ferrara was in his office in the Palace of Justice, in Palermo, when he read a disturbing news story. Before dawn, a fishing trawler carrying more than five hundred East African migrants from Libya had stalled