By Cyprian Musoke
Libyan leader Muammar Gadaffi yesterday failed in his bid to stay on as chairman of the African Union (AU) for another year.
By Cyprian Musoke
Libyan leader Muammar Gadaffi yesterday failed in his bid to stay on as chairman of the African Union (AU) for another year.
By Cyprian Musoke
Libyan leader Muammar Gadaffi yesterday failed in his bid to stay on as chairman of the African Union (AU) for another year.
ኣቱም ሰባት
ኮይኑና ድዩ ትም መሪጽና
ጀጋኑ ኣፋኒና
ዕሸላት ኣንሳፊፎም ኣብ ባሕሪ እናሰማዕና።
ኣቱም ሰባትኮይኑና ድዩ ትም መሪጽናጀጋኑ ኣፋኒናዕሸላት ኣንሳፊፎም ኣብ ባሕሪ እናሰማዕና።ከመይ ‘ድዩ ኮይኑ’ዚ ግዜዘዝጎበዘ እናገዓዘ።ወይለይ ኤርትራዊሓውኻ ዝረድኦ ሲኢኑ የእዊሓንጊድካ መሪጽካ ስቅታከይቃላሕ ብዓውታ።በል ስማዕነብሲ ሓውካፈቲኻ ጸሊእካይብላዕ ኣሎ ብዓሳንቡር ኣብ ዘይርከቦ ሬሳ።ኣንታ ንስኻ ኾንካ ሓዉከይትሰምዖ ድሃዩስቅ መሪጽካ ኪሒድካዮምስ ባሕሪ ጓኒኻዮምስ ህግደፍውያን ዘሪኻዮኣብ ፈስቲቫል ትዘልል ረሲዕካዮ። ኣንቲ ሓብተይንስኺ’ኸ ንምንታይ
ንብዙሕ ዓመታት ተደፊኑ ኣእሙረይ ዝምዕዱ ከይሰምዕ ንቕጽ ስኣን ሕራይ ደረቐኛ ኮይነ ከምቲ ሓሳዊ መራሕየይ ንህግደፍ ኣሚነ ንኾንቱ ዓሪቡ ሕልናይ ምኽሪሕዋት ዘይምስማዕ ሳዕቤኑ ጉድኣት እንሆ ብቀረባ ንዕዘቦ ናይ ህግደፍ ጥፍኣት እናረአዩ ዝሰጥሙ ዘለዉ ናብ ሲኦለ መዓት ብባዕሎም ዝኣጎዱዎ ናይ መሬት ግሃነ እሳት ብሓቂ ተማሒርካ ካብ ህግደፍ ዝለቐቕካ
ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ንነዊሕ ዓመታት መሪር ቃልሲ አሕሊፉ ደም ምሩጻት ደቁ ከፊሉ ኢዩ ነጻነቱ ዘውሐሰ፤ ህዝብና ቐሲኑ አብ ትሕቲ ግዝአት ሃገራዊ ቅዋም ብሕግን ፍትሕን ተመሐዲሩ ብሰላም ክነብር፤ ሃገርና ድማ ምስ ጎረባብታን ካልኦት አብ ርሑቅ ክፍሊ ዓለምና ዝርከባ ሃገራት መሰረታዊ ክልተአዊ ዝምድናታት መስሪታ ብቐሰታ ናብ መገዲ ምዕባለ ንኽትምርሽ ኢዩ፡፡
ሰደት ወዲ ሰብ ጥራይ ዘይኮነስ እንስሳ’ውን ከይተረፈ ብዘይ ወለንትኡ ዝገብሮ ጉዕዞ ሂወት ኢዩ። እዚ ማለት ነቲ መሰረትካን ምበቆልካን ዝዓበኻሉን ከባቢ ራሕሪሕካ፡ ብዝይ ፍቶትካ ተገዲድካ ትኣትዎ ድኣምበር ምርጫ ኣይኮነንን። መጽናዕታዊ ጽሑፋት ሰነ ሰብ ከምዝሕብርዎ ጠንቂ ሰደት ደቂ ኣዳም ኣብ ክልተ ዓበይቲ ምክንያታት ከፊሎም ይርእይዎ።
By Jeremy Clarke
ASMARA (Reuters) – Eritrea said on Wednesday the thousands of people who leave the Red Sea state every year were not responding to any political persecution, but seeking economic opportunities overseas.
By Jeremy Clarke
ASMARA (Reuters) – Eritrea said on Wednesday the thousands of people who leave the Red Sea state every year were not responding to any political persecution, but seeking economic opportunities overseas.
An attempt by a group of PFDJ, Eritrea’s unelected ruling party’s supporters, to use a Stockholm local church frequented by Eritreans as a political platform failed after fierce protests from church goers.
An attempt by a group of PFDJ, Eritrea’s unelected ruling party’s supporters, to use a Stockholm local church frequented by Eritreans as a political platform failed after fierce protests from church goers.
ርጉም ዉላድ ኣይወለድ ፡ እንተተወልደኸ ማይ ይለድ።ሓደ እዋን ደርሆ ያኢ ከምቲ ኩሉ ፍጡር እግዝኣብሄር ዝሰርዓላ ቛርፍ ወይ(ዕለታዊ ምግባ) እናማእረረት ሰላማዊ ናብራአ ትሕልፈሉ ኣብ ዝነበረት ጊዜ ወደይ ኢላ ትንየተሉ ዝነበረት በቲ ሰላማዊ ናብራአ ዘይታሓጎሰ ዉላዳ፡ሰላማዊ ናብራአ ንምዝራግን ንምኹላፍን መጺኡ እተን ኣምላኽ ዝዓደላ መናፍራ ነጽዩ ቆርበታ መሊጡ ሰደዳ። ወያ ዶርሆ እዚ ኩሉ መግፋዕትን ጭካነን ኣብ ነብሳ ወሪድዋ ክንሳ ዝዉር ኢላ እንደገና ናብኡ ተመልሰት።
እቲ ትማሊ ትማሊ….
ኩምራ መከራን ጸበባን….መግዛእቲ ክንኣሊ
ሓራ ሃገር ክንምስርት…..ክንወፍር ገድሊ
ሕልሚ ኔሩና’ዩ…
ሕልሚ ኔሩ’ና እወ….ኣማን ቅዱስ ሕልሚ
ክንዮ’ቲ ጸዋግ እዋን… ናይ መከራ ሰልሚ
When Eritrea won its independence in 1991, nearly every Eritrean was applauding of the dawn of a new Era, an era of, prosperity, peace and democracy. That was every body’s expectation because it was the promise behind our 30 year bitter and rocky struggle. But we were all fooled
When Eritrea won its independence in 1991, nearly every Eritrean was applauding of the dawn of a new Era, an era of, prosperity, peace and democracy. That was every body’s expectation because it was the promise behind our 30 year bitter and rocky struggle. But we were all fooled
ማሕበር ጥርናፈ ኤርትራውያን ንዲሞክራስን ፍትሕን ኣብ ቅዋሙ ንዘስፈሮ መደብ መሰረት ብምግባር ሎሚ ዕለት 24/1/2010 ዓ.ም.ፈ. ኣብ ከተማ የተቦሪ ኩሎም ግዱሳት ኤርትራውያን ኣባላቱ ኣብ ዝተኣከቡሉ ኣዳራሽ ቀዳማይ መስራቲ ጉባኤኡ ኣካይዱ።
ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ሰሙን፡ ኢሳይያስ ነቶም ብወገን ፖለቲካ ጽግም ክብሎ ኸሎ መልጎም ጠዊቑ ከም መብረ ዓሻክሩ ዝጥቀመሎም ላዕለዎት ሓለፍቲ ህግደፍ ኣብ ውሽጢ ሃገር፡ ነቶም ሓንቲ ቃሉ ከይርስዑ ወይ ከይመልኡ ፈጥፈጥ እናበሉ ዘንብቡ ኣምባሳደራት ከኣ ኣብ ወጻኢ ኣዋፊሩ፡ ነቲ ብባይቶ ጸጥታ ዝተበየነ ኣብ ሓለፍቲ ህግደፍ ዘነጻጸረ እገዳ ናብ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዝቐንዐ ምዃኑ ንምእማን “ ናይ ርድኡና ርድኡና” ዘይተኣደነ ሰሚናራት ከካይዱ ኣዚዙዎም ቀንዩ።
Two Eritrean men were charged yesterday with abducting African refugees who wished to work in Israel and extorting money from their families already here.
Two Eritrean men were charged yesterday with abducting African refugees who wished to work in Israel and extorting money from their families already here.
General Body Meeting
Will be Held On Sunday,
January 31, 2010 from 2:30 to 5 PM
AT The Hilton Hotel-
(Downtown San Jose- Second Floor)
300 Almaden Boulevard
San Jose, CA 95110
General Body Meeting
Will be Held On Sunday,
January 31, 2010 from 2:30 to 5 PM
AT The Hilton Hotel-
(Downtown San Jose- Second Floor)
300 Almaden Boulevard
San Jose, CA 95110
The latest so unproffesional-advertisement is about the establishment of a non profit professional organization of “Eritrean Law Society” in the Diaspora, which has been advertised on January 21, 2010 on website. The advertisement neither indicates who the executives are nor the board members.
The latest so unproffesional-advertisement is about the establishment of a non profit professional organization of “Eritrean Law Society” in the Diaspora, which has been advertised on January 21, 2010 on website. The advertisement neither indicates who the executives are nor the board members.
Development and management of educated citizens is imperative in guiding a nation in a right development direction. Our forefathers new the importance of education and sending their young child into school has been given a top priority. A famous proverb in Eritrean society ‘Zeytemahre Ne’ydhin Zeytewekre Ne’yetihn’ – shows how education is valued in the society. A gracious wisdom preserved for ages. Currently this positive social understanding of education seems to be turning around and assuming a new ungrateful course.
Development and management of educated citizens is imperative in guiding a nation in a right development direction. Our forefathers new the importance of education and sending their young child into school has been given a top priority. A famous proverb in Eritrean society ‘Zeytemahre Ne’ydhin Zeytewekre Ne’yetihn’ – shows how education is valued in the society. A gracious wisdom preserved for ages. Currently this positive social understanding of education seems to be turning around and assuming a new ungrateful course.
ሰንበት ዕለት 24/1/2010 ዓ.ም.ፈ. ሰዓት 16:00 ኣብ ክቪበሪ
Beväringsgatan 9 ብማሕበር ጥርናፈ ኤርትራውያን ንዲሞክራስን
ፍትሕን ዝተዳለወ መስራቲ ጉባኤ ክግበር ስለዝኾነ