Announcement: DISCUSSION – Eritrea’s National Service; past promises and young peoples’ experiences. What next?
Gaim Kibreab, Eritrea’s National Service; past promises and young peoples’ experiences. What next? Gaim Kibreab, Professor of Refugee Studies at South Bank University, London, is the author of numerous publications on migration and refugees as well as

Gaim Kibreab,
Eritrea’s National Service; past promises and young peoples’ experiences. What next?
Gaim Kibreab, Professor of Refugee Studies at South Bank University, London, is the author of numerous publications on migration and refugees as well as Eritrea’s political history. “The Eritrean National Service: Servitude for “the common good” and the Youth Exodus” was published by James Currey in 2017.
Discussant: Huruy Kidane, a former participant of the Eritrean National Service
Wednesday 27 June, 6.30pm
Birkbeck College, Malet St, Room G16, WC1E 7HX
Full details of the book:
Amanuel June 16, 2018
It is servitude for the power of bandits, nothing more nothing less. Needs to be banned and all their lives wasted needs be compensated.
sami September 7, 2018
i thinking to order this book from amazon. if any one read this book please comment .
Druy Agordat May 11, 2020
Research on migration and refugees is one thing, but consultancy career for NGO Politics and economics is a totally diffrent animal. I know the good Dr. knows this fact well…