Sweden plans to give priority to refugees from Somalia and Eritrea in its efforts to resettle an estimated 1,700 to 1,900 United Nations (UN) refugees this year.
Sweden plans to give priority to refugees from Somalia and Eritrea in its efforts to resettle an estimated 1,700 to 1,900 United Nations (UN) refugees this year.
Sweden plans to give priority to refugees from Somalia and Eritrea in its efforts to resettle an estimated 1,700 to 1,900 United Nations (UN) refugees this year.
We, a group of Eritrean lawyers, professionals and academicians from across all over the world, are pleased to publicly announce the establishment of an “Eritrean Law Society”.
We, a group of Eritrean lawyers, professionals and academicians from across all over the world, are pleased to publicly announce the establishment of an “Eritrean Law Society”.
By Fesseha Nair
The Security Council imposed an arms embargo, travel bans and asset freezes on top Eritrean officials. The sanctions imposed on the regime in Eritrea can have comparative. advantage for the opposition forces if they use it efficiently while it has absolute disadvantage to the dictator in Eritrea.
By Fesseha Nair
The Security Council imposed an arms embargo, travel bans and asset freezes on top Eritrean officials. The sanctions imposed on the regime in Eritrea can have comparative. advantage for the opposition forces if they use it efficiently while it has absolute disadvantage to the dictator in Eritrea.
ኣብ ኣመሪካ፡ ዋሺንግተን ዲሲን ከባቢኣን ዝርከቡ ኤርትራውያን ብመንገዲ ወኪል ኣኽሩኽ ኣሰና ኣብ ኣመሪካ ተስፊት ክፍሉ ንወርሒ 20 ዶላር ብምውጻእ ዘዋህለሉዎ 780 ዶላር፡ ከምኡ ‘ውን ኣብ ኒውዮርክ ዝርከብ ገባር ሰናይ ዳኒኤል ተወልደ 120 ዶላር፡ ኣብ ሚሽንጋን እትርከብ ሓንቲ ብመደባት ኣሰና ዝተመሰጠት ግድስቲ ስድራቤት 100 ዶላር ድምጺ ኣሰና ንምስሳን ብድምር ሓደ ሽሕ ዶላር ከበርክቱ ከለዉ። ኣብ በይ ኤርያ ዝነበር ሓደ ካልእ ግዱስ ኤርትራዊ 200 ዶላር ኣወፍዩ።
January 18, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — Around one hundred refugees from Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia infiltrate Sudan every day through the eastern border, said a Sudanese official on Sunday.
January 18, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — Around one hundred refugees from Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia infiltrate Sudan every day through the eastern border, said a Sudanese official on Sunday.
Edited by Michael Abraha
Embracing unity in diversity is key to peace and harmony in Eritrea, says Mr. Hassan Salman who is Head of the Sudan based Eritrean Islamic Congress – one of the 13 members of the opposition Eritrean Democratic Alliance. In a paper prepared for a conference organized by CDRiE’s Eritrean scholars, intellectuals and professionals in London last week,
Edited by Michael Abraha
Embracing unity in diversity is key to peace and harmony in Eritrea, says Mr. Hassan Salman who is Head of the Sudan based Eritrean Islamic Congress – one of the 13 members of the opposition Eritrean Democratic Alliance. In a paper prepared for a conference organized by CDRiE’s Eritrean scholars, intellectuals and professionals in London last week,
The Swedish –Eritrean Partnership for Democracy invites all youth and elders, men and women to a seminar on “Diversity and Democracy” in Sweden focusing on integration of Eritreans in Swedish Society. The seminar will have lecturers, debate and discussions on the various forms of marginalization in Sweden and how to prevent and rehabilitate the marginalised.
The Swedish –Eritrean Partnership for Democracy invites all youth and elders, men and women to a seminar on “Diversity and Democracy” in Sweden focusing on integration of Eritreans in Swedish Society. The seminar will have lecturers, debate and discussions on the various forms of marginalization in Sweden and how to prevent and rehabilitate the marginalised.
Michael Abraha (London) One of the most important outcomes of the January 9 London conference of Citizens for Democratic Rights in Eritrea, CDRiE, has been the heightened readiness to tackle the unfolding Eritrean refugee catastrophe. CDRiE rose to the challenge and decided to form a new Eritrean relief and recovery agency. It is hoped that the proposed agency will adopt effective methods in securing donations of such items as food, clothing and medicines to be delivered without delay to refugees stranded in Eritrea’s neighboring countries.
Michael Abraha (London) One of the most important outcomes of the January 9 London conference of Citizens for Democratic Rights in Eritrea, CDRiE, has been the heightened readiness to tackle the unfolding Eritrean refugee catastrophe. CDRiE rose to the challenge and decided to form a new Eritrean relief and recovery agency. It is hoped that the proposed agency will adopt effective methods in securing donations of such items as food, clothing and medicines to be delivered without delay to refugees stranded in Eritrea’s neighboring countries.
Abeba (centre) fled from Eritrea to Ethiopia with her four children after her husband Endryas, a member of the Kale Hiwot Church, died in detention. He had been deprived of his insuiin medication. The children are (from left): Luwam (14), Nahom (16), and the twins Heaven (10) and Hewan (10). Photo: Release International)
Abeba (centre) fled from Eritrea to Ethiopia with her four children after her husband Endryas, a member of the Kale Hiwot Church, died in detention. He had been deprived of his insuiin medication. The children are (from left): Luwam (14), Nahom (16), and the twins Heaven (10) and Hewan (10). Photo: Release International)
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This is to inform you that Assenna central web server will be taken down for maintenance on January 17, 2010 at 12:00 AM GMT until 8:00 AM. During this period, demo.archive.assenna.com will not be available. We are sorry for the inconvenience. demo.archive.assenna.com
The Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, the former Bishop of Rochester, said the country must never again repeat the multicultural experiment of recent decades.
The Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, the former Bishop of Rochester, said the country must never again repeat the multicultural experiment of recent decades.
Source: Human Rights WatchReuters and AlertNet are not responsible for the content of this article or for any external internet sites. The views expressed are the author’s alone.
(New York) – Libyan authorities are giving Eritrean officials access to Eritrean migrants, including many asylum seekers who are being detained in Libya, violating their right to seek asylum, Human Rights Watch said today. Â This development also suggests that the asylum seekers may be in danger of being forcibly returned to Eritrea.
Source: Human Rights WatchReuters and AlertNet are not responsible for the content of this article or for any external internet sites. The views expressed are the author’s alone.
(New York) – Libyan authorities are giving Eritrean officials access to Eritrean migrants, including many asylum seekers who are being detained in Libya, violating their right to seek asylum, Human Rights Watch said today. Â This development also suggests that the asylum seekers may be in danger of being forcibly returned to Eritrea.
ኣቲ ስርዓት እንታይ ግብሩ ትገብሪ__ ፈገግር ትሾሚ ጸለይትን ትኣስሪ እቲ ዝኣቶኽዮ ቃል ዘይትዝክሪ__ኣብ ልዕሊ መሳኪን ትንድሪ ሓቛቑኦም ኣስፊንክሉ በትሪ__ክሳውዶም ምስ ኣጉናድ ትጠምሪ ንኹሉ ግና ይርእዮ’ሎ ፈጣሪ። ክህውኹ ኣይተረኽቡ ክሰኽሩ__ክሰርቁ ኣይተታሕዙ ክኸትሩ ክዕምጹ ኣይተረኽቡ ወይ
Contrary to popular assumption, most refugees have no idea where they are headed when they flee their home countries, research finds
Refugees have little, if any choice, over which country they claim asylum in with most only learning they were heading to Britain after they left their home country, according to new research published today.
Contrary to popular assumption, most refugees have no idea where they are headed when they flee their home countries, research finds
Refugees have little, if any choice, over which country they claim asylum in with most only learning they were heading to Britain after they left their home country, according to new research published today.
What has been happening to the Eritrean detainees in Libya?
The Eritrean government is behind what is happening to our people in Libyan prisons. They really want to take back those who left the country, and punish them. The tragedy of many of those who try to leave Eritrea with a dream of a new and decent life in other countries is that they end up in a Libyan hell-hole where they are imprisoned incommunicado, raped and otherwise tortured, and then, if they survive this inhuman treatment, they are sent back to Eritrea for more of the same.
What has been happening to the Eritrean detainees in Libya?
The Eritrean government is behind what is happening to our people in Libyan prisons. They really want to take back those who left the country, and punish them. The tragedy of many of those who try to leave Eritrea with a dream of a new and decent life in other countries is that they end up in a Libyan hell-hole where they are imprisoned incommunicado, raped and otherwise tortured, and then, if they survive this inhuman treatment, they are sent back to Eritrea for more of the same.