On the eve of World Environment Day (5 June) , Reporters Without Borders is today releasing a report entitled “Deforestation and pollution, high-risk subjects.”
On the eve of World Environment Day (5 June) , Reporters Without Borders is today releasing a report entitled “Deforestation and pollution, high-risk subjects.”
On the eve of World Environment Day (5 June) , Reporters Without Borders is today releasing a report entitled “Deforestation and pollution, high-risk subjects.”
May 25 Amnesty event on JOURNALISTS AT RISK
May 25 Amnesty event on JOURNALISTS AT RISK
A 60-year old Eritrean asylum seeker will be at risk of arrest, incommunicado detention and torture if the
A 60-year old Eritrean asylum seeker will be at risk of arrest, incommunicado detention and torture if the
Source: Human Rights Watch
Reuters and AlertNet are not responsible for the content of this article or for any external internet sites. The views expressed are the author’s alone.
(New York) – Libyan authorities are giving Eritrean officials access to Eritrean migrants, including many asylum seekers who are being detained in Libya, violating their right to seek asylum, Human Rights Watch said today. Â This development also suggests that the asylum seekers may be in danger of being forcibly returned to Eritrea.
Source: Human Rights Watch
Reuters and AlertNet are not responsible for the content of this article or for any external internet sites. The views expressed are the author’s alone.
(New York) – Libyan authorities are giving Eritrean officials access to Eritrean migrants, including many asylum seekers who are being detained in Libya, violating their right to seek asylum, Human Rights Watch said today. Â This development also suggests that the asylum seekers may be in danger of being forcibly returned to Eritrea.
“Neither regime wants war at present. Both prefer to keep tensions
simmering, giving them an excuse to maintain authoritarian rule,” ICG
senior Africa adviser Andebrhan Giorgis said in a report titled
“Averting New War.”
“Neither regime wants war at present. Both prefer to keep tensions
simmering, giving them an excuse to maintain authoritarian rule,” ICG
senior Africa adviser Andebrhan Giorgis said in a report titled
“Averting New War.”