Petition & Call to Save Yosief Kidane’s life by stopping his deportation from the UK to Eritrea.
Petition & Call to Save Yosief Kidane’s life by stopping his deportation from the UK to Eritrea.
Petition & Call to Save Yosief Kidane’s life by stopping his deportation from the UK to Eritrea.
Eritrea refugees living in Kampala, Uganda are being pressured by the recently opened Eritrean Consulate to sign a petition opposing the imposition of United Nations (UN) sanctions on their country.
Eritrea refugees living in Kampala, Uganda are being pressured by the recently opened Eritrean Consulate to sign a petition opposing the imposition of United Nations (UN) sanctions on their country.
Abeba (centre) fled from Eritrea to Ethiopia with her four children after her husband Endryas, a member of the Kale Hiwot Church, died in detention. He had been deprived of his insuiin medication. The children are (from left): Luwam (14), Nahom (16), and the twins Heaven (10) and Hewan (10). Photo: Release International)
Abeba (centre) fled from Eritrea to Ethiopia with her four children after her husband Endryas, a member of the Kale Hiwot Church, died in detention. He had been deprived of his insuiin medication. The children are (from left): Luwam (14), Nahom (16), and the twins Heaven (10) and Hewan (10). Photo: Release International)
Dear Mayor Gayle McLaughlin,
A heartfelt salutation from the Eritrean community in the Bay Area. We do commend the efforts you and your team are putting for the betterment of the Richmond City community.
Dear Mayor Gayle McLaughlin,
A heartfelt salutation from the Eritrean community in the Bay Area. We do commend the efforts you and your team are putting for the betterment of the Richmond City community.
I have been reading various opinions for or against the petitions for designating Eritrea “State Sponsor of Terrorism.” Those who join the bandwagon of the US administration for such endeavour cannot help but remind me of Iraqi opposition groups just before the invasion of Iraq by the US and its allies.
I have been reading various opinions for or against the petitions for designating Eritrea “State Sponsor of Terrorism.” Those who join the bandwagon of the US administration for such endeavour cannot help but remind me of Iraqi opposition groups just before the invasion of Iraq by the US and its allies.
PETITION STATEMENT FROM CITIZENS AND FRIENDS OF ERITREA / ምሕጽንታ ‘ደገፍ ንዲሞክራሲ’ ካብ ኤርትራውያንን ኣዕሩኽ ኤርትራን
PETITION STATEMENT FROM CITIZENS AND FRIENDS OF ERITREA / ምሕጽንታ ‘ደገፍ ንዲሞክራሲ’ ካብ ኤርትራውያንን ኣዕሩኽ ኤርትራን