a couple of months of absence, it is difficult to pick a topic to resume my
writing campaign because so much has transpired during this time. For this article, I will simply outline some
of my observations.
a couple of months of absence, it is difficult to pick a topic to resume my
writing campaign because so much has transpired during this time. For this article, I will simply outline some
of my observations.
Three years ago, fearing persecution by the Eritrean regime, Hamed fled his homeland to seek asylum in Egypt. A journalist in Eritrea, he now earns his living in construction. FRANCE 24
Three years ago, fearing persecution by the Eritrean regime, Hamed fled his homeland to seek asylum in Egypt. A journalist in Eritrea, he now earns his living in construction. FRANCE 24
"ፈስቲቫል ሰላም" ለንደን ብስእሊ ንምርእይ ኣብዚ ጠውቑ
Reporters Without Borders is worried about the abduction of Canadian freelance journalist Amanda Lindhout, Australian freelance photographer Nigel Brennan and Somali photographer Abdifatah Mohammed Elmi. Gunmen kidnapped them and their driver Mahad yesterday near Mogadishu for reasons that are not yet clear.
Reporters Without Borders is worried about the abduction of Canadian freelance journalist Amanda Lindhout, Australian freelance photographer Nigel Brennan and Somali photographer Abdifatah Mohammed Elmi. Gunmen kidnapped them and their driver Mahad yesterday near Mogadishu for reasons that are not yet clear.
ኣብ ዓባይ-ብሪጣንያ ዝመደበሮም ተቓወምቲ ውድባትን ሲቪካውያን ማሕበራትን፡ ብምኽንያት ባሕቲ መስከረም ምጅማር ሓርነታዊ ቓልሲ ኤርትራ (ባሕቲ መስከረም) ኣብ ሓደ ኣዳራሽ ዝወደቡዎ “ፈስቲቫል ሰላም”፡ ንሃገራዊ ናይ ቃልስን ሓርነትን መንፈስ ብዘለዓዕል ፍሉይን ምዕሩግን ኣገባብ ትማሊ 23 ነሓሰ ኣብ ለንደን ብዓወት ተኻይዱ።
In a report entitled: “Deadly journeys through the desert”, the group
urged the government to “bring to justice those responsible for
killings or for excessive use of force, and provide reparations to
those whose rights have been abused.”
In a report entitled: “Deadly journeys through the desert”, the group
urged the government to “bring to justice those responsible for
killings or for excessive use of force, and provide reparations to
those whose rights have been abused.”
Shipping containers? What on earth is happening in Eritrea?
Shipping containers? What on earth is happening in Eritrea?
ብምኽንያት ባሕቲ መስከረም 1961 ዓ.ም መበል 47 ዓመት ብረትዊ ቃልሲ ምጅማር ሰውራ- ኤርትራ ኣብ ከተማ ኑርንበርግ፡-
An article published by “24 hours” news paper on Aug 11 regarding the Peaceful demonstration in Edmonton of Aug10.
An article published by “24 hours” news paper on Aug 11 regarding the Peaceful demonstration in Edmonton of Aug10.
ውልቀ- መራሒ ህግደፍን መበቆል እታ ሰልፍን። – ብተስፉ ዘውደ
ኣባላት ዝተፈላለያ ውድባት ኣብ ኤርትራዊ ዲሞክራሲያዊ ኪዳን ዘለዉ ብተደጋጋሚ ኣኬባታት ብምክያድ ህልዊ ኩነታቱ ብምግምጋምን ውሳነታት ለበዋታትን ኣሕሊፉ።
ጨንፈር ኤርትራዊ ዲሞክራስያዊ ኪዳን ኣብ ኣትላንታ ቖይሙ።
ከምዚ መመሊስኩም ከም ከብቲ መጉስዕ ትመልሱ ምኳንኩም እንተንፈልጥ፡ ሳላ ሕሉፍ ታሪኽኩም፡ ብህዝቢ ኤርትራን፡
ኩሎም ሓርበኛታትን “ ዕሉላት “ ስለዝኾንኩም፡ ስምኩም ምጥቃስ፡ ብርግጽ መርብሓና እምበር፡ ኣይምኸሰርናሉን፡ ግን
ብስም ኣቦ መንበርኩም ክንሰምየኩም፡ ውርዙው ጌርና ስለዝረአናዮ ኢዩ።
The Interior Ministry is telling 2,000 Eritrean refugees it will only
renew their work permits if they leave the center of the country. They
are being told to move north of Hadera and south of Gedera where they
would have greater chances of finding work.
The Interior Ministry is telling 2,000 Eritrean refugees it will only
renew their work permits if they leave the center of the country. They
are being told to move north of Hadera and south of Gedera where they
would have greater chances of finding work.