MILAN – An overcrowded ship carrying up to 600 people trying to flee Libya sank just outside the port of Tripoli, the U.N. refugee agency said Monday, citing witness accounts.
MILAN – An overcrowded ship carrying up to 600 people trying to flee Libya sank just outside the port of Tripoli, the U.N. refugee agency said Monday, citing witness accounts.
Member states and European Commission will meet tomorrow to discuss fate of thousands of Africans who have fled Libya.
Muammar Gaddafi has been handed a “non-negotiable ultimatum” by Barack Obama to accept an immediate ceasefire, pull back from Libyan rebel strongholds and permit humanitarian assistance – or face the full onslaught of UN-endorsed air strikes.
00218 -214777503 – Al Wafa local NGO
00218- 214775387 – Ethiopian representatives
Tedros Abraham Tsegay
As the world governments desperately rush to rescue their own citizens from the ongoing chaos in Libya, the fate of thousands of Eritrean refugee’s remains at stake, as they are left stranded in the middle of nowhere with no one stepping up to give them a little help, least the very government they have abandoned for good.
As you will read the information below, The Libyan government is not willing to allow Eritrean refugees to leave the country and use their opportunity of being resettled in a third country.
Human Rights Concern – Eritrea (HRCE) wishes to express its deep concern and disappointment at the news that the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has been forced to cease all activities in
Human Rights Concern – Eritrea (HRCE) wishes to express its deep concern and disappointment at the news that the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has been forced to cease all activities in
May 24 2010: We have seen great tragedy these days where around 80 Eritrean asylum seekers who departed to claim asylum in
May 24 2010: We have seen great tragedy these days where around 80 Eritrean asylum seekers who departed to claim asylum in
Rresponse letter from The Honorable Lawrence Cannon, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada, concerning the plight of the Eritrean refugees in Libya to the letter sent by the President of ECCC.
Rresponse letter from The Honorable Lawrence Cannon, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada, concerning the plight of the Eritrean refugees in Libya to the letter sent by the President of ECCC.
In mid January 2010, there was a concerted plan to deport Eritreans from Libyan detention centres back to Eritrea; there is no doubt that the Eritrean Embassy orchestrated this new horrifying development. This fact was made public at the time thanks to the cooperative work of Eritreans in Tripoli and in diaspora and with the help of all international humanitarian organizations, journalists and interested individuals.
An article entitled ‘Eritrea: News from Libya and UK’, posted on Asmarino, Assenna and other Eritrean websites needs to be read in realistic terms. It would appear to state, as if it were something new, that UNHCR finally has access to detainees in Libyan detention centres; this is nothing new.
An article entitled ‘Eritrea: News from Libya and UK’, posted on Asmarino, Assenna and other Eritrean websites needs to be read in realistic terms. It would appear to state, as if it were something new, that UNHCR finally has access to detainees in Libyan detention centres; this is nothing new.
Eritrean Detainees express their appreciation and thank all Eritrean civic originations, Media outlets, political parties, Eritrean individuals , international NGO’s, Governments and friends of Eritrea for working tirelessly to halt the planned Eritrean immigrant deportation from Libya.
Eritrean Detainees express their appreciation and thank all Eritrean civic originations, Media outlets, political parties, Eritrean individuals , international NGO’s, Governments and friends of Eritrea for working tirelessly to halt the planned Eritrean immigrant deportation from Libya.
Source: Human Rights WatchReuters and AlertNet are not responsible for the content of this article or for any external internet sites. The views expressed are the author’s alone.
(New York) – Libyan authorities are giving Eritrean officials access to Eritrean migrants, including many asylum seekers who are being detained in Libya, violating their right to seek asylum, Human Rights Watch said today. Â This development also suggests that the asylum seekers may be in danger of being forcibly returned to Eritrea.
Source: Human Rights WatchReuters and AlertNet are not responsible for the content of this article or for any external internet sites. The views expressed are the author’s alone.
(New York) – Libyan authorities are giving Eritrean officials access to Eritrean migrants, including many asylum seekers who are being detained in Libya, violating their right to seek asylum, Human Rights Watch said today. Â This development also suggests that the asylum seekers may be in danger of being forcibly returned to Eritrea.
We, Board Members of the Eritrean Youth for Change (“EYC”), write to you on behalf of members of our organization to express our grave concerns over the fragile situation of more than 100 Eritrean refugees who have been detained at SHurma Prison camp in Libya and ask for your intervention and support to stop their return and repatriation with out their choice.
We, Board Members of the Eritrean Youth for Change (“EYC”), write to you on behalf of members of our organization to express our grave concerns over the fragile situation of more than 100 Eritrean refugees who have been detained at SHurma Prison camp in Libya and ask for your intervention and support to stop their return and repatriation with out their choice.
According to information coming out of the detention centers in Libya, taking advantage of the festive mood in the west, the Eritrean embassy there has been visiting several prisons in the country, with the aim of picking up “selected individuals” in its “wanted list”.
According to information coming out of the detention centers in Libya, taking advantage of the festive mood in the west, the Eritrean embassy there has been visiting several prisons in the country, with the aim of picking up “selected individuals” in its “wanted list”.
A married couple – the wife Ethiopian, the husband Eritrean – tell how they came be to imprisoned after fleeing to Libya as refugees. Jonathan Miller reports. – Here’s an African love story.
A married couple – the wife Ethiopian, the husband Eritrean – tell how they came be to imprisoned after fleeing to Libya as refugees. Jonathan Miller reports. – Here’s an African love story.
Here, a migrant who previously survived the same treacherous sea crossing to Italy describes his life-threatening voyage. The unnamed migrant, from Eritrea, was speaking to the BBC World Service. He explains the mindset which drives Africans to undertake the perilous journey to Europe.
Here, a migrant who previously survived the same treacherous sea crossing to Italy describes his life-threatening voyage. The unnamed migrant, from Eritrea, was speaking to the BBC World Service. He explains the mindset which drives Africans to undertake the perilous journey to Europe.
On January 30, 2008, the UN Security Council passed a resolution extending UNMEE’s mandate for another six month occupation of Eritrea. The resolution also carried a one-sided condemnation of Eritrea for hampering UNMEE’s activities in Eritrea.
On January 30, 2008, the UN Security Council passed a resolution extending UNMEE’s mandate for another six month occupation of Eritrea. The resolution also carried a one-sided condemnation of Eritrea for hampering UNMEE’s activities in Eritrea.
LONDON, Jan 18 (Reuters) – Libya’s plan to deport up to two million illegal African migrants is forbidden under international law and some of those expelled risk torture back home, human rights group Amnesty International said on Friday.
LONDON, Jan 18 (Reuters) – Libya’s plan to deport up to two million illegal African migrants is forbidden under international law and some of those expelled risk torture back home, human rights group Amnesty International said on Friday.
Official Eritrean radio and television announced on 10 July that the Libyan authorities had decided to deport all suspected irregular migrants in Libya, making specific reference to Eritrean nationals.
Official Eritrean radio and television announced on 10 July that the Libyan authorities had decided to deport all suspected irregular migrants in Libya, making specific reference to Eritrean nationals.
According to sources, a large scale round up of Eritrean refugees is taking place, in Khartoum (Sudan) since Thursday 12/07.
According to sources, a large scale round up of Eritrean refugees is taking place, in Khartoum (Sudan) since Thursday 12/07.