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We shouldn’t automatically label immigrants ‘illegal’, but tell that to the EU, especially when it comes to Italy’s accord with Libya

David Cronin

If I could delete just one term from the English language it would have to be “illegal immigrants”. The notion that it is a crime to risk one’s life fleeing poverty in search of a better life abroad is an affront to the most elementary tenets of justice. And yet politicians and journalists (myself included, in the past) routinely designate such people as illegal without a second thought.

We shouldn’t automatically label immigrants ‘illegal’, but tell that to the EU, especially when it comes to Italy’s accord with Libya

David Cronin

If I could delete just one term from the English language it would have to be “illegal immigrants”. The notion that it is a crime to risk one’s life fleeing poverty in search of a better life abroad is an affront to the most elementary tenets of justice. And yet politicians and journalists (myself included, in the past) routinely designate such people as illegal without a second thought.

It is not often Eritrea gets a mention in the news. Thank you for your excellent article on the Eritrean refugee squat in Calais (The house of despair, G2, 30 July) explaining the appalling human rights situation that is forcing so many young people to flee Eritrea – with so many dying on the way in the Libyan deserts or the Mediterranean.

It is not often Eritrea gets a mention in the news. Thank you for your excellent article on the Eritrean refugee squat in Calais (The house of despair, G2, 30 July) explaining the appalling human rights situation that is forcing so many young people to flee Eritrea – with so many dying on the way in the Libyan deserts or the Mediterranean.

“ካብ ኵናት ዝዓግት ዓቢ ኣህጉራዊ ጸቕጢ እንተዘይተገይሩለን፡ ኤርትራን ኢትዮጵያን፡ ኣብ ውሽጢ ሒደት ሰሙናት ዳግማይ ናብ ዶባዊ ኵናት ክምለሳ ይኽእላ እየን” ክብል ሓደ ዓቢ ጽልዋ ዘለዎ ኣህጉራዊ ትካል ምርምር (International Crisis Group) ሎሚ (05 ሕዳር) ከምዘጠንቀቐ ‘መይል ኤንድ ጋርድያን ኦንላይን’ ሓቢሩ።