As an activist for Human Rights Concern – Eritrea, I believe that we have to fight against the tyranny of Isaias Afewerki’s regime in any way possible – but, I don’t believe in demonstrating just for show.
As an activist for Human Rights Concern – Eritrea, I believe that we have to fight against the tyranny of Isaias Afewerki’s regime in any way possible – but, I don’t believe in demonstrating just for show.
On 11 March 2011, interested Eritreans and their friends from all over Europe are requested to take part in a demonstration in front of the UN Headquarters in Geneva
Release of a new list of “Enemies of the Internet”. Russia and Turkey added to the “Under Surveillance” listOn March 12, Reporters Without Borders celebrates World Day Against Cyber Censorship. This event is intended to rally everyone in support of a free Internet, accessible to all. The fight for free access to information is being played out to an ever greater extent on the Internet.
Release of a new list of “Enemies of the Internet”. Russia and Turkey added to the “Under Surveillance” listOn March 12, Reporters Without Borders celebrates World Day Against Cyber Censorship. This event is intended to rally everyone in support of a free Internet, accessible to all. The fight for free access to information is being played out to an ever greater extent on the Internet.
By Steve Paterno
December 8, 2009 — It is said that dictatorship employs peculiar techniques to maintain grip on power, and chief among those techniques is the use of fear; and once the people stop fearing the dictator, the entire system crumbles. The dictatorship of the National Congress Party (NCP) in Khartoum, led by President Omar al-Bashir, is currently on test whether the people still fear the system.
By Steve Paterno
December 8, 2009 — It is said that dictatorship employs peculiar techniques to maintain grip on power, and chief among those techniques is the use of fear; and once the people stop fearing the dictator, the entire system crumbles. The dictatorship of the National Congress Party (NCP) in Khartoum, led by President Omar al-Bashir, is currently on test whether the people still fear the system.
The 3 day event (18-20 June 2009) in Washington is taking place against the background of the state Eritrea is in. Now in its 18th year of independent statehood, Eritrea finds itself in a moment of neither war nor peace, the PFDJ making a scapegoat of a “Weyane” Ethiopian government threat of invading Eritrea in order to maintain repression and control of the youth.
The 3 day event (18-20 June 2009) in Washington is taking place against the background of the state Eritrea is in. Now in its 18th year of independent statehood, Eritrea finds itself in a moment of neither war nor peace, the PFDJ making a scapegoat of a “Weyane” Ethiopian government threat of invading Eritrea in order to maintain repression and control of the youth.