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Over 80 supporters of Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), Release Eritrea, Church in Chains (Ireland), Open Doors and Release International took part in the demonstration, which culminated in the presentation of a letter calling for the release of all prisoners held without charge or trial, including up to 3000 Christians.


Over 80 supporters of Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), Release Eritrea, Church in Chains (Ireland), Open Doors and Release International took part in the demonstration, which culminated in the presentation of a letter calling for the release of all prisoners held without charge or trial, including up to 3000 Christians.


MOGADISHU (AFP) — Somalia's President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed on Wednesday accused Eritrea of arming hardline Islamists fighting to oust his government, a day after his own palace came under a barrage of mortar shells. It was the first time he directly blamed the small African nation since the eruption early this month of some of the heaviest fighting against his four-months-old government.


MOGADISHU (AFP) — Somalia's President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed on Wednesday accused Eritrea of arming hardline Islamists fighting to oust his government, a day after his own palace came under a barrage of mortar shells. It was the first time he directly blamed the small African nation since the eruption early this month of some of the heaviest fighting against his four-months-old government.


The Africa Union (AU) says it stands by its recommendation to the United Nations Security Council to impose sanctions on Eritrea despite Asamara's sharp denial. The AU said public pronouncement by Sheik Dahir Aweys, a Somali opposition leader that his insurgent group receives help from Eritrea supports its suspicion of Asamara.


The Africa Union (AU) says it stands by its recommendation to the United Nations Security Council to impose sanctions on Eritrea despite Asamara's sharp denial. The AU said public pronouncement by Sheik Dahir Aweys, a Somali opposition leader that his insurgent group receives help from Eritrea supports its suspicion of Asamara.

In the TV interview conducted by a Swedish journalist Donald Boström, Isaias says that everything in the world, including policies in Africa, Swedish political system, media and free speech at local and global levels, elections, …literally everything is controlled by special interests in Washington and


In the TV interview conducted by a Swedish journalist Donald Boström, Isaias says that everything in the world, including policies in Africa, Swedish political system, media and free speech at local and global levels, elections, …literally everything is controlled by special interests in Washington and


May 17, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – The Eritrean president Isaias Afewerki launched an unprecedented attack on the ex-Southern rebel group Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM).

The pro-government Al-Rayaam newspaper quoted Afewerki in an interview to be published this week as saying that “corruption in South Sudan is no secret”.


May 17, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – The Eritrean president Isaias Afewerki launched an unprecedented attack on the ex-Southern rebel group Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM).

The pro-government Al-Rayaam newspaper quoted Afewerki in an interview to be published this week as saying that “corruption in South Sudan is no secret”.


The United States urges the Government of the State of Eritrea to stop fanning the flames of violence in Somalia. Over the past week, extremists in Mogadishu have repeatedly attacked the people of Somalia and the Transitional Federal Government in pursuit of a radical agenda that can only promote further acts of terrorism and lead to greater regional instability. Eritrea has been instrumental in facilitating support of the extremists to commit these attacks. This support must cease immediately. Eritrea’s support for anti-government forces in Somalia is a serious obstacle to the possibility of a more normal relationship with the United States.

The United States urges the Government of the State of Eritrea to stop fanning the flames of violence in Somalia. Over the past week, extremists in Mogadishu have repeatedly attacked the people of Somalia and the Transitional Federal Government in pursuit of a radical agenda that can only promote further acts of terrorism and lead to greater regional instability. Eritrea has been instrumental in facilitating support of the extremists to commit these attacks. This support must cease immediately. Eritrea’s support for anti-government forces in Somalia is a serious obstacle to the possibility of a more normal relationship with the United States.

For the fifth day, Islamist insurgents exchanged machine gun and mortar fire with government troops and allied militias. Hours after Somali president Sharif Sheikh Ahmed held a news conference at his Mogadishu residence, Islamist insurgents fired several mortars into the compound.  Insurgents also attacked a base housing African Union peacekeepers from Burundi, and gun battles took place in several areas of the city.

For the fifth day, Islamist insurgents exchanged machine gun and mortar fire with government troops and allied militias. Hours after Somali president Sharif Sheikh Ahmed held a news conference at his Mogadishu residence, Islamist insurgents fired several mortars into the compound.  Insurgents also attacked a base housing African Union peacekeepers from Burundi, and gun battles took place in several areas of the city.


World Press Freedom Day is annually observed on May 3 to remind us all of the vital importance of this core freedom.  It is a day in which we celebrate the indispensable role played by journalists in exposing abuses of power, while we sound the alarm about the growing number of journalists silenced by death or jail as they attempt to bring daily news to the public.


World Press Freedom Day is annually observed on May 3 to remind us all of the vital importance of this core freedom.  It is a day in which we celebrate the indispensable role played by journalists in exposing abuses of power, while we sound the alarm about the growing number of journalists silenced by death or jail as they attempt to bring daily news to the public.

The Somali Independent News Agency (SOMINA) was unveiled today in Djibouti by Omar Faruk Osman Nur, the secretary-general of the National Union of Somali journalists, and Robert Ménard, the head of the Doha Centre for Media Freedom. It is intended to be an independent source of reliable and objective news about Somalia, one of Africa’s most troubled countries.