Breaking News: ን15 ዓመታት ብምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ኣብ ጽኑዕ ቤትማእሰርቲ ተመቝሑ ዝጸንሐ ፓይሎት ደጀን ዓንደ ሕሸል ካብ ካርሸሊ ፈንጢሱ ምስ ወጽአ ተሸሪቡ ከምዘሎ ምንጭታት ኣሰና ካብ ኤርትራ ሓቢሮም።
ብወግዒ ብዘይተፈልጠ ምኽንያት ብምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ኣብ ጽኑዕ ቤትማእሰርቲ ተመቝሑ ን15 ዓመታት ክሳቐ ዝጸንሐ ምኩር ፓይሎት ዕባይ ቤት ትምህርቲ ሰውራ ደጀን ዓንደ ሕሸል፣ ካብቲ ኣብ ኣስመራ ዝርከብ ጽኑዕ ቤትማእሰርቲ፣ ካርሸሊ፣ ፈንጢሱ ምስ ወጽአ ተሸሪቡ ከምዘሎ፣

ብወግዒ ብዘይተፈልጠ ምኽንያት ብምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ኣብ ጽኑዕ ቤትማእሰርቲ ተመቝሑ ን15 ዓመታት ክሳቐ ዝጸንሐ ምኩር ፓይሎት ዕባይ ቤት ትምህርቲ ሰውራ ደጀን ዓንደ ሕሸል፣ ካብቲ ኣብ ኣስመራ ዝርከብ ጽኑዕ ቤትማእሰርቲ፣ ካርሸሊ፣ ፈንጢሱ ምስ ወጽአ ተሸሪቡ ከምዘሎ፣ እቶም ክረኽቡዎ ንክልተ ሰሙን መመላእታ ሸበድበድ ክብሉ ንኣስመራን ኤርትራ ብሓፈሻን በጽቢጾማ ዝቐነዩ ልኡኻት ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ‘ውን ተስፋ ናብ ምቝራጽ ገጾም በጺሖም ምህላዎም ምንጭታት ኣሰና ሓቢሮም።
ብመሰረት እቲ ሓበሬታ፣ ቅድሚ ክልተ ሰሙን ሓደ ንጉሆ ካብ ማእከላይ ቤትጽሕፈት ኣብያተ ማእሰርቲ ዝመጽአ ሓላፊ ናብ ካንሸሎ ካርሸሊ ብመኪናኡ ብምእታው፣ ከም ልሙድ ቆጸራ እሱራት እናካየደ ከሎ፣ ማዕጾ ናይታ መኪና ከምዘይተዓጽወ ዘስተብሃለ ደጀን፣ ብናህሪ ናብታ መኪና ኣትዩ፣ ሞተረ ብምልዓል ማዕጾ ፈንጢሱ ጽርግያ ኣኽርያ ሒዙ ከምዘምለጠ፣ ነታ መኪና ኣብ ከባቢ ምህራም ጭራ ገዲፉዋ ከምዝተሸርበ ይግለጽ።
ፓይሎት ደጀን፣ ካብቲ ቤትማእሰርቲ ፈንጢሱ ምስ ወጽአ ብኡንብኡ ናብ ጻዕቂ መካይን ስለዝተጸንበረ እቶም ቅጽበታዊ ስጉምቱ ሃንደበት ዝኾኖም ዋርድያታት ክትኩሱሉ ኣይከኣሉን።
ካብታ መዓልቲ እቲኣ ንደሓር ብሎኮታት ኣስመራ፣ ከም ብዓል ተሰነይ ዝኣመሰሉ ኣብ ዶባት ዝርከቡ መሰጋገሪታትን ተዓጽዮም ልኡኻት ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ጽዑቕ ተፍትሽ ከካይዱ ከምዝቐነዩ፣ ህዝቢ ኣስመራ ‘ውን እንታይ ተረኺቡ ኢሉ ደንጽዩዎ ከምዝቐነየ ተፈሊጡ።
ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ኣብ ኣስመራ ንደጀን ምርካቡ ምስተሓለለ፣ ነቲ ጭውያ ኤርትራውያን ሳዕሪሩሉ ኣብ ዝነበረ እዋን ነጻ ገይሩዎ ዝነበረ ‘ኬላታት’ እንደገና ዓጽዩ፣ መካይን ኣብ ምፍታሽ ተዋፊሩ ቀንዩ። ይኹን’እምበር ኣብዚ እዋን’ዚ እቲ ስርዓት ንደጀን ንምርካብ ከካይዶ ዝጸንሐ ጻዕሪ ተስፋ ኣብ ምቝራጽ ከምዝርከብ እቲ ሓበሬታ የመልክት።
እቲ ኣብ መጋቢት 1999 ብምልካዊ ርዓት ኢሳይያስ ተኣሲሩ፣ ብዘይፍርዲ ኣብ ቤትማእሰርቲ ክበሊ ዝጸንሐ ፓይሎት ደጀን ዓንደ ሕሸል ካብ ወለዱ ተጋደልቲ ኣቶ ዓንደ ሕሸልን ካብ ወ/ሮ ስላስን ብ1975 ተወሊዱ፡ ብህጻኑ ኣብ ቤትምህርቲ ሰውራ ዓብዩ፡፡ ወላዲኡ ኣቶ ዓንደ ሕሸል ቅድሚ ኤርትራ ካብ ባዕዳዊ መግዛእቲ ሓራ ምውጽኣ ኣብ ክፍሊ መጎዓዝያ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ሓርነት ኤርትራ ብዝለዓለ ሓልፍነት ንነዊሕ ዓመታት ዝተቓለሰ ገዲም ተጋዳላይ እዩ፡፡
ኣብ 10ይ ዓመት ማእሰርቱ፣ ንደጀን ብዝምልከት ብ2009 ኣብ መርበብ ሓበሬታ ኣሰና ኣውጺእናዮ ዝነበርና ዛንታ ንምንባብ ኣብዚ ጠውቑ።
Indonesia, Bangladesh and Ethiopia are among 10 countries set to take over as emerging economies from the powerful BRICS nations as they struggle with growing pains, a French credit body said on Tuesday. END OF QUOTE
Bloko March 26, 2014
You are too obsessed with Ethiopia, Tigray, Woyane…..
Let it go man, let it go!
Hagherawi March 27, 2014
Let him continue barking like a dog …
Tesfu Kidane March 26, 2014
suleyman salm haqegna smka aykonen gn dehan ykunelkaø kemæa ilka xemam hade drfu konka terifka. bzeben wubie zxememes wubie kbl nebere ybhal. emberdo hangol aleka iyu? hangols yhlweka iyu tqmi iyu aewiruwo zelo. alem abey kem zela eski gemgm meskinay. isayas kitbl abu meriktka kitreif ika. mkwan dro nab tanika lamba teqyirka meshaq seb konka aleka. Emo eski hzbi ertra ms chfra hgdef alo ente koynu slemntay Neti Jgna Dehjen Ande Hshal hizu nhgdef zeyerekebo???? nezi melso ika qdmi hatew qetew mixhafka. kebti!
Suleiman Salim March 26, 2014
ወዲ ኪዳነ
መንግስቲ ንገበነኛታት ክኣስር የብሉን ኣይበሃልን እዩ። ከምቲ ኣሲሮምኒ ኔሮም እንዳ በለ ኤርትራ ብምልእታ ኣብ ዳህያ ክትኣቱ ኣለዋ ዝብል ሰቲፋኖስ ተመልሶ ኣይትኹን። ንሰብ ዘዝኣሰረት መንግስትን ሃገርን ክትፈርስ ኣለዎ እንተ ዝበሃል ዓለም ኩላ ብዘይ መንግስቲ ምስ ተረፈት ኔራ ማለት እዩ።
እዚ ሓወይ ቅሩብ ኣስፍሕ ኣቢልካ ክትሓስብ ክትክእል ኣሎካ። ሱቕ ኢልካ ደድሕሪ ኣእዱግ ኣይትኺድ። ኣቦታትና ቀደም እንታይ ድዮም ዝበሉ? ደድሕሪ ኣድጊ ዝኸደ ህላ ለመደ፡ ህላ እንተዘይለመደ ከ? ጥራጥ ለመደ!!
Sala March 26, 2014
ናይ ምንታዴኻ ገበን ትፈልጠሎም ወድዛ ቶጓር፡ ብሽም ዝበሉኻ ንሶም ኩሉ ሓላል’ዩ እሞ? ንሓፍትኻ ዳኺሎም ናይ ጉምብሒት እንተ ዝሸኽሉላ’ኸ ገበነኛ ድያ ወይስ ፈዛው ተቋዋማይ ምኾንካ ገጽ ዕካት
Yohannes March 27, 2014
Senay belka Sala Haway! Behaki togar enber.
Suleiman Salim March 27, 2014
ዑጉም ተረጓቢ ምዃንካ ብጽሕጋርካ ( ኣጻሓሕፋኻ) ትልለ።
ahmed saleh March 26, 2014
The so called Suliman enjoys others
sufferings but he forget that God do
not like ugly people . He need himself
to experience the pain to feel it which
we do not wish to any human being.
Yerhiwo March 26, 2014
Good news and good job Jigna Wedi Eritrea! I hope you come to the WEST the land of honey and milk very soon!
Suleiman Salim March 26, 2014
‘ti milkn hanin de’a bmntay kbel’o? bani de’a wesKela!!
ahmed saleh March 26, 2014
Anta xulul kab xexerat dekha izi
khulu tixehef zelekha . Hgdf fewsi
kheliomkha dekas ukwa keleikana.
Suleiman Salim March 26, 2014
ንህግደፍ ዘልዓለ ሰብ የሎን። ኣነ ቀንዲ ዛዕባይ ሃገረይ ኤርትራ እያ። ህግደፍ ድማ እቲ ዝከኣሎም ይገብሩ ስለ ዘለዉ ይድግፎምን ይምጉሶምን። ኣብዚ እዋን እዚ ድማ ህግደፍ ኤርትራ ፡ ኤርትራ ድማ ህግደፍ እዩ ኮይኑ ዘሎ።
Hagherawi March 27, 2014
“ንህግደፍ ዘልዓለ ሰብ የሎን። ኣነ ቀንዲ ዛዕባይ ሃገረይ ኤርትራ እያ። ህግደፍ ድማ እቲ ዝከኣሎም ይገብሩ ስለ ዘለዉ ይድግፎምን ይምጉሶምን። ኣብዚ እዋን እዚ ድማ ህግደፍ ኤርትራ ፡ ኤርትራ ድማ ህግደፍ እዩ ኮይኑ ዘሎ።”
Nay bixaki insisa ikha !!
ተወልደመድህን March 27, 2014
እዚ ሰብዚ ወዲ ገራህቱ’ዩ
semere March 27, 2014
Brother Ahmed,
Please keep your composure and don’t lower yourself to the level of Suleiman Salim. You know he has no intention of offering constructive opinions. He wants to distract us. Just ignore him. When he sees he has no value he will disappear by himself.
ahmed saleh March 27, 2014
Dear semere
Thanks for the advice . In this hectic situation sometimes people’s comments get into your nerve but to ignore
them and concentrate on importance is positive option . As you said he seeks attention and will disappear if
we ignore him , I agree .
Danny March 26, 2014
Another Good News! Jeden hope you are in a safe place.
Suleiman Salim March 26, 2014
A safe place? In Woyane land?
Hazhaz March 26, 2014
May capatain Ande Hishel breath the fresh air of freedom that Eritrea had denied him for 15 years.
Hazhaz March 26, 2014
YG’s recent article:
The golden age of Asmara
Here is a fact that the nationalists would undoubtedly have a hard time to swallow: the golden age of Asmara happens to be neither in the Italian era nor in the Independence era; those golden years happen to fall exactly on the reign of Haile Selassie, starting to build up in the 50s to reach its apex in the 60s, only to abruptly end in the early 70s when ghedli showed up at the doorsteps of Asmara in full force. What then explains this riddle, since it doesn’t fit at all with the narrative that the nationalists have been telling the masses? This question has special relevance because the ghedli generation’s concept of modernity was entirely shaped from the impressions that this colonial city had left on them. In fact, it was with the saving of “Asmara civilization” in their mind that they went through hell for 50 years. Where from came this perceived threat? Did Asmara have it so bad during the Haile Selassie era to warrant 50 years of insanity?
To begin with, why can’t we say that Asmara’s golden age was during the Italian colonial era, given that it was after all the Italians that built it? There are two major reasons: First and foremost, as pointed above, Asmara remained a small sleepy little town for much of the colonial era; it was only when Italy decided to invade Ethiopia that Asmara abruptly mushroomed five folds in the last six years. If there was no vibrant Asmara for much of the colonial era to begin with, one cannot talk of a “golden age” of a city that was never there. And, second, if we are to confine ourselves to the last six years, there were three things bedsides its brief “age” that would make a mockery out of these perceived golden years. First, that the entire growth was motivated by the invasion of Ethiopia tells us that the lifeline for this growth has nothing to do with Eritrea. That is to say, it wouldn’t have been a sustainable “golden age” if it were to remain confined to Eritrea only. Second, the demography of the city was rapidly turning Italian: while in the early 30s the Italian population in Asmara was about 3,000 out of the city’s total population of 18,000 (about 17 percent), by 1938 it has mushroomed into 53,000 out of the total population of 98,000 (about 53 percent)8. That is, with the increase of the Italian population from 17 percent to 53 percent of the city’s population in those six years, the Italianization of Asmara, per policy of Fascist Italy, had started in earnest at this time. And, third, besides those years being “war years” into which Eritreans were disproportionately conscripted, those also happen to be the years remembered for the severity of the Fascist imposed apartheid system, most strictly enforced in Asmara. While the Italians occupied bella Asmara, the natives were relegated to the shanty towns of Aba-Shawul, Gheza-Berhanu, Haidsh-Adi, etc. That doesn’t mean that all was rosy before Fascism. In fact, the apartheid system in Asmara was already in place in 1909 (in schools) and 1916 (in residential areas), long before the Fascists came to enforce their own harsher versions.9
If so, even though most of the landmarks that were to be associated with the art deco architecture of modernist Asmara were built then, the era can hardly be said to have been “golden” for the natives. After all, segregated Asmara symbolized colonial oppression at its starkest. Not only where the natives living in segregated ghettos, but they were also working in segregated jobs, mainly consisting of the most risky and menial types: askaris, manual workers of the lowest type, maids, prostitutes, etc. Hence, it can hardly be said that our fathers were so proud of colonial Asmara as to tie their identity to it, as their children were about to do when the Italians were gone. The irony is that Asmara turned “golden” for the natives (including the ghedli generation) during the 50s and 60s, when the indigenization of Asmara was made possible. At the end of Italian era, more than 50 percent of the population was Italian. At the end of the Haile Selassie era, the native population had increased more than six folds to reach more than a quarter of a million. That is to say, the natives took over their city in its demographic, economic and cultural sense during Haile Selassie era.
For full article to read:
Suleiman Salim March 27, 2014
ቀደም ሓዝሓዝ ዝተባህለ ኣበዋትና ንካማኻን ንከም ዮሴፍ ገብረ-ሂወት ( ወዲ ዑጉም)- ናይ ጸላኢ ህዳምያ – ክሃድኑ እንከለዉ ዘውጽእዎ ቃል ስለ ዝኾነ እኳ እዩ።
Genet-orginal March 27, 2014
What is the point of this article? At this time, when we (Eritreans) are fighting for our lives, can any body tell me why I need an article telling me Asmara was better during the Haile Selassie? What is the point? We are here in 2014, under a ruthless dictator and his zombie supporters, watching young Eritreans being tortured, raped, their organs harvested in the middle of the Sina desert and Isayas telling the world, he care less about our people. So what, Asmara was better under King Haile Selassie. No matter what, Eritrea is an independent country and we have to work with what we have. I just don’t get it, why the author is trying to wast our time about his reminiscing of King Haile Selassie era? I think the author needs to pack and move to Ethiopia.
Tesfu Kidane March 27, 2014
Suleiman salem dea entay hager tfelit bzeyka kem negram sebeyti nzeymelailtika milaln mixrafn. nska hager efelit ilka kitzareb yehfir iyu. Kme’u ente koynu emo nezi hager zeinu zelo melaki miteqawemka nerka. Atum sebat ayhfrin iyu kea ane zezarbeni zelo hager iyu ybil!! wey gud! loms gele kinsemi’e ina. nska hade kancer ika kulu seb anxarka iyu zxhif zelo hade seb ewe haqu zibileka ente zihlu tesfa mkoneka. Temelket gn nska hade weyto mkwanka! Zkonet article ente texahifa anxara kitxhif aloka. Entay gedeseka nab hadas Ertra wey meskerem wey alenalki zeytkeyid halaeluya kitenbib ente delika! PAPAGALLO!
Hagherawi March 27, 2014
intay zighebere PAPAGALLO, weriduwo !, Suleiman salem riisi mirakh indiyo !!
Suleiman Salim March 27, 2014
ወዲ ኪዳነ
ነዓይ ኣባሪርካ ከም ጽሉል ምስ ነብስኻ ክትዛረብ ዲካ ትደሊ ዘሎኻ? በል ትርጉም ናይ ዲሞክራሲኻን ፍትሕኻን ሕጂ ኣጸቢቕና ፈሊጥናዮ።
MightyEmbasoyra March 27, 2014
ደጀን ናይ ብሓቂ ደጀን ሃገር
ጅግና ኔርካ ሰባሪ መዓስከር
ሽምካ ክጽዋዕ ጸላኢ ይብህርር
ጅግንነትካ’ሞ መን ክሕብር
ኩላ ኣስቂጣ ከም ኣብዑር
የግዳስ፥ ባዕልኻ በጢስካዮ ቤት ማእሰርቲ ናይዚ ፈገር
ቤትምህርቲ ሰውራ ነበር ናብይ ኬዶም
ዞም ጀጋኑ፥ ዓዲ ብዓዶም
ሓቦ ጠፊኡ፥ ካንዶ ኣስቂጦም
ክኣምን ኣይከኣልኩን
ግን ከኣ፤ ጠሪሰ ኣይቀበጽኩን
የግዳስ፤ ዓመታት ምስ ሓለፈ
ሓደ ሓቦ ዝብል ተሳኢኑ፤ ካብ ናቕፋ ናብ ሰንዓፈ
ካን ሓደ፤ ንሽሙ’ኳ ሓደ ዝጣበቐለይ ክሰእን
እዚ ወዲ ንጹህ’ዩ ኢሉ ክሓልፈለይ ዝፍትን
ንመን ክብል ድየ ኣብዚ ዝወደቕኩ
ምእንቲ ሃገር ደይኮንኩ
ንእስነተይ ዘብለኹ
ፍቕሪ ሃገር ኮይኑኒ ክንዲ ተሓለቕኩ
ስለምንታይ ከዳዕ ተቖጸርኩ
ግን፥ ሕጂስ ግዜ ነዊሑ
ካልኢታት ምስ ደቓይቕ ተራቢሑ
ዓመታት ምስሓለፈ፥ ብዘይ ፍረ
ተስፋ ቖሪጽኩ፤ ሕሓትዊ ውራየይ ክሓስብ ጀሚረ
ስለዚ፥ ነዝተረፈኒ ዕድመ፥ ነብሰይ ክኣሊ
ክሃድም ወሲነ ካብ ካርቸሊ
በትኽኩ፥ ኣንቀልኩ፥ ወይ ክትሓዝ ወይ ድማ ብጅግንነት ከም ናይ ወዲ ዓሊ
Suleiman Salim March 27, 2014
ወዲ ዓሊ ከም ወተሃደር ጅግና ኔሩ ( ኣብ ጊዜ ሓርነታዊ ቃልስን ብድሕሪኡ ዝተገብረ ወተሃደራዊ ዕማማት)፡ ኣማውታኡ ግን ናይ ጅግና ኣይነበረን። ኣብ ሃይማኖት ርእሰ-ቅትለት ( ሂወትካ ብኢድካ ምሕላፍ ) ቅቡል ኣይኮነን። ምስልምና ንስዊሳይድ ኣጥቢቑ እዩ ዝኹንን። ረቢ ዝሃበካ ሂወት ብኢድካ ክተሕልፋ መሰል ስለ ዘይብልካ።
MightyEmbasoyra March 27, 2014
Meant to say ብሕታዊ on “ተስፋ ቖሪጽኩ፤ ሕሓትዊ ውራየይ ክሓስብ ጀሚረ”
semere March 27, 2014
Well done pilot Dejen! Soon we shall hear that he escaped with another fighter jet from Asmara military airport, if they have any left.
This also shows how insecure is the regime of Isayas. How can they block the whole nation to hunt one man? What about their intelligence and spies? They hunt “innocent people” and are unable to capture one man!! This is real mediocrity.
Tamrat Tamrat March 27, 2014
They dont controll the Whole society but by terrorizing the Whole nation they pretend as if they controll everyone anand everything. This is typical communist system.