ፓይሎት ደጀን ዓንደ ሕሸል ብዝገበረሉ ዘሎ ምቅላዕ ዝተሻቐለ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ፣ ናይ ጸለመ ፕሮፖጋንዳ ኣብ ምፍሓስ ከምዝርከብ፣ ምስኡ ብዝተኣሳሰር ምኽንያት ‘ውን 7 ኣባላት ምክትታል ዶባት ከምዝኣሰረ ምንጭታት ካብ ኣስመራ ሓቢሮም።
እቲ ን 15 ዓመታት ብዘይ ገበንን ፍርድን ኣብ ማሕዩር ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ክሳቐ ጸኒሑ ብጅግንነት ምቑሕ ናይቲ ጨካን ስርዓት ሰይሩ ብትብዓቱን ብልሓቱን ነጻ ዝወጽአ ፓይሎት ደጀን ዓንደ ሕሸል ምስ ድምጺ ኣሰና ብዝገብሮ ዘሎ ግሉጽን ዓሚቝን

እቲ ን 15 ዓመታት ብዘይ ገበንን ፍርድን ኣብ ማሕዩር ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ክሳቐ ጸኒሑ ብጅግንነት ምቑሕ ናይቲ ጨካን ስርዓት ሰይሩ ብትብዓቱን ብልሓቱን ነጻ ዝወጽአ ፓይሎት ደጀን ዓንደ ሕሸል ምስ ድምጺ ኣሰና ብዝገብሮ ዘሎ ግሉጽን ዓሚቝን ተኸታታሊ ቃለመጠየቕ ንባርባርነትን ውዲትን ኢሳይያስን ስርዓቱን ዝገብሮ ዘሎ ጽጹይ ምቅላዕ ኣብ ውሽጥን ወጻእን ውዕዉዕ ተሰማዕነት ብምርካቡ ዝሰንበደ ሽፍታ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ፣ ነቲ ኣብ ህዝቢ ሓዲሩ ዘሎ ቁጥዐን ነድርን ንምዝሕሓል መድሓኒ ገጽ ንምርካብን ናይ ጸለመ ፕሮፖጋንዳ ይኣልም ከምዘሎ ምንጭታት ካብ ኣስመራ ሓቢሮም።
ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ሎሚ ቕነ ናይ ካድረታቱ ጸበብቲ ኣኼባታት ብምክያድ፣ ፓይሎት ደጀን ምስ CIA ርክብ ከምዝነበሮ፣ ናብ መንግስቲ ኣመሪካ ሓበሬታ የታሓላልፍ ከምዝነበረ፣ ካብ ቤትማእሰርቲ ነጻ ዘውጽኡዎ ‘ውን ናይ ኣመሪካ ሰለይቲ ምዃኖም ናይ ሓሶት ጸብጻብ ዝሓዘ ዘነድ ብምድላው ብወግዓዊ መንገድን ባዶ ሰለስተን ነዚ ናይ ጸለመ ወረ ናብ ህዝቢ ንምዝርጋሕ መደባት ሂቡዎም ከምዘሎ እቲ ሓበሬታ የረድእ።
በዚ ኣብ ስውራ ዓብዩ ሃገሩ ንምግልጋል ተወፋይነቱ ብግብሪ ዘርኣየ በሊሕን ተባዕን ፓይሎት ደጀን ዓንደ ሕሸል ዝገብሮ ዘሎ ምቅላዕ፣ እቶም እሙናት ደገፍቲ ናይቲ ስርዓት ከይተረፈ ብጭካኔን ሕጊ ኣልቦነትን እቲ ዓማጺ ስርዓት ሰኪሖም ብጋህዲ ይጽይኑዎ ስለዘለዉ፣ ነቲ ወትሩ ምስጢራቱን ክፍኡን ምስ ተቓልዐ ነዚ ዓቅሊጽበታዊ ኣጕል ናይ ጸለመ መደብ ክኣትዎ ከምዝተገደደ እቶም ምንጭታት ብተወሳኺ ኣገንዚቦም።
ምስዚ ኣብ ዝተኣሳሰር ዜና፣ ፓይሎት ደጀን ዓንደ ሕሸል ‘ኣጻምእ ደንከል ሰጊሩ ባሕሪ ቆሪጹ ክሳብ ዝሳገር እንታይ ትገብሩ ኔርኩም’ ብዝብል ምኽንያት 7 ኣባላት ምክትታል ዶባት ኣሲሩ ከምዘሎ ‘ውን ተፈሊጡ።
A. Akal May 31, 2014
Sory for typos. It was meant to be that my comment was posted in the 1st pages of the comments but was buried by the newest ones.
Mightyembasoyra May 31, 2014
A. Akal
Recently, this forum is dominated by Tigray wanna be elements. I am not sure who is empliyeeing these guys. I am suspecting this is the work of isayas wedi temben abi adi.
Genet-orginal May 31, 2014
Dear Mighty
I have been thinking the same thing. I think Isayas is freaking out about the current situation. His dogs are trying to deflate the naked truth. May be they are using Ethiopian cover. Yes, there are also some elements of self-defeating Eritreans and half & half Tigria origin, trying to create destruction on the timely topic. I say, ignore them. If a post has noting to do with a topic at hand, just ignore them.
belay nega June 1, 2014
Dear Mighty and Genet-original,
መንግስቲ ኤርትራ ምድኻሙ ዘሔጉሰና እንተኾይኑ:ነቶም ዘዳኸምዎ[ኢትዮጵያውያን] ምስትንጋድ ከቆጣዓና የብሉን::
ነቶም ወጠርቲ ክአ: ብምውጣር ደአ ዓቅምና ነርእዮም’በር : አይነከባብዶም::
A. Akal May 31, 2014
R.I.P. I found your poem really offensive and erroneous. It does not represent any section of Eritrean people. That’s why I was thinking this can’t be Eritrea or serving Eritrea or eritrean.
R.I.P ERITREA May 31, 2014
A. AKAL ,Stated…” It does not represent any section of Eritrean people”..
You really must be young.
A. Akal May 31, 2014
You can’t generalize and accuse the whole nation by the misguided ideas and actions of a fringe or little minority Of The Population.
R.I.P ERITREA May 31, 2014
A. Akal,
I am not attacking population ,but way of thinking..and it is the 50+++ years old way of thinking that is what is culpable.I want you to turn your anger and expose the evil of rape to men & women of Eritrea.
The rape victims are that,VICTIMS. We are responsible for putting Isaias ,Wedi Gerahtu,Mesfin ,Rashaida,Bedowin,…etc. OUR WAY OF MENTALITY IS THE ENEMY.
thank you
R.I.P ERITREA May 31, 2014
A. Akal stated,…..”You can’t generalize and accuse the whole nation by the misguided ideas and actions of a fringe or little minority Of The Population.”
I agree, that is why I indicated..ነቶም እቲ ምጉምባሕ ዝብል ቃል በቲ ጥረ ትርጉሙ ጥራይ ናይ ዝሙት ወይ ርካበ ስጋ ትገብርዎ___ትጋገዩ ኣለኹም፣ኩላትና ተጎምቢሕና ኢና፣ እምበር ነቶም Victims ኣነ ይድንግጸሎም እምበር ኣየሕንኾምን፣ወሪድዎም እዩ፣ሓላፍነት ዘለና ኽኣ እዞም ካብ ሓምሳ ዓመት ንላዕሊ ዝኾንና ደቂ ኤርትራ /CITZENS OF QUEER LAND ኢና !!!
Read carefully please
bhaki June 1, 2014
RIP Eritrea
ዝኣክለን ጥሒነንስ በኣለማርያም ይብላ ይብሉ ኣቦታትና፣ ንስኻ ድማ ሕጂ ` እቲ ምጉምባሕ ዝብል ቃል በቲ ጥረ ትርጉሙ ናይ ዝሙት ጥራይ ትገብርዎ፣` ክትብል ፈቲንካ፣ ሃየ በል እዚ ዝስዕብ ግጥምኻ ደጊምካ ርኣዮ። ንስኻ እቲ ቐንዲ ኣርዮስ ዘማዊ ሰብ ምኻንካ ብቓልካ ደገምካ።
“ንኣድጊ፣ምድጕዳጕ እምበር፣______መዓር ከምዘይቆድያ
ህዝበ ትግርኛ ተባሂሎም_________መንነታዊ ጸማልያ
ትግራውነቶም ክሒዶም፣________ክኾኑ ያኢ ዓራብያ
ኣጎምቢሑ ይወግሮም________በደዊን ብዓል ጀለብያ
ክብረት ኢትዮጵያ Allergy ጌሩሎም,መሪጾም ሻዕብያ…” (RIP Eritrea ! aka hasad Ethiopiwi)
ዝብለካ ተሃልዩ ግን፡ ምስ ኢትዮጵያውያን ህዝብና ሽግር የብሉን፡ ከምዚ ትገብሮ ዘለኻ ተኾይኑ ግን ፍጹም ሕቖን ከብድን ኮይኑ ከምዝነብር እመን። ድማ ንስኻን ከማኻን ከምኡ ኮይኑ ክነብር ስለ ትደልዩ እነህለ በቲ ግዕዙይ ቓላትካ ይፍለጥ። መሊስካ ድማ ናይ ኣተሓሳስባ 50 ታት እዩ ክትብለና ጀሚርካ። እንታ እግዚኣብሄርከ ኣይትፈርሕን ዲካ፡ ኣቦታትካ ትጸርፍን ትዝልፍን፡ ደቂ 50ታትን ልዕሊኡን ከምዚ ናትካ ቓልን ዘለፋን ዘይክነ ሕግን ስነስርዓትን ኣንቢሮም ዝሓለፉ ጀጋኑ እዮም። ንስኻ ግን ኣብ ርእሲ ዘለና ሓዘን መርዘን ህዝብን ሃገርን ብምኻን ኣንጻር ኤርትራውያን ድግዲጊት ትዓጢቕካ ኢትጵያውነቶም ኪሒዶም ብምባል ናጽነት ህዝቢ ብምኽሓድ ኣንጻርና ትጽዕድ ኣለኻ። ምልስ ኢልካ ድማ ከይሓፈርካ `ኤርትራዊ`የ` ክትብልስ ቑሩብ ስነስርዓት ኣይትኽተልን !! ንሕና ጸገምና ንስኻን ወዲ ኸማኻን ፈተውትና መሲልኩም እንዛረቦ እንዳተዛረብኩም እንምገቦ እንዳ ተመገብኩም ዝዓበኹም ተመሊስኩም በቲ መስዋ እቲ ከፊልና ዝረኸብናዮ ናጽነትና ገና ክትወራዘ ከይሓፈርካ ክነስኻ R I P Eritrea ድማ አልካና። ሞት ኤርትራውያን ካብ ተመነኻ ዝብለካ የብለይን ግን ኤርትራውያን ነዚ ዘለና ሽግር ኣልጊስና ብሕግን ስነስርዓትን ንምሓደር ህዝቢ ክም እንኽውን ከዘኻኽረካ ይፈቱ። እንተ ናትካ ሓሳብ ግን ኤርትራውያን ብምድላልን ብምድካምን መጉበጢ ሃገርን ህዝብን ንኽጥዕመልካ ትገብሮ ዘለኻ ግዜዊ ተንኮልን ብድዓን ኢዩ። ግን ዘግክር ንዓካን ከማኻን ከም ትሓስብዎ ክኮንልኩም ከምዘይክእል እመን። ካብ ብ ኣኩም ክንግዛ እ ድማ ብየሕዋትና ህግደፍ ክንጠፍ እደስ ይብለኒ ታ ሓተላ ወዲ ሸርሙጣ።
Truly Truly i say to you May 31, 2014
Uncle SYE unfortunately i have bad news to you. your step father, who all time making charity to your nation Karl Heinz böhm has passed away on 29, may 2014. He feeding a lot of hungry Ethiopians in need. He was really very kind person.R.I.P. So to say RIP Ethiopia is by mistake you writing your nickname R.I.P Eritrea? It is my pray God to send to your nation Ethiopia another kind person who charities you. Otherwise the notorious starving nation, unless from the out of others how could then surviving without getting charity. Uncle SYE this is your nation true color, but why is by cover up this truth you try to present your nation as like a donor which charities Eritrea? What a mockery! Do not you heard when dictator Isyas reflected the true culture of Eritreans. ” We do not need to live in handout of others!” So next time you better call your name “R.I.P Ethiopia,” so that the world understand you. OK!
Truly Truly i say to you May 31, 2014
Mighty and A. Akal, you pointed very serious good point. In the name of right freedom of speech many Tigrians are spoiling the good reputation of Assenna. Specially the so called SYE with countless nickname what practicing here in Assenna has nothing to do with right of freedom of speech. He is spreading hatter and he provoking us, he threating our nation, he despising our people. He and alike even do not believe in Eritrean sovereignty? This people they not opposing the dictatorship or the injustice, but they opposing our nation sovereignty and unity? I do not understand how can Amanuel tolerate and simply watching such people! I scare all Amanuel´s good work and the oppositions struggle not to discredit, because tomorrow all our work will be asked and judged by public. This is my brotherly advice. One can oppose the administration but not his nation and people. We do not late to be insulted in our home. We didn´t go to others house to insult nation and people. But we have full right in all means to defend our nation and dignity.
R.I.P ERITREA May 31, 2014
Truly Truly i say to you,
You truly are a Pentecostal Christian ,I want you to pray while you are crying for your sins..and fu*king the Choir member who also joined your church to find a loser husband.
Truly Christian
Ethiopiawi May 31, 2014
It always makes my day and makes me laugh loud when i hear Esayasawiyan talking about issues they have with CIA. They daydream and look themselves as muscular as CIA and consider themselves as fierce rivals of CIA, Even though CIA does not pay a single shit attention for their empty propaganda. They compare themselves with USA or CIA for that matter so that they can hallucinate and live in delusional world. Wake up and be realistic Esayasawiyan and stop fabricating white lies which no one will believe you unless someone is mindless like you. Dejen never looks connected to CIA and never try to relate the unrelated. I kills me when I encounter the proud Eritreans i know long time ago begging for help in the streets of Addis Ababa, saying “Tigrigna tizareb eka hakey?” so that they can beg for some penny with infinite reasons(such as ..showing their ID of the refugee camp in “MAY AYENI”). I always feel so sorry for them, because i know them very well before the Ethiop-Eritrea war. We used to share same market place in both sides. And they are completely different Eritreans now. They do not look the dignified, proud and happy Eritreans i know before. And Esayasawiyan will never hesitate to call every Eritrean who escapes their hell trap as CIA agent. I cannot imagine Pilot Dejen, who exactly looks the Eritreans i know before the war, i.e, (proud, dignified, intelligent, hero, wise,…) pass information to CIA. There seems no room for betraying as he truly fought for the people he loves the most. Peace, health and prosperity to the greatest pilot hero, Dejen.
haki May 31, 2014
lets comment to the content of the article or news
ahmed saleh May 31, 2014
I suspect that couple individuals are playing their sinister games by disguising to mislead the participants in this forum .
Let them bark at the wrong tree .
EMBASOYRA May 31, 2014
ahmed saleh May 31, 2014
Akeleguzay is the land of unsung heroes the frontier against foreign enemy . Eritreans
from north to south and from west to east of the country will defend each other from
outsiders . I am from AKELEGUZAY and nobody have a right to say on behalf of me and
all compatriot genuine Eritreans from that region .
Mightyembasoyra May 31, 2014
This guy doesn’t care about Akele or anywhere else. He is a pretender like SYE or the many nicknames he use.
Mesinas May 31, 2014
ከይፈተና ክንምልስ፥
“ኣይርኣዮን ድዩታ_________ እቲ ጅግንነት ኣመለይ
ኣብ ባድመ ብሓደ ብሪጌድ____ 6 ፖሊሳት ምቕታለይ
ንኣሃዱ ቆለውዕ መቐለ ዝተደርበየ__ ክላስተራዊ ሓይለይ
ሰራዊት ኢትዮጵያ ምስ መጸ እኳ ጽሕጻሕ እንተለቐቐለይ
ካብ መሬተይ ውጻእ በልዎ_____ ንወያነ ኣጠንቅቑለይ
ይሰደሉ ኣለኹ ቦይፍሬንዴይ በደዊን ብጂሃድ ክዘርየለይ” እንታይ እዩ እዚ??????????
እዚ ብስም R.I.P ERITREA ወይውን ብ THE NOBLE TEACHER ኢሉ ብምእታው ንህዝብን ሃገርን ኤርትራ ብብዕሉግ ቃላት ዘዋርድ ዘሎ ኢትዮጵያዊ (ኤርትራዊ እንተ ኾይኑ፡ ዋላ ጸላኢን ተቓዋምን ህግደፍ ይኹን ነቲ ስርዓት ነጺሉ ዝሃርምን ንእከይ ተግባራቱ ዘቃልዕን ጽሑፍ’ምበር ንመላእ ሃገርን ህዝብን ኤርትራ ብኸምዚ ዓይነት ሕሱር ቃላት ስለ ዘይዚልፍ’የ ኢትዮጵያዊ ኢለዮ ዘለኹ። ኢትዮጵያዊ ብኢትዮጵዋዊነቱውን ኣርሒቑ ዘይጥምት ሃዚል (ደንቆሮ) እዩ።) ካብዚ ጽዩፍ ቃላትን ተግባራትን ተቘጢቡ ሰብ ኪኸውን ድማ ኣቐዲመ ንኣኡ እምሕጸን።
ሰብ ኣይከውንን’የ እንስሳ ወይ ኣብሊስ ኮይነ’የ ዚቕጽል እንተይሉ ግን እቶም ሰባት ዝኾንኩም ፋህማት (ለባማት) ንጽሑፋቱ (ንዘላፋኡ) ካብ ምንባብን መልሲ ካብ ምሃብን ክትቁጠቡ ብትሕትና እሓትት። ኤርትራዊ፡ ጸላኢ እቲ ንሃገሩን ህዝቡን ናብ ፍጹም ሕስረትን ውድቀትን ኣብጺሑዋም ዘሎ ቊንጣሮ ጉጅለ ህግደፍ’ምበር ጸላኢ ህዝቡን ሃገሩን ስለ ዘይኮነ፡ ንኸምዚ ዓይነት ኣላጋጭ ኣይጻወሮን’ዩ። ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ጅግና ናይ ጀጋኑ ሙዃኑ ኸኣ ንስኻን መላእ ህዝቢ ዓለምን ኣንዳዕዲዕኩም ትፈልጡዎ ኢኹም! ሕጂ ብሰሪ ናትካ’የ ዚበሎ መላኺ ምሉኽ ተመሰለ፡ ብዚኾነ ይኹን ሓይሊ ዘይምብርከኽን ዘይርዕድን ዜጋ እንተልዩ ኤርትራዊ’ዩ!
ስለዚ ኤርትራዊ፡ ንሃገሩን ህዝቡን ከምዚ ጌሩ ብጽዩፍ ቃላት ዘናሹ ዚኾነ ይኹን ውልቀ ሰብ ይኹን ጉጅለ ኣይቅበልን’ዩ፤ ኣይጻወሮን እውን’ዩ። ክቡራት ኣሕዋትን ኣሓትን ነዚ ደላይ ፍትሕን ሓርነትን እናመሰለ ሰባት ከስሕት ዚፍትን ዘሎ ኣኼስ፡ ቅድሚ ሕጂውን ካብ እከይ ተግባራቱ ንኺቑጠብ ብተመሳሳሊ መገዲ ኣጠንቂቐዮ ኔረ’የ። ሰብ ስለ ዘይኮነ ግን ናይ ሰብ ግብረ መልሲ ኣይሃበን!
ሓው መሲናስ 31/05/2014
bhaki May 31, 2014
ከምዚ ትብሎ ኣቀዲመ`ውን ነዚ ኣርፕ ኤርትራ ኢሉ ዝጽሕፍ ዘሎ ሰብ ሕማቕ ካብ ምዝራብ ክቑጠብ ርእይቶይ ሂበዮ፣ እዚ ሰብ ግን ኣዝዩ ቕርሕንቲ ዝሓዞ ኢትዮፕያዊ እዩ። እቲ ዝገርም ህዝብን ሃገርን ብ ኣሽሙር እንዳዘለፈ ኣሰና ትኩን መብዛሕት ኡዋሃብ ርእይቶ ኣጆኻ ዝብሎ ዘሎ ይመስል። ብግጥምን ጽሑፍን እንዳገበር ህዝቢ ኣብር እሲዘለና ሽግር ሽግር ኮይኑናሎ። ህዝብና መብዛሕት ኡ እቲ ሽግር ፈሊጥዎን ተረዲ እዎን ክነሱ፣ ኣዚ ሓሳድ ሰብ እዚ ግን ብህዝቢ ክላገጽ ክትሪኢን ክትሰምዕን ዳግማይ ምጽኣት የርእየካ። ንሕና ምስ ኢት ዮፕያውናን ጽል ኢ የብልናን፣ ንሱ ዝብል ዘሎ ግና ሃገርኩም ኢትሮፕያኩም ገዲፍኩም፡ ውያነ ዓጋመ ኢልኩም፡ ወዘተ ክንደይ ክትብሎ፣ ስለዚ ነዚ ኤርትራዊ ክብሎ ብጣዕሚ ዘሕፍር ሰብ እዚ ኣሰና ዌብሳይት ነዚ ንህዝብን ጀጋኑ የሕዋትናን ከጸልምን ከነኣእስን ዝውዕል ዘሎ ሰብ ክትውግዶ ወይ መን ምኻኑ ክትፈልጦ ብትሕትና ንሓትት። አንተዘየሎ፣ ንሱዝዘርኦ ዘሎ ዕቀት ህዝብን ሃገርን ንኣሰና`ውን ጽቡክ ከምዘይኮነ ንሕብር።
ahmed saleh May 31, 2014
For the sake of concern to Assenna program followers , those in charge have obligation to
to protect this forum credibility . ASSENNA staff can take necessary measure but for some
reason they let them abuse the right of free speech . These commentators either they are
Eritreans or not never showed respect our wounded feelings but prefer to entertain .
Again as MESINAS said ; to keep Assenna foundation reputation don’t let people mislead this
forum because they only invite unhealthy confrontations against our will , THANKS .
asghedom June 1, 2014
Misinas and bahki, I read your poem and they are good enough, it is possible to learn a lot from you people on writing , Mr. RIP is not insulting Eritreans he is provoking to walk up by informing situation and history in which situation the Eritrean people has fall down. It is true while we are saying we are very cleaver , we are heroes we are civilized people but there is no any demonstration when the mater is in our hand. we are singing the same song for 23 years ago
1. we have won the most powerful army in Africa and only this can not makes us hero
2. the same army we failed to wine him and we run away during the war 1998
3. and I think we can’t tray again to resolve the problem direct by confrontation , it is finished history
4. Eritrea can not have the sympathy they had during the liberation time even in front of the Ethiopians
this man according my idea wants to change the Eritrean mentality from the 1960 – 70 to modern age way of thinking.
I agree with him these people will change only provoking them otherwise they will sing the some song for ever and ever, and they will be behind. Imagine the actual Image of Eritrean, you will agree with me that Eritrea is a country without constitution, with out various minsters for 23 years and the Eritrean hero people never asked or obliged the regime, he put in jail all the Eritrean fighters , the Eritrean hero never request the regime to judge them or to liberate them.
young Eritreans was running from their Owen house and family to be sold by Bedwins and Arabs , the hero people of Eritrea reaction was zero until more than 400 Eritreans finished in the Mediterranean sea, even for this events look like not convinced that these dead people are Eritreans. these man Mr. R.I.P from where ever he is provoking these dormant hero???to walk up for justice and peace instead of hater age war monger.
I think Eritreans are losing the sense of logic and understanding , so these man is crying loudly to give them they are not as such as what are saying and pleasing themselves inunction of war , heroism and propaganda of one way Eritreans keep the whole Eritrean population in complete Darkness.
Eritreans are now so behind the world ,but they are still convinced they are the best, the generous, the most cable people, they don’t accept criticism they don’t understand that they could not administrate even a small shop.
we have been immigrate from 1960 to develop countries, we have never learned nothing , if we compare ourselves with the Palestinians who immigrate with us with on the same 1960, we can find plenty of doctors, engineers, lawyers, etc, what about these arrogant Eritreans except few doctors and engineers from the university of Addis Ababa and very few Geomerires from the Italian school.
actually we are the most immigrated people in the world , and we have statues in every party of the world from 1970 until know how money Eritreans are graduated. Ask ourselves , don’t hid ourselves of these heroism of Mosko and Koboro.
are we able to calculate and see our situation concretely. we have to start to see our face first and the face of other people. for me we are not able even to administrate a simple shop we want to have the same problem, and we don’t agree even if some one from us have small success.
my comment is not insulting any one but these is our situation, we want to change or no. should we continue on the same mistake or no.
every Eritrean should find a way to change Eritreans on right truck, Mesinas is giving his contribution, Bahki his contribution until our intention is for the good of our people we shall succeed but if we lose time on insulting each other we shall never achieve any good things .
first but not least , thanks assenna for these various discussions of various people to accept it and expose to the people without cancelling
ahmed saleh June 1, 2014
Sorry , matured person dont deliver his message by using
offensive languages , period .
Now asghedom,
You really get my message..thank you ,I wish I could say it in a polite manner like you do ,I get angry at all the things you point out .I will try to tone down ,if I can without changing my message.
Thankyou for definning my message correctly.
I love my people.
Asghedom Woldeghiorghis June 1, 2014
You can continoue my friend your message is in theright way.
MR. Nobel teacher, we don’t need polite words , we have no tg
hat nature, even Issayas understood these people don’t need polite way and he is pressing and opressing every day we are only loughing and arguing to
Each other.
The way you are presenting is the correcty way, let tgem say what rver they want that you sre Agame , Amharay what ever eles.
I am sure they will never call you that you are an Arab because you are true Eritrean and true Habesha
R.I.P ERITREA May 31, 2014
Why dont you concentrate on your message. Unlike mine you have a positive message & poems to die for ,I am honest.
Now, It is not my fault my lousy & inarticulate poems are getting more fame and followers. It is not my intention .TRY TO WIN EVIL WITH GOOD MESSAGE ,NOT WITH ENVY.
God Bless you
ahmed saleh June 2, 2014
Asghedom stated by saying even Issays knows these people do not need polite way . Thanks no thanks .
ahmed saleh June 2, 2014
The so called Asghedom is begging you not to use polite way in this forum . Now I hope
to see the picture .