ማሕበረ ተጋደልቲ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ነበር ኣብ ዓዲ ኢንግሊዝ፡ ንዓመተ 2014 ትማሊ ቐዳም ምስ ኩሎም ደለይቲ ለውጢ ሓይልታት ኮይኑ ጸምቢሉዋ።
ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ጥቅምቲ፡ ኣንጻር መላኺ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ብዝቃለሱ ገዳይም ተጋደልቲ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ነበር፡ ኣብ ዓዲ ኢንግሊዝ ዝቖመ ማሕበር ተጋደልቲ፡ ትማሊ ቀዳም 04 ጥሪ 2013 ኣብ ዓዲ ኢንግሊዝ ምስ ዝነብሩ ደለይቲ ለውጢ ሓይልታት ብሙኻን ንዓመተ 2014

ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ጥቅምቲ፡ ኣንጻር መላኺ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ብዝቃለሱ ገዳይም ተጋደልቲ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ነበር፡ ኣብ ዓዲ ኢንግሊዝ ዝቖመ ማሕበር ተጋደልቲ፡ ትማሊ ቀዳም 04 ጥሪ 2013 ኣብ ዓዲ ኢንግሊዝ ምስ ዝነብሩ ደለይቲ ለውጢ ሓይልታት ብሙኻን ንዓመተ 2014 ጸምቢሉዋ።
እቲ ብማሕበር ተጋደልቲ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ንለውጢ ዝዓተዓደመ ናይ ድራርን ምዝንጋዕን ምሸት፣ እቲ ማሕበር ተጋደልቲ ኣካልን ኣምሳልን ናይ ኩሎም ደለይቲ ለውጢ ሓይልታት ሙዃኑን ንኹሎም ኣቐዲሞም ኣብ ቃልሲ-ፍትሒ ዝጸንሑ ኤርትራውያን ሓይልታት ኣኽብሮቱ ንምርኣይን እዩ ወዲቡዎ።
ኣብቲ ኣጋጣሚ ንዕዱማት ምስጋናን ኣኽብሮትን ብምቕዳም ዝቐረበ ቃል ማሕበር፡-
ትማል ኩሎም ተቓለስቲ ገድሊ ኤርትራ ጀብሃን ሻዕቢያን፡ ኣብ ቃልሲ ናጽነት አእጃሞም ኣበርኪቶም ብኽልተ ልዕለ ሓያላን ንዝድገፍ ንዘነበረ ስርዓታት መግዛእቲ ስዒሮም ናጽነት ክውን ብምግባሮም ኪሕበኑ ዝግበኦም እኳ እንተኾኑ፡ እቲ ናይ ትማል ሓበንን ፍናንን ግን ብሰንኪ ጉጅለ ምልኪ ስለዝተጋህሰ ነቲ ህዝብን ሃገርን ዝርምስ ዘሎ ጠላሜ-መብጽዓ ስርዓት ገጢሞም ብምስዓር ነቲ ሓበን ኪመልስዎ ቅልጽሞም ከሕብሩ ይጽውዕ።
እቲ… “ክብሪ ቓልሲ ልዕሊ ኩሉ ክቡር ህይወቶም ንዝበጀዉ ሰማእታትና ጥራሕ እዩ ዝግባእ” ዝበለ መግለጺ ማሕበር ” እቲ ዝተረፈ ኩሉ፡ ሃገር ርህዩዋ ቀሲናን ኪሳዕ ዝርኢ ብቐጻሊ ዝሕደስ ብስራሕ ዝምስከር ቃል ሕድሪ ከተግብር ትጽቢት ከምዝግበረሉ ኣተሓሳሲቡ።” ኣስዒቡ እቲ መግለጺ፡ ኩሉ ደላይ ፍትሕን ለውጥን ሕሉፉ ተወኪሱ ብሓባር “ትማል ብኸመይ ኢና ተዓዊትና፣ ስለምንታይ’ከ ሎሚ ወዲቕና፡ ጽባሕ’ከ ብኸመይ ኪንዕወት ንኽእል’ ብምባል ብሓባር ኪዝትን ዘትዩ ፍታሕ ኪቅርብን ልዑል ትጽቢት ከምዝግበረሉ ኣተሓሳሲቡ።
ውፉያት ሃገራውያን ድምጻውያን ተጋደልትን ዋርሳይን ነቲ ደምበ ተቓውሞ ኣብ ዝውድብዎ ምሸታት ናይ ምስታፍ ዝጸንሐ ሓጹር ሰባቢሮም ድሕሪ ደጊም ይእከል ብምባል፡ ምስ ደለይቲ ለውጢ ወገኖም ብምስላፍ ነቲ ምሸት ብምኡዝ ድምጾምን ቃኖኦምን ኮሊዖሙዎ ኣምስዮም።
ስነጥበባውያን ሃገርና ድሕሪ ህልቂት ላምፔዱሳን ጃምላዊ ፍልሰት መንእሰያትናን ናይ ቃልሲ ወኒን መንፈስን ዘበራብር፡ ሓያልን ምኡዝ ዜማታት ብምፍራይ ንህዝቢ ይጉስጉሱ ብምህላዎም ብዝያዳ ኪተባብዑን ኣብ ቃልሲ ናጽነት ልዑል እጃም ከምዘበርከቱ ኣብ ቃልሲ ሓርነት እጃሞም ከበርክቱ ዝሕተትሉ እዋን ሙዃኑ ብምዝካር ዝተረፉ ኩሎም ነቲ ዘሎ ከታሪ ሓጹር ደጋፍን ተቓዋምን ብምስባር ኣብ ጎድኑ ውጹዕ ህዝቦም ብምስላፍ ኣሰር ቀዳሞት ብጾቶም ኪኽተሉ ተሳተፍቲ ጸዊዖም።
እቲ ብናይ ድራር እንግዶትን ምውቕ ባህላዊ ምዝንጋዕን ደሚቑ ዘምሰየ ምትእኽኻብ ንኹሎም ተሳተፍቲ ሓይልታት፡ ኤርትራዊ ብዝኾነ ይኹን ስምን መጸውዕን ይወደብ ኩሉ ድሌቱን ኣተሓሳስባኡን ኣብ ሓደ ዕላማን ኣተሓሳስባን ከምዘሎ ዘረድእ ሙዃኑ ዘግሃደ እዩ ነይሩ። ኣብቲ ምሸት ዝተሳተፉ ዓበይትን ናእሽቱን ሓርበኛታት ተጋደልቲ ጀብሃን ሻዕቢያን፡ ውህደትን ሓድነትን ተቓለስቲ ዘማዕብልን ሓድሕዳዊ ምትእምማን ሓቢርካ ምስራሕን ዘጎልብትን ናይ ሓባር ምሸታት ኪውደብን ኣተሓሳሲቦም።
Michael Ghebre January 6, 2014
Eritrea needs new Revolution. The word Revolution means different things to different people. It is even used by advertisers to give an impression of something new and different. This is a clue to its use in society, history and politics – to describe the compete replacement of the previous existing system. There is also the implication that this occurs fairly rapidly; otherwise it’s evolution.
A revolution certainly involves force – this has to be the lever bringing about the change- as the beneficiaries of the old system have to be forced to give up their power and privilegs, but this can take other forms than outright violence. It can take the form of mass popular pressure or of the use of the “legitimate” force of the State Machine.
For us, the political and social revolution from the current (PFDJ), rule to be free and democratic Eritrea has to be carried out democratically, both in the sense of having majority support and in the sense of employing democratic means. This latter means organising the mass movements.
መስፍን ባህሩ January 6, 2014
From what I have read, most comments have been given either by Ethiopians or by PFDJ sympathizers. If any one is against EPLF, he/she is not against Isaias. Because EPLF is against Isaias that’s why he tries hard to dissolve it. Mind you! How on earth could EPLF members would be with Isaias while he is trying to use them and throw them at the same time. EPLF had 13 politburo members prior to 1987 congress. All but Sibhat, Alamin and Romodan are eliminated. From those eliminated only Mesfin Hagos is alive. Why do you think guys? Bucause Isaias adores EPLF members. I am not surprised if Weyane and ELF members dislike EPLF because they want to preserve their legacy by eliminating EPLF’s legacy. But I am surprised by those following them, specially the youth. Ask your sisters and brothers! ask your fathers and mothers and you will get the right answer why Isaias was/is against EPLF members.
MightyEmbasoyra January 6, 2014
Aren’t you using the exact isayas’s style? For anyone who questions is either Woyane or PFDJ. For what I am concerned, I could tell you the same. You can’t convince people by commenting like that.
What do we know about this group? Who is their leader (s)? These should be transparent. As I mention before, we can’t trust anyone without any verification anymore. Never.
hawika January 6, 2014
how about offering encourgenment and posetive energy to this meeting, if you don’t know about them as you stated give them the benefit of a doubt until you find foul on them. otherwise, you just sound hater and jealouse.
forsa lets progress,,
MightyEmbasoyra January 6, 2014
Jealous of what? Of their dancing? That’s how Isayas was telling his peers and look what happened.
I didn’t say anything negative by the way – all I have said was who are these? Yes, I know they are ex-EPLF but so does many of them (good and bad like every human being).
ER ITRAWIT January 7, 2014
You are not wrong I do agree with you after we learn what happened to innocent brother and sister. This devil man is invisible anything is possible!!!!!! I am sure they learn a lot from experience I am sure they know who was doing bad and good I HOPE. happy new year.
መስፍን ባህሩ January 8, 2014
Dear Mighty. I have read all the comments. I don’t mind if they criticize the group according what they do and why but they did not know any thing about them apart from the name “Ex EPLF members.” You can not hide any thing in this so bright world. They invite a group of musicians and elders to celebrate New Year. Don’t you happy for that? Do you think it is hidden from any one? But if you see the comments they are all disparaging for the intentions/actions taken by them. As observers we have to appreciate the initiative. We have plenty of time to criticize them if we are not happy for they are doing. Be positive! before you jump to the dilemma Isaias created deliberately. In the mean time Isaias has been always wary when he sees EPLF members discuss about the issues matter to Eritrea.
Kalighe January 8, 2014
” I am not surprised if Weyane and ELF members dislike EPLF because they want to preserve their legacy by eliminating EPLF’s legacy”
መስፍን ባህሩ
Are you putting Weyane and ELF in one category ? … I think you are living in the past.
Tesfit January 6, 2014
MaHber tegadelti Hzbawi Gnbar neber, or MaHber tegadelti neber Hzbawi Gnbar?
I know what you are trying to say but you are incorrect, gramatically.
amanuel January 7, 2014
I strongly believe that every Eritrean have a right to meet, discuss and solve problem with the person, group or organisation that he/she believe reflect his views and his/her aims and principles. The former EPLF and ELF members should have right to celebrate to gather and find common grounds to fight and oppose the regime Eritrea. If any one wish to oppose the group, you have a right to oppose for the work they have are doing right now not just to assumed that because of the past history that you think they have don wrong.
In the New Eritrea justice is the back boon of our country and our people. Blackmailing, accusation and blaming with out evidence will not be acceptable.
Our country is suffering luck of democracy and justice therefore lets not accuse and underman and take wrong judgement that will led us to a wrong conclusion.
Let people, group and organisation collectively oppose the regime of Eritrean, as the current slogan stated united is the power of our people and will shorten the life of the Eritrean regime
Negga Yosif January 7, 2014
I strongly agree with Amaniel,Mostly Hgdfywyn and ignorant are those whom blackmailing ,acquseing and underming with out evidence I call them PEOPLE WITH OUT CLASS.
Tekluu Gubtaan January 7, 2014
Oh, for god sake we have to rid out with this so called eplf or tegadeltiit utterly are un needy ..please this people are the most unrealistic and corrupted once. The editor must vigilant about their motives am certain they have got hidden agenda .Those was the once who betrayed their fallen comrades and the entire mass ,of fallen elder brothers and sisters . Imagine can one believe it now, those guys were fighting in fornt lines canals ? where they in Aanker Tselimm, Tabaa, Mendaat where they in Genfolom, Jengerien, Rora Mensaa Meshaliit if So did they see their mates fallen in an intensive battle fields sacrificed bravely. If they do so how did they lost courage to overthrow Mad Issyas . The reason is they made different choice than those passed away for the mass.
Amanueo January 8, 2014
to Tekluu
If you are saying that they are this and that, what ever you wants to call then. What about them at a minimum level they are the one that you are now calling my country ‘Eritrea’ made to exist. The first thing that we needed to learn is tolorance. You are also crossing the border line, how do you know those people was not in the front line and in am sure same of them are wounded or disabled in the in the battles that you mention . It is very good to ask yourself first what have I done to my country before pointing your finger to others.
Wedi Meret January 8, 2014
if Tegadelti want to make changes they could have done it when they have the gun and the mad Isayas was infront of them, do you really think they care about Eritrean people? OH no, they are just fertilizer of Abdela Adem, Andebrhan, Mesfin Hagos and So on.
don’t forget they have been used and they are confirming to the evil and criminals like Abdela Adem that we are here again & please we still are yours and use us
please it is better for you to do ESOL that might wake you up.
amanuel January 8, 2014
You failed to understand the country that you are claiming is liberated by Tegadelti. If Tegadelti did not sacrifice their preciouses life you would not have the chance to call your self, I am an Eritrean national ‘my country Eritrea’. Face the fact, I do accept that our country is facing problem by the regime in Eritrea, but the regime in Eritrea does not represent all Tegadelti. The reason why those Tegadelti who felt the regime in Eritrea is wrong, they left the country and living in exile like the rest of us, therefore do not make a general comments. You may have different opinion or views, but you have to accept that Tegadelti also have the right to get-together and discuss common grounds they have. If you think individuals committed crime produce your evidence or collect your evidence untie justice established in Eritrea, otherwise if you are wrongly accusing people you are also committing a crime(blackmailing).
Tolerance is very important, what is wrong if Tegadelt gathered? who makes a decision the type of people should meet? when do you express your freedom of expression your views
To conclude you have the right to oppose and support others, but they have the right to gather and associate with the people or group they like.
Our focused should be the regime in Eritrea who is committing crimes with tangible evidence, the list of innocent Eritreans langussion in prism, endless military national service, falling implementation of constitution, and accountability for all the wrong doing in Eritrea
amanuel January 8, 2014
to wedi merit
you failed to understand the country that you are claiming is liberated by Tegadelti. If Tegadelti did not sacrifice their preciouses life you would not have the chance to call your self, I am an Eritrean national ‘my country Eritrea’. Face the fact, I do accept that our country is facing problem by the regime in Eritrea, but the regime in Eritrea does not represent all Tegadelti. The reason why those Tegadelti who felt the regime in Eritrea is wrong, they left the country and living in exile like the rest of us, therefore do not make a general comments. You may have different opinion or views, but you have to accept that Tegadelti also have the right to get-together and discuss common grounds they have. If you think individuals committed crime produce your evidence or collect your evidence untie justice established in Eritrea, otherwise if you are wrongly accusing people you are also committing a crime(blackmailing).
Tolerance is very important, what is wrong if Tegadelt gathered? whw makes a decision the type of people should meet?
To conclude you are free to comment, but it is very good to respect others views and rights.
rahwa January 9, 2014
zbezhu Ertrawyan zesmrom hade neger alo: wuxue hizbka nexa mwxae kedamnet ziwehabo guday mukuanu, slezkone kulu flilyatna wegidna wlke mlkawi sraat mfras gn aykonen. kikewn neyruwo. gn aykonen. etom nkulu aynet xebib flilyat (haymanot, awraja..) enareayu kikawemuwo zeykalu Ertrawyan ntegadelti ab mkwam iyom zisemru. tegadelti iseyas gday slezgeberom etom bsenki xlie iseyas tekawemti zikonu dma anxar tegadelti ygusgusu. tegadalay gn men yu? kizlefn kiwaredn ke ygbo do? nihseb.