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ህጹጽ ሃገራዊ ጸዋዒት ንዝበረኸ ህዝባዊ ምንቅስቓስ ንሓርነት ( ብምኽንያት 20 ሰነ – ዕለት ሰማእታት ኤርትራ ካብ ውሽጢ ኤርትራ ዝተላእከ ፍሉይ መልእኽቲ)

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  • gomera June 22, 2014

    The only visible Solution to save our country which should have been done before.
    I guaranty you he will be gone these week.
    My only message to my people who have weapons at hand please keep it and use it ,yht is the only to protect yourself and the country from these devil. Never sorunder your weapons.

  • Diana da Bologna June 23, 2014

    ነዚ ክትግዕታዶ ትርህጻ!!
    ትማሊ ኣብ’ታ ቀዳም ቀዳም ተኣኻኺብና ቡን ንሰትየላ ባር ከም ልማደይ ከይደ። እዛ እንዳ ቡን’ዚኣ፡ ሃገራውያንን ሸየጥቲ ሃገሮምን ብሓደ ኮንና ሂር! ድበለ ክትዕ ነካይደላ ገዛ ኢያ። ናይ ሎሚ መንፈስ ናይቶም ከዳዓት ግን ደይ ከም ቀደሙ ተዳኺሙ ጸኒሑና። እቲ ብሽም “ህዝባዊ ምንቃቓስ ንሓርነት ኤርትራውያን” ብኣሰና ተጻሑፉ ድተዳለወ ጽሑፍ፡ ንዓኣቶም ከይተረፈ ኣገሪምዎም ኢዩ። “ናይ ወዲ ቫካሮ ሃለውለው ከይኣኽለናስ ናይ’ዚኦም ድማ ሕጂ?” ብምባል ፍጹም ሕፍረት ተሰሚዕዎም ነይሩ።
    ናይ”ዚ ጽሑፍ’ዚ ደገርም ነገር እንተሎ ኮይኑ፡ ካልእ ሃለውለዉ ገዱፍካ፡ መጀመርያ ንተጋደልቲ ህዝባዊ ግንባር፡ ትሕት ኢሉ ድማ ንሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ብውድቀት ናይታ ሃገር ተሓተትቲ ምግባሩ ኢዩ። መላእ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ከም ድፈልጦ፡ ተጋዳላይ ህዝባዊ ግንባር፡ ብሓጺናዊ ዲሲፕሊን ተሃኒጹ ድተወፈየ ሓርበኛ’ምበር፡ ከም ሓደ ብሩሑቕ መአዘዚ (Remote Control)ድእዘዝ ሮቦት ጌርካ ምግላጹ፡ ደይ ኤርትራዊ ስነምግባር ኢዩ። እዚ ድማ ሓደ ኣካል ካብ’ቲ ጸላእቲ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ፡ ታሪኽ ገድሊ ኤርትራ ጠማዚዝካን ኣቋማጢዕካን ደይመልክዑ ንምሃብ ድግበር ደሎ ዘመተታት ኢዩ። ታሪኽ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ይኹን ገድሊ ኤርትራ ግን፡ ብወርቃዊ ቀለም ተወሪቑ ስለ ድኾነ፡ በዚ ከንቱን ደይ ኤርትራውን ጽሑፍ’ዚ ተበሊሉ ድሃስስ ኣይኮነን።
    ኢሳያስ ኣፎርቂ ኣብ ድተፈላለያ ሃገራት ናይ ባንክ ሕሳባት ከም ደለዎ ገሊጽኩምልና ኣለኹም። እዚ ሓቂ ነይሩ እንተ ድኸውን፡ እቶም ቀንዲ ድጸልእዎ ኣሜርካውያን ንምቅልዑ ድሕር ኣይምበሉን። ይትረፍ ኣብ ናይ ደገ ባንክታት፡ ኣብ ገዝኡ ክንደይ ጫማታት ከም ደለዎ’ውን ይፈልጡ ስለ ድኾኑ። “ኩናት ኢትዮ ኤርትራ ብውልቁ ኢዩ ጀሚርዎ” ድበሃል ጉዳይ ግን፡ ሰበብ ናይቲ ኲናት ባድመ ስለ ድነበረት ኮሚሽን ዶብ ክልቲኤን ሃገራት ድሃቦ ብይን ጥራይ ምፍላጥ ከድልየኩም ኢዩ። እንተ’ቲ ” ዓሰብ ንኢትዮጵያ ኣሕሊፉ ንምሃብ ሰራዊት ኤርትራ ካብ ግንባር ዓሰብ ንኸንሳሕብ ሓቲትዎ” ድባሃል ነገር ግን፡ ነቲ ውሳኔ’ቲ ድሃበ ኣብ’ቲ ግንባር ኣዛዚ ድነበረ ዑቕበ ኣብርሃ’ምበር ፕረሲደንት ኣይኮነን። ብዛዕባ’ዚ ብዙሕ ክብል ምኸኣልኩ ነይረ ግን ድምልከቶ ኣካል ሓደ መዓልቲ ንኹሉ’ቲ ካብ 1998 ክሳብ 2000 ድተፈጸመ ጸይቅታት ክገልጾ እገድፎ። ካልእ ዘደንጹ ነገር ግን ፈኸራኹም ኢዩ። ካብ ድኽመት ወዲ ቫካሮ ክትመሃሩ ኣይትኽእሉን? ወዲ ቫካሮ ኣብ 24 ግንቦት ናይ 2014 ትበርቕ ጸሓይ ወዲ ኣፎርቂ ክርእያ ከም ደይኮነ ሰብ ኣኪቡ ፈኪሩ ነይሩ። እዚ በቶም ድስዕብዎ ድነበሩ ከደዳዓት ከይተረፈ ተኻዒቡ ከብቅዕ፡ ኣሰና ነዚ ምድጋምኩም ክሳብ ክንደይ ተዳኺምኩም ምህላውኩም’ዩ ደርኢ። ነቶም ሰበስልጣናት ናይ ሰለስተ ኣዋርሕ ናይ ምሕረትን ንስሓን ኣዋጅ ኣዊጅኩም ኣለኹም። ነቲ “ምሕረት ደይምልከቶ” ድበልኩሞ ፕረሲደንት ግን መዓስ ከም ተቃብጽዎ ግን ናይ ግዜ ገደብ ኣይተነግረናን ደሎ። ንሙዃኑ፡ እዚ ፈኸራን ኣሰልቻውን ጽሑፍ’ዚ ስለምንታይ ሕጂ ተመሪጹ? ንምትእጉጓል ዝኽሪ መበል 40 ዓመት ፌስቲቫል ቦሎኛ ክግበር ድጸንሐ ዘመተታት ተስፋ ምስ ተሳእኖ ዶኾን ይኸውን ነዚ ዓቕሊ ጽበታዊ ጽሑፍ’ዚ ንምዝርጋሕ ቀሲብኩም?
    እዚ ኣብ ለንደን ዝመዓስከሩ “ህዝባዊ ምንቅስቓስ ድሕነት ኤርትራውያን ድበሃል ትካል’ምበኣር፡ ንጥፍኣት ኤርትራን ህዝባን ደንቀደ ሙዃኑ ንማንም ርዱእ ኢዩ። ድሕነት ህዝብን መሬትን ኤርትራ፡ በዞም ክጠዓሱ ተፈራርህዎምን ክትቅንጽልዎምን ትፍክርሎም ደለኹም ዜጋታትን ጅግና ሓይልታት ምክልኻል ኤርትራን’ምበር ብኣኻትኩምሲ ሃገር ቀደም ዓንያን ኣብ ኢድ ወያነ ወዲቓን ምሃለወት ነይራ።

    • mesel June 24, 2014

      ዲያና ዶ ገለ መለ ዶ?
      እንታይ ኢኻ ትብል? እግርን ከቦሮን ነንበይኑ ድዩ ዝበሃል። ”ህዝቢ ኤርትራን ታሪኹን ይጠፍእ ኣሎ” ክበሃል እንከሎ ምስምስ ንምሃብ ኣብ ሓሸውየ ኣይትእቶ። እንተኾነ ብጽሑፍካ ክርእየካ እንከለኹ ዕድመ ዝደፋእካ ተጋዳላይ’የ በሃሊ ኢኻ መስለኒ። ዘበላሸኻ ኣባላሺኻ ጥራይ ጥፋእ ኣቦይ ተጋዳላይ። ኣብ ሰራዉር ናይታ ዘጥፋእኩማ ጉንዲ መንነት ኤርትራ ገለ ማይ ሰትዩ ዝጭብጭብ ሱር እንተተረኽበስ ንስኻን መሰልትኻን ጥፍኡ ድኣ ጥፍኡ። ታሪኽካን ታሪኽ እቲ ውድበይ ትብሎ፥ ኢሳያስ እናተላገጸሉ ዝመጽአ ውድብ ደምሲስና ካልእ ታሪኽ ክንሰርሕ ኢና። ክብሪ ተጋዳላይ ህዝባዊ ግንባር የ ባሃሊ ድሕሪ ደጊም ሃሳስ ኢዩ። ብዝተራቐቐ መንገዲ ኣብ ትሕቲ ሸውዓተ መዓሙቕ ክቕበር’ዩ። ህዝባዊ ግንባር ማለት ብዜካ ምጥፍፋእ፥ ምድንጋር፥ ምእሳርን ምቕታልን፥ ምሽርማጥ፥ ሃይማኖት ምጥፋእ፥ በዓቢኡ ድማ መንነት ምጥፋእ ካልእ ታሪኽ የብሉን። ጋሓፍ’ዩ። ህዝባዊ ግንባር ማለት ስም ናይቲ፥ ዕላማ ቃልስና ጨውዩ ኣብ ረብሓ ኢሳያስን ጭፍርኡን ዘውዓለ ሰራቒ ጉጅለ’ዩ። ብፍርሒን ተግሳጽን ኢሳያስ ልቦም ኣብ ከብሒ ዝተቐመጠ መራሕቲ ሻዕብያ ንህዝብና ፍታሕ ከም ዘየምጽእሉ ህዝቢ ብግቡእ ተረዲኡዎ ዩ ዓጁስ ነብሲ።መወዳእታ ህዝባዊ ግንባር፥ ምጥፋእ ኤርትራውያን ኣብ ሲናይ ኣብ ባሕሪ፥ ኣብ ዊዓ ገልዓሎ ኣብ በረኻታት ግብጽን ልብያን፥ ምስዳድ ኤርትራውያን መንእሰያት ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ፥ መግዝእቲ ደምሂት፥ ምዕማጽ ደቂ-ኣንስትዮ፥ ጥሜት፥ ሕማም፥ ምብትታን ስድራ ቤት ኤርትራ፥ ምድኻም ንግድን ወፍርን፥ ምብካል ጽሬት ትምህርቲ፥ ብዓቢኡ ድማ ምቕታል ኤርትራውነት ጥራይ ዩ። ብዝኾነ ኪድ ኣብቲ ግዳያት ኢሰያስ(ህዝባዊ ግንባር) ዝሃለቕሉ ሃገር ኮይንካ ኣብ ልዕሊ ሬስኦም ባንዴራ ተዓጢቕካ ሳዕስዕ፥፡

      • Diana da Bologna June 24, 2014

        “ተጋዳይ ኢየ ባሃሊ” ዶ ኢልካኒ? ተጋዳላይ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ሙዃን ማለትኮ፡ ውፉይ፣ ተባዕ፣ ነፍሱ ኣሕሊፉ ነፍሲ ብጻዩ ደድሕን፣ ስለ ህዝብን ሃገርን ድውፈ፣ ነታ ሓንትን ደይትምለስን ህይወቱ ንህዝቡ ድወፈየ ተሪር ከም ዓረ ማለት ሙዃኑ ከመይ ይጠፍኣካ? ሕማቕ ናይ ታሪኽ ኣጋጣሚ ኮይኑ ግን፣ ነዚ ክብሪ’ዚ ክጎናጸፍ ኣይበቓዕኩን። ኣነ ከም’ዚ ከማኻ መተዓብይተይ ንገድሊ እንዳኹዱ ከለዉ፡ ነብሰይ ፈትየ ናብ ካልእ ደማዕደኹ ፈራህ ኢየ። እዚ ክብለካ ከለኹ ግን፡ ኣባል እቲ “ብባርዕ” ድፍለጥ ራብዓይ ዙር ሃገራዊ ኣገልግሎት ኢየ። ካባኻዶ እሓይሽ እኸውን? ዕጁስ ድበልካኒ ግን የቐንየለይ! ኣብ’ዚ ሎሚ እዋን ዕጁዝና ተረካቢ ኣይኮነን። ናይ ዕድመ በዓል ጸጋ ሙዃን ምርቓ’ዩ። እንተ’ቲ “ታሪኽ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ቀቢርና ካልእ ታሪኽ ክንሰርሕ ኢና” ድበልካዮ ግን፡ ታሪኽ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ታሪኽ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ስለ ድኾነ፡ ነዚ ወርቃዊ ታሪኽ’ዚ ክቐብር ዓቕሚ ደለዎ ኣካል ከቶ ኣይክርከን ኢዩ። ታሪኽ ህዝቢ ኤርትራኮ ቅድሚ ታሪኽ ህዝባዊ ግንባር፡ ታሪኽ መግዛእትን ታሪኽ ፈደረሽንን ንዕኡ ዝፈጠረ ክድዓት ናይ ገለ ኣቦታትን ጥራይ ኢዩ ሓዚሉ ጸኒሑ። ታሪኽ ጀብሃ ድማ ከምታ ተመዝጊባ ደላ ናይ መቕዘፍትን ማሕረድትን’ያ። ገዲሊ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ መሪሑ ናብ ዓወት ድበጽሐ ታሪኽ ግን፡እቲ እንኮ ታሪኽ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ኢዩ። ነዚ ታሪኽ’ዚ ኪሒዶም ከህስሱ ድፈተኑ ወያነ ጥራይ ኢዮም ነይሮም። ሕጂ ድማ ሓደሽቲ “ኣንድነታውያን” መጺእኩም፡ ነቲ እንኮ ንንየተሉ ታሪኽና ደምሲስኩም ካልእ ታሪኽ ክትምዝግቡልና ሙዃንኩም ትነግሩና ኣለኹም። ብሕጂ ድምዝገብ ሓድሽ ታሪኽ ክትፈጥሩ እንተ ኮንኩም ድማ፡ ታሪኽ ክድዓትን ህዝብን መሬትን ኣሕሊፍካ ምሃብን ጥራይ ኢዩ ክኸውን ድኽእል። ንህዝባዊ ግንባርን ታሪኹን ከተጥፍእ ምፍካር ግን ከንቱ ፈኸራ’ዩ። መለስ ኣብ ድሮ ምጅማር ሳልሳይ ዙር ወራሩ፡ ኣብ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ንዘርከቡ ናይ ምዕራብ ዲፕሎማሰኛታት ኣኪቡ “እዚ ኲናት ኣብ ወሽጢ 72 ሰዓታት ክንዛዝሞ ኢና! መዕለቢና ድማ ኣስመራ ክኸውን’ዩ” ክብል ከም ድፈከረ ታሪኽ መዝጊብዎ ደሎ ሓቂ’ዩ። እንተ ኾነ ግን፡ ኣስመራ ደይኮነ ዓሊቡስ፡ ኣብ ጣውላ ናይ ኣልጀርስ’ዩ ክዓልብ ተገዲዱ። ዓርሞሸሽ ሰራዊን ኣጽዋርን ድዓጠቐ ወያነ ደይተኻእሎስ፡ በትሪ ክትዓትሩ ደይትኽእሉ ልሙሳት ክትፍክሩስ፡ ሃየንታ’ዩ። ብናይ ትርፊ ስዓት ቃልስን ብናይ ፓልቶክ ጫውጫውታን ንልዕሊ ዓሰርተ ዓመታት ኣእዛን ሰብ ከተደንቁሩ ጸኒሕኩም ኢኹም። እንትርፎ ንሓድሕድኩም ክትወናጀሉን ክትከራፈሱን ግን፡ ደምጻእኩሞ ለውጢ የሎን። ከም ከልቢ ምንባሕ ጥራይ!!

        • mesel June 24, 2014

          Ajus Diana

          i know, who ever stands against PFDJ’s atrocities and betrayal is labelled WEYANE, ANDNET, PENTE, NEZA HAGER HANTI ZEYGEBERULA, ZEYHAGERAWYAN, JIHAD, AWRAJAWYAN, MUHURAT……and so and so. as to u Eritreanism is isaiasism. you will be thrown to the recycle bin of history soon. you told me that you are 4th Zuriya agelglot……if i tell u the date i joined the struggle u even will not imagine it my garbage bro.

          • Diana da Bologna June 24, 2014

            መሰል! ይደናገረካ’ሎ ኣያየ! ወይ ኣብ’ቲ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ጫት ሓያይኽካ ደንዚዝካ ኣለኻ ወይ ኣብ ብገለ ክፋል ናይ ዓለም “ካና” ሰሓሒብካ’ለኻ። ኣብ ብረታዊ ገድሊ እጃም እንተ ነይሩኳ ኮይኑ፡ ዋላ’ውን ናይ 90 ኩን፡ ብዕድመስ ወይ መሳቱ ኢና ወይ ትዓብየኒ ኢኻ። ስለዚ “ዓጁዝ” ምባልሲ ሕደግ ኢኻ። እንተ’ቲ “ክንጉሕፈኩም ኢናዶ ክንምስርሓኩም ኢና” ድበሃል ቋንቋ፡ ኣበይ ኰንካ ኢዩ’ሞ? “ኣይከእልን’ዩ” ድበለ ሰብ የለን። ካበይ ብድመጸ ዘምዘምያ’ሞ! ኢና ንብል ደለና። ዓለም ምሉእ ከም ድፈልጦ፡ እቲ ንስኻ “ድተጋደልካሉ” ገድሊ ኤርትራ፡ ለሚኑ ወይ ተመሻኺኑ ደይኮነ ናጽነት ኣምጺኡ፡ መዳርግቲ ደይብሉ ዋጋ ከፊሉ’ዩ ኣምጺእዋ። ሕጂ’ውን “ስቓይ ህዝብና ከነሕጽር ኢና” ካብ በልኩም፡ ብነጻን ብደይዋጋን ስለ ደይመጽእ፡ እንታይ ክትገብሩ ከም ደለኩም ሓበሬታ ዘድልየኩም ኣይኮነን። ኣብ እስራኤል ናይ ኣይሁዳውያን ፍሩታ እንዳኣረዩ ሰላም ገይሮም ስቓዮም እንዳ ተጻወሩ ከይነብሩ፡ “ሰራዊት ሕድሪዶ ገለ” እንዳ በልኩም መንእሰያት ናብ ሓዊ ክትጠብስዎም ካብ ተጎሳጉሱ፡ መጀመርያ እቶም ናይ ኢንተርነት ሓርበኛታት፡ ኣጻብዕቱኹም ምስ ቃታ ከተላግቡ ኣለኩም። እንተደየሎ ደቂ ደቆም ንህግደፍ’ውን ኣይከተረኻኽብሎምን ኢኹም።

    • tirhas June 24, 2014

      Dudam do diana,

      It is easy to accuse a dead General – Okbe Abraha. Why didn’t Issayas then allow the war evaluation committee that is one of the requests of General Okbe not implemented? If Gen Okbe asked to retreat from Assab we could have known. Now, please don’t try to get an alibi for Issayas

    • rahwa June 24, 2014

      Eritreans are worried whether the Eritrean people and their nation will perish or will some how go on. that’s the reason our people in Diaspora is mobilizing itself. that’s the reason the four Catholic church leaders voiced their opinion. that’s the reason our people within are mobilizing themselves. and this announcement is part of that movement. it managed to cover a wide ranging of issues. the most important being UNITY, without which challenging eseyas is impossible. their main goal is saving our people and our nation, a cause any sane Eritrean would totally rally behind. but we Eritreans are not all sane. we have a number of lunatics like eseyas. and there are those who think being in the opposition is a game. and others who are inhumane in every possible way. and there are also those who hate EPLF because it is EPLF. they will always hate EPLF no matter what it does or fails to do. there are also those who hate themselves, those who do not know what they are worth. of course, there are also the enemies of our people and our nation, those who want to go on watching Eritreans perish and humiliate ourselves, those who dream to see Eritrea be part of ethiopia. and a number of those individuals have started condemning this initiative. who would be shocked if eseyas arrested a religious leader yet again? no one. that’s why i wouldn’t be shocked if i found out someone who claims to be in the opposition condemned those who took this initiative. not even when i saw him/her praise the initiative taken by the four Catholic church leaders and turned around and condemned those who took this latest initiative. b/s clearly he is either confused, narrow-minded or a pfdj operative.

    • Suleiman Salim June 25, 2014

      እዞም ኔጋቲቭ ሂቦምኻ ዘለዉ ኩላቶም ኣኽላባት ወያነን ወያነ ብቐንዶምን እዮም። ስለ’ዚ ብዙሕ ኣይትገደሰሎም።

  • negash June 23, 2014

    It’s nice article in general.but I have a question I can easily understand these people are members of EPLF. One can easily understand from their authoritative stance. They condemned some without due process of law just as they did in 1991. They gave mercy on some when actually people want to take them to court. ( people like Filipos ) Like your master you didn’t leave anything for the people to determine their own destiny. I have read the article critically atlast these people who wrote it are no better than their master.

  • negash June 23, 2014

    It’s nice article in general.but I have a question I can easily understand these people are members of EPLF. One can easily understand from their authoritative stance. They condemned some without due process of law just as they did in 1991. They gave mercy on some when actually people want to take them to court. ( people like Filipos ) Like your master you didn’t leave anything for the people to determine their own destiny. I have read the article critically atlast these people who wrote it are no better than their master. I didn’t comment before please if your democrat post it if you don’t I will write it on other web site.

  • ERITREAN UNCLE June 23, 2014

    Hello Young People ,
    Without giving in at the expense of your core believe,this is the time to compromise.BECAUSE WHEN ARMED WITH CONSCIOUS & CLEAR AGENDA THAT DEALS WITH YOUR PRIMARY OBJECTIVE,other issues are secondary.
    You have clear guidance & you have potential power.Now, the ball is in your court,it is your future,..I can not say it better than the Document “MOVEMENT FOR SALVATION OF ERITREA” said it.
    Use it or lose it ! It is as easy us that.
    The document consists of..
    — forgiveness
    2__ Responsibility
    3__ Rights for all Eritreans…And it is a very powerful road map.I do not believe you will get another opportunity as Eritreans are on 11th hour..
    Young people ,It is your call…I HAVE CALLED OUT ON BULLSHIT…AND THIS DOCUMENT IS LITERALLY LIFE SAVER..It not only guides you how to reach to the boat without holes ,but also where to take the boat.
    Mesinas was right when he decided to take a break ,because he is extremely impressed, well count me in.I SECOND THE DOCUMENT WITH ALL MY HEART.



  • Justice has come finally June 23, 2014

    I hope to see some actions soon . For those with price tag of $200k , you can do subcontracting too . It is a great investment . Sadam Hussien was $ 5M .

    But above all what I admire about this resolution is , Eritrean’s began to see with a clear mind .

    Isyases has to be discredited . He has been playing with inocent blood for five decaded .

  • hailu June 24, 2014

    Thank you for giving them a chance and time to think about and also forgiving them
    that is the right way for a real progress
    Hope they will respond accordingly otherwise they will face all the conseqns

  • meselna June 24, 2014

    aite mesel niskum ke weyanay dikum

  • Tsegai June 24, 2014

    this proposition seems to have a substance. a clear road map to what we want to see in a democratic Eritrea. however, walking the talk is easier said than done. we have been writing and talking for years but without fruition. the gap between various decisions and implementing them has been growing much wider than it was. scared of death while we actually are dead!!! ANTA LEBAM HIZBI, KAB TIF’AT DEKIKA EQUA AYTIMHARIN? DIHRI DEKIKA MINBAR ZIMERETSKA HISBIS LEBAM ZIGBEAKA AYMESLENIN!!!! HISEBELU!!! MESHAKI SHERAFAT KABIKEWIN EQUA GIZIE HALIFUKA EYU. TERIFUKA ZELO BIKISARA ASNAN MIHRKAM KEYMETSI’E EYU.

    • Ghenet June 25, 2014

      what we want to see in a democratic Eritrea.???????
      Do you want to see extra judicial killings and forgiving in Democratic Eritrea? You have to understand that it may come your way. what goes around comes around!

  • Ghenet June 24, 2014

    Timing— just after few weeks of Ali abdu’s cofession )or what we are supposed to consider as confession). He tried to lay the ground for his man eater colleagues by clearing them of their crimes.
    Just a year and so ago, Wedi ali was killed by his colleagues- shabia- and was considered a traitor. They could have cooperated with him or at least saved him and let him go. Definitely DIA did not pull the trigger!
    Instead trying to fool as by saying their are writing from Asmara, they could have raided the dungeons and freed G11 and others languishing there!
    We say we are fighting for justice and democracy and these guys take the law into their hands and have already decided to kill people,. wait a minute, they are not going to do the killing someone is not going to do it for them? who are they to forgive on ours behalf? But then the are Shabia, Patronizing us as usual!
    This is another version of Shabia use and abuse peoples aspirations (which were freedom first and now justice). They will keep coming in different colors and clothing! let be careful guys!

    • MightyEmbasoyra June 24, 2014

      My guess is that this could be 03’s work, just to deflect the attention of those 4 Catholic Bishops’ article. It has caught many people’s attention and HGDF see that as a very dangerous model. So, they may came up with this. AS you can see, we are already talking about this rather than that paper.

      • Ghenet June 25, 2014

        Dera Mighty,
        rightly said. when wedi vacaro started and people started to understand the value of unity, Medrekh popped up. Now when the great church leaders uttered the truth and people started to understand how human values are being trashed in Eritrean by Eritreans, this so called movement (a new face of Shabia) popped up. It saddens me to see how lowly they think of us, how they misunderstand our capacity and our love for our country and our desperate search for justice and democracy!
        forgive and kill on our behalf? what are they going to ask in return later?