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ህጹጽ ሃገራዊ ጸዋዒት ንዝበረኸ ህዝባዊ ምንቅስቓስ ንሓርነት ( ብምኽንያት 20 ሰነ – ዕለት ሰማእታት ኤርትራ ካብ ውሽጢ ኤርትራ ዝተላእከ ፍሉይ መልእኽቲ)

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Review overview
  • abrehet asgodom June 21, 2014

    according to the letter Esayas Aforki and the other 5 criminals are already sentenced to eliminate from power from June 20,2014 on words, But the other 14 criminals have 3 months to regret for what they did. Esayas time is already done. no tome is given for esayas and his janda. kuburat Ahwat we have an assignment. if some body in side Eritrea is sacrificing his is his life for saving his country and people, we those are in foreign countries Should have to scarify at least by promising money to martyrs’ award. talking too much, philosophizing all are non sense comparing the current condition. Eritrean people is between death an life. lets start to do practical help.

  • abrehet asgodom June 21, 2014

    according to the letter Esayas Aforki and the other 5 criminals are already sentenced to eliminate from power from June 20,2014 on words, But the other 14 criminals have 3 months to regret for what they did. Esayas time is already done. no tome is given for esayas and his janda. kuburat Ahwat we have an assignment. if some body in side Eritrea is sacrificing his is his life for saving his country and people, we those are in foreign countries Should have to scarify at least by promising money to martyrs’ award. talking too much, philosophizing all are non sense comparing the current condition. Eritrean people is between death an life. lets start to do practical help.

  • Eritreawit June 21, 2014

    abrehet asgodom
    “Eritrean people is between death an life. lets start to do practical help”
    well said abrehet.

    • Semira June 21, 2014

      Abrehet and Eritrawit,
      Eritrean freedom fighters they never been paid they sacrificed for freedom.
      The tyrant Ethiopian mercenary Isayas and his followers were the one who got paid and now they are enjoying the wealth of Eritrean people.

  • yonas June 21, 2014

    ህግደፍ፡ዕጫይ’ምበር ምርጫይ ኣይኮነን” እሕሕሕ. . . በል ወዲ ኤረትራ (ወደባት)።

  • yonas June 21, 2014

    ረሲዕልኩ’ምባ ኩላህና ግና ምሕታትና ኣይክትተርፈናንያ።
    ንሰማማዓላዲና ኣሕዋት?

  • Semira June 21, 2014

    First we must know who are our friends and who are our enemies.

    There should be no compromising with #1 enemy.

    The tyrant Isayas is #1 Enemy of Eritrea.
    He is destroying Eritrea politically and militarily.
    He took down our National Liberation Flag and replaced by his own flag.
    He dismantled our historical provinces and replaced them by his own Zobas.
    He refused to implement the Eritrean constitution submitted by Eritrean people.
    He dissolved the ELF and EPLF and replaced them by his own PFDJ and DEMHIT.

    Compromising with #1 enemy,
    Raising the tyrant Isayas’ flag instead of the Eritrean Liberation Flag
    Accepting his Zobas instead of standing with our historical provinces
    Ignoring the oppressing of our religions (Christians and Muslims)
    Accepting to be ruled without constitution
    Compromising with PFDJ and DEMHIT
    Will put our existence in danger so lets be serious and deal with number one enemy decisively without compromising.

    As long as ድያብሎስ!Isayas DEMHIT and HIGDEF are in Eritrea misery and death will continue.
    The only solution is to get rid of crazy mad dog ድያብሎስ! Isayas wedi Medhin Berad, his son, and his blind followers DEMHIT and HIGDEF just like the Libyans did to Gadafi, his sons and his followers.
    Eritreans should unite and get rid the tyrant mad dog ድያብሎስ! Isayas, his son and his blind followers the DEMHIT and HIGDEF.

  • በየነ June 21, 2014

    መስሓቅ ስራሕ እቶም ቀተልቲ ደቂ ብሎኮና ዕድል ሂብኩሞም ኣበይ ኣሎው በዓል ተስፋልደት ስምኦን ዘምሕረት።ንመን ክትርብሻ ደሊኽን ናይ ብሓቂ ብስምዒትን ድልየትን ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ክትዛረባ ተደሊክን ህዝብና ዳግማይ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ዝበሃል ክሰምዕን ክርእይን አይደልን እዩ።ንዓይ ነንጭዋ ናብ ለቆታ ዶ ክንብል።

  • hadnet June 21, 2014

    How come filipose got a chance to think…he has a lot of blood on his hands.

  • Esayas June 21, 2014

    Stop crying you Ethiopian Tigres who call yourself “Eritreans”!
    Look how much you suffered from your mania to live by the legacy of Italian occupation! By any standard, no matter how you are Ethiopians. Perhaps you are the AUTHORS of contemporary Abyssinia which owes you much of its ancient and current culture, history and civilization. I don’t mean it was all your forefathers mistake, it was all so called Ethiopian leaders, especially Neftegna regimes that created all the rift and mistrust among us. Basally, I am Oromo and Ethiopian, and you know, I love Eritrea and Eritreans! I can’t differentiate myself from any Eritrean! What if we the current generations correct the wrongdoings of the past so that we all thrive and prosper! While we have enough for all of us why are our brothers and sisters die, drowned and murdered in oceans and deserts! Why? Why?

  • SPECIAL BREED June 22, 2014

    “ንመጀመርያ ጊዜ ሃናጽን ተስፋ ዘለዎን ጥራይ ዘይኮነስ_መፍትሒ ኩሉ ዘማልኤ ህጹጽ መልእኽቲ ብምስምዔይ ተስፋ ጌረ”

    When it came to my people ,I have always wanted to be proven wrong & this educational & extremely strong mesage has stimulated the old Eritrean wisdom in me. I truly thought all the wise Eritreans were dead.I AM PROVED WRONG & I AM TRULY HAPPY.
    ኣነ ብማንም ጨለ ጽሑፍን ባዶ ውዳሴ ህዝብን ከብደይ ዝብላዕ ኣይኮንኩን።ነዛ ጽሑፍ እዚኣ ከንብባ ክጅምር ከለኹ ..Here comes another article that insults our comes a fake message with blamingt Mesfin Hagos & Wedi Gerahtu & exonerates all of us.
    It takes a lot to impress me.
    ሓንቲ ናይ ብሓቂ መብጽዓ ክገብር እየ።ንዝተወሰነ ግዜ ነዛ ቆይማ ዘላ ህዝባዊት ምንቅስቓስ ክምርምራ እየ።ኣንቱም ሰባት፣ናይ ጀበርቲ ብሄራውነት ከይተረፈ ኣብ ቁጽሪ እተእቱ።ኤርትራውነት ብትምክሕትን ብብድዔን እምበር ብፍቕሪ ህዝቢ ክግለጽ ሰሚዔዮ ኣይፈልጥን።
    መንእሰያት ደቀይ እቲ ሃገር ፣ኣረገውቲ፣ሱቕ ብሃልቲ ተጋደልትን ሽንቅላጥና ዘውጻእኩ ምእንታኹም እየ።እዛ ተቛቝማ ዘላ ንጹርን ህዝባውን መሰል ዘለዋ መልእኽትን ናይ መጨረሻ ዕድልኩም ክትከውን ትኽእል እያ።እዚ መልእኽቲ ሃገራዊ እውን እንተኾነ ብዝበለጸ ድማ ህዝቢን ክብረቱን ኣብ ቍጽሪ ዘእተወ ስለ ዝኾነ ፣በዚ ዝሓንጸጾ ሕንጻጽ ዝኸይድ እንተኾይኑ ምእንቲ ንስኹም ተምሓዳድርዋ ሃገር ቀንዲ ተዋስኣይ ናይዛ ውድብ ህዝቢ ክኸውን መብጽዓ ይኣቱ። ንስኹም እንተድሒንኩም ዋላ ቆሊኹም ብልዑኒ ደይ ብሕማም ተባናጢሰ ዘለኹ።
    ኣምላኽ እዞም ምንም በደልን ጌጋን ከይፈጸሙ ዝበረሱ መንእሰያት ሓግዘና።
