Yemen’s Houthi forces attack Eritrea’s Airport, Navy base – Sudan Tribune
By Tesfa-Alem Tekle September 21, 2016 (ADDIS ABABA) – An Eritrean opposition group, Red Sea Afar Democratic Organization (RSADO) on Wednesday said that Yemen’s Houthi group have attacked the international Airport of Assab, a port city

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle
September 21, 2016 (ADDIS ABABA) – An Eritrean opposition group, Red Sea Afar Democratic Organization (RSADO) on Wednesday said that Yemen’s Houthi group have attacked the international Airport of Assab, a port city in the Southern Red Sea Region of Eritrea.
- A Houthi Shiite rebel carries his weapon as he joins others to protest against Saudi-led airstrikes at a rally in Sanaa, Yemen on 1 April 2015 (Photo: AP/Hani Mohamed)
Ibrahim Haron, leader of the armed opposition group told Sudan Tribune that Houthi forces stationed in the island of Hanish and Zagar have also attacked the headquarters of the Eritrean naval forces in Assab by firing mortar rockets thereby causing a serious damage.
The attack comes days after reports disclosed that Saudi Arabia has transferred some 5,000 Yemeni militants to Eritrea for military exercise in the Red Sea country.
According to the reports, Riyadh is transferring the militants from Aden to Eritrea’s Assab port to go under military trainings and then be sent to the Saudi provinces bordering Yemen to back the Saudi led war in Yemen.
The Eritrean government has dismissed the reports saying “a preposterous lie peddled for some ulterior motives”
The opposition leader said Eritrean authorities have imposed a tight security cordon in the areas following Monday’s attack.
Ibrahim said Eritrea government motive to cooperate with the Saudi-led coalition is because Asmara has a long standing border dispute with Yemen.
The countries had previously engaged in a bitter war with Yemen over the disputed Islands of Hanish and Zagar.
In 1998, the international Tribunal of the international Committee ruled the islands in favour of Yemen; Eritrea however refused to accept the ruling.
He added that Eritrea had been serving as a base for military training for anti-Yemen groups in order to create destabilization and instability in Yemen and in the region at large.
“When the situation in Yemen changed and appeared new events and the emergence of coalition forces, Eritrea favoured the Arab coalition to ensure financial, political and military gains” Ibrahim told Sudan Tribune by telephone from the Eritrean-Ethiopian common border.
Meanwhile the Eritrean opposition group today alleged that an Eritrean Air force pilot has defected to Saudi Arabia by flying a military Aircraft.
According to opposition officials, the Eritrean pilot defected on Tuesday along with his two aides becoming the latest members of the Eritrean Air force to defect from the reclusive east African Sea nation.
The Captain pilot and two of his aides flew to Jizan region in south of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The defectors have asked for political asylum but it is not yet clear if the kingdom has grant them an asylum.
Ibrahim said the latest defection is a big blow to President Isaias Afeworki led regime.
He says it is an apparent sign of growing discontent of the air force personnel and the military against the oppressive region.
In previous years, there have been defections in thousands from the Eritrean army, navy and air forces as the regime retains grip on power for over two-decades.
President Isaias has been in power since the country gained independence from Ethiopia in 1993.
Ginda September 22, 2016
Why is Eritrea collaborating with the al Saud Wahhabis and the opportunist Gulf Arabs against the Shiite Muslims of Yemen? Are Eritreans Arabic people or their Abeeds? Why is Eritrea doing the Arabs dirty job in Yemen?
Are we independent or the slaves Abeeds of the Arabs?
Didn’t we have our own history, identity and languages? None of my proud ancestors were Arab or Arabic slaves, why are the present generation serving as Arab’s Abeed?
k.tewolde September 22, 2016
You should direct all these questions Ginda to the capo ab adi halo,he will answer them one by one in detail for you.
Sam September 23, 2016
what a pig head arrogant person! Ginda did not ask you for directions, did he/she? He/she made valid points and observations.
Is the capo ab adi halo keeping you ignorant and a refugee indefinitely? Do you get all your trainings from the capo ab adi halo?
You need a refresher course in Eritrea’s (the whole Eritrea) history.
Rora September 23, 2016
Money and power are the principles, identity, and religion of the mafia boss DIA. Even now if the Huthis became victorious he will not be ashamed to change his position and be an ally of Iran as it was before selling himself to KSA.
Sam September 23, 2016
Well said and please continue with your positive contribution.
This is what is called a political prostitution of the worst sort b DIA and poor Eritrea. Eritrea is a manufacture by fascist Italian and maintained/sponsored by barbaric evil moslem Arabs of fake identity. Therefore, no proud history, culture or tradition and Tigray tigrigni language.
Indeed, poor Eritrea was supposedly “liberated” for the convenience and luxury of the brutal barbaric moslem Arabs.
Debessay September 22, 2016
The distance between Hanish and Assab is about 95 k,m, The distance between Keren and Asmara is about 72 k.m. It means Attacking Asmara from an area further than Keren. Does it make sense? If the base is attacked it should be Ethiopia and you know what that means.
Asmerom September 23, 2016
I dont know how far the distance from Hanish to asseb is.but it is hard to believe it is in mortar hitting proximity..
AHMED SALEH!!! September 23, 2016
It requires reasonable mind to analyze incidents before we make judgment . Your
arguments is informative and I appreciate it , thanks .
Tsehaye September 23, 2016
You sound like a typical taliban fanatic analyzing the savage moslem Arab deserts weather forecast. Are you trying to tell us that you have a reasonable free mind of your own? We don’t appreciate your outdated moslem gimmicks to fool or impress some gullible readers. Why don’t you just cut your fake acting of ” I appreciate it, thanks” crap response as you are not the writer of the article or a moderator of assenna, ZeyiHafir dimu {aregit kelbi areb} ahmidin salihadin shimu.
k.tewolde September 22, 2016
In his game of cat and mouse one of these days the tyrant is going to paint himself in the corner which is not far away.This did’t come as a surprise,he already dragged the nation into unholy coalition making it a target in the war theater.This is only the beginning.
rezen September 23, 2016
Do you remember? :
“Hanish and Zagar islands were replaced border disputes in 1994 between Eritrea and Yemen. Two countries took the case to international tribunal, in which the two islands ruled in favor of Yemen in 1998.” From Google
And revenge of any sort and scale is the core of Issayas’ nature. Issayas NEVER forgets. And there is no one with guts (including ME, of course) to tell him that his game is hurting three to five million people. Issayas NEVER cared about the Eritrean people. He has his own revenge on them too. What WE INNOCENT FOOLS should understand by now [ in 55-year-period] is that we are doomed with Issayas for ever. Why? Because WE ARE also hooked by parochial devastating cancerous diseases of religion, region, race tribalism …….. all kinds of ‘isms’. And Issayas knows it so well. WHAT A TRAGEDY!!!
staz bara September 23, 2016
Mr Tesfalem who are the Eritrean opposition group you referring to there are 50 of them and why is the news is coming from the Dankalis not from houzis , And Saudis are not fighting the Yemenis houzi, actually they are fighting the Iranian influence in Yemen. and Eritrea geographically and politically can not stay neutral on this conflict, it is a nation with its own dilemma and a chaos in the region is volatile. Your reasoning of conflict of Hanish is not relevant in this scenario,Fighter jets from Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Sudan, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain also took part in the operation. Djibouti and Somalia made their airspace, territorial waters and military bases available. What is the surprise that Eirtrea is involved. Now that we Eritreans are divided every thing is NO NO. .
Tsehaye September 23, 2016
star bara, we have an old tigrigna saying of “aytibikey endiyu zebikiyeni zelo”, indeed.
Now, are you telling us just because all the evil savage barbarian moslem Arab countries that you mentioned are involved in this evil savage moslem fight it is quite acceptable for little “Arab beggar Eritrea” to join in the fun? Are you that misinformed or you are just a misinformation ERI-TV reporter.
Despite the regime operatives shameful tactics of creating confusion, eye witness accounts are coming out of Eritrea claiming the truths and exposing all your lies and lame excuses. It may be beneficial to the regime for Eritrea to get involved in the Saudi v Iranian conflict but to the people of Eritrea it is another costly and destructive chaos on top of the evil ghedli’s long term destruction.
The Habesha September 23, 2016
ኣይደልን እየ SUNNI ____ቴሮሪስትስ ኣሸበርቲ
ራቢጣ ኢስላሚያ________ ናይ ጥፍኣት በዓቲ
ኣብ ስዑዲ ዋሃቢ________ ብምሕራድ ኮራዕቲ
ኣብ ዝኸድካዮ______ ሃይማኖቶም ናይ ቀተልቲ
ናፊቐዮም ስልጡናት SHIA ___በእምሮ በላሕቲ
ካብ የመን ንዓሰብ ዝውርወሩ ኣናብስ HOUTHI
ንሶም እንተዝስዕሩ______ ኣቤት ታሪኻዊ ሃብቲ
ደኺመ ብኣላህ ዋኣክበር እናበሉ ክሳድ ሰብ ቆረጽቲ
ቀጥቅጥዎም ነዞም SAVAGES ከባቢና ጸባ ክሰቲ !!!
Tsehaye September 23, 2016
Thank you brother The Habesha, the beautiful/brilliant undisputed champion of the people.
I really loved it and couldn’t stop laughing as I kept rereading and enjoying it tremendously.
Please brother “The Habesha” keep up your great talent of satire, it is truly a God’s gift to a gifted and loved one. I hope others are having great fun with your satire, it should give a big smile to everyone with a bit of sense of humor. Thanks again and God bless you brother.
The Habesha September 24, 2016
Dearest fellow brilliant Tsehaye,
I do try to learn and educate using satire/political sarcasm,it is in my blood.
Thankyou for appreciating my brilliant satire.
Staz Bara September 24, 2016
i did not know the President and the Hyena Generals of Eritrea are Sun Muslim ቴሮሪስትስ ኣሸበርቲ./LOL
The Habesha September 24, 2016
Staz Bara,
Eritrean moslems are Sunni muslims ,not Sunni Muslim Terrorists..It is like saying An Ariyan Germen and Nazi Aryan Germen ,too totally different issues. We do not have to compare Terrorist Arab sunnis to peaceful & kind ERitrean Sunnis…as we do not rewlate the child molester catholic Pasdres of the west with the catholic Padsres of Eritrea. Remmember the operating word here is Terrorists not moslems !
The Habesha September 24, 2016
Dearest Staz ,
Papa Isaias and his generals are fulfilling Sunni Terrorist agenda. Thwey do not have to be sunni to fufil the Terrorist sunni agenda.
The Eritrean banda Askaris were not Italians ,but were fulfilling Fascist Italian agenda…In short they are fulfilling the Eritrean gedli agenda !
Staz Bara September 24, 2016
i take this moment to tell you that all Eritrean moslems are Sunnis. and you r Papa isaias is working to benefit them what a joke. lol
The Habesha September 24, 2016
Staz Bara,
Eritrean moslems are Sunni muslims ,not Sunni Muslim Terrorists..It is like saying An Ariyan Germen and Nazi Aryan Germen ,too totally different issues. We do not have to compare Terrorist Arab sunnis to peaceful & kind ERitrean Sunnis…as we do not rewlate the child molester catholic Pasdres of the west with the catholic Padsres of Eritrea. Remmember the operating word here is Terrorists not moslems !!!
The Habesha September 24, 2016
ጉዳይ ሻዕብያ በዓል ቀሺ ዓብደላን ሸኽ ወልደየሱስን እዩ።
rezen September 24, 2016
“ጉዳይ ሻዕብያ በዓል ቀሺ ዓብደላን ሸኽ ወልደየሱስን እዩ።” The Habesha
Wow! Wow!
Indeed, satire is in your blood, as you put it. Wow!
The Habesha September 24, 2016
Thanks again Rezen.
Hazo September 24, 2016
dear The Habesha,
You are great and brave thinker who reminds me the one and only the great Yosief Ghebrehiwet, my mentor and teacher. The great YG is prophetic, almost everything he said and wrote is taking place in Eritrea.