The mysterious breakaway of the former pilot from Asmara’s high security prison still unresolved and a matter of great concern to the Isaias Regime
The mysterious breakaway of the Eritrean former pilot, Dejen Andehishel, from high-security prison in Asmara (Carchelli) and his subsequent disappearance is still unresolved and a matter of great concern to the senior security authorities in
The mysterious breakaway of the Eritrean former pilot, Dejen Andehishel, from high-security prison in Asmara (Carchelli) and his subsequent disappearance is still unresolved and a matter of great concern to the senior security authorities in Asmara according to sources from Eritrea.
After more than one month of the incident that took place during a broad-day-light, the Isaias regime couldn’t locate the pilot who drove one of the officials’ cars to pass through several hurdles within the prison premises and broke the main gate before vanishing into the capital.
Security forces of the PFDJ regime sealed off all main exit points within the same day and established check points along the main roads towards Ethiopia and Sudan, but couldn’t capture the former pilot who was imprisoned for 15 years without charge for no apparent reason.
The sources added that Isaias visited the prison camp as soon as he received the report of his breakaway and insulted the officials for not shooting him on spot.
Such kind of high profile escape from the same prison camp is happening for the second time. These incidents expose the vulnerability of the PFDJ regime which is increasingly getting weaker. Its system has been broken while the Eritrean population has withdrawn its support. The one-man dictatorial regime is losing control of the country by day.
rahwa April 21, 2014
thanks for the update Assenna. Dejen’s name is a reminder that we used to be and still are a people of heroic deeds. HIS prison break is a great news and one that reminds me of how resilient we Eritreans are. that you got an update on Easter is still a message of hope. and HIS beautiful smile is a good omen. i am hoping to see him out and talking in a few days.
EYOB April 21, 2014
There is no government in Eritrea any more,but the “PERCEPTION” is there TEKOYTU!If only our people could realize that the big old Hayna doesn’t have teeth nor nails we would have been free long ago!Wake up stand up,stand up for your rights..
Mike April 21, 2014
Blessed Easter to Assena members
To hear about Dejen, the mysterious breakaway of the hell prison in Eritrea on Easter is like a duble Easter in history. Hope
to see or hear soon in life Dejen.
Thanks Amanuel for the crucial news.
amir azmera April 21, 2014
I wish all prisoners could break out like him, and I wish Dejen succeed escaping the evil higdef
tesfaldetabraha April 22, 2014
you are going to see his head in the next ERTV news jast keep waiting
Dala ksha April 23, 2014
I rather see your head on ere tv, don’t forget HGDEF start with their loved ones first.Kem buda bfetewtom eyom zgimru don’t worry they will come to you
aron April 24, 2014
I am glad he made it out.
Tesfa April 25, 2014
I hop every prisin eritreas like him
michael tedla May 6, 2014
I wish the unlawfully arrested Ertreans can scape unharmed without getting captured.
Robi May 13, 2014
We need one hero like Dejen to kill this dirty Eritrean Hitler to free our home land.