The Catholic Bishops’ statement: How is it going down in the annals of history?
The Catholic Bishops’ statement: How is it going down in the annals of history? By Zeineb Ali June 16, 2014 Being part of great moments in Eritrean history is a blessing; being part of the war for independence

The Catholic Bishops’ statement: How is it going down in the annals of history?
By Zeineb Ali
June 16, 2014
Being part of great moments in Eritrean history is a blessing; being part of the war for independence and now witnessing the demise of a regime that has long betrayed the cause of its people.
The primary motive that drove the people of Eritrea to wage a struggle that lasted half a century was to secure national sovereignty. But not the only one. To the contrary, it had to do more with guaranteeing basic human rights to each and every Eritrean. It was aimed at ensuring an all-rounded (social, political and economic) opportunity to individual men and women who were meant to give our nation its richness and character. It was fought with a view to safeguarding the rights of each citizen to live a decent life. To enjoy childhood, experience normal adulthood, age with dignity and grace, and die in peace.
Unfortunately what we are witnessing in Eritrea nowadays is quite the contrary. We have a regime whose main developmental policy is grounded on a philosophy of destruction. Under the guise of ‘sovereignty’, ‘unity’, ‘defending the county from foreign powers’, and ‘unpreparedness of the population to exercise its democratic rights’, the regime has launched an all-rounded offensive to disgrace a population, dishonor a nation, and squander opportunities provided to the Eritrean people to build a nation based on equality, social justice, and human dignity.
It is shocking to note that in the name of all these fake premises, false rhetoric, and unrealistic assumptions, the very individuals whose rights were to be won over and in whose names the war was fought, are subjected to all forms of subjugation. Their basic rights: to survival, to express their independent views, to organize in whatever form they desire, to lead a normal life, to enjoy peace and tranquility, to live side by side with their neighbors in harmony are totally non-existent. The same pretexts have been used ad nauseam to engage the nation in several meaningless and unhealthy confrontations with neighbors. They have become a justification behind antagonizing the international community; a pretext to hold the nation hostage, and an excuse for its perpetual isolation. These empty words have indeed become the raison d’être for a tiny group of individuals’ grip to power.
The statement released by our esteemed Catholic bishops comes at a very crucial time in our history. It resonates with the heart beats of the people of Eritrea and the change they would like to bring about. It came out as a bombshell when people are silent for fear of retribution, when the sense of desperation has reached its peak (for lack of leadership), when the opposition could not make a breakthrough, and when the regime has in explicit terms told the Eritrea people that one-man rule would continue for years to come (please refer to the self-proclaimed President of Eritrea’s statement on the occasion of Eritrea’s 23rd anniversary of independence).
The statement make by our courageous bishops is powerful. It addresses all the pertinent issues people are raising nowadays in unequivocal terms. It attacks the very foundations of the rogue regime’s destructive policies. It questions ‘national sovereignty’ when as an individual one does not have the right to give the sense of richness and character to his/her country his/her brothers and sisters paid dearly. It asks questions such as: What’s the point in believing in ‘sovereignty’ if one witnesses the whole nation being transformed into a huge prison; when a few henchmen (civilian and military) are deciding the fate of richly diversified nation and a noble and dignified people; when there is no way that an individual could feel safe and secure; and when one witnessed the pauperization of the entire population?
The list of naked crimes our people are subjected to include: wanton misuse/abuse of one full generation’s potential, deliberate move towards dismantling the social fabric, carefully designed destruction of a rich and diversified culture, harassment and control of religions and religious institutions, the silencing of any dissension, alarming exodus of tens of thousands country men and women for fear of persecution, gross infringement of basic human rights, total marginalization of veterans of war of independence, forceful regimentation of society’s way of thinking, and the destruction of the private sector.
The four bishops’ statement is questioning the legitimacy of a government which, by its own actions, does not enjoy legitimacy among the vast majority of its own people.
Some might argue that the bishops represent the Catholic Church only. I do not believe this is the case. They are the voice of the voiceless. They represent all highlanders and lowlanders, Muslims and Christian, and men and women. They are echoing the views of the young and the old. They are reiterating the sentiments of the majority – both inside Eritrea and the diaspora. They are ready to pay dearly for speaking the truth and for leading the people on the right path to salvation.
God bless our bishops!
God bless the people of Eritrea!
metsaku June 20, 2014
haha Suleiman you are really ignorant – beyond imagination
Tselot June 20, 2014
Suleiman Salim looks he is a retarded one, as he never wants to understand purposely
hara June 20, 2014
you suleiman,people like you,who worship money rather than GOD can be easily converted.but the respected bishops do not talk about converting people to Catholicism,rather they are telling us the real situation of the hen brain men,catholics have already enough people 1.4 billion people……..if you are really intersted in your country,try to understand the conditions in eritrea and either help to take action against the crap government or keep silent.
Sorobeti June 20, 2014
Dear Hara
Suleiman has once stated that MANY OF HIS FAMILY MEMBERS ARE SERVING THE REGIME IN DIFFERENT POSTS, so it is personal issue for him. He will continue to attack people who expose the boss of destruction DIA, till one or all of his family members are fired, arrested or killed by the maniac dictator.
Bilen June 20, 2014
ሓደ ወድ ሰብ ናቱ ክብርን መሰልን ዘይፈልጥ እንተኾነ፣ ናይ ካልኦ ክብርን መሰልን ክኽሉ ማለት ካብ ማይ ጠስሚ ምጽባይ ከይከውን፣ ስለዚ ድማ ንስኻ ክብርኻን መሰልካን ስለ ዘይትፈልጥ ክብሪ ናይቶም ክቡራት ኣቦታትና (ኣቡናትና ወይ ድማ መራሕትና) ኣይትፈልጦን ድማ ኢኻ። ንስኻ ስለ ዘየኽበርካዮም ማለት ዓለም ተገልቢጥዎም ማለት ኣይኮነን። እቲ ዘሐጉስ ግን ኩሉ ኤሪትራዊ ብዘየገድስ ኣየናይ ሃይማኖት ይክተል ዓቢ ክብረት ኣብ መራሕቲ ሃይማኖትና ዘለና ኢዩ፣ አንተ ንስኻ አሞ ብኣተሓሳስባ ድኻ ብመንፈን ድማ ሙውት ስለዝኾንካ መንገስተሰማይ የዋርስካ ክብለካ ይፈቱ።
rti June 20, 2014
Mighty… thanks for clarifying, sorry if I misunderstood; however, your opening statement did not sound sincere.
efrem June 20, 2014
The Letter is not for Assenna or other it is for catholic churches just like apostle saint Paul wrote 14 letters in the Bible.If you want use it B/c you are part of us.
SPECIAL BREED June 20, 2014
GEDEM STATED (as a reply to my comment that Eritrean history is also Abysinnian history)
“All African countries came to exist after 1960′s .I don’t want to go to the 3000 fake history .before 3000 years Let alone people to think as one country ,there was not even a well-structured Admiration of villages. People were organized in clans
We Eritreans don’t regret all the scarification we paid for our independence, the current situation is temporary and after the fall of the Dictator Eritrea will be a prosperous and developed country soon.
ኤርትራ ብሱሩ ሃገር ኮይና ትፈልጥዶ .Yes Eritrea was Italian colony like every other African country colonized. Unfortunately Eritrea was denied its independence while other African countries were allowed to be independent countries.
ኤርትራውያን ብስም ኣቢሲንያ ንሰለስተ ሽሕ ዓመት ንምንታይ ተሰዊኦም do you have a proof that Eritreans were fighting for ኣቢሲንያ.what is ኣቢሲንያ ?does it represent the current Ethiopia .was there any country ኣቢሲንያ or Ethiopia for the past 3000 years.
I cannot understand why you try to convince us that we fought 30 years for nothing .Please grow up this is 21st century no one is going to buy your cheap chauvinist ideas” ……END OF QUOTE
Gedem ,
I said ask your parents not me ,I know the answer & it is like showing you the pink elephant in the room,Unless you decided not to see it !!!
Abyssinia (Eritrea & Ethiopia ) were not like other African countries that their history was based solely on tribal or ethnic. Do not undermine our forefathers history. Coloniozers did not have to find them on trees to give them freedom. Read your history. I DO NOT CFARE ABOUT MAP ,BUT THE PRESENT ETHIOPIA & ERITREA WERE RULED BY YOUR ANSCESTORS.Why do you have to concentrate on who was what???
Take the whole comment in it’s totality .I said,ንስኻትኩም ግን ኤርትራውነትኩም ከይክሓድኩም __እዞም ንውግእ ክሰዱና ዝተቓዳደሙ ድኣ ምስቶም ጸላእቱኹም ዓጋመ እዮም ዝበሉና ተዓዳዲሞም ቡን ይሰትዩ ኣለዉ፧ እንታይ እዩ ጉዳዩ ኢልኩም ናይ ባዕልኹም ምርምር ኣካይዱ።And I brought the example of Canadian Irish & USA Irish ,while each has his/her own country have the same history.
Your ancestors were ruling upto Yemen & Madagascar, whether you call them Abyssinians or Singaporians ,they were your & my ancestors.
I am glad you are happy of the sacrifices “you made”,but the Ethiopian flag ,the history & the heroism was of your ancestors. MAYBE OUR ERITREAN ANCESTORS WERE ACTING LIKE CHE GUEVARA ,WHILE ERITREANS BUT DECIDED TO SACRIFICE FOR ABYSSINIA.
Please read books & research
Uncle SYE /The noble Teacher
SPECIAL BREED June 20, 2014
Tesfamariam W/giorgis,Composed a beautiful poem ,accusing the PFDJs of having a dance night & I (UNCLE SYE)called President ISAIAS AFEWORKI IN ERITREA & THE FOLLOWING WAS PRESIDENT ISAIAS’s RESPONSE…HE IS RUDE BAD BAD MAN ..
ንኢሳያስ ደዊለሉ እዛ….
“ህግደፋዊ ሰብ ድዩ ብዕራይ
ዋላ ንጥፍኣቱ ዝብሉ ሕራይ”
ከስምዖ ኢለ፣ምስ ወድኤት ኢሳያስ ከት ከት ኢሉ ስሒቑ፣
ድሓር ናቱ መልሲ ብመልክዕ ግጥሚ ጌሩ ሰዲዱልካ።
ንጀብሃ ኣስላመይቲ ______________ጓል ሓሊማ ኢለ ከቕህማ
ንህዝቢ ኩናማ__________ብመጅሙዕ ጠየይት ክድርዕማ ኣልማማ
ንዓፋር ምስ ደቃ_______ኣጽኒተ ኢትዮጵያ ከም ትስደድ ከጣምማ
ኣበይ ኔርክን ?____________ ህዝበ ትግርኛ ሰብ ክልተ ዕላማ
ሎሚ ዶ ተሰሚዑክን,እተን ዝሞታ እኒ ጎይትኦም እኒ ኣልማዝ ምስኮና
ንደምሒት ሕጀ____ ኢትዮጵያ ከእትወክን እየ እንታዴኽን ከይትኾና
ጽጋብን ሰላምን ኣቢሲንያ፣___ Allergy ጌሩልክን ካብ ትሕሰማ
ስጋ ሲ ኣይ ኤ____ ክፍንጥሓክን እየ ፋሕ ፋሕ ደላ ባራዩ ክትኮና ?
ኢሉ ምስ ወድ ኤ፣ንዓይ ኣታ ሙታንታ ቀበሌ ሕጂ ክ ኣ ሙታንታ ወያነ ኴንካ ተጋጊ ኣለኻ___ሓንቲ ጓል ሳምረ ኣፍቂርካ ዲኻ__፧ ድምበዛን ጸማማት ኣእዛን፣እዘን ዓጋመ ፈውሸናኻ ድየነ ምስ በለኒ__ኖእ ጓል ተምቤ እያ ምስ በልኩዎ ሓሪቑ ነታ ቴሌፎን ኣብ እዝነይ ዓጽይዋ።፡
Bad Bad Isaias ,We thought he was pure Eritrean, cheater cheater..he is tembien ?
ጥዕና ጥራይ ደቂ ሃገረይ እምባሕ ጥራይ ንበል፣ወጋሕ ትበል ለይቲ
Gideon June 21, 2014
Better late than never. Now, let’s us pray for these Catholic Bishops
before they are crucified in public. It seems these four courageous priests
are bolder than the public anticipated and are also well prepared for any
retaliation from the regime. God Bless them indeed.
Afom June 21, 2014
Please Let’s support our father’s to free our people from Isaias and his devil YGDEFAWIAn