The Catholic Bishops’ statement: How is it going down in the annals of history?
The Catholic Bishops’ statement: How is it going down in the annals of history? By Zeineb Ali June 16, 2014 Being part of great moments in Eritrean history is a blessing; being part of the war for independence

The Catholic Bishops’ statement: How is it going down in the annals of history?
By Zeineb Ali
June 16, 2014
Being part of great moments in Eritrean history is a blessing; being part of the war for independence and now witnessing the demise of a regime that has long betrayed the cause of its people.
The primary motive that drove the people of Eritrea to wage a struggle that lasted half a century was to secure national sovereignty. But not the only one. To the contrary, it had to do more with guaranteeing basic human rights to each and every Eritrean. It was aimed at ensuring an all-rounded (social, political and economic) opportunity to individual men and women who were meant to give our nation its richness and character. It was fought with a view to safeguarding the rights of each citizen to live a decent life. To enjoy childhood, experience normal adulthood, age with dignity and grace, and die in peace.
Unfortunately what we are witnessing in Eritrea nowadays is quite the contrary. We have a regime whose main developmental policy is grounded on a philosophy of destruction. Under the guise of ‘sovereignty’, ‘unity’, ‘defending the county from foreign powers’, and ‘unpreparedness of the population to exercise its democratic rights’, the regime has launched an all-rounded offensive to disgrace a population, dishonor a nation, and squander opportunities provided to the Eritrean people to build a nation based on equality, social justice, and human dignity.
It is shocking to note that in the name of all these fake premises, false rhetoric, and unrealistic assumptions, the very individuals whose rights were to be won over and in whose names the war was fought, are subjected to all forms of subjugation. Their basic rights: to survival, to express their independent views, to organize in whatever form they desire, to lead a normal life, to enjoy peace and tranquility, to live side by side with their neighbors in harmony are totally non-existent. The same pretexts have been used ad nauseam to engage the nation in several meaningless and unhealthy confrontations with neighbors. They have become a justification behind antagonizing the international community; a pretext to hold the nation hostage, and an excuse for its perpetual isolation. These empty words have indeed become the raison d’être for a tiny group of individuals’ grip to power.
The statement released by our esteemed Catholic bishops comes at a very crucial time in our history. It resonates with the heart beats of the people of Eritrea and the change they would like to bring about. It came out as a bombshell when people are silent for fear of retribution, when the sense of desperation has reached its peak (for lack of leadership), when the opposition could not make a breakthrough, and when the regime has in explicit terms told the Eritrea people that one-man rule would continue for years to come (please refer to the self-proclaimed President of Eritrea’s statement on the occasion of Eritrea’s 23rd anniversary of independence).
The statement make by our courageous bishops is powerful. It addresses all the pertinent issues people are raising nowadays in unequivocal terms. It attacks the very foundations of the rogue regime’s destructive policies. It questions ‘national sovereignty’ when as an individual one does not have the right to give the sense of richness and character to his/her country his/her brothers and sisters paid dearly. It asks questions such as: What’s the point in believing in ‘sovereignty’ if one witnesses the whole nation being transformed into a huge prison; when a few henchmen (civilian and military) are deciding the fate of richly diversified nation and a noble and dignified people; when there is no way that an individual could feel safe and secure; and when one witnessed the pauperization of the entire population?
The list of naked crimes our people are subjected to include: wanton misuse/abuse of one full generation’s potential, deliberate move towards dismantling the social fabric, carefully designed destruction of a rich and diversified culture, harassment and control of religions and religious institutions, the silencing of any dissension, alarming exodus of tens of thousands country men and women for fear of persecution, gross infringement of basic human rights, total marginalization of veterans of war of independence, forceful regimentation of society’s way of thinking, and the destruction of the private sector.
The four bishops’ statement is questioning the legitimacy of a government which, by its own actions, does not enjoy legitimacy among the vast majority of its own people.
Some might argue that the bishops represent the Catholic Church only. I do not believe this is the case. They are the voice of the voiceless. They represent all highlanders and lowlanders, Muslims and Christian, and men and women. They are echoing the views of the young and the old. They are reiterating the sentiments of the majority – both inside Eritrea and the diaspora. They are ready to pay dearly for speaking the truth and for leading the people on the right path to salvation.
God bless our bishops!
God bless the people of Eritrea!
g. michael June 19, 2014
It is as historic as you correctly indicated and a clarion call to end a barbarous rule by Issayas and his henchmen.
Being raised by the popes of the Catholic Church, gives legitimacy to the oppositions’ call and urge the silent majority to take a stand.
By asking ‘where is your brother’, the Popes drew a clear line between evil and good, between those who support hgdef and those who stand for justice.
johnny June 19, 2014
Very well written there is nothing to add on.
MightyEmbasoyra June 20, 2014
I have a question for these highly respected Bishops. What triggers them to publish at this time? Did they have some differences before to take them this long? Did someone they know has arrested or died? What was the threshold that they have been waiting that is now crossed? Why not last year or wait another few months? I am very curious.
Once we know that, may be the Orthodox or Moslem’s redline is completely off (or getting closer) from the Catholic Bishops.
No disrespect by any means but I am very curious to know on the timing.
ahmed b. June 20, 2014
the catholic bishops and priests have been alarming the public since years, not only now as you think. the catholic church stood always at the side of the opressed starting from the time of Haile Sellasie when Abune Abraha spoke openly in Keren that the murders of Onna must be brought to justice. I wish I were a catholic
Suleiman Salim June 20, 2014
Before wishing you were a Catholic try to read about the role of the Catholic Church in South America in supporting right-wing forces.
Sorobeti June 20, 2014
We are speaking about the Eritrean Catholic Church and its Great Bishops that are spreading hope between the people of Eritrea and me as Muslim I wish for all religious leaders from all religions and sects to follow their path and to speak out against the mafia regime of DIA.
Mahta June 20, 2014
Suliman, anta entay weriduka??
Mahta June 20, 2014
Mighty arkey, timing again? no man!! it could lead us to unwanted conspiracy theory…lets focus on the issue! I`m not Catholic either but i`m really proud of them!
MightyEmbasoyra June 20, 2014
Brother Mahta,
Now you are asking a very good question. Timing again? Yes, my friend, it is not clear for me about the timing. Ok, hear me on this, I am not sure even you have that understanding on their timing or if you do, please explain to me.
1) What is the duty cycle of their writing?
2) What is the level of criminal activities that they can’t tolerate?
3) How about standard of living (housing, commodity increase, etc.)?
4) Human rights violation level?
You see, since I hear them once in a while, I became so curious when is their sensor triggers an alarm and make them to take an action? Show me the data brother. All I need is the data.
N.B. Don’t take me wrong, I am most respectful to their noble action.
Mahta June 20, 2014
Dear Mighty, I don`t have any data and I can`t give you answer based on assumption.But, to be honest, at the moment, i care less about those questions. Those people dare to raise important issues, we never used to it! I felt that they are broken the burden of fear of our people, next trust me everything is possible! other than that because they done it in the name God, I leave the judgement to HIM!
semere June 20, 2014
Dear Mighty
In is the first time that the Catholic Bishops are writing. IAbn 1991 they wrote a pastoral letter with the title “Peace and Progress”. In 2001, they wrote another one, “God loves this country”. And now again “Where is your brother”?
It neither the first that time the Catholic Bishops expressed their concern on a number of crusical issues to the government through face to face meetings and written documents, though not published. For your information, it is the Catholic Bishop who asked officially the regime of Isayas to release the Orthodox Patriarch Abune Antonio. Even the Vatican Nuncio (Ambassador) to Eritrea asked explicitly the president to release the Patriarch. The President denied audience the Catholic Bishop’s since they asked him mediate the crisis of with the G15 and asked him to release them. When the regime turned deaf ear they could had no other choice but to go public. But the diplomatic efforts has being going on for a long time.
semere June 20, 2014
Please read in the first line “in” instead of “IAbn”. Mis-spelled, I apologize.
semere June 20, 2014
Please ignore the first post. It has several mistakes. I posted it without revising. Sorry for the incontinence.
Dear Mighty
In is not the first time that the Catholic Bishops are writing. In 1991 they wrote a pastoral letter with the title “Peace and Progress”. In 2001, they wrote another one, “God loves this country”. And now again “Where is your brother”?
It neither the first that time the Catholic Bishops expressed their concern on a number of crucial issues to the government through face to face meetings and written documents, though not published. For your information, the Catholic Bishop who asked officially the regime of Isayas to release the Orthodox Patriarch Abune Antonios. Even the Vatican Nuncio (Ambassador) to Eritrea asked explicitly the president to release the Patriarch. The President denied audience the Catholic Bishop’s since they asked him to mediate the crisis with the G15 and to release them. When the regime turned deaf ear they had no other choice but to go public. But the diplomatic efforts has being going on for a long time.
MightyEmbasoyra June 20, 2014
Brother Semere,
I appreciate your polite and mature explanation. Please take a look on my response to another brother, Mahta. My questions are pure curiosity and by no mean to disrespect these fine Bishops.
Sorobeti June 20, 2014
If you are the genuine Mighty
Follow the rebroadcast on assenna radio of Catholic Bishops message in 2001 under the title “God Loves this Country” and also there was a message in 1991 under the title “Let’s learn from history.
Mighty the Catholic Church was the first and the sole institution that started to speak out against the adventurous policies of EPLF/PFDJ openly on their Newspaper known as “Haqen Hiwaten which was closed by the fascistic regime early in the Ninetieth.
MightyEmbasoyra June 20, 2014
Yes, I am the one and only your brother Mighty. I agree with your comment but my questions to brother Mahta still stand. I wish these distinguished Bishops had a chance to read my questions. I believe they would explain the reason and we call could learn something from that. Questions are good, if they are not accusation or insult.
haqiyesar June 20, 2014
From what I decipher there is nothing new to what the honorable priests have wrote, one way or the other it has been evident for so long by many Eritreans communiqués through writing articles, interviews, songs, speeches, pal-talks, demonstrations, you-tubes, oppositions, civics, activists, … every issue that have stated by the priests in their statement, it has been covered by others, now with coordination with some other individuals, it seems they put it together coherently by interjecting a religious call and voice…
And you said the call is for everyone, but for me the call-out is validly for particular segment, and concurrently the broad-spectrum call is obviously for the rest.
No matter who said what whether priests or sheiks nothing will change on the ground, unless we try to change ourselves, and only when we realize the errors in our thinking let go of our attachments we may find the salvation that we have been seeking and possibly our hearts will be at peace.
Bilen June 20, 2014
Very well said Zeineb. Keep it up.
shaklot June 20, 2014
They said it and let’s do it.
rti June 20, 2014
mighty…you’re curious? This only states your ignorance of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church has always been the voice of reason and justice everywhere in history. I am Catholic, with capital “C”, have always been proud of it, and this affirms it!
The Bishops will keep on speaking, not afraid for their lives, whether jail or martyrdom.
MightyEmbasoyra June 20, 2014
You miss my point big time. I was talking about these respected (again respected) Bishops. If you were following my comments, I have already appreciated their action before. By the way, you are nothing to do with them, even if you are a catholic. These are brave individuals, just happen to be the leaders of their churches. Take an example if the Deans of any college in eritrea had the same statement, it is their statement, it does not mean the students as well.
Anyways, I am not trying to downplay their role. When they wrote this paper, these gentlemen realize a lot of questions will arise. Mine is one of them and I don’t think they mind. Accusation is something else, which I am not doing that. See?
Suleiman Salim June 20, 2014
“I am Catholic, with capital “C”, have always been proud of it, and this affirms it! ”
Proud of what? Fascists,racists,Nazi collaborators, paedophiles ….etc
Sorobeti June 20, 2014
You as an opportunistic individual, are annoyed by the message of these Great Bishops because it exposes the mafia regime that as you once confessed many of your family are serving within it, thus you are concerned for the interest of your family members.
Verify June 20, 2014
Suleiman , are you proud of being with PFDJ ? When are you going to be proud of yourself as an individual ? What is your achievements in life ?
You look like a pure salve and blind follower of the mafias’s in Asmara .
I am quite sure that you have no persenality at all . Poor guy
ahmed saleh June 20, 2014
For true believers what makes them different is the road they chose to righteousness
paved with love of humanity . These Bishops are brave Eritreans first of all , their
religious background comes second as far as it concerned me . I hope Muslim , Protestant
and Orthodox religious leaders follow their call in solidarity .
Remember the two side forces of wrong and right but the middle is the silent evil one .
Either support the good or the bad than entertaining to watch the end result like a coward .
Suleiman Salim June 20, 2014
Haven’t you noticed that you are working for the Woyane agenda?
Suleiman Salim June 20, 2014
The so-called Bishops, orphans of Italian fascism, have a single aim in Eritrea: to convert Christians and muslims into their ” THE ONLY TRUE ” colonial religion using their financial power. They are very dangerous people since some of them mix religion with awrajawnet.
Suleiman Salim June 20, 2014
Zeineb Ali?
Sorobeti June 20, 2014
Suleiman Salim
Zeineb Ali? What is this Sele, is it like Zeineb Ali Men’Ya? as your can members do in the websites of ignoramce?
ahmed saleh June 20, 2014
Yes Suleiman , Zeineb Ali is an example who fear only Allah for not to speak the truth .
In contrary ,your alike only fear the
authority not to speak the truth .