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 The Eritrean Strongman, Mr. Isaias Afewerki has long pinned his political fortune solely on one thing: a face-saving end to his lingering dispute with Ethiopia. No foreign power can claim it is willing to help him score any victory. And the increasingly voiceless Eritrean people simply wish they were free. Still there is hope for change.

 The Eritrean Strongman, Mr. Isaias Afewerki has long pinned his political fortune solely on one thing: a face-saving end to his lingering dispute with Ethiopia. No foreign power can claim it is willing to help him score any victory. And the increasingly voiceless Eritrean people simply wish they were free. Still there is hope for change.

ገዲም ተጋዳላይን ደራሳይን ፍስሓጽዮን ገብረ ብጉዳይ ዶብ ኤርትራን-ኢትዮጵያን ትማልን ሎሚን ብዝብል ዛዕባ ንህዝቢ ንምሕባር ኣብ መራኸቢ ብዙሃን ፓልቶክ (Paltalk), ኣዳራሽ Eritrean room for strong and united opposition ”