Fifteen years ago I wrote so many articles on demanding for the assassination of mad dog Isayas Afewerki. I repeatedly warned that mad dog Isayas Afewerki was a declared dictator and that he would
Fifteen years ago I wrote so many articles on demanding for the assassination of mad dog Isayas Afewerki. I repeatedly warned that mad dog Isayas Afewerki was a declared dictator and that he would ruin the fruits of our long struggle for independence and immerse our nation into untold hardship and torment our people with impunity. No one heard my cries and as a result I stopped writing articles knowing that the eventual outcome would be a misery for our nation and excessive hardship for our people. All my prophesies came true and mad dog Isayas Afewerki is doing precisely what I foretold fifteen years ago.
Today, our nation is on the verge of collapse and the hardship in Eritrea is beyond imagination. Our youths are rotting on the front lines and numerous of them have chosen to be refugees rather that live under mad dog Isayas Afewerki’s dictatorship. Those in Eritrea are constantly terrorized and imprisoned without and tangible reasons and subjected to untold hardships. Mad dog Isayas Afewerki is the sole decision maker and has become the life-giver and life-taker and decides who lives and who dies. The situation in Eritrea is unparalleled and incomparable to any country in the world.
Many of us put so much hope into the opposition groups to unite us and fight against the dictatorship of mad dog Isayas Afewerki. Unfortunately the numerous political parties are so fragmented that there is no viable opposition to Satan Isayas Afewerki’s heavy handedness and ruthless rulership.. Just Like myself many Eritreans both within and outside the country have lost hope and do not rely on the numerous opposition to bring any relief to the Eritrean people and nation. As a result, we have resorted to the last alternative we have and that is prayer to our Almighty God and His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. We have lost hope on man and are turning to God for His ultimate redemption and His .holy intervention. We give ultimate gratitude to God for granting us independence and the creation of an Eritrean nation. We did not gain our independence through our strength and valor but with the assistance and blessings of the Almighty God. Many of us abandoned the Lord for a long time but shall return now to his confines and surrender our lives to him and beg for mercy and redemption for our disintegrating nation and impoverished people. Hence, we pray for Satan and mad dog Isayas Afewerki and ask the Lord to pass His ultimate judgment upon him and save Eritrea from his wicked aspirations.
And this is my prayer for mad dog Isayas Afewerki:
My Lord and my God, the creator of heaven and earth, the creator of the universe, the creator of all living and non-living things and the creator of all mankind. In your name I pray with all my heart and soul. Dear Lord grant me this wish, as you have always done, and fulfill all the desires in my prayer. Dear Lord let mad dog Isayas Afewerki’s brain decay and his heart burst into smithereens. Let his liver be full of sclerosis and lungs collapse and perforate. Lord let his knees buckle and collapse and his hands decapitate. Let his blood be poisoned and his marrow melt down. Let his bladder burst and his prostate decay with cancer. Let his eyes see nothing but permanent darkness and his ears become deaf. Let his body rot and be eaten by worms and maggots while still alive. Let his kidneys fail woefully and his pancreas disintegrate. Let his intestines and stomach rot inside him. Let cancer eat him up alive. Let him suffer tremendously for the torment and torture of the Eritrean people and let him not see the end of 2013. We ask you all this in the name of your blessed Son, Jesus Christ Amen.
We should all pray this prayer repeatedly and mad dog Isayas Afewerki will be judged and convicted by the powers of the Almighty God. We have suffered enough under mad dog Isayas Afewerki and it is time we took some actions to remove him from power. Prayer is powerful particularly when it is said by an entire nation and people. Demon Isayas has trampled upon our rights and made our independence useless by usurping all powers for himself. His death will mean a rise of our nation from its ashes. By collectively praying for his death will reveal the people’s power and what we can do in unity. Today, our only hope is in God and what He can do on our behalf. We should all return to the path of God and honor Him from the bottom of our hearts. That way the Lord will hear our pleas and fulfill our desires. Death to mad dog Isayas Afewerki and his henchmen.
God bless Eritrea
God bless the Eritrean people
Mussie Izaz
abdu August 18, 2013
Yes; absoultly that is correct; the Prayer does work no doubt for that.But;the prayer alone with out work even god isn’t going to like it. Bcz.god creat us the most and the best unick creature from all Universe fromToe to head with a little extra call brain. So; If god is going to do all our work i assume he would’ve not put an extre brain . so do the math.
Be honest August 18, 2013
What a confused generation,
wed hager August 19, 2013
come up with your own words and labels for eseyas, instead of repeating someone else’s. kind of boring to read.
hawileito August 19, 2013
I think prayer is part of our struggle. As we knock the door, he will open the hearts of the dictators saying ” Sorry Father I have done wrong bless my soul”. And the public unity will come to being. PIA is the ARCHITECTURE of disintegration and hoplesness.
E August 19, 2013
Embaye melekin is back
Aladin August 19, 2013
It hito iko ita kachil neta dimu men yAsrela iyu. Silezi ab computerka koinka DIA kikitel alwo nay zibelika aykonen. Nezi niktegber nisika be wegenka entai gerika? Silezi action iyu zedili zello imber zereba aykonen!!
Truly Truly i say to you August 19, 2013
Erikid, pardon! isuakid, you said, “God answered you by killing Prime Minister Meles.”
Listen you fool the one who die early (Meles,) it doesn´t mean because he was more sinner than Isayas , the one who you think he is surviving but in reality to us Isayas is the one who really died while he is surviving.
The God´s word in contrast Meles short life and Isayas long life when teaches, says this:-
Though the chapter of PM Meles Zenawi at age of 57 ended,
In the same chapter in book of Isaiah, (chapter 57; 1- 2)
God´s word reveals this secret why happened ,
“Good people die, and no one understands or even cares. But when they die, no calamity can hurt them. Those who lives good lives find peace and rest in death.”
In other word God late Isayas to live long, it is not like you assuming because he good is, but because God knows bad people as never rest and live in peace even they alive it is.
Don´t forget God´s patient towards Pharaoh as was not for nothing.
God through his servant Mosses even though 9 times told to Isayas like Pharaoh to set free his people, after long patient was finally God perished stubborn Pharaoh.
Holy Apostle Paulos about similar incident when teaches us says this:-
God, so that to show his anger and to make his power known, he is very patient in enduring those who were and the objects of his anger , who were domed to destruction. Read (Romans 9; 19-23)
similarly God´s patient towards Isayas (pharaho), it is because finally to give him his proper price like Saddam Hussein and Qaddafi likes it is. You understand Isu-kid?
Tamrat Tamrat August 19, 2013
Is it a Language problem or are you that retarded! What has God to do with living longer? Are you saying the west live longer because God is punishing them?
NEW HOPE ERITREA August 20, 2013
Mr False Prophet ,
Please do not mix politics with fake penthecostal religion ,EITHER SERVE CESAR or SERVE JESUS.Do not try to justify or condemn political measures by using religious mambo jambo.
Stop using Jesus among lying politicians. god did not kill PM Meles nor did the devil.
During B.C God used to act quickly ,after Jesus ,it does not matter if one is Sinner than the4 Devil or close to angels in righteousness…both will be judged after, but ,meanwhile the devil is the ¨prince of the world¨like the good book say m,so go pay 10% to pastor Pimp so that he can buy a new BMW & tell the girls that the3 holy spirit showed you to marry or f**k them .Do NOT MIX JESUS IN YOUR NONSENSE.
Respectfully the sinner ,unlike you the Pharisees..
My respect to you
Truly Truly i say to you August 19, 2013
As about you lookalike like real man of God to that you corruptly mentioned polite word, Holy Apostle Paul when defines about, says this;
“Well, no wonder! Even Satan can disguise himself to look like an angel of light! So it is no great thing if his servants disguise themselves to look like servants of righteousness. In the end they will will get exactly what their actions deserves,” ( 2nd Corinthians 11; 14- 15) like said, i want frankly to assure you your Boss finally as will get exactly what he deserves.
NEW HOPE ERITREA August 20, 2013
You are insulting people using the bible ,you fake crying like a little girl ,low self esteemed faggot penthecostal.
Stop using the bible to bring your half baked hypocrate penthecostal crap.
YOU ARE THE LIAR WHO MAKES UP ABOUT WEYANE KILLING ERITREAN GENERALS..blah..blah..blah…CRAP ,STOP IT ..YOU MAY BE GOING TO HELL FOR JUDGING PEOPLE ..For me I have the ¨Do not go to hell religious card ¨my Pastor gave me ,for free.
Your respecting brother
New Help EritreA
Zeray August 19, 2013
Amen and Amen a million times.
Zeray August 19, 2013
This article made me cry, made me laugh and made me wish all the prayers were answered now. What an honest writer. thank you