Eritrean collaborator of human traffickers, Frezghi Geremedhin, found dead by the Nile river in Cairo
According to sources from Egypt, an Eritrean collaborator of human traffickers in his late 20s named Frezghi Geremedhin, was found dead last week in the Nile river in Cairo. The cause of his death is not

According to sources from Egypt, an Eritrean collaborator of human traffickers in his late 20s named Frezghi Geremedhin, was found dead last week in the Nile river in Cairo. The cause of his death is not verified yet by the authorities, but there is speculation that he committed suicide.
Frezghi, one of the collaborators with the Sinai Bedouin human traffickers, was responsible for murdering many Eritrean victims. Although he claimed that he was forced to do it for survival, many have accused him of rape and torture, including melting plastic on to their backs and torturing by electrocution.
Not only the victims but also the families and friends of the victims recognise him for his violent and abusive words on the phone. He was the collaborator interviewed by Mike Thomson for the BBC last year while torturing his victims.
In recent months, collaborators who killed and tortured have been identified by some of their victims who are now being held with the collaborators in Kenater prison. As a result, the prison authorities have moved three collaborators to other cells for their own safety.
There are increasing reports that in recent months, those who benefited from the trafficking and extortion can be found living in and around Cairo.
ethiopian ethiopian April 29, 2014
shabia and some eritreans are alwayas provoking that they re going to be annexed with ethiopia.but do we ethiopians need eritrea? if we need eritrea to get what?
please this is the time that no ethiopians need eritrea? because living along with eritrea means bring or involving one self in acomplex problems.
please ,eritreans when you raise issues of eritrea,whether it is economic,political ,social ,personal or family prblem donot try to mix it with ethiopia and ethiopias.
it is now almost 23 years since you have isolated from ethiopia.why so far you associate your all problems with ethiopia.
you said all the time you can stand on your two feets if you isolate from get the chance .so now the ability or the inability to live and exist remains on your shoulder.
if you can’t live and exist you shouldn’t raise the names of sudan,nigeria,kenya ethiopia as a cause.that is your choice to isolate to stand on foot as elf,and eplf and you said if you profit or get loss that is up to you .No one cancel yur loss.
so think the causes as your self but no body
love eritrean April 29, 2014
It is nice to have your view in the room. Unfortunately, the native Eritrean don’t blame Ethiopia, your leaders. However, we are not happy the few Eritrea people that works with the Eritrean leaders, who are all from Ethiopia.
We are preparing to send them back to their roots. I can promise you that all Eritrean will start to live in peace and love as old days. We won’t need your advice and help in the long term, because we are one of the best nation in Africa and work hard with dignity.
Anyway, I won’t stop you from make further comments in the future, because you are our black African neighbor.
Geje April 30, 2014
love eritrean writes, “However, we are not happy the few Eritrea people that works with the Eritrean leaders, who are all from Ethiopia.”
Your problem is all about “Ethiopia”? Eritrean leaders are Eritrean Arab slaves, be it Shifta Awate, Ibrahim Sultan, Sabbe, or Kebire or the Higdef leaders.
Aren’t you ashamed to to speak in your own African of Tigre Tigrinya?
Is it the Ethiopian Muslims who see themselves as Arab slaves, or is it the Eritrean Muslim elites who burn their own languages and see themselves as Arab slaves?
Hagherawi May 1, 2014
“Is it the Ethiopian Muslims who see themselves as Arab slaves, or is it the Eritrean Muslim elites who burn their own languages and see themselves as Arab slaves?”
Geje aka Bokre, Paradiso, Tezareb, …etc.
What the Ethiopians are doing is none of our business.
But since you keep mentioning Ethiopian Muslims here, let me tell you something:
– Ethiopian Muslims are half of the country’s population, the majority of them being Oromo, but they are under-represented everywhere, and in particular in Federal government. In fact historically, they are absent from political establishments in Ethiopia. They are second class citizens in their own country.
– Ethiopian Muslims are well aware that they are not getting their fair share of political power in the country, therefore, are working very hard to get back their basics rights.
– In Ethiopia there is already a low level conflict between religious leaders and the ruling elites who happen to be Christians. The government has tried to impose a sect know as Ahbash on them, and that has triggered confrontations in Addis.
– Ethiopia may not be on the brink of civil war, but if government interference in religious affairs continue, it’s going to be in big trouble. It may not be soon, but the changes are coming and are irreversible.
We wish Ethiopians, regardless of their religion or ethnicity, all the best.
We Eritreans have no interest in seeing Ethiopia destabilized.
A few among us, like you, who suffer from identity crisis are raising issues here, that should be discussed elsewhere,to divert our attention from our own problems.
ahmed omer May 1, 2014
you sick man like like your master go to hell you idiot shit talker .
Asmeret May 1, 2014
Love Eritrian well said, brelliant!
ti April 29, 2014
Yhuda n Jesus ahlifu ms abo, teTaIsu nebsu wesidu.
Dem ntsuh dma ayesegumn iyu.
“Taff zzereE Taff yhafs”
“Eshokh zzereE dma Eshokh” slezi kulom seb ekey gbri frdom ab qdmiom alo.
Mike April 29, 2014
Very interesting – a person who worked hard to earn money by selling people to smugglers suddenly gone? Did the link break and some one sneezed and this oblivious one got caught before the story unfolds. May his soul rest in peace but many souls are in agony.
Simerrr2012 April 29, 2014
Guys be wise ,the higdef is playing religion card to divide us among ethnics and religions line.Specially my Muslim brothers and sisters do not be provocated to reply angerly. That is what they want you to do.
Kalighe April 29, 2014
“Specially my Muslim brothers and sisters do not be provocated to reply angrily.”
Most of anti-Muslim comments are coming from a half-mad man called Simon Kaleab who lives in UK. He is not known to be a member of Higdef. He is Eritrean. He is a frequent commentator at Asmarino. He is a highly educated person. His motivations are not clear.
Other similar divisive comments are believed to be of a few anti-Eritrea elements of Tigrean origin who are trying to send across a message that says: You were better under Ethiopia, but chose to join the bandits, and now you deserve what is happening to you.
Some in this group appear to be against the very idea of Eritrea being a Nation. Most of them are Ethiopianists.
Eritrean Muslims should not take this hate propaganda as directed only against them, or as coming from their Christian brothers and sisters.
The divisive propaganda is coming from politically motivated elements who want frustrate the national unity efforts on which many civic groups are working very hard.
Rahayta April 29, 2014
It is not our noble tradition to accuse a dead person but this one was long dead.
Who cares about a person who chose to be an Arab Abeed?
Who cares about a person who chose to sell his own religion to serve their evil cause?
semere April 30, 2014
Unfortunately, every nation produces traitors and criminals of their own people. Eritrea is not an exception! HGDEF and the likes of Frezghi shed innocent blood for their own selfish interests. But sooner or later God always hears the “CRY” of innocent people. Justice is may not served by human beings, but God does in his own time and his own ways.
We suffered for too long because of such people. But the kingdom of the “devils” will soon be trampled.
ahmed omer May 1, 2014
yes semere you well said , but I blame ASENA in letting the racist commentators to put their rubbish comments published in asena website .
getsmarterfirst April 30, 2014
Guys, Could u blame The Eritrean government for what frezghi had done. Absolutely not. Frezghi and the like dared to killed their brothers and sisters who left the country for the same reason. I am concerned now not only about the dictatorial government but also by the stupidity of our siblings collaborating the traffikers. I believe we deserve it to be ruled by isaias.
Wodi Ethiopia April 30, 2014
Listen to me All : The wrath of God is on Eritreans Now and for the time to come. Because simply put, Eritreans are the people who were hired by Muslim Arabs to fight their Christian brothers in the south. Listen to me again: do you know who you are fighting because the Arabs Muslims sent you? You are fighting the most believers and God Loving people.
You ain’t seen nothing yet.
solomon fitwi May 1, 2014
Plice stop to write comment on this because this guy pass a lot of problem and also pay 20000$ for badewin and also see in your face book what happen for you on your back
K. A May 1, 2014
It is very sad that an Eritrean national was involved in such in humane and corrupt activities. But make no mistake that every one is innocent until proven guilty. But that does not mean that his case should not be investigated because he is dead. There will be many more colabrators that we’re involved with him in such brutal activities.