History says ELF and EPLF refused to unite under unanimous pressure of our people and the fittest survived at last at extreme human, material, psychological and opportunity cost of society to become pain on the
History says ELF and EPLF refused to unite under unanimous pressure of our people and the fittest survived at last at extreme human, material, psychological and opportunity cost of society to become pain on the butt for the last 22 years as of today. Today the society is being abused by the clueless and egocentric opposition leaders and condemned to continue suffering under the most brutal dictatorship in planet earth. No creativity that excites the people from the opposition groups and the youth organizations and only disappointment has become our experience in this resistance which will never make it without unity. What the forces could not yet understand is that no single man can dictate Eritrea as intensely as Mr. Afwerki did until the end of time because no one has the cult that the president took maximum advantage of, to do whatever he wanted in the country as if it were his private property. No Eritrean will quietly accept another dictatorship and the result of all the divisions will spill out as chaos in future Eritrea rather than a stable government that can comfortably disparage our future political life. None of the political parties and youth organizations can take power by force or by any other illegal means without fierce resistance from the others that can lead our society to civil war. They are dreaming: The sad thing is that all of them appear to be aiming at this extremely intricate if not impossible upshot; for power in complicated conditions rather than for democracy thinking that Eritreans will accept any alternative to the current regime; yet believing that they can dictate the people without a problem. I can only tell you that YOU ARE NOT ISAIAS AFWERKI who enjoyed maximum trust and support from us all because of the unbelievable CULT he built for himself since he joined the Eritrean struggle and you are seeing how difficult it has become for his autocratic regime to suppress the voices of freedom loving Eritreans. Even the extraordinarily popular Afwerki is falling apart with all his might and cult built and shaped by decades of political Machievelism. Yet, even an elected president MORSI could not make it in Egypt when he tried to make a U-turn on democracy: his attempt to steal Egyptian democracy in partial favor of Islam by ignoring the people’s appeal neither served his interest and safety nor did it help the country currently on the verge of a civil war. There is only one explanation to all this happenstances: the era of dictatorship is practically over in Africa. My advice to the selfish political leaders everywhere is that YOU NEITHER HAVE THE CAPACITY AND CHARISMA NOR DOES THE INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ATMOSPHERE ALLOW YOU TO DICTATE IN ERITREA. Therefore what you are going to cause is a CHAOES that will end up consuming your life unless you sense back to reality. My advice to individuals in this category is you better kill each other now thinking you will hold power illegally because you will end up doing it in post Afwerki Eritrea by objective experience. My advice to their blind followers is that you will destroy your society, yourselves and the following generations (your kids) unless you confront your leaders on the question of UNITY. At the end of the friction all groups whether they like it or not will have to sit and resolve their differences in future Eritrea like ERITREA and ETHIOPIA did after the BADME war: would not it be better to unite and get it over with RIGHT NOW instead of facing this unavoidable way of democratizing the country after a disaster?
On መግለጺ ስምረት መንእሰያት ንድሕነት ሃገር ኣብ ርክብ ቦለኛ
The youth group in NA had a press release against the Bologna meeting few days ago and you know how irritating it had been to most of us. Two Eritrean groups Semret Eritrawian in Italy and global Eritrean solidarity for unity [my translation from the press release] then followed the same idea to reject the meeting in question “after lengthy discussion”. The release says that the two organizations discussed the issue thoroughly and reached agreement based on two reasons to reject the Bologna activity. The first; because the entrance fee was expensive to the average Eritreans living in Italy and the second reason; because they did not have enough time to prepare for the meeting as a result of a short notice given by the organizers. I do not know about you but I found the two reasons very weak for taking such an action though I do not think meetings should charge big money for attendants to attend. It also tells how incompetent the leaders of the two organizations were because it does not take intense discussion to come up with the two infantile excuses in rejecting the BOLOGNA activity but only few minutes to people with average IQ. You did not discuss a philosophical issue or conduct any scientific research to agree on said points which were most probably prematurely concluded ahead of time. Your press is not even a full page and only in TIGRIGFNA and ARABIC for you to tell us with a deceptive gut about “a lengthy discussion” on the mess; you do not even have the time and the knowledge to write a complete detail because you are dictators who follow the secretive government of Eritrea and have no compromising substance except DIVISIVE!
It also shows how lost the followers are to accept this none-sense without resistance. Eritrean youth group followers need to clean the obstacles of their resistance by either openly challenging their leaders in public or even firing them from their post for neglecting the main issue of the society. The process is very simple: it only requires members to question the position of their leaders on UNITY…PERIOD. In any case here are the opinions of few Eritreans who commented on the forum relevant to this activity.
Kabbire: Another worthless “press release”. Still talking about “other” opposition groups. When are you going to talk or raise critical issues that concern Eritreans directly?
After reading and listening so much garbage within the opposition camp, do you dare to ask why most young Eritreans do not care about your organizations? Do you ask why so many young are abandoning you?
Except the few and hardworking Eritreans, the only name and credential most of have earned so far as “professional” opposition is kente mentu ከንተመንቱ
Asme: “I couldn’t agree more. ember Kento mento! ኣበይ አለኻ ዘይበልዎስ አብዚ አለኹ What a waste of a reading space and ink”
Senait: “Smrete menEseyat??. .If they do not agree for the simple gathering in Bologna..don’t expect them to agree on anything. That is why the silent majority is still silent..they prefer isias than the selfish oppositions. God save Eritrea from the so called oppositions and dictator isias.”
Hzbi: “wey gud ! i though the simerrr was one organization but as i can understand now, they are 3 in the same name. I think, i really feel frustrate,
Dglel: “Ata kisab maas ikum lekbetbet enabelkum kitnebru? kemey gerna ina ke msakum koyna lewti kinemitsie eske? elfi mushmushat teakibkum , ane zibelkuwo entezeykone tray kitblu, belu seb kemzi kemakum msraaye eyu keyfetewe b hgdef tesegiu zikeyd zelo”
Tewelde belay: “With Eritreans it is always a dilemma! If you hold a meeting someone will oppose, if you don’t yet another will say why should we not have a meeting? The core problem is because the struggle is not a unified one. We need a unified, cohesive and consolidated struggle. Otherwise it will be like the Amharic saying WHA QDA WHA MELS”.
Netabay:” “texgibeni kicha’s ab mokle’a kela efelta” this what my grandma used to say…for such things”
Comment: Another disappointing action by the youth, indeed and it keeps coming from all directions. Will they read and feel what all these comments mean and will they ever understand the meaning of democracy and unity? The worst dictatorship in the world, the Eritrean government calls itself for democracy and justice and these anti-unity guys call themselves SEMRET NEDIHNET HAGER or something like that. I do not even know why they are telling us this none sense and what they want us to do with it, needless to suggest they better change their names to something that reflects their dictatorial and divisive position on the Eritrean question. Let us see how this grabs them: YOU DON’T REPRESENT US BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT DOING WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT YOU TO DO. YOU REPRESENT YOURSELVES AND THUS DEAL WITH YOUR HALLUCINATION AND POLITICAL MISADVENTURE WITHIN YOURSELVES.
There is something important that we all have to understand from all these waste of resources and division. I exclude government infiltration from this issue because it will always be there (it is constant). You do not do anything with a constant except taking it as it is but you must deal with the variable because you have a chance to pick the best alternative if you may chose to do so. What is worrisome is that the youth groups have been consistent on division and contradictions. All these obstacles are clear indications of the fact that their leaders have a problem with UNITY and they do not have the capacity to lead or to unite their followers leave alone to manage a society (their dream). This also says loud on the fact that the followers are being herded like animals with no gut, principle or even knowledge to confidently challenge their shepherds.
On demonstrations: We keep on fighting to UNITE our forces and the youth leaders and demonstration organizers keep on diverting the issue by totally avoiding it in favor of any other Eritrean agenda. The effort of dealing with our other agendas is great and thank you but the complete elimination of UNITY from the activities nullifies the core purpose of the struggle for freedom and democracy in Eritrea because it is the best and the only remedy we have available.
In the first week of August Eritreans in TORONTO demonstrated on SINAI victims and were told by their leaders that they delivered a heavy blow to the government. Poor participants did not even know what they did was scratching the regime with a force that it can hardly feel, while at the same time serving its purpose. Few days later, another Anti-PFDJ demonstration in Calgary, Canada (August 12) repeats the same mistake avoiding the burning issue of our society UNITY and most likely the participants went home after the occasion without any homework deceived by their leaders on the extent of damage they inflicted on the regime. Congratulations for scratching the Eritrean government but do not fool yourselves of making it with your monotonous shouting against Afwerki unless you load the punch with the question of UNITY
What do you lose including the burning question of UNITY of the forces and youth organizations in the activity? In what way would doing this contradict your mission of helping the Eritrean victims everywhere? Don’t you think it would help you get better attention and stronger internal unity to swiftly get rid of the problem once and for all? Is not TEMPORARY UNITY the only way to change the Eritrean situation from dictatorship to democracy? Does not this make our divided forces and youth organizations the root causes of the problem? Should not your responsibility then be pressing all opposition forces to unite? Do you know that it has become obvious that your leaders are stopping you from demonstrating on the most important issue of the Eritrean question; UNITY? Please go back in memory remembering any one demonstration out of the hundreds conducted internationally on many genuine issues of our society that included the question of UNITY in its program and call me a liar for answering NONE: not even a placard folks!! We are not talking about what else we could have done for UNITY; like exclusive worldwide demonstration asking our forces to UNITE, which is a DREAM : I am not even talking about scattered demonstrations conducted by Eritreans in a given geographical area shouting for UNITY exclusively. I am talking about anyone of them that included UNITY as part of the programs!! Once again; NONE!!.
IQ TEST: Do you think the RESISTANCE exclusively missed UNITY in all demonstrations that addressed every concern about our society by accident or you think it has been intentionally avoided by the leaders of the groups (organizers) because of hidden agendas?
If the whole world by now knows that we have a problem with our government, do you think it is worth telling it again and again and do you really think the international community will appreciate what you are doing in the streets?
Apparently, the Afwerki regime knows that it cannot stop Eritreans from demonstrating against it but it well knows that nothing will change as long as they keep on ignoring the RED BUTTON called UNITY in their activities. The best choice of the government here is trying to keep the Eritrean demonstrators from voicing for UNITY because it knows UNITY will nullify its power sooner than later. Demonstrating without including the issue of UNITY in the program is the best gift you can give the Eritrean government and the worst you can do to the resistance specially at this critical moment where the government is over-exposed for being the worst oppressor in the world and the opposition camp is in disarray. I do believe the officials in Asmara are scared to hear UNITY specially in demonstrations because it is the BOMB that would explode in their face for their permanent disposal. They will enjoy the show otherwise and that is what our Diaspora community is doing effectively in this regard. What the government wants is staying in power as long as possible and these SILENT ON UNITY demonstrations perfectly serve this purpose very well. I do not know about you but I oppose demonstrations that avoid UNITY as part of the overall program because it indirectly helps the Eritrean government instead of the resistance by defocusing or disconnecting our youth from the central axis of the solution (UNITY). I can no longer keep going to demonstrations that only focus on the EFFECT without touching the CAUSE any longer: this is like crying wounded without any effort to look for the remedy.
Senait on Anti PFDJ Demonstration in Calgary, Canada: “down down Isias” “Isias Must go”..how many times have we heard this? In my opinion the opposition slogans should change. The oppositions should list what is the priority demand the average people who live inside the country are. Right nowthey want basic food, electric and they want their son and daughters to let go of the endless military services”.
My advice is.. instead same slogans over and over on every demonstrations..change your demand to food and others that people really interested to listen..that way you will get support from inside the country. Otherwise if my uncle from the village wouldn’t give about what democracy or dictator is all he cares right now is to feed his families and to have his son/daughter from Sawa”
Comment: She is telling you to be creative and do something worth doing with your time rather than boring the planet with the same grievance repeatedly.
Netabay: “dearest Futsum; what do you think if i we say —these are the generation which are misplaced. the generation which tries to lead eritrea using a very old soft ware ….Macintosh in windows 8….they ate the talent of our generation….we the new generation are lost with out any foot print…we became victims of the faults of the generation of 70s. they used to tell us ”you are the future” but when we came to the imagined Eritrea…they told us pragmatically…..’they fought for 30 years , and they will compensate these lost years and their lost opportunities with in that range of time” so we are left with more ten years …..”
Comment: thanks for the kind words brother but your question raises many issues that I worked hard to answer to the best of my subjective understanding of the human nature in my book “THE CURSE OF BEING AND LIVING IT”. You can have it from AMAZON BOOKS and read it if you want.
Continued dialogue with Nair
Nair:“the Opposition forces did not develop its political discourse to accommodate the expectations of the youth, thus, the desperate youngsters had been taking risky measures to get rid of the devastative situations by fleeing through dangerous borders, such as the Egyptian-Israeli border, aquatics and the Sahara deserts, not only that, but we find that the individual attitudes towards the regime and the opposition alike are being taken according to ones-own individual, group, sect or societal interests..”
Comment: It is clear that the opposition forces did not do anything encouraging for our youth to look for. I do not think anyone can change the tendency of our youth running away from the scene all together, though. The opposition forces have no capacity to control this situation even at their best financial and political shape (a dream) although they could improve it. Eritreans will continue to run for better survival no matter what. The question is how about the divisive forces within the youth organizations? I sincerely believe that the youth organizational leaders are equally responsible aside the quietist intellectuals all over the place for this: the divisive youth leaders are directly responsible here probably more than any other part of the society for the following reasons:
1) They have not yet taken an assertive position on the divided opposition forces practically because of their own division: They have ignored the issues of unity rather concentrating on encouraging their followers to demonstrate only against the regime (in almost everything) and split apart with no follow up assignments to carry on. There must be a reason/s for to not instruct their followers to focus on Unity in the demonstrations. Reference: No demonstration focused on unity so far in the Diaspora despite our continuous appeal through the websites. You do not do this persistently by accident!!!
2) They failed to take their responsibility of forming a united checking and balancing mechanism to the actions of the opposition forces in Diaspora or to develop such a mechanism from within the intellectual community through organized debates and interviews. They do this here and there for image but nothing that can continue developing after a given event is over: Example: The organizers of the DC Independence Day festivities did a great job and even brought intellectual panelist to the event for what it seemed to be the beginning of something good (I will refrain from discussing other things here). But, they left the participants with no follow up duty whatsoever that could emerge from the occasion for continued development of the issue into the future. Everyone left without a home work. It was just a onetime shot that died after the occasion.
Likewise the panelists (at least two PHDs) failed to do this for unknown reasons. They did not want to take the responsibility of organizing something out of the opportunity. They missed a wonderful opportunity to start something concrete that would help the youth to the right direction.
Everyone went home after the festivities with absolutely nothing to work on indefinitely. This is also because they did not allow others to suggest on what to do ahead of time. They only focused on the TACTIC and totally ignored the STRATEGY: they had no focus or vision and probably the capacity as well to visualize this important issue, with all respect to the panelists and the organizers. The least they could have done was collecting the names of intellectuals for future contact and possibly, debates too, and we had written several articles at Assenna to this effect ahead of the festivities. Unfortunately, the tiresome effort went down the drain without effect. Now that the opportunity is gone; we are back searching for another opportunity with nothing to do to accelerate the outstanding momentum they created through extremely hard sacrifice.
To some Eritreans, the DC festival was a success story. It certainly was in collecting us together in such a magnitude. It was, however, a failure to me, excuse my honest opinion: All participants of the event were aware of the system; that is the reason they were there. They did not need education on this. Therefore, the focus should have been organizing them or creating a workable formula ahead that can produce something tangible out of the opportunity until the next occasion takes place. We left the scene as naked as we could have been in terms of tasks and we are waiting for another opportunity wondering if it will ever take place. We are sitting idle disconnected from one another with nothing to do then after. Nothing is going on now because of this mismanagement of Time, Intelligence, Dedication and a golden opportunity. It was difficult to see this take placed from distance!
The mistake is by the way going on full speed ahead as we are talking here: Too many demonstrations without touching the issue of unity as a priority. How can this be accidental? It cannot be!!!
How can the rigid opposition forces unite without a strongly united pressure group from the Diaspora as we see it going? Who will pressurize them to unite if the youth fails to unite? I believe all youth leaders should be confronted by the followers on this issue. Why are they still dormant on making UNITY a priority? Is it power struggle or what? Something needs to be done for the resistance to walk forward instead of going around in a circle.
The negative effects of our division on international solidarity
The fact remains that no crazy international force will pay attention to you unless you prove to be efficient in the agenda of UNITY no matter how many times you colonize the streets of the world and dance on QUAILA. They forecast chaos in future Eritrea and they stay away from us until we get our vision straight. You could have seen the difference had we all unanimously voiced for UNITY. We could have easily challenged the ambitious but divisive politicians had we been united in the Diaspora and easily get funds to accelerate the struggle forward. Do not expect funding without UNITY because there is a more united complementary PRO-government force THAT NEUTRALIZES the scattered and divided opposition forces in view of international politics. This has been the answer given by the US STATE DEPARTMENT to individual political groups in the opposition camp trying to get help from in the past and America’s position on our resistance is correct.
We have to be confident openly saying that the spade was a spade: We cannot continue depending on and toyed by useless, flip-flopping and outdated politicians who have so far refused to unite under the EDA and the destructive youth leaders in the same category who seem to concentrate on building cults instead of getting down to the core of the solution. Our experience says that the only way we can have the material and political power to reject and accept any opposition force in view of unity for future democratic Eritrea emanates from solid unity of the youth and this essence has so far been untouched beyond closed door pretensions.
Nair: “It is no secret that today’s world is driven by interests, and all decisions taken by the international community through its international organizations, or taken by major countries alone are able to meet or comply with its own interests. In reality it has more to do with the interests of the superpowers, or the neighboring countries in implementing its political vision for the region, such a decision has no doubt a significant impact on the Project of National Unity whether negatively or positively. “
Comment: The western powers do what they do for similar reasons everywhere and therefore this cannot be a special Eritrean agenda. Is the western view on Eritrea exceptionally dangerous compared to its views on any other East African nations for Eritreans to defocus their priority from unity in defense of the country as a result? I do not think so. The fact remains, however, that Ethiopia has always been the strongest and best ally in the region. There is nothing East African can do about this except accepting it as it is. All of them are relating to the West harmonically and so should be the case with Eritrea. At the bottom line, we need to visit this question: Does the said western interest affect all Eritreans similarly or differently? If the first, this threat should then further motivate the forces to unite.
To be continued
Kabbire August 16, 2013
ኣንታ ቆልዓ በጃኻ ሸንካ ደቅስ።
Kokhob selam August 17, 2013
ጉዳይ ዶብ ከይተወደአ ምሻን ኩል ኩል እዩ። ዓራት እንተበስቢሱ ብሰንኪ ወያኔ እዩ። if you don’t agree you are “ኸዳሚ ወያኔ”.
ዘይስማዕ'ኳ የለን ? August 17, 2013
Kokhob selam:
ዓራት እንተበስቢሱ !!!! ብሰንኪ ወያኔ እዩ።
…….” እ ን ተ በ ስ ቢ ሱ ” ? ትግርኛም እንደ አበጁሽ ትበጂ ?
ghezai August 16, 2013
like your pen name go to Eritrea if you support the gov.go to Eritrea and take water and flash light with you .and a lot of food
MightyEmbasoyra August 16, 2013
Good article!
Now that you have explained we have lack of unity, I hope to see your next articles will be concentrated on:
1) What is the reason for being not united
2) How to fix this issue
So far, what you have explained is that we are sick of some kind of disease but we don’t know the cause of that disease and the medicine for it.
fetsum abrahamt August 17, 2013
I have clearly told you every thing you asked. Please read my last two or three articles and this one carefully and with an interpretor if only necessary my brother. I have told you the problem, the reason and the solution clearly. I can not address the issues you asked better than I did. TNX
ERITRAWIT August 17, 2013
DEAR Fetsum abrahamat i like your articles we need people like u good job and thank u.
belay nega August 17, 2013
“Please read my last two or three articles and this one carefully and with an interpretor if only necessary my brother.”
Mighty is one of those who oppose the gov of Eritrea genuinely,not only that but I believe he can understand English better than anybody, and does not need an enterprator.
As a contributor to this website you are expected to be tolerant to the polite and intelligent guys like Mighty Embasoira,
fetsum abrahamt August 18, 2013
I need an interprator sometimes but if the brother does not need one, it is equally okey.
, t
ahmed saleh August 18, 2013
What are you up to interfere between these two gentlemen ? Just out of curiousity .
Semhar August 18, 2013
Please listen to the
Interview With Veteran Fighter Yemane T/Gergish Part 1 to 8
Hzbi August 17, 2013
I don’t think you have read all the articles, the guy mr Ftsum is a very hard working person. I admire him.God bless him. Eritrea needs like him,
i want to come back to your question, the cause root of the problems in Eritrea are two, these are 1) PFDJ the dictator 2) The opposition or Youth leaders. The PFDJ could not give up its dictatorial governance and the Opposition or Youth Leaders could not United to destroy the dictatorial regime. So the medicine is,
1)PFDJ must give up power to the people.
2) Opposition leaders and including the Youth Leaders must United in one and destroy the dictatorial regime.
Mr Fstum has greatly explained these in his articles and hope that this further explanation will help you understand unless you are deliberately wanting to cheat and become disrespectful.
MightyEmbasoyra August 17, 2013
There is no disrespect here, especially for trying to help. If you telling me don’t ask, you are not acting better than isayas. His way is the only way.
By the way, I am concentrating on the subject – who ever write the article.
Please don’t try to dictate others while you are complaining about a dictator.
I have read the article but I still think you haven’t told us the root cause yet. You need to go few layers down to get the root cause. As an engineer, I am assuming that you know about the 8D report I mentioned few weeks earlier and you haven’t completed the report, yet. Or, maybe this is for someone else then.
About the interpreter, then would you write it down in a lighter version, since your audience most probably include less educated people like me.
Always with respect.
Hzbi August 17, 2013
Aeb mntayka ayu zrd’aeka !! instated of thanking, you told me i dictated, Fstum clearly input the information and i repeat his words of the cause root of the problems, but you are still demanding more layers. If you know more layers then why you expect from Ftsum, why can’t you do yourself.
i don’t think you understand the events in Eritrea in the opposition in general. I don’t know in which planet you were living and expecting the root cause now. I think you were might be from the ignorant who quite or silenced for more than a decade and now expecting good from opposition.
MightyEmbasoyra August 17, 2013
I have tried to reply you with respect but you try to label me.
I am asking. Period. Nothing is wrong with asking. Thanking you for what? Re-read your original statement.
Your style is basically don’t ask. I am not going to do that. So, be civilized and act on the subject rather than telling me how ignorant I am. rather, your arrogance tells how ignorant you are. They are directly proportional to each other.
fetsum abrahamt August 17, 2013
sounds good and I will try to write easier though i am trying to do that in my articles. But please teach me about the 8D report and mail it to me if u think i should know it, what is that? Fetsumraham@yahoo.com TNX
Zaul August 18, 2013
Source Wikipedia:
Eight Disciplines Problem Solving (8D) is a method used to approach and to resolve problems, typically employed by quality engineers or other professionals. Its purpose is to identify, correct and eliminate recurring problems, and it is useful in product and process improvement. It establishes a permanent corrective action based on statistical analysis of the problem (when appropriate) and focuses on the origin of the problem by determining its root causes. Although it originally comprised eight stages, or ‘disciplines’, it was later augmented by an initial planning stage. The 8D follows the logic of the PDCA cycle. The disciplines are:
D0: Plan: Plan for solving the problem and determine the prerequisites.
D1: Use a Team: Establish a team of people with product/process knowledge.
D2: Define and describe the Problem: Specify the problem by identifying in quantifiable terms the who, what, where, when, why, how, and how many (5W2H) for the problem.
D3: Develop Interim Containment Plan; Implement and verify Interim Actions: Define and implement containment actions to isolate the problem from any customer.
D4: Determine, Identify, and Verify Root Causes and Escape Points: Identify all applicable causes that could explain why the problem has occurred. Also identify why the problem has not been noticed at the time it occurred. All causes shall be verified or proved, not determined by fuzzy brainstorming. One can use five whys or Ishikawa diagrams to map causes against the effect or problem identified.
D5: Choose and Verify Permanent Corrections (PCs) for Problem/Non Conformity: Through pre-production programs quantitatively confirm that the selected correction will resolve the problem for the customer. (Verify the correction will actually solve the problem)
D6: Implement and Validate Corrective Actions: Define and Implement the best corrective actions.
D7: Take Preventive Measures: Modify the management systems, operation systems, practices, and procedures to prevent recurrence of this and all similar problems.
D8: Congratulate Your Team: Recognize the collective efforts of the team. The team needs to be formally thanked by the organization.
8D has become a standard in the auto, assembly and other industries that require a thorough structured problem solving process using a team approach.
Zaul August 18, 2013
Mr Fetsum,
If I have understood you correctly, you are not looking to solve the root cause of our lack of unity. You are saying that there is no other alternative if we are to achieve what we all want, i.e a constitutional democracy.
Everyone in the opposition should therefore, irrespective of his/her political inclination work together towards achieving democracy first and not, as it is now, position himself/heself to grab power after the fall of PFDJ. We need to do it in an orderly way to avoid the fate of Somalia.
1. Unconditional Unity.
2. Plan for a transitional period, set up a transitional commitee lead by people who can not run for any public office in the future.
3. co-ordinate our efforts and resources and topple PFDJ.
4. Redraft/Ammend/implement the constitution.
5. Hold elections after a transitional period of 2-4 years.
Semhar August 18, 2013
Fetsum, Nega Belay, Eritrewit, Mighty, Hizbi, Mighty Embaysoyra, Zaul, Kokhob, Truly Truly, Mihel Tesfay,Netabay,Abdu,Ahmed Salih, Tewolde Belay and to all Eritreans …….
Please listen to the
Interview With Veteran Fighter Yemane T/Gergish Part 1 to 8
Kokhob selam August 17, 2013
yes ended, what makes me crazy is even there is nothing inside all those contractions in Eritrea. try to investigate and you findout actualy there is nothing that let us devided. it just a matter of acceptin the differnce and work in common ground. just respecting others will let us work toward peace and freedom.
Truly, Truly i say to you August 17, 2013
Dear Fitsum, you said to those useless opposition leaders this
… “what you are going to cause is a CHAOES that will end up consuming your life unless you sense back to reality.
Brother, what you don´t realized the fact is, this creating chaoes it may seems for you causing by accidental, but believe me 75% of the reason they doing that is deliberitly even it consumes their whole life,they being fill comfort with that, because that is the only way they think which enable them to cover up their past crime to bury unknown, without facing trial until they die. If that and the thrust for power, what another reason else could be then which make them divide and disunite?
But if they would know how our people merciful and forgettable we are, let alone for them, even for Isayas if he stops his evil deed and turns to do good and follows justice as we can also might give him forgiveness, they wouldn´t be making all politic complicate.
fetsum abrahamt August 17, 2013
May be u are right. They must know that they are taking us to chaos even at their own expense. In this dilemma, any thought is applicable because we are sandwiched between them and the government. TNX
MICHAEL TESFAY August 17, 2013
Dear Writer,
as usual very shallow and incoherent article. why dont you stop writing meaningless articles like this one. you luck substance, coherence and attractiveness in what you write.
tell us what you do to contricute to the opposition in addition to writing monotonous articles here
fetsum abrahamt August 17, 2013
No one forces you to read. Don’t if u do not want.
netabay August 17, 2013
how old are u? keylebeme zichehame dika walas, keybekole ziharere
Asme August 17, 2013
Michael Tesfay did not read the article very well. Or, he is one of the self praisers in the so called “Youth movement”.
abdu August 17, 2013
I think Fetsum deserves a credit for putting all together and hard work. But ; Mr. Micheal to say some irresponsible to discredit some one who is a model ; a leader over all a unifier in that critical moments shows your unprofessional. Plus ; I think we should 9all have to respect each other comment; and if some going to comment some thing isn’t going to comment to satisfy and to entertaining to any body. So ; if any one wants to read or not it’s up to the individual .
abdu August 17, 2013
I meant if any body is going to write an article .
ERITRAWIT August 17, 2013
sorry erikid KEM KEDEM YMESLEKN WHJI YWESDEKN real ERITREAN we will stay hear with real eritreans thank u our beloved brother Amanuel Eyasu voice for voice less.
netabay August 17, 2013
big brother Fitsum
u r respectful as such. i appreciate your depth and the way you organize and analyze your articles. and i admire the way you are presenting them–making them very interactive. at times i feel as if i know you and talking to u in person. you bypassed the limitations of cyber interaction. this creativity is your own brain child. go on becoming more interactive. and i like the way hammer the point-unity. that is what people intended in changing the behavior of others advise us. hammering hammering….”kisab zisiquoro degagimka nigero”
-and you have to put it in to consideration that there are also infiltrators in this website also. they try to divert and disarray the end of our discussion over here. if they feel common understanding is about to come among the viewers of this website by the creativity and strive of people like you , they also work to unglue it.
-and as to my observation, there are people in the diaspora working in the name of opposition but genuinely stretching long the route to freedom. they might have certain very personal criminal records in the classified files of the system in Asmara , but no objection to the basic ideals of the system. this makes them not assertive and least genuine. if you criticize PFDJ they assume as if you are nullifying the 20 years they fought in the struggle for freedom. they have emotional ties with the preached doctrines and tenets of leadership of hgdef hidden deep in their subconscious.
they do not know the struggle was a means to democratic Eritrea. they fall in love with the means than with the End. Such characters are amongst the many who become grudges to the holly word UNITY. Unity the only way to reach the right destination.
we are not in the age of JEBHA vs SHAEBIA. that hatred and tension is useless for this generation. just lets document it as a lesson, to draw wise lessons from it in the future. whereas for us, the young, disarraying the forces of reform in our country in the name of these two organizations is alien. we do not have emotional and personal ties with it. Melake Tekle is equally important to wedi Afa to us. we simply know they are martyrs. and we equally respect them. come out of such things….
thank u
ahmed saleh August 18, 2013
Great man , keep it up with positive attitude for the sake of all Eritreans in general .
Asme August 17, 2013
Finally someone said what needed to be said. Thank you Fetsum.
eritreawit jigna August 17, 2013
thank you Fetsum Abrham