ኣብ ምድረብዳ ሰሃራ 10 ኤርትራውያን ብጽምእን ጥምየትን ሞይቶም።
ኣብ መፋርቕ ወርሒ ጉንቦት ኣብ እንዱርማን (ካርቱም) ተኣኻኺቦም ብመሰጋገርቲ ተመሪሖም ናብ ሊብያ ካብ ዝጓዓዙ ዝነበሩ ዛጊት ልክዕ ቁጽሮም ዘይተፈልጠ ኤርትራውያን፣ ኣብ ምድረበዳ ሰሃራ ብማይ ጽምእን ጥምየትን ከምዝሞቱ ካብቲ ኩነታት ዝደሓኑ ናይ ዓይኒ መሰኻኽር ሓቢሮም። እቶም ተጻውሮ
ኣብ መፋርቕ ወርሒ ጉንቦት ኣብ እንዱርማን (ካርቱም) ተኣኻኺቦም ብመሰጋገርቲ ተመሪሖም ናብ ሊብያ ካብ ዝጓዓዙ ዝነበሩ ዛጊት ልክዕ ቁጽሮም ዘይተፈልጠ ኤርትራውያን፣ ኣብ ምድረበዳ ሰሃራ ብማይ ጽምእን ጥምየትን ከምዝሞቱ ካብቲ ኩነታት ዝደሓኑ ናይ ዓይኒ መሰኻኽር ሓቢሮም።
እቶም ተጻውሮ ዘይንበሮም ትሕቲ ዕድመ ምዃኖም ዝእመነሎም ግዳያት፣ ካብቶም ካብ ሱዳን ሒዞሞም ዝመጹ መሰጋገርቲ ናብ ሊብያውያን ምስ ተረከቡ፣ እቶም ሊብያውያን ብመስተን ሓሽሽን ሃለዋቶም ኣጥፊኦም ኣለይመለይ ክብሉዎም ስለዘይከኣሉ ብሸለልትነት ከምዝጠፍኡ እቲ ሓበሬታ የረድእ።
ዋላ ኳ ኣብ እዋኑ ቀጻሊ ሓበሬታ እንተዘይተረኽበ፣ ኣብ ምድረበዳ ሰሃራ ብዙሓት ኤርትራውያን፣ ብድኻምን ጽምእን ከምኡ ‘ውን ሸለልትነትን ዓመጽን መሰጋገርቲ ብቐጻሊ ኣካላዊ ጉዳኣትን ሞትን ይወርዶም ከምዘሎ ደንግዮም ዝበጽሑና ሓበሬታታት የመልክቱ።
semhar fesehathion June 15, 2014
Aye Radio hassina kulu giza moitom tefeom teray kitbli ati weshlak Radii agame.amenzera nay weyane.kalie xubuk zrna seinki meksebi polotica gerkeyo zemote Yela zetehale xibuk yekithil alo ayni hasad yedfrnlina.girim eba bi shim Eriyreawian mishkat.ne iseayas tektelu ne hizbi Eritrea texinutu himak were das yeblkum aye beal amnuel wekaru.yegrim eyu xun mubal eyu ezi giza.lewity ab tegbar ember ab melhas yelan Radio hassina shut up ur mouth.
mesel June 15, 2014
ሰምሃር ጋል ፊሰሃጽዮን
ክልተ ዓይነት ምንዝራ ኣሎ። ሓደ ሕልናኻ ዝብሎን መልሓስካ ተድምጾን ነንበይኑ ክኸውን እንከሎ ካልኣይ ድማ ሓደ ካብ ኣባላት ናይ ጥፍኣት መሪሕነት ሰለፍኪ ምስ ዳህሰሶ ጥዑም ጥዑም ይጥዕመኪ እሞ ንናይ ሓሙሽተ ደቂቕ ጾታዊ ዕግበት ኢልኪ ንጥፍኣት አሕዋትና ከም ላግጺ ምውሳድ።
Sala June 15, 2014
ካላእ ናይ’ዚኣ ሰለፍ…ጨሓም መንቀርቀር
m June 15, 2014
Semhar fesehathion
you are idiot i know you are undrcover hgdef bull shit
fish June 15, 2014
Melsi nsemhar fesehathion shmki bzeyegeds eti zdle tshufki endiu agedisuni slezi mnalbat hlna albo tkoni enber afncha ente teharme ayni ynebei ybeha nski kea nzi dmtsi wutsat zkone seb kab tzlfi mnm kemzey agedsiki nay hzbi eritrea bezi teazibeki sle hzbki halyot ente zhlu neru kemzi aymbelkn hji gn yakl agame kab mbal agame zserhwo msrah yqell neru slzi amanual dma wey radio assenna aff nay wutsue hzbi neti enda reaye ayreakan enda semea aysemaekan zbehal zelo hzbi natu dmtsi eyu zekalh zelo kem beal kemakn komaro ab sdet tekemiten tsbuk alo hzibi zbl aykonen affki meetsewi gberlu wedahanki
Kombishtato June 15, 2014
Isn’t it sad the retard Eritrean Arab slaves to burn the Eritrean languages to be close to the Arabs only to be humiliated by the evil Arabs?
It is very sad that Eritreans are dying in the land of the savage Arabs for lack of protection from the Arab regimes and their people, after all the death and suffering in the name of Sewra supported and used by the opportunist Arabs against Ethiopia.
No one expects the savage Arab to save a single Eritrean while the Arab Abeeds themselves are running away from the racist Arab and from the Arab lands to the democratic christian west.
Just ask why the Arab Abeeds run away from the Arab Kuwait, Egypt, Libya … such as Ahmad Omer, Salih Gadi Johar and the notorious Jebha murderer Salih Hayoti to the christian America, Australia and Sweden?
Kombishtato June 15, 2014
The filthy Arabs are sending a gift of sand from the Sahara and across Arabia to their beloved Eritrea as they abuse more Eritreans. You will never see an Arab sending food aid or first aid to refugees or to the land of Eritrea or Somalia with all their petrodollars but they have no shame to supply bombs and explosives for their Abeeds to kill each other.
oromay June 16, 2014
Semhar F. hanti kab sne migbar ziwetsaeki werekret zeyblki nay hgdef amezra iki.nay Beswin barista nay sheyetiti seb ganzista iki. B’elug zereba abilili bsenki chifra HGDEF ztefiu ntsuhan kunene keywerdeki kdmi firdiki itkibeli. Abak tel.