ታሪኽ ኣብ ምዝንታው ቅንዕናን ልቦናን የድሊ
ታሪኽ ኣብ ምዝንታው ቅንዕናን ልቦናን የድሊ ኣነ ተጋዳሊት ህዝባዊ ግንባር እየ። ጓል ገዛ ባንዳ ስለዝኾንኩን እቲ ብርኽቲ ጓል ብርጅዋን ጽገወይኒ ጓል ላንጋኖን ዝዛረባሉ ዘለዋ ናይ ደቂ ገዛውትና ግዜን ኩነታትን ኣጸቢቑ ስለዝዝከረኒ ኸኣ እየ ቃለይ ክሕውስ ደልየ። ጠባያት

ታሪኽ ኣብ ምዝንታው ቅንዕናን ልቦናን የድሊ
ኣነ ተጋዳሊት ህዝባዊ ግንባር እየ። ጓል ገዛ ባንዳ ስለዝኾንኩን እቲ ብርኽቲ ጓል ብርጅዋን ጽገወይኒ ጓል ላንጋኖን ዝዛረባሉ ዘለዋ ናይ ደቂ ገዛውትና ግዜን ኩነታትን ኣጸቢቑ ስለዝዝከረኒ ኸኣ እየ ቃለይ ክሕውስ ደልየ።
ጠባያት ጓል ብርጅዋ ከምቲ ጓል ላንጋኖ ገሊጻቶ ዘላ እዩ። ቅድሚ ኹሉ ክጠቕሶ ሓሳብ ካብ ጓል ብርጅዋ፣ ብዓል ኣብልይ ሃብቱ፣ ሳራ ኣለምሰገድ፣ ገነት ቀለታ፣ ሃብተኣብ ተ/ሚካኤል ዝኣመሰሉ፣ ንጀብሃ ጀሚሮም ዝወድኡዎ ምኩራት ተጋድልቲ ነቲ ኩነታት እንትዝገልጹዎ ዝያዳ ርዱእ ምኾነ ነይሩ ዝብል እዩ።
እቲ ዝያዳ ዝገረመኒ ግን፣ ኣብቲ እዋን’ቲ ብርኽቲ ንጽገወይኒ ጓል ላንጋኖ ጥራይ ዘይኮነ፣ ከም ብዓል ሰናይት ትኽለ፣ ኣልማሽ ሰንጋል፣ ሳባ ገ/ሄር ኣልማዝ በራኺ ዝኣመሰላ ብዙሓት ደቂ ገዛ ማንዳ እያ መጠንቀቕታ ኣምጺኣ ነይራ። ስለምንታይ ናብ ጽገወይኒ ጥራይ ከምዘተኮረት ኣይተረድኣኣንን።
መቸም እቲ ስዉኣቱ፣ ንስኩላቱን ተጋደልቱን ደርብዩ ኣብዘን ከም ብዓል ብርኽቲ ጓል ብርጅዋ ዝኣመሰላ ብላሽ ዝኾና መጋበርያታት ተመርኵሱ ምህላዉ፣ ፖለቲካዊ ዕላማ ከምዘለዎ ንኹሉ ብሩህ እዩ። ብፖለቲካዊ መንገዲ ከዳኽሞም ንዝደለዮም ውልቀሰባት ከምዚኣተን ዝኣመሰላ ደፋራት ሓሰውቲ እዩ ሹት ዝብለሎም። እዚ ናይ ብርኽቲ ተግባር ከኣ ካብዚ ዝተፈልየ ተልእኾ ዘለዎ ዕማም ኣይኮነን።
ታሪኽ ኤርትራ ብኣኺ ዝግለጽ ኣይኮነን። እቶም ዝወዓሉሉ ጸግዖም ሒዞም ኣንታ እንታይ እያ ትብል ዘላ ይብሉኺ ከምዘለዉ ዘክሪ። እዚ ፕሮጀክት’ዚ ንበይንኺ ከምዘየበገስክዮ ርዱእ እዩ። እቲ ምስ ህግደፍ ወጊኑ ኣብ ልዕሊ ሬሳታት ኤርትራውያን ዝስዕስዕ ዘሎ ተስፋይ ኣርዓዶም ከምዝተሓባበረኪ ዝሰሓት ኣይኮነን።
ንምዃኑ ንስኺ ኣብ ጥፍኣት ናይተን ሽዑ ኣብ ኣስመራ ተሓባበርቲ ደርግ ብዝብል ምኽንያት ብጀብሃ ስጉምቲ ዝተወስደለን፣ ኣካል ናይቲ ሽዑ ዝተፈጸመ መስርሕ ቅትለት ዶ ኣይኮንክን። ኣብቲ ግዜ ‘ቲ ጽገወይኒ ዘቕተለቶ ሰብ እንተሎ ብጭብጢ ከተቕርቢ ነይሩኪ። እንተዘይኮኑ፣ ብዝያዳ ብዛዕባ ተግባራትኪ ምዝራብ ምቐለለኪ ነይሩ።
ጽገወይኒ ጓል ላንጋኖ ‘ውን ኣብቲ ኣብዚ ዘቕረብክዮ ጽሑፍ፣ ኣብ ክንዲ ሕርቃንኪ ኣርኢኺ ብሓፈሻዊ ኣዘራርባ ትሓልፍዮ፣ ገጽ ብገጽ እናጠቐስኪ ነብስኺ ክትከላኸልን ሓቂ ከተብርህን ይግባእ ነይሩ።
ኣብ መደምደምታ ክብሎ ዝደሊ ግን፣ ኣብ ግዜ ሓርነታዊ ቓልሲ ብተጋድሎ ሓርነት ይኹን ህዝባዊ ግንባር ብዙሕ ሰብ ጠፊኡ እዩ። እቲ ታሪኽ ንስኒት ህዝብና ብዝጠቅም መንገዲ ብልቦናን ጥበብን ክተሓዝ ከሎ ኸኣ ‘ዩ መልክዕ ዘለዎ እምበር። በዚ ነብስኻ እናጸባበቕካ ንኻልኦት ምውንጃል ዝዓይነቱ ስምዒታዊ ኣቀራርባ ብርኽቲ ምቕራቡ ሳዕቤኑ ማህሰይቲ ጥራይ እዩ’ሞ ኣዝዩ ጥንቃቐ ከምዝሓትት ምግንዛብ የድሊ።
Romay January 15, 2014
መጀመርያ መን ክንብል? ” ኣነ ተጋዳሊት ህዝባዊ ግንባር እየ” ኢልኪ። ሽም የብልክን ድዩ።
ጓል ላንጋኖ ደኣ ከይትኾኒ? ሕጂ’ውን ደጊመ ዝብለኪ ኣብቲ እዋን ትገልጽዮ ዘለኺ
ጓል 14 ዓመት እንተኔርክን ከመይ ጌራ ኢያ ጓል ብርጁዋ ኣዛዚት ናይ ፈዳኢን ኮይና?
እቶም ሓርበኛታት ብዓል ስውእ ኣብርሃም ተኸለን ብጾቱንከ ኣበይ ነይሮም። እዞም ኩሉም
ንጸላኢ ሾቖጥቆጥ ዘብልዎ ዝነበሩ ሓርበኛታት ፈዳኢን ናይ ጀብሃ ከለዉስ ያኢ ብቆልዑ
ክስራሓለይ። ካላኣይ ነገር ዝኾነ ዝውሰድ ስጉምቲ ብላዕለዋይ መሪሕነት ጸዲቑ ኢዩ
ናብ ትግባረ ዝሰጋገር እምበር ከብዚ ናይ ጓል ላንጋኖ ኣገላልጻ ብኢደወነንካ ኣይኮነን።
ስለዚ ማማ ጽገወይኒ ካልእ ጭብጢ እንተሎኪ ኣቕርቢ’ምበር እዚ ሃጠው ቀጠው
እዚስ ዘረባ ኣይኮነን።
ተጋደልቲ ጀብሃ ነበር ብፍላይ ድማ ኣብ ስሪሒት ናይ ከተማ
( ፈዳኢን) ዝነበርኩም፡ ንጓል ብርጁዋ ትፈልጡዋ እቲ ሓቂ እንተዝዛረቡ ጽቡቕ ነይሩ።
ምኽንያቱ ታሪኽ ፈዳኢን እንዳተደወነ ሱቕ ምባል፡ ዝወዓልካዮ ታሪኽካ ብዘይወዓሉን
ዘይፈልጥኦ ቆልዑ ዝነበራን ክብረዝ ከሎ ንዝኾነ ኤርትራዊ ደስ ኣይብሎን’ዩ።
ታሪኽ ፈዳኢን ናይ ጀብሃ ይኹን ናይ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ሓደ ካብቲ ዘኹርዕ
ታሪኽ ሰውራ ኤርትራ ስለ ዝኾነ!
Tes January 16, 2014
I think gul Burguwa has many question to Answer herself rather that her supporter. If gul burguwa is a supporter of HGDEF then case close. Those types can do any thing to get attention and blackmail anyone who dare opposing them. This is typical characteristic of PFDJ supporters who live in denial to reality. I have great sympathy to Gul Langano.
ጽገወይኒ January 15, 2014
ሮማይ! ስምካ/ኪ ከይሃብካ/ኪ ንኻልእ ስም ዘይሃብካ ኢላካ ምውቃስ ልክዕ ኣይመስለንን። ሰለስተ ተኸታታሊ ጽሑፋት ጽሒፈስ ሕጂ ምኻልእ ስም ጽሑፍ ዘውጽኣሉ ኣይርድኣንን። ኣብ ጽሑፈይ ጓል ብርጅዋ ኣዛዚት ንይ ፈዳዪን ነይራ ኣይበልኩን። ዘይተጻሕፈ ምንባብ ግቡእ ኣይኮነን። ስርዕቲ ተ.ሓ.ኤ ነይራ ኢየ ዝበልኩ። ነይራ ከኣ እያ። ምናልባት ዘይተረዳኣኪ ከይከውን ኣብ ሞንጎ ፈዳይንን ስሩዓትን ፍልልይ ኣሎ። እቲ ዘሕዝን ጎድኒ ታሪኽ ገድልና ከኣ ትሕቲ ዕድመ ቆልዑት ምስርዑ ኢዩ። ጓል ብርጅዋ ጓል 14 ዓመት ኢያ ነይራ። ውጺቱ ኸኣ ከምቲ ኣብ መጽሓፋ ዝገለጸቶ ምስ ኣምሓራይ ትኸይድ ነይራ ኢላ ንሓንቲ ከምዘቕተለታ ባዕላ ተለፋሊፋ ኣላ። እዚ ብገበን ዘሕታት ጉዳይ ኢዩ። ጊዜኣኡ ምስ ኣኸለ ከኣ ክትሕተተሉ ኢያ። ኣነ ንኣብርሃም ተኸለ ኣይፈልቶን ኢየ። ክምቲ ተገሊጹ ዘሎ እውን ጅግና ነይሩ ክኸውን ይኽእል ኢዩ። ኣነ ታሪኽ ተ.ሓ.ኤ ክጽሕፍ ኣይተበገስኩን። ካብ መሬት ተላዓኢላ ስለ ዝኸስስትኒ ግን መልሲ ክህብ ተገዲደ። ኣብቲ ቦታይ ነይርካ/ኪ እንተትኸውን/ትኾኒ ምመልሰካ/ኪ ነርካ/ኪ። እቲ ኣብ ስርሒት ከተማ ዝነበርኩም ተዛረቡ ምባል ኣነ’ውን ዝድግፎ ኢዩ። ግን ኩልሉ ብፈዳይን ዝግበር ዝነበረ ስርሒታት ገጋ ኣይነበሮን ማለት ግን ኣይኮነን።
Daniel Tewedlde January 16, 2014
Tsegeweini,better to stop such topics derho tsahtira amuut deka tewitse keykonekin cos if u did not know Martyr Abraham Tekle u were no more there just u and Birikti are now defaming to each other.
ER ITRAWIT January 16, 2014
Zesekf entezhlweke ab public aymesaken mes ezey ketaley seb zelo ka 60 Alata aytdeksla dem yehwatna bkentu aykeyden eu kabze hade hade comment ka ytekmekey eu emo ab gmet yetwyo ekey.
MightyEmbasoyra January 15, 2014
She said her name is Selam. Do you need a picture with that?
weygud January 15, 2014
Hi over there, why are so much interested in the age of Tsigeweyni. If you substance, bring it forward to the public otherwise, cool down. Character assasination, defaming percieved critics, distorting facts, piling lies,spin tactics, hiring paid agents are some of the immoral habits of the regime. Mr. Aradom sold his soul to be stauch servant and his company is the same by association. What is sad is that she was told to taint the Eritrean history. My recommendation is just burn that book.
EriView January 15, 2014
እሞ እንሆ ሜዳ እንሆ ፈረስ እቶም ኣብኡ ዝዋዓሉ ይጽሓፉ እምበር እንተዘይኮይኑ ነቲ ዚጽሕፍ ምንሻውሲ ዓገብ ወዮካ ዚጽሕፍ ተረኪቡስ።
ክቡራት ጓል ላንጋኖን ሰላምን ፣
“ካብ እንቋቝሖ ተመን ርግቢት ክትጭጫሕ ዝጽበዩ ማህቡላታት ጥራይ እዮም”
ነዛ ጓል ቡርጁዋ ስለ ዘይፈልጣ ክፈርዳ ኣይክእልን። ግን ናይቲ ሽፍትነት ጸይቂ ከምዚ ንስኻትክን ኣቕሪብክንኦ ዘለኽን (ማለት እቲ ጨንፈሩ ጥራይ ዘይኮነስ)እቲ ገድሊ ብሱሩ ህልም ዝበለ ሽፍትነትን ዓመጽን ናይ ምዓልታዊ ስርሑ ከም ዝነበረ ኣስፊሑ ነዞም መንእሰያት ዘግህደሎም እንተዝርከብ ክንደይ ጽቡቕ ኔሩ።ኣነ ከምቲ ንስኻትክን ተዓሺኽን ነጻነትን ክብረትን ጎዲሉና መሲሉክን ጀብሃን ሻዕብያን ዝብሃሉ ገድሊ መሲሉክን ሽፍትነት ዝተሰራዕክንን ክቡር ህይወትክን ዘባኸንክንን፣እቲ ዝውዓለ ነዞም መንእሰያት ዝሕብሮም እንተዝረኽቡ ክንደይ ጽቡቕ ኔሩ።ኣነ ይፍትን፣ግን ሕርቃን እናወረሰኒ ፋሕ ይብለኒ፣እቲ ሽፍትነት ድማ ስለ ዘይነበርኩዎ ክንደይ ከእምን ከም ዝኽእል እውን ትሕቲ ሕቶ ዝቕመጥ እዩ።
wedi Keren January 16, 2014
((ኣነ ከምቲ ንስኻትክን ተዓሺኽን ነጻነትን ክብረትን ጎዲሉና መሲሉክን ጀብሃን ሻዕብያን ዝብሃሉ ገድሊ መሲሉክን ሽፍትነት ዝተሰራዕክንን ክቡር ህይወትክን ዘባኸንክንን፣እቲ ዝውዓለ ነዞም መንእሰያት ዝሕብሮም እንተዝረኽቡ ክንደይ ጽቡቕ ኔሩ።))
ወይ ጉዳም ንስኻ እዘን ብዛዕባ ገድሊ ድዛረባ ዘለዋ ኣስማት ዘይብለን ብናይ ብርዒ ስም ዝጥቀማ ተዛሪበን ኢልካ አብ ልብኻ ዝነበረ ቅርሕንቲ ተፊእካ ሰውራ ኤርትራ ምስ ብዙሕ አሉታዊ ዝኾነ ካብ ሓደ ሓደ ከማኻ ብዝኣመሰሉ ሸፋቱ ዝገበርዎ በደላት ክጽረፍን ክዋረድን ዘሕዝን ኢዩ ፡ ንስኻውን ቅርሕንቲ እንተዘይህልወካ ነቲ ሸቶኡን ዕላምኡን አብ ግንሪ አውዒሉ ልዑላውነት ሃገረ ኤርትራ ዘረጋገጸ ሰውራ ከምዚ ገርካ ምንሻው እንድዒ ናይ ጥዕናስ ኣይመስለንን
” መልሲ ነታ ኣዕዚዘ ዘኽብራ ERITRAWIT ”
Eritrawit said & asked……”SYE,
“The new generation has to imagine the worst and work for the best”
please honest answer tell us what we should do aytsekef?
Thank you Uncle.
ክብረተይ ወሰን የብሉን ነቲ “ምኸረና ኣይትሰከፍ” ዝበልክዮ ድማ ብኽብረት ተቐቢለ እንሆ ጸሚቘ ከቕርቦ.
ኣነ ሓደ ዝኽተሎ መምርሒ ኣሎ፣ነቲ ተደጋጊሙ ዝንገረኒ ሓሶት ዘይኮነ ነቲ ሓቂ ይኽተል።ሓቀኛ እየ ማለተይ ኣይኮንኩን፣ኣብ ዝጭበጥን ሓቅን ይኣምን ንኽብል እየ ።ንምሳሌ Almost everybody in north America believes that ” EATING FAT MAKES YOU FAT” mantra..It is a lie that has been pushed by experts because of cinisysm..to make people sick & sell prescription drugs..Let me elaborate…I lost 12 pounds in less than 2 monthes & I hope I will continue to lose weight as I suffer from hypothyroidism it is almost impossible for me to lose. However at last I made it. So where did I get the idea..2 people
1) The Metahit nomads of Eritrea
2)And the Masai of Kenya. ……ie.
1) The Metahit of Eritrea drink whole milk ,the geAt they make is loaded with pure butter & yohgurt.They drink Camel’s milk (loaded in cholesterol),eat meat..Yet ,they just walk ,they do not go to the jim.I have yet to see a fat Metyahit..All slim & mascular.
2)The Masai of kenya,eat a kilo of meat ,a galon of milk & considerable of fresh cattle blood per day .All cholesterol & fat..during festivities a Masai eats upto 4 kilograms of meat. They just walk ,they are nomads. I have not seen a fat Masai ,,all skinny…
So ,how come almost everyone believes what the “experts say” that fat is bad ..makes you fat and causes you to have high cholesterol ???????..instead of the reality.
So ,I believe in reality,Not what the whole world or all Eritreans believe .I do not believe in an independence that should have never been in the first place.From the get go there was no Gedli but pure banditry ,based on identity denial ,a struggle to prove that part of our populace was Arabic & the rest special breed non tigrean Christians .
Eritrawit ,I am one in a million ,if I may say that about myself.I feel pain of the new generation. My only agenda is the new generation not to be as slave minded as their fathers.That is why I do not single out President Isaias for blame ,He is a smart Abyssinian who planned to rule all Ethiopia (Eritrea included). Isaias used us Eritreans as a condom to reach his goal..that is why he still tries to discredit EPRDF through including terrorism (Oromo Islamic Terrorists)..so that in the process of havoc he could rule his country Ethiopia.As time goes you will see what I am saying.
ክብርቲ ኤሪትራዊት፣ እቶም ብናተይ ዕድመ ዝርከቡ ወስላታት __ንኣኻትኩም፣ንሓድሽ ትውልዲ ኣሰር ኣያታትኩም ተኸተሉ ክብሉኹም ከለዉ እንታይ ማለቶም እዩ፧ ከምቲ ንሳቶም ሂወቶም ንርካሽ ዕላማ ተቓሊሶም ዕረ ዝኾነት ቀበሌ ምዃን ዘይትበቅዕ ከዛብ ሃገር ፈጢሮም __ንኣኻትኩም፣ነተን ደቀንስትዮ ዓሚጾም ንዓማጺ ምስ ኣሕለፉኽን __ወድን ጓልን ናብ ራሻይዳን በደዊንን ሸይጦም__ኣዋልድ ኣጥባተን ብማሕረሻ እናሓረረ__ሰብኡት ተጎምቢሖም በዕራብ ክጭመቑ ክርውኡ__ናይ ሕስረት ሕስረት እንድዩ።ንሱ ማለቶም ድዩ ፧መንግስቱ ሃይለማርያም እኮ ናብ ኣዕራብ ከይንሽየጥ እዩ ዝዋግኣልና ኔሩ።ለባም ኔሩ ማለተይ ኣይኮንኩን።ግን ከም ህዝቡ ኣሚኑልናስ፣ሸፋቱ ከተማ ኣስመራ ኣኽቢቦማ ከለዉ ከማን ብነፋሪት ቀለብ እናእተወ ዝምግበና ዝነበረ ፈታዊና እዩ። ሕራይ፣ እቲ ግፍዒ ናይ ሲናይ ናይ ኢሳያስን ህግደፍን እዩ ንበሎ። እቲ ካልእ ኣብ ሓዊ ከእትወኩም ዝደሊ ዘሎ ብናተይ ዕድመ ዝርከብ ወስላታ ኸ ድኣ እንታይ ኣብ ማይ ዝኣተወት ኣንጭዋ ኮይኑ ፧መንና እዩ ንኣኻትኩም መሪሑ ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ ዝገበረ ፧ ወይሲ እቲ ጅግንነቶም ኣብ 1991 expire ጌሩ፧…… እቶም ጀርመን ኮይኖም ዌልፈር ዝቕበሉ ዘለዉ ኸ እንታይ እዩ ስቕትኦም ? To be fair እቶም ጀብሃ ዝነበሩ ብተዛማዲ ዝሓሹ ፣ዝሓቱን ዝቃወሙን ተብዓት ሸፋቱ ከም ዝነበሩ ንኣምነሎም።ግን ብጊዜ ውግእ ባድመ ከማን ሓቂ ክንዲ ዝነግርኹም ወይ ኢዶምን ኣፎምን ሒዞም ሱቕ ክንዲ ዝብሉ ቅድሚ ሰብ ሽሕ ማርክ ክልተ ሽሕ ዶላር ሂበ ኣለኹ ዝበሉ ኢዮም፣ ከምታ ንሶም ዝጥዓምዋ መታን ክትጥዕምዋ !!!!!
ኤርትራዊት ፣እዚ እዩ ኣነ ጸለል ዘብለኒ__”ሕድሪ ስዉኣት” እንታይ እዩ ንዓኹም ንሓድሽ ትውልዲ ፧ብጀካ መርገምን ዘስካሕክሕ ግፍዒን እንታይ ኣምጺኡልኩም ፧I do not see the Jews celebrating Nazi day or Hitler’s birthday ? THEN WHY THE HELL ARE THE ERITREAN YOUTH THIKING THE “ሕድሪ ስዉኣት” is some divine duty that shines salvation .Let the ex bandits remmember their comrades in bad adventure.
ኤሪትራዊት ፣ካብቶም ዝወደቑ ማእለያ ዘይብሎም ኣዝማደይ እዮም ፣ካብ ነቲ ዕላማ እቲ ዝሞቱ ግን ኣረጊት ሙታንታ ከድሕኑ እንተዝስውኡ ዝሓሸ ቃንዛ ምተሰምዓኒ ፣እዚ ውድብ ሸፋቱ, ኣዝማድ ዘይብለይ ኣትሪፉኒ።ሽፍትነት ዝብሎ ድማ ከምቲ ዝገለጽኩልኪ ኣነ ኣብ ተግባር እምበር ኣብ ሽም ኣይኣምንን እየ።ክንደይ ገብረእግዚኣብሄርን ዓብዱላሂን ዝሽሞም ግፍዒን ዓመጽን ሰሪሖም ኣብ ቤት ማእሰርቲ ኣለዉ።ትርጉም ኣስማቶም ድኣ… ባርያ እግዚኣብሄር፣ባርያ ኣላህ እኮ እዩ።ግን ተግባሮም እምበር ሽሞም ኣይኮነን ዝገልጾም ፣እዚ ሓድሽ ትውልዲ ድማ ከም ፓፓ ጋሎ ካብቶም ደናቍርን ክብረት ዘይብሎም ብዕድመይ ዝርከቡ ዝደጋግሙሉ ቡልሺት ዘይኮነ ኣብ ሓቅነት ክኣምን ኣለዎ ፣ካብዚ ተበጊሱ ድማ ነዛ TIME BOMB ዝኾነት ኤርትራ ከመይ ጌሩ ኣስላማን ክርስትያናን ኮፍ ኣቢሉ ብሰላም ክፈትሖ ሕጂ እዩ ግዚኡ ኤረ ጊዚኡ እናሓለፈ እዩ ።
እዚ ወድሓንኪ
EriView January 16, 2014
Of cource eating fat makes you fat – if you dont exercise. Nomads are not fat people because they spent their entire life travelling from place to place on foot. No amount of jym exercises can match that.
ER ITRAWIT January 16, 2014
Thank you very much for you time really I do appreciate. Well done you lost that much just in 2 month and I wish you all the good health!!! it is a good lesson for me so thank you again. ya that is our story otherwise we wouldn’t been in this situation SYE.
what really I don’t understand is after all this crime what is happening to our young and all ages inside Eritrea ship container, underground, in villas….. and outside like Sinai. we have been raped and burn we pay between 30 to 40 thousands dollar to get them back our Brother and Sister. after all this Israel making plan to send them back to another unknown Sinai!!!!! nothing been seen like this in the world and most the money been paid in Eritrea it shows you something really bad is been plan for long time. everyone and all Awraja and haymanot is paying very hard price for nothing!!!!!!!! but yet we are Bleaming each other yeklelo eu zbehal uncle SYE Thank u again.
correction by addition ….Please read .I lost 12 pounds in less than 2 monthes by eating fat and avoiding simple carbohydrates & specially sugar.
thank you
Stefanos Temolso January 16, 2014
As I mentioned earlier other People who have first hand information on the issue should help in corroborating the facts. We have a lot of experience that in both fronts countless innocent Citizens were liquidated for personal reasons. If we want a clean and decent society we must be able to Discover what really happened during the Liberation era. So we must be able to verify Gwal Langano’s stand against Gwal Burguwa.
Genet January 16, 2014
Stefanos Temolso
You are making a good point like Habibi is doing.
Those two women are writing about real Eritreans being killed wrongfully. Yet they are not giveing us the facts, who did what. They are accusing each other of committing serious crimes. They are seeking support as they are the victims of the serious crime. The real victims are the one who were murdered senselessly. Unless they are able to prove their accusations, there is a big question mark on both of them. FYI, this not about PFDJ VS anti-PFDJ. This is about real, innocent Eritreas being killed. This is not about two women who are living the good life in diaspora. Therefore, We need to use our head not to support either one of them, until they provide the public solid evidence that they are innocent. I want to know, if either of them talk to someone independent, if their allegation can be proved. Why they waitted 40 years from getting this out in the open?
Habibi January 16, 2014
Tsigeweini, the ball is still on your side. Unless you want to make a bestseller out of the book, you still have to quote the exact part in the book that refers to you and challenge the allegations with the facts you can have. This would be the only way to find witnesses who can have something to say on the case. Besides, this can spare the reader the time and effort of buying or borrowing the book in order to understand your whole rage and emotionality in the last 3 articles. I am not assessing your rage and anger to be valid or not although I can imagine how painful it could feel to be mentioned in a book in a negative sense that has affected other lives but the reader has to have the exact matter of the case before falling into hasty judgments.
Genet January 16, 2014
Good point!