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ስዑዲ ዓረብያ – ድያብሎሳዊ መንግስቲ

እዚ ሕጂ ንስዑዲ ዓረብያ ዝገዝእ ዘሎ መንግስቲ እንግሊዛዊ ሃጸይነት ንረብሓኡ ዘቖሞ፡ ኣብ’ዚ እዋን እዚ’ከአ ብግዙፍ ለግስታት ወትሃደራዊ ዕጥቅን  ጸጥታዊ ሓለዋን ኣውሮጳን (ብፍላይ መንግስቲ ጀርመንን እንግሊዝን) ሕ.መ.ኣ.ን ዝነብር ሓደ ካብ’ቶም ዝኸፍኡ ኣረሜናዊ ዲክታቶርያዊ መንግስታት ዓለም እዩ። 

እዚ ሕጂ ንስዑዲ ዓረብያ ዝገዝእ ዘሎ መንግስቲ እንግሊዛዊ ሃጸይነት ንረብሓኡ ዘቖሞ፡ ኣብ’ዚ እዋን እዚ’ከአ ብግዙፍ ለግስታት ወትሃደራዊ ዕጥቅን  ጸጥታዊ ሓለዋን ኣውሮጳን (ብፍላይ መንግስቲ ጀርመንን እንግሊዝን) ሕ.መ.ኣ.ን ዝነብር ሓደ ካብ’ቶም ዝኸፍኡ ኣረሜናዊ ዲክታቶርያዊ መንግስታት ዓለም እዩ።  መንግስቲ ኣሜሪካ ንነፍሱ ከም ሓላዊ ሰላምን ዲሞክራስያን ኣብ ዓለም ክሸይጥ ይፍትን እዩ። እዚ ግን ሓቂ ኣይኮነን። እቶም ካብ 6000 ዘይበዝሑ ንምሉእ ምጣነሃብትን ፖለቲካዊ ስልጣንን ዓለም ዝቈጻጸሩ ሰራሕትን ፈንጣሕትን ንግስነታት ዓለም፡ ብዘይካ ብሕታዊ ረብሓታቶም ሰላምን ዲሞክራስያውን ፍትሕን ዓለም ፈጺሙ ኣይግድሶምን። ንጥቕሞም ዝሰርሕ ሰላምን ዲሞክራስን ግን ይሃንጹ። ንውግእ ሰላም፡ ንዲክታቶርነት ከኣ ዲሞክራስያዊ ኢሎም ክገልጹን ከእምኑን ድማ ኣኽእሎ ኣሎዎም። ንግስነት ስዑዲ ዓረብያ ውጽኢትን ኣገልጋልን ናይ’ዚ ሚስጢራዊ ስልጣን ዓለም እዩ።

ስዑዲ ዓረብያ ሓንቲ ካብ’ተን ዝሃብተማ ሃገራት ዓለም እያ። እንተኾነ እቲ ምሉእ ሃብቲ ሃገርን ዘሰንዮ ፖለቲካዊ ስልጣንን ብካብ 600 ዘይበዝሑ ንጉሳዊ ቤተሰብ ዝተገበተ እዩ። እቲ ዝበዝሕ ህዝቢ ከኣ ካብ ምጽወታ’ቲ መንግስቲ ይነብር። እቲ መንግስቲ ብናይ ስልጣን ዓምጣርነቱን ጭከና ኣብ ልዕሊ ተቓወምቲ ደቂ ሃገርን ካብ’ቶም ዝኸፍኡ ዲክታቶራት ዓለም እዩ።  ብኣሽሓት ዝቍጸሩ ደለይቲ ለውጢ ደቂ ሃገር ብምክፋእ መንግስትን፡ ሽበራነትን- ናይ ሓሶት ክሲ ኣብ ናይ ሓሶት ቤት ፍርዲ- እንዳተኸሱ ኣብ ጨካን ቤት ማእሰርትታት ጠፊኦምን ሓሊቖምን እዮም።  ግፋ መሰል ደቂ ኣንስትዮ ድማ ዘስካሕክሕ እዩ። ኣብ’ታ ሃገር ቕንጣብ እኳ ዲሞክራስያውነት የላን። እንተኾነ እቲ መንግስቲ እቲ እቲ ዝተኸብረን ዝተኣምነን መሓዛ ኣሜሪካን ኣውሮጳን ኣብ’ቲ ዞና እዩ። እዝ’ስ ከመይ? ኣሜሪካን ኣውሮጳን ነቲ ምሉእ ኢፍትሓውን ኢዲሞክራስያን ኣካይዳ መንግስቲ ዓረብ ግርም ይፈልጥኦ እየን እንተኾነ ኣንጻር’ዚ ሓንቲ ቃል’ኳ በጨቕ ኢላተን ኣይትፈልጥን። (እዚ ከኣ ሓደ ካብ’ቲ ንዲክታቶር ኢሳያስ ኣፈወርቂ ዘነድሮ ነጥቢ እዩ። ዓቢዪ ሓወይ ኢሳያስ ተሕዝነኒ ኣብ ሓንቲ’ኳ ዝውሰድ ዘይብላ ድኻ ዓዲ ነጊስካ እምበር ገለ ስትራተጅያዊ ማዕድናት ከም ፐትሮል፡ ኡራንዩም እንተዝነብረናስ ንኸማኻ ዝኣመሰለ ዲክታቶር ከመይ’ከ ኣውሮጳን ኣሜሪካን ኣሚቘን ምሓቖፋኻ! ምሰዓማኻ! ዕድልና ከፊኡ ወይ ጸቢቑ ግን ኦዞም ማዕናት እዚኣቶም የብልናን።)

እቲ ኣብ ልዕሊ ህዝቡ’ኳ ዘስካሕክሕ ጉድኣት ሰብኣዊ መሰላት ዘብጽሐ ድያብሎሳዊ መንግስቲ ስዑድያ፡ ሰብኣዊ መሰላት ወጻእተኛዊ ሰራሕተኛታት ድኣ ከመይ ዘይሕምትል! ምስ’ቲ ኵሉ እትዋታ፡ ኣብ’ዚ እዋን እዚ ህዝቢ ስዑድያ ኣብ ሓማቕ ምጣነሃብታዊ ኵነታት ይርከብ። እቲ ህዝቢ ኣብ ማእቶታዊ ስራሓት ተሳቲፉ ኣይፈልጥን። እቲ መንግስቲ ንእትዋት ፐትሮል ዝትክኡ ካሎኦት ምርጫታት ምጣኔሃብታዊ እትዋት ኣየማዕበለን። ክትዛረበሎም ኣትኽእል ነቲ እንኮኣዊ  ምጣነሃብቲ ሃገር  ክሕግዙ ዝኽእሉ እትዋታዊ ፋብሪካታትን ሕርሻታትን ኣየማዕበለን። እቲ ምሉእ ሃገር ብወጻእተኛታት እዩ ተሃኒጹ። እቲ ወዲ ሃገር ምጽዋት እንዳተደርበየሉ ሰሪሑ ክነብር ኣይተማህረን በዓል ክልተ ጸጋማዊ ኢድ እዩ። ናይ ቤት ስራሕ’ውን እንተኾነ ብሕሱር ስራሕ ወጻእተኛታት እዩ ክስራሕ ጸኒሑ ቅጫ ሰንኪታ ክትበልዕ እትኽእል ስዑድያዊት ሰበይቲ ዘላ ኣይመስለንን። ብዙሓት መንእሰያት ግን ተማሂሮም እንተኾነ ዝሰርሕዎ ስራሕ የሎን። ስእነተ ስራሕ ኣብ መንእሰያት ስዑድያ ሓደ ካብ’ቲ ኣብ ዓለም ዝበዝሐ ኣዩ። ነዚ ቅልውላው’ዚ ንምእላይ፡ ነቲ ጌጋ መንግስቲ ናብ ካልኦት ንምድርባይ፡ መንግስቲ ስዑድያ ሓዲስ ሕገ ስራሕ ኣውጺኡ። ግርም። እዚ ግን ነቲ መሰረታዊ ሽግር ኣይክፈትሖን እዩ። ኣየነይቲ ጓል ስዑድያ እያ ናብ ቤት ካልኦት ስዑድያውያን ከይዳ ቸመንቶ ክትፍሕፍሕ? ኣየናይ ስዑድያዊ መንእሰይ እዩ ናብ ቤት ካልኦት ስዑድያውያን ከይዱ ሞታንታታት ክሓጽብ?

እቲ ብዱዕን ምስሉይን መንግስቲ ስዑድያ ብዱዓትን ምስሉያትን ተጸወርቲ ህዝቢ እዩ ሰሪሑ። እታ ኣብ ልዕሊ ሬሳ እቲ ዝተቐትለ ኢትዮጵያዊ ቈይማ ኣል ከልብ ማት! – እቲ ከልቢ ሞይቱ! ኢላ ዝተሓጎሰት ሰበይቲ ተደንግጽ። እቲ ዝሞተ ንሳ ምዃና ኣይፈለጠትን። እቲ ሓፋሽ ስዑድያዊ ኣብ ልዕሊ ኵሉ ወጻእተኛ- ብፍላይ ኣብ ልዕሊ ጸለምቲ ዘሎዎ ኣሉታዊ፡ ኣስተናዓቒ ርእይቶ ዘንገብግብ እዩ። ኣብ ስዑድያ ቀታሊኦም ዘይፍለጥ ዝቕተሉ ወጻእተኛታት፣ ተዓሚጸን ተቐቲለን ኣብ ፈቐድኡ ዝድርበያ ደቂ ኣንስትዮ ቍጽሪ የብሉን። ሓደ’ኳ ካብ’ቲ መንግስታዊ ትካላት ብዛዕባ ቅትለትን ማህረምትን ወጻእተኛታት ዝግድሶ የሎን። ሓደ ስዑድያዊ ልዑል ንንግዳዊ መሻርኽቱ ፓኪስታናዊ ብህይወቱ ብሓዊ ኣቃጺሉ ቀቲልዎ። መንግስቲ ነቲ ተቐታሊ በገንዘብ ኣሕዊዪዎ እቲ ጉዳይ ናብ ቤት ፍርዲ ከይቀረበ ተሪፉ። ካልእ ልዑል ኣብ ስቪጰራ፡ ኣብ ሓደ ሆቴል ንሓንቲ ሰበይቲ ቀቲሉ እቲ ጉዳይ ናብ ቤት ፍርዲ ከይበጽሐ ብገንዘብ ደቂሱ። ገንዘብ ርግጽ ይገዝእ!

እቲ መንግስቲ ኢትዮጵያ ኣብ ምክልኻል ህዝቡ ዘርኣዮ ተሪር ተቓውሞ ዝነኣድ እዩ። እቲ ኢትዮጵያዊ ከኣ ዝከላኸለሉ መንግስትን ዝምለሰሉ ሃገርን ስለዘሎዎ እቐንእ። ህዝቢ ድማ ተቛዉሞ ኣብ ምሉእ ዓለም ኣብ ዝርከቡ ኤምባሲታት ስዑድያ ከርኢ ኣሎዎ። ኣብ ስዑድያ እንታይ ዓይነት መንግስቲ ይገዝእ ከምዘሎን፡ እንታይ ዓይነት ኣረሜናዊ ህዝቢ ከኣ ከምዝሰርሐን ዓለም ክትፈልጥ ይግባኣ። ኣብ ሃገረ ነቢዪ መሓመድ- እቲ ሰላምን ትዕግስትን ምጽውዋርን ዘምሃረ ነቢዪ፣ ብሓለውቲ እምነቱ ኢና በሃልቲ ምስሉያት ከም’ዚ ዝኣመሰለ ግፍዕን ቅጥለትን ድኻን ስዱድን ክፍጸም ዝኾነ ኣማኒ ክቃወሞ ይግባእ። እቲ ካብ ኵሉ ዘደንግጽ እቲ ወርትግ ኣብ ሞንጎ ሰይጣንን ባሕርን ዝተቐርቀረ ኤርትራዊ እዩ። ዝጣበቐሉ መንግስቲ የብሉን። ናብ ዝምለሶ ሃገር ድማ የብሉን። ኣሎሄ፡ ኣሎሄ ለማ ሰባቕታኒ!? 

ዳንኤል ተስፋይ



Review overview
  • Asghedom Woldeghiorghis November 17, 2013

    A civilian people has been killed not only by police and security, by civilians mentioning Allah wa kuber.
    these Words are used by musilim religion to kill and torrorise people.
    In Egipt they are kiling in the name of Alla , in somalia they are killing inthe name of Allah,
    in Syeria , they are killing in the name of alla, every where in the world.
    Saud Arabia rich country and the Rome of muslumis , should act to kill civilian people is realy amesiuing .
    it is true these immigrates are illagal , but it was necessary to send them back home peacifully .
    We are always afreid to connect violence with religion, But history teaches, all the ciolence in this world Religion has been uaed. Mosti Muslims they kill in the name of Allah.
    For me the muslmes should think twice about this issue.
    They are incpable to differenciate, religion and polotic .
    I am sure the author was afreid to the mosloma of of the world wjo things differwntly.

    • Tamrat Tamrat November 17, 2013

      Now you mentioned it, i allways surprised when they kill any kind of Peoples they say Allahu Akabar! There must be two islasm religions.

    • Wedi Semhar November 17, 2013

      Firstly I would like to give u an advice ,try to understand the issue then blame who you want to blame. Everybody who is sane couldn’t accept about what happened in Saudi Arabia but when you say all the terrorist acts started by Muslims is not only a mistake it’s a lie look at history and you will know who really Muslims are, yes they don’t accept slavery and colonization that’s why even the Eritrean history is dominated by Muslim patriots. But to say terrorists 0k let’s see

      -Who started the First World War, Muslims?
      -Who started the Second World War? Muslims?
      -Who has killed 20 million Australian members? Muslims?
      -Who throw a nuclear bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima? Muslims?
      -Who has killed more than 100 million Indians in North America? Muslims?
      -Who has killed more than 50 million Indians in South America? Muslims?
      -Who was caught with 180 million Africans, of which 88% died and were thrown into the Atlantic Ocean? Muslims?
      • No, they were not Muslims ‼ •
      First of all you need to know the exact definition of terrorism. When a non-Muslim makes a crime you consider it a criminal, when a Muslim makes the same crime he then called a terrorist.

      As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice.
      Adolf Hitler

      Hitler’s slogan was christian, even the mark is cross.

  • mus November 17, 2013

    Anta kindey tihiwtit eka bizaeba bigenzeb adkisemo adekisomo tiblena nay eritrana. Gida giber seb awanta enda tefiaa adi seb gize koyna

  • Danny November 17, 2013

    Dear all,

    The way I understand Saudi as a kingdom and as a nation, its problems against humanity is many folds. It is ruled by an elitist group who would not shy away from anhilating anything and everything to keep its interest. It has a semi illitrate population who has an absolute contempt toward others who are different from the population. And the most deadly problem is for the kingdom and the nation alike to be a religious entity. Religion, as most would agree, is the source of untold destruction throughout history.So there you have it, a self serving kingdom, a semi-illitrate population and both religious entities how would anyone expect to find humanity in this place. I’d rather starve to death living in Ethiopia or in Eritrea than to set a foot in this hellish place called Saudi Arabia.

  • monicasalguero November 17, 2013


  • Paradiso November 17, 2013

    Idris awate writes,
    “ንሕና ኤርትራውያን ቀንጠብጠብ ስለዘይንብል ብሰላም ሕጊ ኣማሊእና ብሰላም ንነብርን ስድራና ንሕግዝን ዘለና ማለት እዩ”

    ሓቁ ደኣ ተዛረብ። እዞም ኩሎም ኤርትራውያን ካብ ስዑድያ ወረቐት የብልኩምን ኢሎም ዝጥረዙ ንምንታይ ድዩ፧ እዘን ኩለን ኣሕዋትካ ሰብይትኻ ደቕኻ ዓረብ ኣብ ሊብያ ግብጺ ሲናይ ሱዳን የመን፣ ንባርነት ሸይጦም ዝጋሰሰወን ዘለዉ፤ ኩሊቶም ዝሰርቍዎም ዘለዉ፤ ወረቐት ዘይብሎም ኮይኑ ድዩ፧
    ኣይኮነን ዘራይ መንግስቲ፣ ዝማጎተሎም ህዝቢ ስለዝሰኣኑ እምበር።
    ኣዋልድን ኣወዳትን ኤርትራውያን ንባርነት ጨናዊ ዓረብ ክሽየጡ እንከለዉ ደው ዝበለሎም ኤርትራዊ ዶ ኣሎ እዩ፧ ኤርትራ ኣኳ ናብ እንዳ ፈረሃት ጃጀውቲ ባራዩ ዓረብ ካብ ዝቕየሩ ውሑድ ኣይገበረን።
    ብጀካ በዓል ሜሮን፣ ኣማኑኤል፣ ኣልጋነሽ፣ ኤረና፣ ኤልሳ፣ የዕብዮ፣ ኣባ ሙሴ ኤርትራ ሰብ የብላን፣ ተሕፍር።

    ጀጋኑ እትዮጵያውያን ኣብ ድያስቆራ እነሀውልካ:

    Saudi diplomat chased down by angry Ethiopians in Washington DC

  • Paradiso November 17, 2013

    Here is some commentary confirming Daniel Tesfay’s observation by African Think Tank.
    Taken from Asmarino .com

    Saudi Arabia Needs to Take More Responsibility for Foreign Workers Human Right Abuse

    African Think Tank

    The African Think Tank today called upon the government of Saudi Arabia to take more responsibility for the human right abuse of foreign workers particularly African, including Ethiopian, Somali, Eritrean, Sudanese, South East Asian Indian, Philippines etc. The current unabated human right abuse to Ethiopian; Eritrean, Sudanese and Somali’s workers is not acceptable in the street of the country has to stop immediately. “This is not something that the international community can stop, but can influence outcomes,” continued Dr. Ahmed. “This violence is deplorable”.

    Saudi Arabia is the largest employer of foreign nationals in the world after the United States. Almost six million foreign workers – a quarter of the population – are employed in Saudi Arabia. While it’s not clear how many are refugees, a figure of at least 400,000 seems the minimum.

    There is a serious subculture of abuse in Saudi Arabia, and many laws which would not be accepted in a modern state. A Sudanese worker was executed by beheading in 2011 for ‘sorcery’ and Ethiopian young women working as house maid abused, and raped, and many more horrific stories on utube3. Laws protecting foreign workers are not particularly just or equitable. Contracts and legal proceedings are held in Arabic, and no assistance is given to understand them. In a 2004 report 1, Human Rights Watch called for a large number of changes.

    This situation has arisen because Saudi Arabia was a poor, under-skilled country when it suddenly became rich in the 1930’s from oil revenues, and needed skilled foreign workers. But this money is decreasing. From 1995, the Saudi government instituted a policy of ‘Saudisation’, which has seen the number of foreign workers drop by about three million. Saudis are often reluctant to take on unskilled jobs which have been traditionally performed by foreign workers.
    For the last few months, the Saudi government has instituted a mass crackdown on foreign migrants. Over 200,000 workers have been deported and many more have been living under bridges and subways and been abused and raped by Saudi citizens, while the law and order enforcement has been missing. 2 This policy was enacted without consulting industry or business and without ensuring that there were replacement Saudi workers available. Workers did not go to their jobs for fear of being rounded up. It caused a crisis that became so bad that King Abdullah ordered a three-month suspension for foreign workers to get their papers in order and recently announced deportation of foreign workers and the citizen resorted to abuse and human right violation on the victims.

    “This is particularly bad for workers who come from countries that there are UNHCR advisories not to return refugees to” said Dr. Berhan Ahmed, chairperson of the African Think Tank. “In 2012, Nigerian women without guardians were repatriated, and also a number of Somalis and Ethiopian. There are over 500,000 Ethiopians, Somalis, and Eritreans in Saudi Arabia. Some of these are there with the permission of their government, but many are refugees. If the refugees are forcibly repatriated, as Egypt and Israel did last year, they face arbitrary torture, imprisonment and even execution, as happened to those poor people. I call upon the Saudi government to protect the workers while in Saudi and also respect international law of foreign workers and UNHCR advisories when repatriating refugees and other workers.” We call upon the international community’s to pressure the Saudi government to act immediately to stop the human right abuse. The African community Melbourne Rally is at the Parliament house, spring St tomorrow at 1 pm, 18 Nov 13 and The Canberra rally is at the gate of Saudi Arabian Embassy against human right violation of Africans in Saudi A

  • wedi amet November 18, 2013

    They have done good job saudies say why those like you poeple deporting from saudia those people like you spoile our name of eritreans seling your sisters and drags and Alcohl in this holy country ……

  • abyssinia November 18, 2013

    Three important reminders to the Ethiopian government.
    1.Never revoke the anti terrorism law
    2. Deport the spy and terrorist agent ,Asmerom Legese. Closely monitor his daily activities.
    3. Expedite the rescue operations in Saudi Arabia to save Ethiopians and Eritreans.

  • abyssinia November 18, 2013

    Three important reminders to the Ethiopian government.
    1.Never revoke the anti terrorism law
    2. Deport the spy and terrorist agent ,Asmerom Legese. Closely monitor his daily activities.
    3. Expedite the rescue operations in Saudi Arabia to save Ethiopians and Eritreans.

    • i and i November 18, 2013

      did u say ethiopians and eritreans?

  • abyssinia November 18, 2013

    Idris Awate, please donot behave likeca bull. What are talking is nonsense. You are foolish that youvare insulting your mother. Please learn common decency if you are in the West. You told us that you are Eritrean Muslim, so what? Are advocating Saudi Arabians who are committing horrible crimes against humanity?. Clear your attitude and be good citizen. Your religion is yours. In the name of religion, donot trade in beyond boundaries.