ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ኣብ ኣስመራ ቤት መኻእ ኣብ መስርሕ ህንጸት ዝነበረ ኣስታት 70 ኣባይቲ ብቡልደዘራት ኣዕንዩ።
ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ኣብ ደቡባዊ ምዕራብ ኣስመራ፣ ቤት መኻእ፣ ህዝቢ እቲ ዓዲ ቅድሚ ሓያለ ዓመታት ኣብ ዝተዋህቦ መሬት ንዝስራሕ ዝነበረ ኣስታት 70 ኣባይቲ ወተሃደራትን ፖሊስን ብምውፋር ብቡልደዘራት ከምዘዕነዎ ምንጭታት ሓቢሮም። እቲ ኣባይቲ ኣብ ቅድሚ ቅድሚ ዓይኒ

ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ኣብ ደቡባዊ ምዕራብ ኣስመራ፣ ቤት መኻእ፣ ህዝቢ እቲ ዓዲ ቅድሚ ሓያለ ዓመታት ኣብ ዝተዋህቦ መሬት ንዝስራሕ ዝነበረ ኣስታት 70 ኣባይቲ ወተሃደራትን ፖሊስን ብምውፋር ብቡልደዘራት ከምዘዕነዎ ምንጭታት ሓቢሮም።
እቲ ኣባይቲ ኣብ ቅድሚ ቅድሚ ዓይኒ እቲ ስርዓት ንሓያለ ኣዋርሕ ክህነጽ ዝጸንሐ ‘ኳ እንተኾነ፣ ገንዘብን ጉልበትን ምስ ፈሰሶ እቲ ስርዓት ምዕናዉ ዘቖጥዖም ተቐማጦ ቆልዓ-ሰበይቲ ከይተረፈ ናብ ጎልጎል ወጺኦም ብኣውያትን ጫውጫውታን ተቓውሞኦም ገሊጾም።
ኣብቲ ኣጋጣሚ፣ ነቲ ኩነታት ክጻወሮ ዘይከኣለ ሓደ ካብ መራሕቲ ናይተን ቡደዘራት፣ “ኣየፍርስን’የ” ኢሉ ደው ‘ኳ እንተበለ በቶም ፖሊስን ወተሃድራትን ተቐጥቂጡ ነቲ ኣባይቲ ናይ ምዕናው ዕማም ክቕጽል ከምዝተገደደ እቲ ሓበሬታ የረድእ።
ደድሕሪ’ቲ ኣባይቲ ናይ ምዕናው ፍጻሜ፣ ነቲ ጉዳይ ላዕለዎት ሓለፍቲ ከምዘይፈልጡዎ ኣምሲልካ ካብ ተሓታትነትን ሓላፍነትን ንምህዳም ብዓቢኡ ቁጥዐ ህዝቢ ካብ ናብ መንግስቲ ናብ ውልቀሰባት ንምጥምዛዝ ተባሂሉ፣ ሜጀር ጀነራል ፍሊጶስ ወልደየውሃንስ ናብቲ ቦታ መጺኡ “ክስራሕ ከሎ ኣበይ ኔርኩም ሕጂ ተፍርሱዎ” ኢሉ ነቲ ናይ ዕንወት መስርሕ ከቋርጹዎ ከምዝኣዘዞም ናይ 03 ወረ ከምዝተዘርግሐ እቶም ምንጭታት ብተወሳኺ የረድኡ።
Hagherawi June 17, 2014
“ሕጂ ቤት መኻእ የዕንዋ’ሎ: ስቕ ኢልና ንዕዘብ ኣለና። ጽባሕ ናብ ካልኦት ክሓልፍ ‘ዩ: ከምኡ ኢሉ ንኹልና ስጋብ ዘጥፈኣና ስቕ ኢልና ንሪኦ ኣለና። ከመይ ጌርና ኢና ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ጀጋኑ ንብል? ሓደ ሰብኣይ (ምስ ጭፍርኡ) ከጽንተና እሕሕ ክንብል ዘይንኽእል? ኣየሕፍርን? ኣነስ ሓፊረ።”
Dear brother, if we were to act in unison if defense of the first victim we would not have been where we are. Indifference is our biggest problem. When we learn to be inclusive and feel the pain of fellow Eritreans, we will be able to defeat our enemy: Iseyas.
sossy June 18, 2014
Wedi Ere and James
Allow me to admit with some gusto and untoward to call myself Eritrean; I am not sure exactly what it would mean to its evil effects. This vicious venomous transaction with mean people like you helps no one. Shame on your parents for they have raised hopeless, wicked and inferior creatures.
Eritreawit June 18, 2014
what ever you say about Eritreans it’s not going to stick, you and likes are who has inferiorty complex who hates themselfves and become Eritreas cancer. Look at Isayas he hided himself amongest the people only revealed himself when he is drunk, what a pitty. So missy don’t bother us here we are trying to fix our problem. Get the hell out of this forum.
Armon June 18, 2014
በጽባጻት የዕንወኩም እወ ዘይርባሓት ተወሊድና
Bilen June 18, 2014
Aye Filipos!!!
Ata Cheqan, eziAtom dma kemtom Adom gedifom ztesedu, sle zeytesedu dikha, neza ktrEyom Aynkha dem meliUka????
abzi gize kremti nezi do fedikhayo nezi dkha hzbi???? btarikh ktkhtet ikha!!!!
redae June 18, 2014
why we Eritreans are worry about houses Isayas start destroy long time a go like other enemies the land is not go to any where worry about the people who are living the land and be like Geebci.
hadnet June 18, 2014
ኣደታት በትምካእ ኢንታይ ትጽበያ ዉጻኣ ኡይ በላ ድሕሪ ገዛኽን ምፍራስ ኢንታይ ክትድገማ ጸላኢ ካብዚ ወዲ ከምዚ ሓሊፉ ኢንታይ ይገብር ነሩ
ክብሮም June 18, 2014
እዚ ናይ መጀመርታ አይኮነን አብ ባጽዕ አብ 2000 ዓ/ም እውን ንልዕሊ 100 ዝኾኑ ስድራ ናብ እምኩሉ ዝተብሃለ ቦታ ብዘይ መጽለሊ ደርቢዩ ማለት ካብ ከባቢ እንዳባ ጀባዕ ዝባሃል ገዛውቲ ብቡልዶዘር አፍሪስዎ ክሳብ ሕጂ አብኡ ብዘይ መጽለሊ ይነብሩ አለው እም ሐድሽ ነገር የለን ክብል ኢለ ኢየ ። ተኾነግን ካብ ዐሳ ባሕሪ ይዐቢ እሞ ፣ ካብ ገዛውቲ ድማ ሃገር ይዐቢ ስለዚ ኤርትራውያን ስንፍናና ሒዝና ስቕ ተንብል ምሐሸ ፣ደርሆ አጥፊእካ ብእንቃቆሖ ምዝራብ አይ ንግበሮ ኢሰያስን ሰዓብቱን ገና ንኹሉ ከዕንውዎ ኢዩም እሞ ወዲ ሐወይ ሐድነት ሐይሊ ኢዩ እም ሐደ ከይኮና ገና ክፈርስ ኢዩ ዓወት ንደለይቲ ፍትሒ ።
henok June 18, 2014
Haki zereba kbrom derho atfeeka b enkakiho zereba Ajeb zeblu yu. netom tzarebu tmdru kea keyteeewyu keytmdru keyttabeku n meselkum ab zhdem ms hademkum kemzi ba kemti gberu elka zereba aygdn “TM NZKEEL TSDKI EYA YBL” hade zfetwo hawey terekbe.
special breed June 18, 2014
Hadnet ,
When you say ኣደታት በትምካእ ኢንታይ ትጽበያ ዉጻኣ ኡይ በላ ድሕሪ ገዛኽን ምፍራስ ኢንታይ ክትድገማ ጸላኢ ካብዚ ወዲ ከምዚ ሓሊፉ ኢንታይ ይገብር ነሩ” I know you mean well ,but if PFDJ could snatch our kids from our laps,how could we protest for losing cement & sand ???
By the way this is Uncle SYE ,I could not log in using former cyber names.
Petros June 19, 2014
1. Abraha Kasa (chief security of the country
2.Colonel Tesfaldet(chief security of the president
3.Simon (chief security of Asmara & environs
5. Alem Tsehai(diplomat from who recently is implicated by Ali Abdu-who. He has betrayed his brother Seyoum Tsehaye – one of the top journalist in jail
7. Arraya Desta -allegedly a relative of my hero Durue(God Speed) a betrayal at the highest.
8. Semere Russom – himself ruffled by Wuchu an embarrassment to his maibet
9. Alamin – the first to accuse publicly to G-15.
10. Abdella Jabir -top political device oh higdefites until he ended up in jail
11. many small pimps like Mustafa Nur Hussien etc
None of the above are from so called. “hamassien “. In fact the top e in the list one of their mandate is to watch that the Military Generals do not even sit for a cup of tea.
Issayas is manipulating two general traits of people and sandwich one group between the two(created ugly nickname for them)
1. Bravado-sebeenet nay Hamassien get it to their belief but in reality grhnet! -military use
2. Tamenti- loyal & committed to loved ones. Zunuaat ab fikrom in reality cultured – Security use
3. Ab kalsi zeytesatefu! Always not factored but brought in the middle as needed. Easy to guess!
Security watch the military. The military watch security. Pump up the diaspora using divide & rule:
1. Pfdj vs Ypfdj
2.hamassien fervor vs. Akeleguzai sentiment
3. Illusively discount their struggle – make them demo their nationalism!(Seraye)
Wake up people! We are people just one ninth(Tigrinya ) of the brethren that make this nation created through blood& sweat. Never the less amongst the old civilization of rich cultural & religious history proven anthropologically & archieolgically.