መጠንቐቕታ ንኹሉ ኤርትራዊ ስደተኛ ተደናጋጺ ህ.ግ.ደ.ፍ
መጠንቐቕታ ንኹሉ ኤርትራዊ ስደተኛ ተደናጋጺ ህ.ግ.ደ.ፍ ብሰንኪ ክቱር ፍርሒ፡ ፍሉይ ረብሓ ወይውን ምሒር የዋህነት ምስ ህ.ግ.ደ.ፍ ትደናገጹ ዘለኹም፡ ኣብ ሕ.መ.ኣ፡ ካናዳ፡ ኤውሮጳ፡ አወስትራልያን ማእከላይ ምብራቕን ትነብሩ ዘለኹም ስደተኛታት ኤርትራውያን ኩሉኹም። እዚ ፖለቲካዊ ዑቕባ ሓቲትኩም መሰል ናይ

መጠንቐቕታ ንኹሉ ኤርትራዊ ስደተኛ ተደናጋጺ ህ.ግ.ደ.ፍ
ብሰንኪ ክቱር ፍርሒ፡ ፍሉይ ረብሓ ወይውን ምሒር የዋህነት ምስ ህ.ግ.ደ.ፍ ትደናገጹ ዘለኹም፡ ኣብ ሕ.መ.ኣ፡ ካናዳ፡ ኤውሮጳ፡ አወስትራልያን ማእከላይ ምብራቕን ትነብሩ ዘለኹም ስደተኛታት ኤርትራውያን ኩሉኹም። እዚ ፖለቲካዊ ዑቕባ ሓቲትኩም መሰል ናይ መስርሒ ፍቓድ፡ መንበሪ ፍቓድ፡ ዜግነት፡ መንግስታዊ ደገፍ (ሓገዝ ናይ መግቢ፡ ገንዘብ፡ መንበሪ ኣባይቲ፡ ናይ ሕክምናዊ ኣግልግሎት (ሜዲካል))ወዘተ ብዋጋ እቶም አብ ዘይውዳእ ዘመናዊ ባርነት ተሞቒሖም ዕድመ ንእስነቶም ዝበሊ ዘሎ መንእሰያት፡ ብዋጋ እቶም አብ ፍቐዶ ቤት ማእሰርቲ ዝማስኑ ዘለዉ ንጹሃት ኤርትራውያን፡ ብዋጋ እቶም ኣብ ፍቐዶ መዓስከር ስደተኛታት ሱዳን፡ ኢትዮጵያን እስራኤልን ዝንከራተቱ ዘለዉ ኤርትራውያን፡ ብዋጋ እቶም አብ ፍቐዶ ኣጻምእ ሰሃራ፡ ባሕሪ ሜድተራንያንን ጎላጉል ሲናይን ዝሃልቑ ዘለዉ ኤርትራውያን ወዘተ. ዝረኸብክሞ ዕድልን ጸጋን ምዃኑ ሞጎት ዘየድልዮ ዘየማትእ ሓቒ እዩ።
ዘሎኩም ፖለቲካዊ አረኣእያ ብዘየገድስ፡ ንስኻትኩም ከምኡ ድማ ማሕበረሰብ ዓለም፡ ንውድብ ህ.ግ.ደ.ፍ ከም ባርባራዊ ገዛኢ አብ ልዕሊ ህዝቡ ኩለንተናዊ ጭካነ ዝፍጽም፡ ዘይቅዋማዊ ስርዓት ምዃኑ ትፈልጥዎን ትገልጽዎን። ነዚ ሓቂ ምርኩስ ጌርኩም ድማ ናብ ኢሚግረሽን ብቃለ ማሕላ ስተሰነየ ሰነድ ምስ ክታሙ አቕሪብኩም ሕጋዊ መሰል ናይ ዑቕባ ክትረኽቡ ክኢልኩም። ነዚ ማሕላ ረሲዕኩም ወይ ድማ ረጊጽኩም ነቲ ትማሊ ዕርቓኑ ዘውጻእክሞ ህ.ግ.ደ.ፍ. አብ ክንዲ ካብ ጽዩፍ ተግባሩን ምምሕዳሩን ክቑጠብ ብኹሉ ዓቕምኹምን ክእለትኩምን ክትዓግትዎ ትቃለሱ፡ ብኣንጻሩ፡ አብ ኩሉ ናይ ህ.ግ.ደ.ፍ ምድላዋትን ኣዕናዊ መምርሒታትን አብ ጎድኑ ኮይንኩም ፍናን ክትህቡን ንዋታውን ገንዘባውን ሓገዝ ክተበርክቱን፡ ዓገብ! ብዋጋ እቶም ውጹዓት ዝረኸብኩሞ ሞሳ፡ ሕነ ምስጋናን ደገፍን ንውጹዓት፡ ተመሊስስኩም አንጻር እቶም ውጽዓት መሳርሒ ህ.ግ.ደ.ፍ ክትኮኑ ምምራጽኩም ብሕጊ ተሓተትቲ ይገብረኩም።
ስለዝኾነ፡ እዚ ብሰንኪ ህ.ግ.ደ.ፍ. ዛጊት መስተርሆት ዘይረኸበ ውጹዕ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ፡ ብፍላይ ድማ መንእሰይ፡ ራህዋ ክረክብ፡ ንቡር ህይወት ክመርሕ፤ ዝመሃር ትምህርቱ ክወፍር፡ ናብራ ዝደልይ፡ ንቡር ረኺቡ ክወልድን ክዝምድን፡ ክሰርሕ ዝደሊ ሸቒሉ ክበልዕ፡ ማዕሬኹም ዕድልን መሰልን ዘለዎ ኤርትራዊ ፍጡር ምዃኑ ከይዘንጋዕኩም፡ ጸቢብ ጊዚያዊ ረብሓን በለጽን ገዲፍኩም፡ አብ ምዕጋት ናይዚ ገደብ አልቦ ዕስክርና፡ ዋሕዚ ስደትን ሞትን፡ ኩለንተናዊ ስቕያት ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ክትቃለሱ ወይ “ውን እግርኩምን ኢድኩምን ክትእክቡ ነጠንቕቕ።
ወጽዓ ከቢድኩም ብኽንደይ ከርተትን መከራን አብዚ ከምዝበቓዕኩም ይዝከር። ኮር ተገልበጥ ድማ፡ ብሰሪ ተርእይዎ ዘለኹም፡ ኢፍትሓውን ኢሰብኣውን ምድንጋጽ ንህ.ግ.ደ.ፍ.፡ አብ ውሽጢ ዓዲ ዘሎ ህዝቢ ራህዋ ክረክብ አይክኣለን፡ ብተወሳኺ ነቲ ብኽንደይ ከርተት ናብ ኣሜሪካ፡ ካናዳ፡ ኤውሮጳን አወስትራልያን ዘኣተወ ኤርትራዊ፡ ወረቐት ንኸይረክብን ዕድሉ ከምዝጸብብን ከምዝዕጾን አሉታዊ ጽልዋ ንውጹዓት ትኾኑ ስለዘለኹም፡ ካብዚ ነውራም ተግባራት ክትቑጠቡ ነጠንቕቕ።
ድሕሪ እዚ መጠንቅቕታ፡ ካብ ዕለት 15/08/2014 ጀሚሩ፡ ምስዚ ስርዓት ኣብ እትወስድዎ መርግጺ፡ ከም ተደናገጽቲ ኮይንኩም ሓቢርኩም ህዝብና ክጭፍጨፍ ኣበርክቶ ብምውሳድኩም ንሕና ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ንጹር ሓበሬታኹም ብቪድዮታት፡ ስእልታት፡ ኣስማት እትነብሩሉን እትሰርሑሉን ኣድራሻን ዓይነታት ስራሕኩምን ብደቂቑ ብምስናድ ናብቲ ክነቕርበሎም ምሉእ ምትሕብባሮም ዘውሓሱና ሕጋውያን መንግስታውያን ትካላት ከምኡ ውን ብሕጋውያን ጠብቓታት ዝተስነየ ክስታት ብምምስራት ብኣዝዩ ዝተወደበ መንገዲ ጭብጢታት ኣቕሪብና ኣብ ፍርዲ ቀሪብኩም ዓስቢ ጥልመት ውጹዕ ህዝብኹም ክትፍደዩ ብሙሉእ ዓቕምታትና ንምትግባሩ ተዳሊናሉን ወሲናን ከምዘሎና ነጠንቕቕ። እዚ መደብ ቃልሲ እዎናዊን ዘየላቡን ኮዩኑ ስቅያት ህዝብና ዘዘናግዖ ዓንዳሪ ስርዓት ዕድመኡ ንምሕጻር ኩልና ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ኣብ መላእ ዓለም እንርከብ እዋናዊን ሓላፍነታውን ስጉምቲ ኮይኑ ረኺብናዮ ኣሎና።
ነዚ ክሰምዕን ከስትውዕልን ዘይደሊ ዜጋ ከምቲ ዕጫ ናይቶም ኣብ ሃገረ ኖርወይ ናይ ፖሎቲካዊ ዑቅባ መሰል ተዎሂቡዎም ከብቅዑ፣ ተመሊሶም ናይቲ ስርዓት ኣገልገልቲ ዝኾኑን ብስቱር ንኤርትራ ዝመላለሱን ኩነታቶም ብሰነድ ተረጋጊጹ ንመንግስቲ ኖርወይ ስለዝቐረበ፡ ናብ ኤርትራ መዓልቲ ምጥራዞም ዝጽበዩ ዘለው ኣሕዋትናን ኣሓትናን ከይትኾኑ ወይ ውን ናብ ሕጊ ከይትቕርቡ ደጊምና ተጠንቐቑ ንብል።
ሰላምን ፍትሒን ራህዋን ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ!!!
ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ሰሜን ኣመሪካ
Aman Bayray August 16, 2014
Wawww. …deleyti “fithi” bellu eti fithkum si semienayo. …”selamn, rahwan, fithin, nhizbi Eritrea” ka ybahaleley. Abet zereba!!
silent August 16, 2014
እቅረታ……ተኪኤ ክብሮም ..ዝብል አፍ’ዪ
silent August 16, 2014
Saturday’s chat on the human-mosquitoes: zzZZzz….
The fact that you are wicked traitors is not a problem;
the fact that you are coward conscript-dodgers is not a problem either,
the problem is that you are really FOOLS.
The first cardinal mistake of fools is deficiency of knowing that they are laying on an anvil under a suspended sledgehammer not seen by a naked eye.
Their 2nd grotesque mistake is to imagine that they are powerful enough to THREATEN and TERRORIZE innocent, dutiful and patriotic Eritrean citizens.
Their 3d mistake is to venture in a war of arm-twisting that obviously can’t win versus the persevering sage and brave Shaebia/Hafash.
:- Who would have guessed that charity/alms/piety recipients/dependents would one day turn into paper-tigers (face-book warriors) instead of leading an esoteric lifestyle?!!
አይይረድ ጥራሕ’ዩ ዘብል!
Carlos Santana August 16, 2014
It so interesting to me when I hear some of the comments people say, ” I am PFDJ, metkeley, I love PFDJ & my country, etc.. ” I wonder where this people come from. What they were doing during the struggle for Independence of our beloved country. I can understand the love of a country; but you love wudib(pfdj)? Wow!! unbelievable. This shows the shallowness of these people’s thinking. Here you are living in a country where you can say what you are saying. You are living in peace, working or going to school or both. Looking forward to the future with hope. On the other hand you have the future of Eritrea’s young blood leaving their beloved country in mass. Hopeless with no future, they don’t even know where they are going. But choosing to die trying. And you are talking about, “metkeley”? It is so ridiculous!
Deleyti Fithi are simply reminding the victims of their responsibility to those one’s who left behind. Not to be victimized again out of ignorance. I have the opportunity to talk with some of these youngsters, and share my concern. Most of them they don’t even have a clue about the indirect help they are contributing to the same government they run from. They just go to these Festivals to meet other people, friends, to get info of other friends that might have left somewhere, etc.. When I explain to them the relationship, how PFDJ operates, most of them they get actually surprised. We have to engage them gently, make them aware how the Mafioso’s work. Usually most of them will get it. All peace loving, democratic minded people, Deleyti Fithi or not should take very seriously to engage, talk, advice how these youngsters can fight the tyranny of PFDJ. Like any dictators in the world these one’s also shall pass, will be defeated. But we should be wise how to handle the aftermath. We should develop the culture of tolerance, discussing, respecting each other’s opinions, etc.. starting right now. Tomorrow is too late!
koķob August 16, 2014
Wala eka dlet kulu Eritrawi fthi entekone neti sirat nmelaw slti kndi zwten antsari hzbi ztemete gosgas nkulu tsbuq aykonen. Neti ab wishti Eritrea koynu zegelgl zelo serawit zneqhalun bzey zkone demawi gonets neti siraþ zalwelu agebab wey neti hade melaki zqntselelu agebab entezteatato
GEORGE ORWELL August 18, 2014
atum sebat kemey kemey eyu negeru ??ere entay ena ngebro ? men eka tekie wala men …….entay metkel tfelt dea eka kemzi elka afka melieka tzareb …ember do riesi aleka eyu ……ezi texahifu zelo tikikl mukanu hlnaka yaamenelu alo gn btefetroka ferah slezkonka eka bzuh tezaribka ….eti mdgafkas ytref heray eti afka mhazke men kelkeleka ? hade haki gn tegahiduley alo nsu kea kem hzbi wesenti aykonan …….ezi dma nebsna slenfetu eyu …..ane gn walakua akmi ayhalwenimber bezi neger ezi 100 kab 100 eye zsemamae ……asena dma kexlwo
YERHWO KEDANE August 19, 2014
mehari August 19, 2014
wy deleti fthi gena zey gber knegbrekn zey zreb knezarbekn ina, o’bedbed atywen loms.
finally you will left with out a country, hade b’hade nfeltekn sle zkona b’eznkn kneteltlekn in a
nweyane aminkn may oa’mikn.
open your mind August 20, 2014
All Eritreans who are reading Tekie Kibrom’s loyality to his Government , is nothing compared to mothers who are dancing at the death and suffering of their children.but my message to mother fucker Kibrom is (if there is any one by that name, , because the government itself uses false names), come and help them in America or European immigrations if you are brave enough to save anyone of them.very soon we will send them back to you tied by immigration officials .it is black or white , either they stand for the removal or killing of your dictator or back to slavery under him.they cant have it both ways and you only talk the talk but cant save them because a slave cant save a slave .
Delaii fithi August 21, 2014
Nezom denaqur mitirazom way mirishanom