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ሓበሬታ ካብ ኣሰና ብዛዕባ ክርክር መሪሕነት ባይቶን ኣቦ ወንበር ፈጻሚ ሽማግለን

ክቡራት ተኸታተልቲ ኣሰና፣ ነቲ መሪሕነት ባይቶ ኤርትራዊ ሃገራዊ ባይቶ ንዲሞክራስያዊ ለውጢ ኣብ ልዕሊ ኣቦ ወንበር ፈጻሚ ሽማግለ ዶክተር ዮሱፍ ብርሃኑ ዝወሰዶ ስጉምቲ ብዝምልከት፣ ምስ ዶር ዮሱፍ ከምኡ ‘ውን ነቲ ስጉምቲ ምስ ዝወሰዱ መሪሕነት ባይቶ (ኣቶ ጸጋይን

ክቡራት ተኸታተልቲ ኣሰና፣

ነቲ መሪሕነት ባይቶ ኤርትራዊ ሃገራዊ ባይቶ ንዲሞክራስያዊ ለውጢ ኣብ ልዕሊ ኣቦ ወንበር ፈጻሚ ሽማግለ ዶክተር ዮሱፍ ብርሃኑ ዝወሰዶ ስጉምቲ ብዝምልከት፣ ምስ ዶር ዮሱፍ ከምኡ ‘ውን ነቲ ስጉምቲ ምስ ዝወሰዱ መሪሕነት ባይቶ (ኣቶ ጸጋይን ወሮ ፍረወይንን) ከምኡ ‘ውን ምስ ምኽትል ኣቦ ወንበር ፈጻሚ ሽማግለ ኣቶ ዮሃንስ ኣስመላሽ ዝተኻየደ ቃለመጠየቓት ኣብ ርእሲ ምእንጋድ፣ እቲ ኩነታት ካብ ዘገድሶም ውድባትን ውልቀሰባትን ዝበጽሓና ጋዜጣዊ መግለጺታትን ርእይቶታትን ‘ውን ኣቕሪብና ኢና። እንተኾነ ገና መግለጺታትን ርእይቶታትን ይመጽኣና። ብወገና ድሮ እኹል ግዜ ስለዝሃብናዮ፣ ብቐንዱ ካብዚ ንላዕሊ ብዛዕባ’ቲ ጉዳይ ምምልላስ ካብቲ ከነተኩረሉ ዝግብኣና ቀዳማይ ጉዳይ ውልቀምልካዊ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ክኣልየና’ዩ ዝብል መረዳእታ ስለዘለና፣ ብቐጥታ ነቲ ጉዳይ ኣብ ምድጋፍን ምዅንናንን ዘተኮሩ መግለጺታትን ርእይቶታትን ከምዘይነአንግድ ምስናይ ይቕሬታ ነዘኻኽረኩም።


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  • Tesfay Okbu August 15, 2013

    WELL DONE ASSENA. We are clear on the issues and let’s move on. If they have some thing to say let them speak in the coming congress as they usually do. Otherwise Assenna is not the field for hatred mongers like pfdj.

  • Beruk August 15, 2013

    Great job Assenna! Good to redirect the misguided focus of many opposition groups to the fundamental problem Eritreans have – eritrea’s rule by absolute dictatorship.

  • Truly Truly i say to you August 16, 2013

    Assena`s wise decision is very understandable! because of that the admiration and respect that i have towards Amanuel and the taff members is enormous.
    But these opposition leaders they have to know the fact public issue because not private issue, it is good if they not try to make it taboo or secret to what ever they do. Actually i don´t know to what they useful done or achieved in their long time abstained, unless they wasting time.
    If there is a military action, or coup plan something like that, if this would be taboo or secret it is much understandable, but not their useless fight against each other.
    By the way in this modern time, let alone the third world politic congress decision or plan, even the developed nation congress would be, unless few of few mighty nations, most they couldn´t keep it secret because of technology.
    So the good Dr. Yosuf should have to know the fact we are not living in old century, as far as the activities they doing since it is inside Ethiopia, and among them since there is someone with different motive and agenda, who come to spy or divide them, whatever their activities as wouldn´t be or couldn´t be more taboo or secret. Even without using modern technology, it is easy to expose whatever they plan or doing if it needed. In This regard Ato Tsegay has not mistaken! I also closed not more to talk about this theme.