Breaking News: Yohannes Tikabo, a famous Eritrean artist, abandons the dictatorial PFDJ regime in Eritrea. sources in the US confirm, the famous Eritrean artist Yohannes Tukabo (Wedi Tikabo), who has been in the US for PFDJ organised official tour abandons the dictatorial regime in Eritrea. Wedi Tikabo has been sent sources in the US confirm, the famous Eritrean artist Yohannes Tukabo (Wedi Tikabo), who has been in the US for PFDJ organised official tour abandons the dictatorial regime in Eritrea.
Wedi Tikabo has been sent abroad by the PFDJ along a group of artists for propaganda shows, which the regime often uses to dissuade the decline of its support base among Diaspora Eritreans.
In light of the recent Lampedusa tragedy, which shocked the whole nation and the world, excluding the regime in Asmara, Yohannes Tukabo’s decision was both timely and morale.
michael October 27, 2013
how come we don’t have a strong opposition against evil ,terrorist ,tribalist ,dictator, murderer, human trafficer regime
Wedi Sessantotto October 27, 2013
Hello, My people
tesfu October 28, 2013
you late wedi Tikabo, you served the killer government for many years.But it’s fine even now you have time to conpensate your people I’m sure your contribution is going to be much more useful. Let’s unite guys it’s time to……… Tesfu
reyeto October 28, 2013
He is no body (zero) (nada)…..for the equation to be different from what it is on the ground right now….
Die hard Eritrean October 29, 2013
Great point, he was an icon, but now a traiter
Semere October 29, 2013
Wedi Tekabo, I do not believe you are in your wright mind, they must gave you some thing for you to have such a twisted thoughts, you had it so good in Eritrea and you where treated like a king. From now on your life including your health will deteriorate in a fast scale with in three months I bet all I have you will regret your decision and You will be the most miserable human being in a no time.
faith October 29, 2013
wow….semere, wht a hater !! my God …does is make you happy to wish someone health to deteriorate like that? dont be so nagative …life is too short to be hatfull like that . you dont know what’s gonna happen to you tomorrow.
yohannes anbessa October 30, 2013
Semere ab makorkka mismar yetewka ok . You are a bloody greedy individual to comment about this legend singer who did serve this cruel and blood thuresty government from day one for free unlike you who may be claiming all the handouts of the west while you are chewing chat chat trying to make yourself a wise guy so sort your own head before you open your wide mouth and talking about respect if you need a lecture you will have it in abandoned ok thick head
ETHIOPIAN STAR October 29, 2013
Isayas Afewerki also will be a refugee with in a recent Months, because there is Nothing there naturally.
The natural Draught Land with the fake Natsnet.
yohannes anbessa October 30, 2013
May you are a bigger star representing yourself and a lot of people in Ethiopia and you will be awarded a five star as a world famous as you useless are thick head you have been a beggar for generation obviously noone will challenge your talent in this department
Rosi October 31, 2013
Non of your business you begger
Wedi tikabo October 29, 2013
Guys I haven’t asked asylum yet, what’s with the conclusions.?
Wedi tikabo October 29, 2013
I’m just not feeling well. People, haters.
Wedi shawul October 29, 2013
Never seen denkoro people like we eri people we blame others for our own problems
we consider our selves civilized people while we are the most losers
Haben October 30, 2013
ወዲ ትካቦ ንስኻስ ያኢ ሻጥር ኮንካ ማለትካ እኮ ኢኻ፡
1- ጎሮሮኻ ብመስተን ሽጋራን ዓርኒሱ ኢዩ፣
2- እዞም ናይ ሎሚ ዘለዉ መናእሰይ ደረፍቲ ንስኻ ትወዳደሮም ኣይኮንካን
ስለዚ ነዛ ናይ መወዳእታ ዕድል ክጥቀመላ ኣለኒ ኢዩ እቲ ሓሳብካ። ህግደፍ ከም ሰብ ከም እትፍለጥ ገይሩካ ኢዩ።
ካልእ ይትረፍ ከተመስግኖ ኢዩ ዝግበኣካ። ሕጂ ቶኻሉ (ህቡብ ህቡብ) እንተበሉኻ ከይትዝንጋዕ፣ ጽባሕ ንግሆ ነዓኻን ንሰብካን ዓቢ ውርደትን ሓዘንን ኢዩ። ሕሰብ ሕሰብ—
cici November 1, 2013
Haben, shut the hell up!!!! you r such an a heter. First of all you can not comper on one with wedi tikabo he is amazing artist singer song writer whether u like it or not you can’t change that . You r full of negativity.