Why don’t we Ignore DIA and his Cohorts?
Mr. Fitsum Abraham, in the first place I want to give you my highest esteem as a nationalist Eritrean, for the timely articles that you are launching in Assenna. Surely your dedication will be rewarded

Mr. Fitsum Abraham, in the first place I want to give you my highest esteem as a nationalist Eritrean, for the timely articles that you are launching in Assenna. Surely your dedication will be rewarded in New Eritrea, as it will for all others who are tirelessly struggling to bring freedom to the country. This is the worst of all time in Eritrea. Eritreans, above-all those in the country, are in the most abysmal and despicable situation in the world.
Mr. Fitsum I admire you so much of your erudite analysis of on your articles. However, in all your articles I see you replying those junk people who are after character assassination. In my opinion, you don’t even have to give a minute of your time to this gibberish tidbits. These people can not write any thing better than this. I want to tell you that these are people in the lowest echelon of our Eritrean society. So why do you follow this kind of people. Please, no need to reply. They are trashes wherever they are.
As you know more than I do so many has been said about Isaias.. He never bothered to give a damn on us. He continues ignoring us and keeps on again and again. There is no one who can show him the way including, his Aya, the leader of Qatar. They are after their casino hotels in Dahlak Kebir. Of course, Nissu (he) will be the only one to enjoy there. No minister, no general or his top intelligence will go and enjoy there. As you know Nissu is the greediest person on earth.
In our case, the fact that we are writing about him or his cohorts continuously can not bring an iota of change in our struggle to dismantle him from his cubicle. When we write, there are many ready on his payroll who will fabricate words and facts to demean our writing. Let’s not go down with them. Since it is what they wanted.
The point is now to dedicate ourselves to the highest authorities of the world, UN, USA, Africa, Europe & Asia and with other organizations. By doing that we can make change in a short time. Look how President Obama cited modern slavery in Eritrea. He didn’t get this information out of the blue. I am sure that the White House is already well informed about the situation of Eritreans being sold by Rashaida to Beduin in Sinai. Surely from Eritreans. This is what we need now.
It is high time now that we find a venue to the higher authorities of the world, where they can hear our plea. This will break the backbone of Nisuu, since we are going show that we are more important than him.
Over and above we need to join hands with Eritreans, as well, who are fighting Nissu from different areas. Troubleshooting and solution finding for administrative setbacks to the ongoing Meniseyat movements, like Meniiseyat ni Lewtin Democracin would be more than welcome. They are doing what they can challenging the DIA regime, with various demonstrations all over the world. We can also do the same to other organizations.
In this context the fact that I mentioned Mr. Fitsum Abraham, on my first paragraph, is not to give more importance than all the other heroes working day and night. Others are also there writing in good command of Tigrigna, Arabic, and English just for one cause of Eritrea. It is such a wonderful thing to hear from poets, young & senior fathers, who are diligently coining words to give living poetry, as well as songs to glorify the freedom struggle. Songs made in honor of Wedi Ali and the veteran EPLF tegadalay Tesfay Teminewo and others are great.
So far so good. But this is the time to ignore Nisuu, afterall it seems that he is going to pass out from his liver cyrosis, God willing, soon. We are hearing good news that he got faint before they took him to Abuzabi, before two weeks. His end is going be like all the criminal cruel leaders of our leaders. We will see it soon.
By luck we are endowed with hundreds of Eritreans, highly educated and others who have the means and the way to lead us to victory. We have organizations and opposition forces as well who know a lot about ignoring Nisuu.
Lets ignore Nisuu and Nihina Nisuu. No reply to whatever they write. Nothing. Deaf ears. He is not ours. Maybe, he is extraterrestrial, so Ignore him and his cohorts Nihina Nisuu.
Finally, it is timely to reiterate that Assenna and Amanuel Iyassu are the shining stars of the time and up-to the time that we are back to our homeland.
Halafi Mengedi April 22, 2013
You said, “…replying those junk people who are after character assassination.”
Who are “those junk people”? I hope you are not a hypocrite who lectures other people on what to say and not to say. “n’Adgi zeykebedo’s n’MexAaN”… Mr. Fuxum AaF yebilun diyu nisika titabekelu..
Paradiso April 22, 2013
There is no more miserable place on earth than Eritrea and the Eritrean Hgdef and Arab slaves at home and in the Arab world.
Whether we like it or not even by trying to hide under the rags, the Eritrean Ghedli has created more mess and destruction than any fascist Italian or Menghistu of Ethiopia did.
And only Eritreans themselves are responsible for this ugly current predicament in the land.
Sahle Yosieph April 22, 2013
I agree with you. Mr. Fitsum he is living in the past, and he want to dialog with the dictator. Dialoging with dictator is over since 1994. HGDEF dream of Eritrea and the real Eritrean dream of Eritrea are not compatible. Eritrean people want freedom. Freedom to speak, to work, to learn, to move from place to place freely, to travel, to live with out fear, to organize, to worships freely, to do business, to invest, to have a right to start his/her own family, to live under the rule of low, to vote, to be elected and much more. HGDEF=HELL
HOPE LESS ERITREA April 23, 2013
While your advice is in it´s place….as one African American aquaintance told me…..” our problem is we have way too many niggers but too little balack people”….
The point I am trying to make is Mr Fitsum Abrahams approach saves to birds with one pennecillin.
1)We have many “brain deficient”(it sounds redundant)Eritreans than wise ones…to pay our precious blood to exclude ourselves from the riches we owned in Ethiopia…(and we owned a lot)…just because to make Eritrea our national identity as opposed to provincial identity shows we are more retarded than the word retarded itself.And MOBAE you would be surprised to know the stupid comments you read a good number of Eritreans…specially 50+++++ years old
2)He is letting the wisdom deficient individuals to engage..in that way they will expose their emptiness by trying to engage or he can teach one or two Eritreans.
thank you
denden April 23, 2013
Again rabid dogs are everso screeming louder and louder and the camel is marching sridently.
once a dog life long dog!
mobae April 23, 2013
All comments are more than welcome, but that of Denden is cheating oneself and others when the storm of change is near.
What’s this jargon of dogs and camels. This is stupid from your end. Denden, please try to face reality. Don’t cheat yourself till you are caught red-handed.
the eritreanmilitarymovement April 23, 2013
To All Eritreans inside and out side Eritrea!
It has to be remembered that before the operation of FORTO the secretly established Eritrean Miltary Movement has informed Eritreans inside and outside, there could a military qudetat and urged Eritreans to support the movement and the operation.
Unfortunatly the operation didn’t succeed,because of urgency and lack of coordination.
Now the right operation is on the pipeline.It is right because most of the taskforce along with the people of Eritrea are ready to undertake the operation.
The operation will be from july to September.all Eritreans inside Eritrea must take care during this time.
All diplomats of Eritrea are urged to contact the movement through e –mail to know what to do and donot.
Isayas afeworki and his 5 juntas are under closer watch from now onwards.
any Eritrean can contact the Eritrean military movement through the following e-mail to know the updates_:
we are open to the public because we are confident to accomplish the operation and every thing is under our control.there is nothing to fear.
Victory for Eritrean people
Truly, truly i say to you April 23, 2013
Please who are those junk people who are after character assassination?” could you mentioned their names? Did some one attempted or practiced character assassination against Fitsum? Do you mean his analysis all is not to contradict but to accept and to say amen like God´s word? What a worthless hypocrite? Like it or not we don´t ignore DIA and alike you.
Truly, truly i say to you April 23, 2013
You hypocrite! like it or not,” the genuine Eritreans have strong case against Isaias Afewerqi for destabilizing our country, subjecting our people to unnecesary war, sanctions; isolation, human traffickers,dangerous migration of youth, weakening our armed forces etc. For lost of 22, 000 innocent life and our territories within two weeks war , for lost of islands ,for deliberately dis- functioning our ports, air ports, any kind of business and businessmen, intellectuals etc. For nor implementing the constitution, holding power without election and ruling without rule of law, for late the nation wealth to be exploited without accountability and transparency, for killing our disabled veterans and then without ashame for bluff word he said ” in this nation there is a demand of luxury (HanQikum!)” . For and all of these are valid points we citizens have full right to question the intergrity of the person who is leading the country and to impeach and hang him for endagering our country.” Even to that my brother Dawit Mekonen when all this happen because Isayas´s wife stayed passive, i think because suspected could be when said she is “Tigrawyti” Fitsum answerd was, “so what?” as if the matter is irrelevant nothing harm us. Additionally as if he opposing Isayas, by defending his national, he was threatening the Eritrean interest and he was charging Eritrea as ignited the war? So about these and many others serious issues to challenge him is that making character assassination? You may are like Isayas Isayas with identity crises. Guy! we know birds with the same father as flock together.
Kalighe April 23, 2013
“The operation will be from july to September.all Eritreans inside Eritrea must take care during this time.”
Sir, are you serious ?, you must be kidding …
Any one who has served in the army knows that “operation will be from July to September” type of talk is simply hollow or it’s an attempt to mislead ordinary people. Many ex-tegadelti know by experience that the Eritrean Army is not ready yet to act against the regime, mainly because of the stupid generals and the so many spy networks. But, if that has to happen soon, contrary to expectations of many, their first target should be DIA and all those who are protecting him. In a matter of few hours all his security agencies should be targeted and completely destroyed. It’s about who should survive, the regime and it’s protectors or Eritrea and it’s people.
If you are one of the regime agents trying to do “your job” from the so-called Eritrean Embassies
don’t think people are still living in early nineties. The only ones who are really retarded are those in Nihna-Nusu camp and their handlers.