Who is Alazar Mesfin?
Alazar was the son of Mesfin Gudum and Misla Debessai. He is one of five boys and two girls. Five of them joined the Eritrean liberation struggle. Fikre Mesfin and Aron Mesfin sacrificed their lives

Alazar was the son of Mesfin Gudum and Misla Debessai. He is one of five boys and two girls. Five of them joined the Eritrean liberation struggle. Fikre Mesfin and Aron Mesfin sacrificed their lives while Meheretu suffered severe injuries and is disabled. Mesgina was captured by the Derg regime and was imprisoned. As a result of the torture he suffered mental breakdown.
Alazar Mesfin studied at Addis Ababa University where he graduated with BA in Business studies. He joined the EPLF in 1975 and worked in different capacities in the organisation. After independence he was employed as civil servant at higher positions. He went to America and obtained first class Master’s degree and returned to Eritrea in 2000.
Alazar strongly advocated for democracy, the rights of Eritreans and implementation of the Eritrean constitution. In September 2001, he was taken into secret detention due to his political beliefs.
His whereabouts is unknown, and nobody knows what happened to him. Both his parents died while he was imprisoned, and the deaths are attributed to their grief.
Alazar is the father of three children, Peter, Noel and Nathan who live in Eritrea and do not know what has happened to their father.
The Eritrean people are suffering at the hands of the President of Eritrea, who is responsible for all the atrocities. Many innocent Eritreans have disappeared without trace. Families and friends campaign to get justice for the “disappeared” although their efforts have been fruitless so far. Remembering the victims in September 18 annually has become a tradition among Diaspora Eritreans who oppose the dictatorial regime.
Suleiman Salim September 18, 2013
“Alazar was imprisoned because he said that the G 15 are not traitors! This has nothing to do With watching Your mouth etc.”
Were you part of the team that arrested Alazar? Were did you get the information regarding his case?
If he indeed said that the G15 were not traitors, as you have claimed, that means he was a victim of ” not watching your mouth “.
In any country in the world, specially Africa, people get capital punishment for high treason. I am glad that there is no death penalty in Eritrea like in America.
Meretse Asmelash September 18, 2013
Suleiman Salim,
Are you still playing your mesinko for the river to ease?
Meretse Asmelash September 18, 2013
Sorry, I decided not to let you go with out a bit of advice:- Please go tell the Spartans that the river is full and you can not cross it.
Forto September 18, 2013
We shall over-come some day, and I’ll remind you.
Suleiman Salim September 18, 2013
Meretse Asmelash,
‘zi’a bkrar iya tdref
anta beAl kedaE
Sere-Hafash mendaE
ab r’sieKum ‘yu zml’o
‘ti sewrawi slaE::
Meretse Asmelash September 18, 2013
Dear Sulieman,
You see brother that was then and the time has changed now except for the dead ones.
Remember if you think you have an advice for me ,I assure you that I have a desire to take it.
Anyways, while I am waiting for your advice, here is one for you:-
Don’t ever start walking if you are not sure your way out.
Genet September 18, 2013
Well, Meretse,
Zombies don’t know their way. They just wonder around aimless.
Suleiman Salim September 19, 2013
You are very sure about yourself.
Suleiman Salim September 19, 2013
Meretse Asmelash,
“Don’t ever start walking if you are not sure your way out.”
That is what we tell to the likes of Genet,assuming they are Eritreans.
eritrean September 18, 2013
Suleiman come join meskerem.com. don’t waste your time with agame
Genet September 18, 2013
meskerem.com? why?
MightyEmbasoyra September 18, 2013
Meskerem is for zombies. That’s why.
Suleiman Salim September 19, 2013
Genet and Emba,
You claim to be democrats but do not respect freedom of speech. By the way, I advise you to get married to each other. In terms of character you are the same.
Stefanos Temolso September 19, 2013
I think you may be the man who gave the info about Alazar and caused his arrest. I see everything you said is directed against him and others who stood for the people. Why be so callous and brutal like the regime. And please do not ever say Eritrean Go… but the PFDJ regime or clique. Last but not least, whatever may be the details about the arrest of our dear comrades, Alazar, feron, Kiros, Seyoum tsehaye, Idris Abu Are it is our obligation to defend them because, above everything else they are in detention without trial.
Suleiman Salim September 19, 2013
I don’t know Alazar but Wedi Gudum sounds familiar to my ears.
belay nega September 19, 2013
” Alazar, feron, Kiros, Seyoum tsehaye,”
As far as I know the above guys are victims of “not watching mouth” “አፍ እላፊ”
Sorobeti September 18, 2013
No one has got your idea… you are saying in Eritrea no rule of law thus there is no death penalty, what we have in Eritrea is indiscriminate killing on the hands of a handful of bandits led by mentally ill dictator.
Suleiman Salim September 19, 2013
” Indiscriminate killing”??
You do not have any evidence.
shimdehan September 20, 2013
you as the nephew of Abdala Idris of ELF, u r playing your perfect role. but the evidence is written in your anus. you will show us one day.
lily endrias September 18, 2013
Natan, I share all your grievances, I stand with you on the most important question you raised. Me and my brothers, Amir and Samuel miss Alazar very much. Our parents fought for the now independent Eritrea. I always wonder about two things, how they fought for liberation of Eritrea and why are Alazar and others in prison after they delivered independence for their people. Let’s unite and raise our voice on behalf of all children whose parents are missing. I love you.
Genet September 18, 2013
I can’t believe you lasted this long at Assennna forum. Assenna Forum is the home of Eritreans who are smart, open-minded, realistic, brave, sharp minds, vigilant, full of life and independent mind. You are none of these. You have a man made mind. A cult follower, dictator worshiper zombie, passive and an excuse for a human being. You need to wake up before it is too late. The train is leaving the station. Choo.. Choo.. Choo…..
Bad news for you and alikes.
The dictator, on his latest sorry interview, clearly stated that he failed to lead the Eritrean people. He said, he has no idea what to do. He admitted that he lied in the past that he can lead Eritrea and its people. But noting is working. He stated that he doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t want to lie any longer. He also said that if Ethiopian give him electricity, he will take it. He said, “no body will stop me”
This means, All the smart Eritreans are right about the state of our country all along; You and all the zombies are wrong. The dictator actually agreed with the all concerned Eritreans. All that garbage propaganda on ErTV is a lie. He is telling you and all the zombies out there that he lied to you. SO, Mr Zombie what do you have to say for yourself? You know that as a cult follower, dictator worshiper subhuman, you can’t go against your master. Don’t you dare.
belay nega September 18, 2013
Hating the president does not take you anywhere,accepting the ugliness of Eritrean issue is the bottom line which lead us to a long lasting solution.
Meretse Asmelash September 19, 2013
Wait until tomorrow or after. All it takes is the dictator to say “entay tsil’e alona”
belay nega September 19, 2013
“to say “entay tsil’e alona””
Unless you talking about BIBLE or KORAN,that is all about politics.
Just like you and alike have the right to be day time Eritreans and night time Ethiopians.
Suleiman Salim September 19, 2013
You talk too much. Why don’t you tell us who you are so that we can take you seriously? Be at least as courageous as Stephanous Temelso.
Genet September 20, 2013
Well, Suleiman,
My name is Genet. I am an Eritrean. I don’t believe a ward that comes out of the dictator. I am anti PFDJ’s zombies. I believe our country needs rule of law like any people in the world. I believe Eritrean who are in prison with out a day in court shouold be let go. I believe and demand Alazar’s family and all the Eritrea people should get justice. I believe our unity is the key, to overcome the atrocities by the ruthless dictator and his blind followers. As a real Eritrean, I feel my peoples’ pain and suffering. Because I am not in PFDJ’s Eritrea, I am able to accomplish my derames and aspirations. As a real Eritrea’s daughter, I want all Eritreans in Eritrea to have derams and aspirations and to have a chance to accomplish their dreams. I believe, Eritreans are hard working good people and we can do better than the delusional dictator.
Now, Don’t say, “Genet, you talk too much” Because, You ask for it. I realy do think you need to wake up.
Suleiman Salim September 20, 2013
That is a very nice presidential campaign speech.
Aman September 18, 2013
The likes of Suleiman are afraid that their crimes will be exposed and they will be held responsible for whatever atrocities they were involved in. No surprise if they support or defend the tyrant.
Eritreans, especially, Eritrean who are direct or indirect victims of this ruthless madman and his servants should take the initiative to execute and take actions on the perpetrators. It is like these victims are waiting for some other Eritreans come do their share. No change will come unless somebody take the initiative to take action on the killers. On this article and on so many articles people talk about the families and relatives of imprisoned or executed citizens. Not a single family member has taken a single step to protest against the butchers or try to take a revenge on whoever is responsible for the disappearance of their loved ones. I have said it before and I will say it again – a change will never come about if these families are not willing to lead or sacrifice or take the risk of avenging the butchers. It is becoming a common scene to see families of victims to dance on the killers’ guayla – why would one expect other to take the bullet for them when these families are helping to pull the trigger.
Victims and families, be brave and take the lead.
Suleiman Salim September 19, 2013
What happened to your family members? You seem to take everything very personal. Don’t be selfish.
ahmed saleh September 19, 2013
Suleiman nebsi
Please try to chill down . Without knowing you act like MINIA KHOLEL in this forum to find a way of
annoyance to nag with commentators . That will not bring good to your mental health and your reputation
as respected Eritrean fellow . Just brotherly advice if you are for real pure Eritrean .
Suleiman Salim September 19, 2013
I am replying to the people who put to me questions for clarification.
Genet September 19, 2013
You are taking yourself way too seriously.
What clarification? everythings you say is jumbo mobo. No body is asking you to clearify any thing. Zombies have no clear thought process. However, they do have filthy mouth like you. 1..2..3.. So predictable.
Suleiman Salim September 20, 2013
afki gn me’Ar ‘yu maletki dyu ?
Aman September 19, 2013
Nothing has happened to my family but I tell you one thing. If the likes of you or any body try to set a hand on my family, I will defend my family with my blood. I will die protecting my house. The is the message I was trying to tell you and for all the readers. Defending you country starts from protecting your parents, siblings and your house hold. That is what is missing in Eritrea the past 2 decades. People forget all about their family value and start to worship a blood sucker and surrendered their their parents, off springs, properties.
I was telling for all the victims and families of victims to have the the courage to fight for their loved ones as a matter of honor and to hand the thirsty blood suckers to the justice they deserve.
ተወልደመድኅን September 19, 2013
ንሓደ ኣብ በረኻ ዕድሚኡ፣ከምድላዩ ሰብ እንዳኣዘዘ ዝመጸን ተቓውሞ ሰሚዑ ዘይፈልጥን ሰብ፡ካብ ተጋጊኻ ክትብሎ ክሳብ ክንደይ ከቢድ ምዃኑ ብግብሪ ርኢናዮ ኢና።ስለዚ ሰብ ብጽቡቕ ተግባሩ ክምጎስ ብሕማቕ ተግባሩ ከኣ ክውቀስ ንቡር ኢዩ።ኣብ ታሪኽ ሰውራ ኤርትራ ገበን ፈጺሞም ንህዝቢ ብመስዋእቶም ዝኸሓስዎ ሰባት ከምዘለዉ ፍሉጥ ኢዩ። ብኣታቶም ከኣ ንኾርዕን ንሕበንን። ኣብ ዝኾነ ይኹን ሰዓት ድማ ብታሪኽ ኣምኽኒና ክንከሶምን ክንውንጅሎምን ሞራላዊ ዕግበት የብልናን። ይኹን እምበር ን40 ዓመታት ብጩቕ ትብል ቃል ከይትወጽእ ከይደቀሱ ዝሓድሩ፣ ገበን ኣብ ልዕሊ ገበን እንዳተደራረበ ከሎ፣ ኣብ ክንዲ “ልቢ ውሒዱና ተጋጊና፣ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ከኣ እቲ በደል ነጊርና ክንክሕስ ድሉዋት ኢና” ኢልካ ታሪኽ ከይደጋገም ምምዓድ፣ መምስ ዝወጸት ምስጢር ክዓብሱ ዝጎዩ ሰባት ምርኣይ ኣብ ኤርትራ ልሙድ እንዳኾነ መጺኡ ኣሎ። እዚ ድሕሪ ጉጅለ 15 ዝወጸ ምስጢራት፣ ህዝቢ ብውሑዱ ቅድሚ ናጽነት ሰሚዕዎን ተዛሪብሉን ኔሩ እንተዝኸውን፣ እዚ ድሕሪ ናጽነት ዘጋጠመ ኣሻሓት ቅዝፈት መንእሰያት መድሓነ ኔሩ። ብሰንኪ ኣብ ቃልሲ ዝፈጸምዎ ገበን ኣይሰላም ኣይኩናት ኮይና ዕድሜኦም ብዘይ ክሲ ከሕልፉ ዝደልዩ ማእለያ ዘይብሎም ሰባት ኣለዉና። እዚ ክልተ ነገራት ከነታዓርቕ ሓያል ጻዕሪ የድልየና ኣሎ።………kab xhuf xegay gebrHywet
Suleiman Salim September 19, 2013
Business information > Business articles > International newspapers & news wires
Africa News Service
6.3 Million Nakfa Potable Water Supply Projects Underway in Serejeka Sub-Zone.
Article from: Africa News Service | April 9, 2007 | Copyright
Serejeka, Apr 09, 2007 (Shabait.com/All Africa Global Media via COMTEX) — The construction of potable water supply projects at a cost of more than 6.3 million Nakfa is underway in Serejeka sub-zone, Central region. The villages of Adekolom, Geshnashim and Shimangus-Tahtai would be the beneficiaries of the projects.
The project in Geshnashim includes a water tanker with a capacity of holding 100 cubic meters and a 6km.-long water pipelines. 5 distribution centers in Adekolom and 3 in Geshnashim would be …
Genet September 19, 2013
Can you please listen to the dictator’s interview. I am not making this up. The dictator said, there is nothing going on in Eritrea. He even said there is no money from gold profit. All the talk about gold is not real. Nothing is working. Also, he said, providing clean water for Eritrean people is not his concern.
Suleiman Salim September 20, 2013
‘za Geneta tbehal meraHit meAs iya tmeSena ‘nda belet mela’ hager tSbeyeki iya zela:: I am not making this up.
Genet September 20, 2013
Just listen to the interview.
Forto September 20, 2013
You mean $120,ooo project, what a news. Any way something better than nothing.
Suleiman Salim September 20, 2013
anta Hamushte santim zey tweSo Qormad ndolar aytestenaEQ.
ahmed saleh September 19, 2013
The same on going sad stories to keep us shed tears inside of us to suffer alone silently by ourselves .
Believe me , they will not be forgotten and INSHA-ALLAH ( GOD WILLING ) their justice will prevail at one
time . It is only matter of time .
NATHAN ALAZAR September 19, 2013
I am the son of Alazar Mesfin. Both my parents were EPLF fighters (TEGADELTI). My father Alazar Mesfin is from Geshnashm, Hamassin Eritrea and my mother Sofya Fessahaye is from Mylubus, Seraye Eritrea. I am an Eritrean national.
I am an Eritrean child asking “Where is my father”? “What has happened to my father”?. This is also the voice of many Eritrean children. It has now been 12 long years since my father has
To all Eritrean children like myself, I want you to join me and support my plea to the Eritrean government to disclose where my father is. To all Eritrean parents you have a responsibility to advocate for the voiceless Eritreans, for their voice to be heard and to find justice and human right in Eretria.
Thank you all supporters.
brhane September 19, 2013
For freedom, justice and democracy … Alazar and his fellow G,15 achievements will came at great personal cost to himself and his family. His sacrifice willnot only serve his own family but it will his own nation as well, Eritrea, made eritrea a better place for every body.. For alazar freedom costse hime
– Destroy the whole mesfen family
– To grow his children with out a father
– 20 years as freedom faighter and 12 years in prison……
So the eritrean eritrean ppl have to advocate the family continuty and child victims of this happening….