Who is Alazar Mesfin?
Alazar was the son of Mesfin Gudum and Misla Debessai. He is one of five boys and two girls. Five of them joined the Eritrean liberation struggle. Fikre Mesfin and Aron Mesfin sacrificed their lives

Alazar was the son of Mesfin Gudum and Misla Debessai. He is one of five boys and two girls. Five of them joined the Eritrean liberation struggle. Fikre Mesfin and Aron Mesfin sacrificed their lives while Meheretu suffered severe injuries and is disabled. Mesgina was captured by the Derg regime and was imprisoned. As a result of the torture he suffered mental breakdown.
Alazar Mesfin studied at Addis Ababa University where he graduated with BA in Business studies. He joined the EPLF in 1975 and worked in different capacities in the organisation. After independence he was employed as civil servant at higher positions. He went to America and obtained first class Master’s degree and returned to Eritrea in 2000.
Alazar strongly advocated for democracy, the rights of Eritreans and implementation of the Eritrean constitution. In September 2001, he was taken into secret detention due to his political beliefs.
His whereabouts is unknown, and nobody knows what happened to him. Both his parents died while he was imprisoned, and the deaths are attributed to their grief.
Alazar is the father of three children, Peter, Noel and Nathan who live in Eritrea and do not know what has happened to their father.
The Eritrean people are suffering at the hands of the President of Eritrea, who is responsible for all the atrocities. Many innocent Eritreans have disappeared without trace. Families and friends campaign to get justice for the “disappeared” although their efforts have been fruitless so far. Remembering the victims in September 18 annually has become a tradition among Diaspora Eritreans who oppose the dictatorial regime.
Asmarino September 17, 2013
Wedi Medin berad kindey jeganu zeyeketele anta entay aniduna zelo besenki hade wedi komarit hzbi ketsenit wey eritrea kab megzati nab barnet dergi zehishelu gize eko eyu abeh edelina kinrekibo dergi
ተወልደመድኅን September 17, 2013
እንታይ’ሞ ክንብል ተስዊኡ፡ሞይቱ፡ተኣሲሩ፡ተሳቕዩ፡ተጸልጺሉ፡ተጸሊሉ፡ደስኪሉ፡……ጥራህ ዝስመኦኣላ ሃገርን ነዚ ክሰርህ ባህ ዝብሎ ስሮኣት ተረኪብና።ሓርገጽ ዘለዋ ጸብሪ፡ሓንካስ ዘለዋ ደብሪ ጸርያ ናይቲጸሪ ይብሉ ኣቦታትና።ከም መኦኣል ኢሳያስ ሃንካል ኣተሃሳስባን ሃንካል ባህሪ ዘለዎም ኩሉ ኣይሰኣንን ኢዩ።
aus 17 September 17, 2013
Please, let me diviate and use the situation broadly for our case:
You can say all Eritrea is Alazar, wounded, bruised, tortured, imprisoned,….
Yet, the solution is not fleeing the country as the youths do nowadays.Instead confronting face-to-face the gasping leader and bound the killing bullet to his chest once and for all.
Then the house of torture, and the dark well of prison and the caves of injustice will be gone with him.
Breed not cowardice youths who flies like the wind towards west sand east instead facing face to face searching for lasting solutions.
Suleiman Salim September 18, 2013
It is interesting that you mentioned fleeing the country. What do you think, for instance, DruE would do if he were to be released from prison tody? Answer: He would use every opportunity to cross the border to get to Woyane.
The government of Eritrea is doing what every self-respecting government would do in any part of the world. National security is above everything else.
MightyEmbasoyra September 17, 2013
One of the mistake we are doing here is that we just blame Isayas only. If those greedy soulless generals do not obey him, it would have been over long long time ago. They have the power to topple him but they don’t want. Why? I believe because they are as guilty as him. It is about time to blame them equally. Why are we going around that rather saying it openly?
ababua September 18, 2013
Suleiman Salim September 17, 2013
“He went to America and obtained first class Master’s degree and returned to Eritrea in 2000.”
ሓሻኪ ብገንዘብ ሓፋሽ ኣብኡ ክመሃር ምስ ከደ ገሊኦም ወዲቦም ኣብ ዳህያ የእትየሞ።
Alazar was the son of Mesfin Gudum and Misla Debessai.
መበቆላዊ ዓዶም ድኣ ስለ ምንታይ ረሲዕኩምዎ? ሃየ ንገሩና።
Semhar September 18, 2013
Suleiman Salim;
We all know that Isayas’s father is from Tembien and his mother is from Adwa, he is 100% Ethiopian.
It doesn’t matter his origin because Eritrea gives citizenship to foreign nationals as long us they obey Eritrean laws and regulations.
Isayas is Ethiopian mercenary sent by his uncle dejezmach Solomon Abreha, the former Governor of Wollo province of Ethiopia and by dejazmach Asrate Kassa the former governor of Eritrea to dissolve the Eritrean revolution the ELF. Isayas successfully dissolved the ELF in 1980 and the EPLF in 1993.
As long as the mad dog Isayas wedi Medhin Berad and his blind followers are alive the misery will continue.
We must get reed of these killers and liberate our land and our people!
bret ab idka demegnaka Isayas wedi MEDHIN BERAD ab meretka!
Hizbika adhin!!!!!!
Suleiman Salim September 18, 2013
Semhal (Semhal Meles Zenawi)
I enquired about the ancestral village of Alazar Mesfin and in reply to my question, look what you have done: you have filled Assenna with your teQmaT. Why?
Let me advice you: don’t tell lies about Issaias Afeworki Abraham, the Lion of Nakfa, Wedi Tselot,Wedi Hamassien, Wedi Eritrea TsaEda and President of hagere Eritrea.
samuel September 18, 2013
“ብገንዘብ ሓፋሽ”?
ነቲ ብር ይኹን ናቕፋ ናብ ዶላር ኣሽሪፎም፡ እንሆለካ፡ ኪድ ተመሃር ኢሎሞ። ካብ’ደይ ሓሊማን ካብ’ደይ ለተ-ኪዳን ዝተኣከበ ገንዘብ እዮም ከፊሎምሉ። ገሊኦም ወዲቦም ኣብ ዳህያ ኣእቲዮሞ። ብቐሊሉ ዝጥወ።
ክሳብ ክንደይ መስተንዓቕ ባህረይ ከም ዘለካ፡ እዚ ቅንጥብጣብ ጽሑፋትካ ይሕብር እዩ። ንእሽቶይ ወዲኒ። ወዲ ሹቕ። ከም’ቲ ዓብዪ ወዲኒ።
ghenet September 18, 2013
Are you trying to say that Alazar was improsioned because of his origin? Does any human being deserve to be in Alazar’s position because of their origin? What about his martyed brothers?
So now anyone can not a different opinion or can not belong to any organisation or party other than PFDJ?
Which ‘hafash’ has paid for his education? American Gvt? because eritrean govt has never paid a penny for anyone’s education outside eritrea?
You really must search your self to see if you have any human compassion left in you.
Suleiman Salim September 18, 2013
You can not claim to have a different opinion while serving the enemy agenda.
ghenet September 18, 2013
Which enemy could you be talking about? PFDJ?
I am opposing and fight with all I have against my enemy inside.
But the issue was Alazar! is he in prison because he joined a different party? or because he studied in the west? or as you tried to insinuate because of his origin?
Do I sense paranoia?
ababua September 18, 2013
because it’s irrelevant,
1, መበቆል ዓዱ ኣገዳስነት የብሉን፡ ዋላ ናትካውን ክንፈሊጥ ኣይንደልዪን
2, ተማሂሩ ናብ ዓዱ ተመሊሱ ዘይከማኻ ፡ ብሓሶት ዕቕባ ሓቲትካ ዘይገንዘብካ እናበላዕካ ሰብ ተደናግር ደለኻ
3, እንታይ ምውዳብ ኣድልይዎ፡ ባዕሉ ብኽልተ ዓይኑ እናረኣዮ
salma a. September 18, 2013
you think his origin is important, Suleiman Salim? you are asking a family that payed five dear lives of its beloved children for our independece where it originated? i pity you. but i’ll have to ask you ‘who are you to ask the family anything at all?’ apparently you are some moron who thinks that it is the sole responsibily of such families to make unimaginable sacrifices so that you can live your useless life. ask yourself why Eritreans paid dearly for our independence instead of where our heroes originated from. men meraat ms belekin tikuahala zibluwo kemzi yu. med ke hatatay gebereka donkoro!!!!!!!!!!!! eseyas’s puppy
Suleiman Salim September 18, 2013
“you think his origin is important, Suleiman Salim?”
simerrrr2012 September 18, 2013
Suleiman Salim,
Niska kitwled kondom zeyminbaru bitami yehzin..bel niska kondom tetekem sidra Isayasin sidrak zigeberwo gega niskam kaytdegmo.Kemakum bezhom ab Europan America.
Suleiman Salim September 18, 2013
anta Ajuz kemaKa zemen ‘ni-‘ni zteweledku dyu mesiluka!! kan bzeyka kondom kal’ zereba s’inka??
adieKan aboKan aysm’U!!
NATHAN ALAZAR September 18, 2013
I am the son of Alazar Mesfin. Both my parents were EPLF fighters (TEGADELTI). My father Alazar Mesfin is from Geshnashm, Hamassin Eritrea and my mother Sofya Fessahaye is from Mylubus, Seraye Eritrea. I am an Eritrean national.
I am an Eritrean child asking “Where is my father”? “What has happened to my father”?. This is also the voice of many Eritrean children. It has now been 12 long years since my father has
To all Eritrean children like myself, I want you to join me and support my plea to the Eritrean government to disclose where my father is. To all Eritrean parents you have a responsibility to advocate for the voiceless Eritreans, for their voice to be heard and to find justice and human right in Eretria.
Thank you all supporters.
ababua September 18, 2013
Where are you Suleiman or Satanman whatever your name. Do you want to meet me in person, have any guts?
salma a. September 18, 2013
NATHAN dear,
you don’t need to tell us where your mother and father are from. all that matters is that they are Eritrean HEROES. they are our brothers and sisters, you know. so you don’t need to justify anything. we know who you are. and we know we need to honor what our brothers and sisters did so that we can live in an independent Eritrea. i also want you to know we stand by you, NATHAN. we are in this together. but forgive those stupid individuals who are talking nonesense. because they apparently don’t know what they are talking about. Ajoka.
Stefanos Temolso September 18, 2013
Hi Nathan, I was wondering if you are still in Eritrea or outside that hellhole. I am a friend and a collegue of your father while we worked for the Dept. of Customs in Eritre. I remember Your father used to say to you NHNA when you were a kid of about four or five years. I knew you as a Bright and active Young child. later on I was imprisoned for political reasons and met Your father only once and that was after his Return from America in mid 2001. I knew Your father as a very dynamic and influential person. But what amazes me is his principled manner. He is a good organizer with a high calibre and was a good billiard and table tennis player. I wish you good Luck. You can send me an email through the above address, I would like to give you as much info as you like about Your father.
belay nega September 18, 2013
“I was imprisoned for political reasons”
How were you released then if your case was political? Is Eritrean gov human sometimes?
Stefanos Temolso September 19, 2013
reply to Belay. To understand why I was released you have to read my book. As to the question if the HGDEF mafia, I do not say Eri …. lkike you is human it does not deserve a response since the answer is chrystal clear. But I advise you to concentrate on the issue not raise side issues.
Suleiman Salim September 19, 2013
Belay Nega,
You are as sharp as usual. Stephanous Temelso can not answer you question. key tefeleTo zereba amliqwu!
Suleiman Salim September 18, 2013
You are a very civilized person. Alazar should have never put himself in the situation that he now finds himself. He should have concentrated on his profession and the future of his kids.
fev September 18, 2013
i would happily volunteer to burn alive people like this moron Suleiman Salim (not his real name, he is a coward). We are with you Nathan and yor father is our HERO forever.
Suleiman Salim September 19, 2013
My dear sister I love you.
Luwam September 19, 2013
Natan , it is beyond sad and tragic to read that you are witnessing some cruel and moronic comments instead of loud supports, please do not let it get to you and reamain as strong as you are now. Indeed every Eritrean have a huge responsibility to advocate for our prisoners of conceience , they deserve much more than that and i d be glad to more than join you on your plea, Ajoka!.I know your mom and older brother in my eary childhood and it s heartbreaking to see that you have grown up to be smart and strong with out a father and becoming his loud voice. If it s not too much to ask please do contact me on my email or tell me how i can contact you . This too shall pass , Ajoka.
simerrrr2012 September 18, 2013
Nathan Alazar,
What a brave young man a son of great man. I admire your courage and bravery to come and say I’m a son of Alazar. This is the big difference when you are from the family of victim of this fascist government or from family of the criminals. You follow the foot step of your father and demand your right and others right to ask where is my father , fathers and mothers, sisters, brothers and friends of thousands Eritrean who are suffering under the brutal regime of Isayas. They can take your father from you but they cannot take your pride and honest from you. The day will come when you children of brave Eritreans walk in Eritrean soil proudly and freely and people come to say to you welcome to land of your fathers fought for. I raise my hat to you Alazar Junior. God bless your family. Your father is not only hero and brave but handsome as well.
Suleiman Salim September 19, 2013
“The day will come when you children of brave Eritreans walk in Eritrean soil proudly and freely and people come to say to you welcome to land of your fathers fought for.”
Simerrr( model nay zHalefe Amet, 2012),
You haven’t noticed that Nathan lives in Eritrea proudly and freely.
Tedros September 18, 2013
Well said Nathan, no matter what I could not pass this without commenting. Although it is unusual for me.
belay nega September 18, 2013
Whatever happened to Alazar is very sad,however, before the actual problem, he was victimized for the letter he wrote to the president about Haile[duru’s] sectionalism in the ministry of finance.
But the sad part of some of the prisoners like Alazar,Foron,Kiros[awer] is because they got in trouble for not watching their mouth.Otherwise they have nothing to do with the G15.
Stefanos Temolso September 18, 2013
Correction! Alazar was imprisoned because he said that the G 15 are not traitors! This has nothing to do With watching Your mouth etc. The situation they are in is enough and I advise Belay Nega if that is Your real name not to utter such unencessary Words. If you are a principled man you stand for truth and justice not just be timid and let your comrades be victims of the brutal regime without at least saying something if not lifting a finger. I admire Alazar for his bravery and boldness! He defended his comrades!
belay nega September 18, 2013
You are wrong, all what he said was “There is no gov in Eritrea ” while he was playing billiardo.
” If you are a principled man you stand for truth and justice not just be timid and let your comrades be victims of the brutal regime without at least saying something if not lifting a finger. I admire Alazar for his bravery and boldness! He defended his comrades!”
Belay is my real name,I am a man of principle, and that is why as an ex member of the E.P.L.F, I first criticize myself for contributing my part for the suffering of my people.And always look forward for long lasting solution.
Suleiman Salim September 18, 2013
ab Alem sebat zey asr mengsti yelon:: For Temelso that is difficult to understand.
Suleiman Salim September 18, 2013
Feron kem Slul bzuH zedln zeyedln yzareb neyru:: n’abnet Hade seb neza geza keqaSla ‘ye ‘nda bele moK ‘nte abiluka ‘ntay tgebro? melsi: nebsun kal’ot sebantn nbretn metan key lkm tdaguno:: kal’ meftHi yelon::
Stefanos Temolso September 18, 2013
I do not want to come down to the level of Suleiman if that is his real name. Instead of concentrating on the issue he tries to attack people. It may take you years to understand the real issue in Eritrean politics. I do not want to talk about myself and ask others if you want to know about me. I do not want to be a paper tiger. Anyhow I stand by my word that Alazar was imprisoned while defending his comrades. had he been an opportunist he could have kept silent while others said the G15 are traitors. Anyhow, arguements like this does not help him and I wish him all the best wherever he is. I have worked with him for 4 long years and I know he is a principled person.
Suleiman Salim September 19, 2013
Stephanous Temelso,
Feron is a family friend. Why would I attack him personally? I am telling you the truth.