Where is democracy, equality and liberty in Eritrea?
My name is Samuel Peteros I am 14 years old and I currently live in the United Kingdom. Ever since I was a child I wondered how beautiful Eritrea is? After seeing Eritrea on a

My name is Samuel Peteros I am 14 years old and I currently live in the United Kingdom. Ever since I was a child I wondered how beautiful Eritrea is? After seeing Eritrea on a family vacation I realized how terrible dictatorship was in Eritrea, when I heard dreadful stories about families and citizens of Eritrea trying to run away in order to forge a good future. I always wondered if, If only Issaias had resigned as president would they stay. If democracy, equality and liberty were introduced would they stay? and for many people the answer would be yes. However in today’s world, Eritrea is unnoticed and forgotten, due to Issaias’ denial of the actual reality in the country. Eritrea’s record with regard to democracy, equality and liberty is appalling. From given statistics, 2/3 of Eritrea is facing malnourishment this statistics gives a good indication that Eritrean are desperately suffering without anyone realizing the effect Issaias has brought?
When I toured the villages of Eritrea I saw civilians face torture (the darker side of the world) I regretted I couldn’t do anything as nobody would take notice of me because of my age but through this message I want people to take notice open their eyes and read what I have to say as enough is enough all you patriotic Eritreans please listen to this message “if you want a better country with a brighter future stand up for your own peoples right and together we shall destroy all evil hopes and desires Issaias has for our own people”. Since he was elected all he had done was bring change for the worst whether it was arresting opposition members to journalists, who only wanted to do their job. What do you call this? Where’s the hero we asked for? None of us wanted dictatorship instead everyone wanted freedom, equality, liberty and democracy on the other hand we get opposite.
Three dictators have died or resigned now its time for Issaias to face his crime and deal with the consequences, for he is the one who is killing innocent civilians for speaking the truth. Iis this what freedom is, where is the democracy and the liberty? Every single person in Eritrea shouldn’t have to carry on living this way but this can only happen with everybody’s support to overthrow the world’s cruellest dictator for the sake of millions.
Thank you for reading my article.
Samuel Peteros
14 Years Old
Abdi October 26, 2011
Abaie asked me if her name could be post in here as an author of any article,is there any volunteer to write in her name?she is 84 and still jebha Wey mot,its her must do before she dies also.
Baraee October 26, 2011
Truth is so painful….you can not agree with anything dissenting voice however constructive….Is it not the truth people are suffering in our country? do you have relatives in pain or you could care less of them? It sounds like you are disconnected from those in the front, those who are dire to make ends meet…..Could wake up morning and ask yourself what is there I need to change in my endeavour for the better….not necessarily you are bad ….or even good…for good is not enough…but greatness!!!….In this short life we live so much lies and end like Gadaffi and his offsprings….It is a hamn failure specially that waved the flags at a time he had an opportunity to change course….NO , they hoodwinked him so deluded…”my beoble love me, my beloble will die for me…zanga zana deer deer..” only to salute truth inside a drainage pipe like a rat….that is what truth does to you..
I wish you well!!!
Abdi October 27, 2011
Read my comments before accusing of something I’ve never said,i know we have a problem in Eritrea,and i strongly believe the N.service is the main problem which caused the suffer of our people,thus my i suggested the petition would be the solution for these suffers.
Yes we do have problems but the origin/sources of problem is not what the opportunists stated.it is only the unlimited national
services and putting it back to where it was will rid of every suffer.
2ndly we are not libyans nor PIA is gaddafi,so its inappropriate to compare us to these tribal centred people,we are much better than them,remember wealth is not everything,and soon will see them regretting what they have done after they realize why they were helped by the west.
Sincere October 27, 2011
Dear Samuel,
I commend you for being able to see the truth. If only the patrotic Eritreans whom are much older than you could see it too. Don’t let anyone silence you. Us youth in the states are doing our part and starting to mobilize, God willing we will all prevail and give our people what they truly fought for.
Samuel Peteros October 27, 2011
First and foremost, this article was written by my baby brother who is 14 years of age and currently in year 10/ grade 10. For those of you who thinks this is an adult impersonating a child, you are wrong. Most of my sibling are born and bread in the UK. As most of our family and friends who know my lil brother know full well my lil brother thinks and acts bound his age. This is not the first or last time he has written articles, his been writing articles since the age of 9 through school and wrote numerous poems and stories for books.
Its sadness me and my siblings how someone living outside of eri in a democratic country is so pro-iseyas but yet not willing to move your ASS to ERI, if your so into your country and patriotic leader aka mr dictator why don’t you give up ur current citizenship and move to ADI. i would loove to see you all do that especially the YPDF (whatever they are called) group.
As for haben and abdi, grow up and stop being so damn defensive, u sound just like those ypdf clowns. The difference between u and my lil bro is, his been brought up to speak out loud for what he believe is right and express his own opinions in a respectable manner. Unlike u, our parents have always told us never to bow down to anyone except GOD, and isayas is far from a saint.
gual.p.eri October 27, 2011
i thought u had to be a member to post on here lol.. first timer! didnt mean to use ur login details but then again u shouldnt of left ur pc on.. sorri bbe bro! x
gual.p.eri October 27, 2011
Ps. y on earth do u have a pic of this BEAST… on ur article? kmt…
gual.p.eri October 27, 2011
First and foremost, this article was written by my baby brother who is 14 years of age and currently in year 10/ grade 10. For those of you who thinks this is an adult impersonating a child, you are wrong. Most of my sibling are born and bread in the UK. As most of our family and friends who know my lil brother know full well my lil brother thinks and acts bound his age. This is not the first or last time he has written articles, his been writing articles since the age of 9 through school and wrote numerous poems and stories for books.
Its sadness me and my siblings how someone living outside of eri in a democratic country is so pro-iseyas but yet not willing to move your ASS to ERI, if your so into your country and patriotic leader aka mr dictator why don’t you give up ur current citizenship and move to ADI. i would loove to see you all do that especially the YPDF (whatever they are called) group.
As for haben and abdi, grow up and stop being so damn defensive, u sound just like those ypdf clowns. The difference between u and my lil bro is, his been brought up to speak out loud for what he believe is right and express his own opinions in a respectable manner. Unlike u, our parents have always told us never to bow down to anyone except GOD, and isayas is far from a saint.
tegadalay October 27, 2011
samuele petros is that make you petros selomone fammilly like isayd did you have some one IN ERAERO thats way you are talking shit
samuel peteros October 27, 2011
No i am not a family member of his, and why are you acting so childish towards somebody who is younger then, arent you embrassed by what you are stating. If you are Pro Issiaas and a loyalist of his why dont you leave your current citizenship and live the rest of your life in Eritrean moron.
Abdi October 27, 2011
you started to behave like those opportunists,who disrespect and insult everybody who disagrees with their opinion, regardless your age,i advice you not to lose ur temper when u responding ,and if you are 14 as you claim to be,i would say focus on your education and do not engage yourself in politics until you re 18+,politics is an endless dirty game.
samuel peteros October 28, 2011
Abdi, i am not like an oppurtunist and if you had seen what Tegadaly stated about my father then i have the right to strongly object what he states and i am not too young to be involved in politics as this is a learning curve for me and allows me to understand peoples opinin on politics today.
samuel peteros October 27, 2011
Also fix your grammar it hardly makes sense.
tegadalay October 28, 2011
hi samule what is wrong for bean petros selomne son you say you are not let me tell you something all this anti esayas have their owen ajenda some haite esayas because their BROTHER SISTER OR COUSIN is in PRISON IN ERITREA some of them are members of E L F so the only way you are talking nonsens against ESAYAS is YOU ARE PETROS SELEMON SON so dont try to fool people
samuel peteros October 28, 2011
i think you have mislead yourself i am not related to the person you have mentioned i am somebody else that you dont know.
samuel peteros October 28, 2011
Tegadaly i think you have mislead yourself i dont know the person you are talking about i am someone else that you dont know.
tegadalay October 28, 2011
hi samule you sim to be you know abaout eritrea how come you dont know who PETROS SELOMN is if you know abaout eritrea you talk abaout ESAYAS you shulde know WHO PETROS selemon is like isayed you are not the only one talking bad abaout ESAYAS & ERITREA all those who have afammily member in eritrea prison are talking someny bad propoganda abaout eritrea
samuel peteros October 28, 2011
As i am only a teenager it doesnt mean i have to know every Eritrean thats held as a prisoner, and i what your are stating doesnt actually make sense.