The current political feel of the people:
It so seems like the voices of unity as the only solution to our problems has somehow gotten momentum in today’s Eritrean reality because few individuals are coming on the open to discuss this issue more than ever in the past: this is wonderful. The practical reduction of the theory, however, continues to deteriorate; becoming a disappointment to many peace loving people in the society. We keep going in circles between success and failure; optimism and pessimism with no exit in sight for complicated reasons only an academic-socio-psychological research can approximate.
Where in the planet are the strongest activists of yesterday responsible for organizing the youth?
Seemingly, the strongest activists in the Resistance who did a lot to get us to this point have been silent on unity: They are nowhere to be heard from on the question of UNITY. Where are they and why are they silent? Did they change direction from humanitarian activism to politics? Are they individually working for their own political future rather than democratizing Eritrea through UNITY? What are they doing and what is their political philosophy? We know that Eritreans in Diaspora were blessed having had concerned activists in the caliber of Seyoum Tesfay, Elsa Chirum, Selam Kidane and Yoseph Gebrehiwet. These individuals contributed in many ways to the Eritrean resistance for freedom and democracy but have lately been silent on UNITY for disturbing reasons I cannot explain. Why did they chose to be quite today when the momentum of UNITY is at its peak knowing they can help expedite its process if they choose to do so considering how many followers they have? This unhealthy quietness bothers me a lot as an activist, and excuse me for sharing my worries with you.
In Addis
Likewise, we know we have political organizations in Addis that are fighting the regime but they are not communicating with the people openly for us to know what they have been about. Apparently, there is no doubt that Mesfin Hagos was expected to make a huge difference in the resistance, though in vain. Brother Mesfin is one of the politicians who did not want to join the united front called EDA that at least embraces few political parties that believe in unity as the only solution to the problem. This brother was absent from the Awassa Conference that was attended by more than 600 individuals of different backgrounds and political affiliations.
The biggest crime you can do to the struggle is refusing to join a united front and sitting idle without communication with the people. Staying out of the game is something else but hanging out with no alternate solution or contribution is hurting the resistance.
My question to the brother: What is going on and what are you planning to do? Are you still in the struggle and if so to what end? If you refuse unity and stay in politics at the same time, then what is your plan? Do you think your democratic vision is exceptional compared to the others’ and can you teach us why? You need to update us, brother about what is going on: you cannot sleep on our issue without some sort of communication because this is not your private business. We have the right to ask any one that claims representing the people; and that is what I am doing with maximum respect.
From the forum
Hawileito on my last article:
“Mr. Futsum with all respect, I have been in favor of your articles but nowadays you are gone back to the minds of the old fighters. Before writing on issues of the youth you need to understand the practical mechanism of the youth development. I feel there are infiltrators like you who believe or seen knowledgeable. I think unity is not about writing an article but about paying a price. If you understand the youth have several enemies than the old fighters, your tone will be changed. You need to see how the youth organizations are running and how the opposites are working hard to dismantle their movements. PFDJ is the obvious enemy of the youth but the hidden enemies are the most enemies of the youth organizations.
The youth is not listening and has certainly lost the focus of the resistance. Do not think you are doing the best Just because you do meetings and demonstrations here and there: as good as this is it is not the answer. Evidence: the current situation full of scattered groups claiming to fight for democracy and the habit of going home with nothing to work on after the demonstrations that completely sideline the issue of UNITY. We already know you are good at reducing the TACTIC in practice but what is your strategy? Is not it common for all of you to do something and split without a homework? What do you think this is happening? The answer is clear: you do not have VISION OR STRATEGY that allows you to continue developing forward and you do not want to involve capable individuals to get you straight; nor do you seem to read and listen to other views in the resistance. Simply, you are being taken for granted and getting used by your leaders.
You said “I think unity is not about writing an article but about paying a price” and my question is what price are you paying for the narrative when we all know you could not even organize a single demonstration for UNITY?. You could not even carry a single PLACARD in favor of unity in the demonstrations you conduct. That is all we are requesting here and why do you resist this? Does this require paying price? What is the price for this and how difficult is it to do? What you need here is genuine interest for unity…PERIOD.
You said “If you understand the youth have several enemies than the old fighters, your tone will be changed”. Everybody knows that you have enemies but it is your responsibility to fight back effectively otherwise your leadership has a problem. Having an enemy cannot justify political mismanagement. You are only failing to fight for UNITY while still fighting for other issues; why shouldn’t the enemies then stop you from doing what you have been doing? How can the enemy be responsible for your failure to advocate UNITY while you are purposely avoiding it yourselves? If ENEMY is an excuse to miss the best weapon of the resistance (UNITY) and to justify failure, then the Eritrean government should be excused for its failures because of its enemies “US + WEYANNE”: You need to be consistent here and accept this theory or get to your senses and correct the mistakes you are doing.
Do not bring your weak excuses here and face your destiny because you are claiming to represent us without doing what we want. How can the government infiltrators stop you from including the issue of UNITY with your other issues in demonstrations? If you believe in freedom and justice based on EQUALITY demonstrate it practically by voicing hard for UNITY so that we can follow you.
You said, “You need to see how the youth organizations are running and how the opposite are working hard to dismantle their movements “That is your business but you are not doing what the people want. You can only protect your organization by advocating UNITY because that would make you stronger. Once again, if you were for unity, you would have shouted for it in your demonstrations. Minus that, I do not think you are for it because you have so far done nothing for its development and in fact you are trying to dictate others as if you have a mandate from the people to monitor and control them (the BOLEGNA event). I am not supporting the BOLEGNA event and in fact feel sorry for the participants’ contribution to your confusing and immature activities on Eritrea. I am blaming both of you, needless to state that I do not expect any tangible substance from that BOLEGNA activity, except that I prefer to wait until they tell us what happened there before developing an opinion, if they may. I know they will not get us to the point without making UNITY the main subject of the day and chances are they have not done that because they are ERITREANS. But I am saying that you have no right to negatively agitate us on it because you are one of the forces that independently do things without involving the rest of us.
You want to be the boss and we are telling you that you are not. This is what the Eritreans are trying to avoid. I will continue opposing you unless you prove us that you are for the resistance by standing for UNITY in everything you do. Otherwise, find your followers elsewhere: I am out of here!!!!
The bottom line: No political group represents me unless practically working for unity. Any organization that sleeps on this burning issue is working for personal advantage like the dictator in Asmara and I am not stupid to waste the rest of my life on your political zigzags that has no benefit to the Eritrean society. It is time to come straight and do what is to be done because the path to unity is as direct as a straight line or at least tell us your political philosophy so that we can see where you stand.
We will say that you are doing the best when you visibly make UNITY the guideline of your struggle. That is what we want and that is what genuine Eritreans are trying to achieve. Therefore, your organization needs to do what the people want to justify your claim of representing us all: it must serve the people’s issues; it represents the regime and itself otherwise. One statement caught my attention here: “Before writing on issues of the youth you need to understand the practical mechanism of the youth development”, which is inherited from the EPLF and the government. Any time a question comes to the table the representatives of the regime used to say “Natna Asararha Alona” and we saw how they do business without our involvement. And now this phrasing of deception is coming from the youth groups. Should I care about how you manage your political business? It is none of my business SIR! But you cannot say what you said if you think you represent us because the resistance belongs to all of us: it is about us not about you or your organization. Once you claim you represent the people, you automatically lose your right to privacy: you can no longer say “you need to understand the practical mechanism of the youth development”. You should rather teach us what your MECHANISMS are so that we can judge you on the merit: so that we can choose whether that is what we want or not. Now please answer the questions in the last post if you think you are confident of having good reasons to stand in the way of the guys in Bologna, unnecessary to tell you that you must explain what you did in detail if you respect the Eritrean people.
Exaggeration and self-deception
“REPORT ON TORONTO DEMONSTRATION OF AUGUST 4, 2013: Eritrean-Canadians from Toronto and its suburbs, Ottawa, London-Ontario and Kitchener staged a protest in front of Sheraton Hotel in Toronto on August 4, 2013. The purpose of the protest was to throw a heavy punch at PFDJ by exposing its fundraising event held at Sheraton Hotel under the guise of Eritrean festival but in reality to finance its activities of shame and tragedy, including the \ terror, coercion, intimidation, violence and threat of violence the terrorist government uses against the Eritrea people and its neighbors.”
Comment: What you did was important and most likely did the damage it was expected to do to the regime but the event was not “a heavy punch at PFDJ”. Do NOT FULL YOURSELVES: First the government is cashing millions from the mining industry that the little money from the occasion would not make a difference to its survival. It serves its political interest more than its financial needs if you ignore the main subject that would collect us together against the regime. Your protest would indirectly serve the regime’s interest if you keep on missing the point Unconditional UNITY and concentrating on other things exclusively. The government will continue enjoying the show unless you press for unity because it knows nothing will happen to it: Evidence: we could not change the situation through demonstrations that magnify the negative effects of the regime on the society alone because the whole world knows that. The enemy can only feel your punch if it is loaded with the concept of UNITY!!!
I support demonstrations and I understand their effect to the resistance, but they cannot change the regime unless your efforts include the need for “UNITY” of all the forces around. Therefore, the event was not a heavy punch but may be a scratch to my understanding. And the regime will continue enjoying it because it serves its purpose indirectly: what the regime wants you to do is opposing it on everything (because it cannot help it) without trying to unite the forces because it knows it won’t work. You can keep on scratching the regime if you think you can defeat it but I can tell you that the so called heavy punch is stored in the CONCEPT OF UNITY that your leaders keep ignoring on purpose and you keep on following without questions like animals vis a vis a shepherd. Try to shout for unity and you will see what I mean: The absence of this PUNCH is the best means of the regime’s survival.
Comment: I do not know about you but I will die one day soon whether from heart attack or something else and that is why I am working hard to make a difference before it is too late so that I exit without GUILT.
We keep on committing political suicides time and again switching the collective psychological state of our desperate people between hope and despair. The society appears to be sandwiched between the government’s excuses for failure (WEYANES + US) and that of the opposition’s (government infiltration) as RADIO ASSENNA clearly put it in its recent program “Voice of Assenna: Eritrea A Country with No Government and No Opposition”. You should not miss the radio broadcast because the presentation was mature and to the point. Assenna did a very good job and probably its best. Please continue shifting the momentum towards the issue of UNITY in the future until it hits home; until the opposition sees the light of unity inside the darkness of prejudice, unhealthy competition, grudge and ego. Let us make unconditional unity for conditional democracy the focus of our struggle for peace and freedom at the highest priority level of the confrontation. Let us become the hope of our desperate people through love and unity.
In case you forgot!
You better invest your life time for the goodness of all rather than for your ego if you want to enjoy it before you pass away. I did not, after all, choose to be Eritrean or one from a Christian background: I just became by accident. I have no reason to support an ethnocentric or religious oriented outlook because of my accidental existentialism. As a human being from Eritrea, I should work for the goodness of my people without distinction and discrimination. There is nothing more gratifying in life to me than spiritual contribution to collective human condition universally whether I will one day get the chance to live there or not. Partiality and greed cannot produce happiness and life without joy is meaningless. Whatever you think you are at the moment will be history soon (you will die). You would be surprised how stupid a human being can be when one forgets that “life is a journey; not a destination.” Life is as short as a spark; the shirt you are wearing will outlast the flesh covering your bones when it is over: your shirt is more important than your flesh because it will outlast it at the tail end of your being; which is NOTHINGNESS. Don’t misunderstand the meaning of your temporary being (identity, religion, and ethnicity) for something everlasting: you did not choose them and they will disappear soon: many of us will die within the next ten years. That is why you have to do the best to positively change human conditions before you confront your mandatory exit: do not confine your short life within the circumference of greed, power and your temporary identity. Be an impartial human being and die it out when the time arrives!!! You can only do this with love, compassion, forgiveness and unconditional unity. “Death is the goal of life” and better face it with a smile and purity rather than guilt and remorse.
Remember one thing whenever you get tempted to be partial, dictatorial, unfair or selfish: that you are a temporary visitor without choice that will soon pass away for nothing other than dirt. This will protect you from the disease called ANINET; it will pacify your little ego that is standing in the way of your inner being, your spirituality!!It will also direct your focus to honestly working for the welfare of every Eritrean if not every human being on the planet. Please join hands in this resistance as Eritrean brothers and sisters from one family without making your accidental codes of identification (identity, religion, and ethnicity) the reference materials of your universal spiritual consciousness. Rescue your people from this dehumanizing confinement through unity for nothing more than enjoying life without guilt and facing mortality with strong sense of accomplishment.
Truly Truly i say to you August 9, 2013
Dear compatriots, reading the altitude and motive of our oppositions the reason why they are all time dividing and failing to unite, in my own words instead i dare to express its secret for you, because Almighty God´s word far better clearly verifies for you, allow me please to share you this wisdom, so that we all of us learn something useful from the massage and after, in order to we enable adjust ourselves with a lesson.
Holly Apostle Paul honestly without corrupted motive in one side while was announcing the God´s massage, other side some wicked and false pretenders preachers as well was transmitting the true God´s purpose corruptly , for their own personal agenda to glorifying themselves by siding to certain religion, personal and groups because was started creating division, like it is seen in our oppositions nowadays, by the situation disappointed Holly Apostle Paul, in this form was telling them the truth, everyone to correct its wicked motive and altitude.
Truly Truly i say to you August 9, 2013
Please try to understand this Holly Apostle Paulos´s massage in contrast with our politic.
“As a matter of fact, my brothers, I could not talk to you as i talk to people who have the spirit; I had to talk to you as though you belonged to this world, as children in truth faith. I had to feed you milk, not solid food, because you were not ready for it, because you still live as the people of this world live. When there is jealousy among you and you quarrel with one another, doesn´t this prove that you belongs to this world, living by its standards? When one of you says, “i follow Paul”( Means if we turn it in our political issue i will not follow Dr. Birhanu Yusuf) and another,” I follow Apollos” ( Sombbody Tsegay or Yohannes Asmelash, if Party Jebha or Shabiya) – aren´t you acting the worldly people? ( means for own pride to have power.)
After all who is Apollos? And who is Paulos? We are simply God´s servants, by whom you were led to believe. Each one of us does the work which the Lord gave him to do: I planted the seed, Apollos watered the plant, but it was God who made the plant grow. The one who plants and the one who waters really do not matter. It is God who matters, because he makes the plant grow. There is no difference between the man who plants and the man who waters; God will reward each one according to the work he has done. …(1st Corinthians 3; 1-8)
The questions remain, do the oppositions leaders are also really honestly fighting for regime change? for justice? for the interest of people and nation and then to give power for the masses? or for their own position and pride? It seems me almost all for their pride and position, if was not, they wouldn´t be divided, who ever person from which region or religion lead or chair whatever congress or meeting.
ahmed saleh August 9, 2013
Political struggle is complicated and frustrating . But our real problem lies on the fragility of human
connections . We used to accuse the opposition groups for lack of unity under one organization umbrella .
And nowadays we observe these young generation repeat same mistakes forming splinter groups. As brother
Fetzum stated ; unless we concentrate on our UNITY and focus on one mission to resolve the country’s
political and social difficulties ,the journey ahead might not be fruitful as anticipated . Such sentiment
of young age-old age where some people bring to our attention is destructive and bogus mentality.
Learn from past mistake of HGDF tactics ” WARSAY -YEKEALO ” version of propaganda to divide between Ex-fighters
and those national service recruits . We should fight for our UNITY first to reach our goal , otherwise …….
” NEDEKHI MAY WIREDLA ” like our people say to conclude a hopeless conversation .
ghenet August 9, 2013
Dear Fitsum
Thank you again for staying committed to UNITY.
What an inspiring article. It calls on all the groups and individuals who we believe that they fight for the good and right of eritreans. We all need to step up and swallow our pride and try to focus on our common issues than our differences. Our country as Amanuel Iyasu Said is too small to entertain our division. As people, we need to call on all leaders, intellectuals, elites, youth to lead us to democracy and peace.
Politics is not about bickering, and looking for differences. It is all about skills of looking for a common ground and making the most out of it. It is all about commitment and integrity. It is about looking to the future and having a vision. It is about trying to find ways to make people’s lives better. Do our politicians have these? Or are they trying to score points? Are they fighting over positions they think should have? Is their cause democracy? I doubt it, because democracy does not include bickering and fighting. It only has a place for discussion and respect.
All groups and individuals who do not have democracy and Eritrean people on their agenda and programmes, they should stand out of the way and let us pass and not be spoilers. Saving our people should be our main goal.
To the youth, I say this is more your fight because you have all your lives ahead of you and do not get fooled by burn-out so called politicians. Have a vision and include everyone who has the same vision in the struggle. All we need is democracy. If we have that, we will have peace as well. PFDJ is counting on our division to stay in power. Let us teach the unteachable PfDJ onces and for all!!!
belay nega August 9, 2013
“Our country as Amanuel Iyasu Said is too small to entertain our division. As people, we need to call on all leaders, intellectuals, elites, youth to lead us to democracy and peace.”
This was supposed to be said before taking Ethiopia as an ally, and take their order at a face value. FEDERALISM can never be a solution to a tiny country.
ghenet August 9, 2013
Shall I call it Paranoia? what is your problem? nobody is talking about Ethiopia. WE are talking about Eritrea and Eritreans. If you have an axe to grind with Ethiopia go to Asmara there are many guns around and as a man go to the boarder to fight. Do not use this forum for your proxy war. And please do not change topic in discussion which is UNITY!!!!
belay nega August 9, 2013
If your concern is about unity, you are already united,an opposition based on awraja and religion this is the furthest can go.
As for me going to fight Ethiopia do not worry because I fought them enough,but do not forget as an Eritrea I have moral duty to tell my people the cause we suffering from.Eritrean people deserve to be told the truth, is already being cheated enough.
belay nega August 9, 2013
If your concern is about unity, you are already united,an opposition based on awraja and religion this is the furthest can go.
As for me going to fight Ethiopia do not worry because I fought them enough,but do not forget as an Eritrea I have moral duty to tell my people the cause we suffering from.Eritrean people deserve to be told the truth, is already being cheated enough.
fetsum abraham August 9, 2013
Belay; ETHIOPIA, ETHIOPIA, ETHIOPIA: don’t u get tired of this excuse? Ur life has become EWTHIOPIA and everything u do and u think is ETHIOPIA. I am sorry to tell you the u will be better of discussing your issues with ur likes elsewhere and leave us alone here. We have tried in unison to help u understand what is going on thinking u were normal but u are not cooperating because of deep psychological problems and u keep coming with Ethiopia all the time as if u can not make a sentence without it. please leave this forum alone and construct ur own on ETHIOPIA PARANOIA so that u can chill with ur likes. U wll be surprised how boring ur ETHIOPIA ha become these days after so much work on ur intelligence!!!
We heard ur ETHIOPIA too many times to be interested and please stay away unless u have another theory to share!!
belay nega August 9, 2013
Rather you stay away from your hallucinations and start living in reality.You born and brought up in Ethiopia and yet you do not have slight idea of their psychological makeup.
As I being telling you, Eritrea had way better educated than you do, but all what they did was pointing fingers for nothing,and drove our people to be where we are now.
So please do not deny the outstanding nature of Ethiopians on applying properly the tigrigna saying “ገረብ ብሓኸላ”…….etc.
If you prove yourself right, that 1\1000 Eritrean oppositions is independent from the remote control of Ethiopia, I will prove you right a super power Eritrea.
Last but not least as a contributor to this form,first change yourself, and be tolerant to any comment as far as is not abusive. And do not forget that minimum you have a choice not to answer.
fetsum abraham August 9, 2013
the problems of the opposition camp on unity is not afwerki or Ethiopia and the damage from them is expected. Therefore leave the two enemies alone. we are trying to get the truth out of the divided opposition forces which are today the only problem to the resistance!!! get it?
Besides; the unanswered question stands active in case u think we forgo:
CAN U MENSION ANYTHING WRONG ON HOW THE REGIME IS RUNNING THE COUNTRY? JUST ONE? U are not welcome anymore and no more sneaking around from now on without answering the question.
belay nega August 10, 2013
“U are not welcome anymore and no more sneaking around from now on without answering the question.”
Your statement sounds more threat than a question.I am not welcome anymore where? By who?
Who am I sneaking to? And why?
You are too smart not to tolerate my simple comments.Otherwise no body denies the problem in our country,the difference between me,you and alike is on the cause of the problem,not on its existance.
By nature I am not a type who say staffs to make somebody happy,but I am always ready to convince and being convinced.
Last but not least if you put your question in non threatening way I am ready to answer as much as I can.And once more you have a choice to ignore my comments.
Zeray August 9, 2013
Thank you for your article. The way you write makes me read it almost without breathing-non-stop and your message is genuine and UNITY is greatly needed. However, you seem to be agitated at times, let’s understand the movements are processes and are at their infancy, and as days go on I believe will improve to get us to achieve Eritrean peace and democracy. Please keep on writing we also need your stern advice to steer us to the right direction. Thank you.
belay nega August 10, 2013
For your information I never been and I will never be HEGDEF,though I do not hide you they are better than the so called oppositions.
I use to be a member of E.P.L.F, and I feel guilty like any [TEGADALAI] supposed to be, for contributing my part to the suffering of my people.That is why I always say Eritrean problem is deep rooted and our people deserve the right to know it.
ghenet August 10, 2013
you seem to be caught between two thing and you are also in denial as to what eritrean problem is.
1. You know that the DIA and his cronies are putting through hell.
2. You said you have contributed (as tegadalay) to the people’s suffering. No you did not do anything wrong by fight for freedom.
3. But now you are contributing by being in denial as to where our problem is rooted.
4. Our problem is rooted in blindly trusting the leadership of EPLF. the throne is inside our cloth and in our house.
6. We should not look for other culprits of our misery. If we press against our clothes or walk on our floor and we get hurt by the thorn, should we blame the floor or the clothes? Had there not been thorns would we be hurt? All we should do is remove the thorn.
7. One of the reasons we are on this position is that most tegadelty (if not all) including the rest of the population is blinded by the hate of Ethiopia.
We put our own people in prison and bit them to death. Is Ethiopia and excuse for this?
We need to see things objectively, if we implement our constitution would Ethiopia be happy (as an enemy)?
Belay you cannot willingly be blind to the reality. We as people and you guys as tegdelty should work together to right what we wronged.
No matter how disorganised we seem to be this is what we all want to do.
belay nega August 10, 2013
Hi Ghenet
Thanks for your matured analysis though I do not agree partially with your comments.
No Eritrean hate Ethiopia,rather for understood reasons they cannot afford to tolerate our freedom.
Dear Ghenet
The biggest mistake we did was,instead of fighting only for Eritrea freedom,we should have worked also for their dismantling.Otherwise whatever happened after that is a consequence.
I am very sorry to say it, but weather we go forward or backward we are big time losers.”ቁማር ተበሊዕና”
ogbai August 10, 2013
Unity is the best medicne to heal our wounds no doubt about that. But Mr. fetsum with respect for your hard work. WE, as your readers we would like to hear from you and likes, to tell us who is against unity in the opposition.And who is behind it we should know. I am wondering last time you said . If that is the case and true it is our weakness for not working hard to find out and expose them for those against UNITY with a clear prove. Otherwise blaming each other with out knowing who is against and whats behind it,that is a lack of information insde and out side of each organization,movements,even idividuals.For us the ordinary people it will be hard to know and understand where the truth is. As the saying goes . Please feed us the truth, and we will do the rest. Keep the good works.
belay nega August 11, 2013
” WE, as your readers we would like to hear from you and likes, to tell us who is against unity in the opposition.”
ከምቲ አምላኽ ክፊጥረና ክሎ “ሓመድ ኢኻሞ አብ ሓመድ ከኣ ተመለስ” ዝበለ
እቶም ፈጠርቶም ክአ “አሜባ ኢኻሞ እንዳተበዛሕካ ሕደር” ስለ ዝበልዎም እዩ
fetsum abraham August 11, 2013
I will address this legitimate question with my capacity in the next article.