Western Leaders are Insane, says Eritrean President
Assenna.com News In a two-hour long interview with ERI-TV that took place on 27 Jan 2017, Isaias Afwerki, the Eritrean president, referred to the leaders of EU as insane for helping Eritrean refugees in Ethiopia and

Assenna.com News
In a two-hour long interview with ERI-TV that took place on 27 Jan 2017, Isaias Afwerki, the Eritrean president, referred to the leaders of EU as insane for helping Eritrean refugees in Ethiopia and Sudan. Angered by EU’s funding for two projects designed to aid Eritrean refugees in Ethiopia and Eastern Sudan that are worth €500 million and €170 million respectively (in 2016), the president labelled the aid packages as ill-conceived conspiracies to deplete the country of its youth. The interview, produced for local consumption, made numerous intemperate claims including the West’s elaborate scheme to squash Eritrea.
‘The world has declared war on Eritrea’, said the president. ‘The main aim of this conspiracy is to dampen our resolve by enticing our youth out of the country’, he added. ‘The money is earmarked for the upkeep of and to create jobs for Eritrea refugees outside the county which I find totally bizarre’, he said. ‘Why doesn’t the EU give us the money to train our youth in our country instead?’, he argued without mentioning why tens of thousands of young Eritreans took flight, making Eritrea one of the world’s top producers of refugees.
President Afwerki equally blasted the aid package that was granted to Sudan. ‘According to the donors’, claimed the president, ‘the plan is designed to enhance the capacity of reception centres in Eastern Sudan that are supposedly overwhelmed by thousands upon thousands of Eritrean refugees’. Having questioned the motives behind the West’s generosity, the president re-iterated his claims by saying: ‘this is an organized machination by the West to weaken Eritrea’. However, the president fell short in explaining why the West is hell-bent on weakening the small east African country.
The rest of the interview focused on hurdles to the economic development of the country. He explained in detail the chronic shortages of supply of electricity and energy in urban areas. He acknowledged that factories are sitting idly because there is not enough supply of water and electricity. He said there is enough water in the country’s dams and reservoirs and yet there are no functioning water supply networks. He openly touched on infrastructure problems such as roads, sea freights services and air transportation that have failed to facilitate adequate public services. Again, the president failed to mention that Eritrea is lacking resources and professionals to maintain such services. There are no well-trained experts in the country. And many of the trained personnel had fled the country.
In what seemed inadvertent, the president admitted that the majority of the country’s budget is spent on wages for armed forces, security institutions and government employees. He ignored to mention the role the private sector plays in the country because it is of little consequence within the scheme of things in the country’s economy. He re-assured the public that the government has plans in pipelines to rectify those major scarcities. However, it is to be remembered that similar pledges were made last year and the year before regarding water and electricity shortages.
The president took ample time to explain why wages-increase, which was promised last year, failed to materialize. Instead he went on to explain why the government took action in improve the purchasing power of the Nakfa, the country’s currency. He launched into a long-winded explanation of how the plan was not carried out as planned by talking about market speculation, metrics, consumer protection, fiscal policy, income distribution, market failures, risk and return, human resources and more without addressing why the government failed to make good on its promises. Lastly, he spoke of the chronic shortage of living accommodations for people in government and forces employed by the government. He blamed the shortage on greedy landlords. Although it was not clearly delineated, the president fired warning shots to home-owners.
Lastly, the president expressed his frustration in catching up with corrupt official, traffickers, and money-launderers without addressing the implications of last year’s change of currency, ‘money rationing’ and other financial constraints prevalent in Asmara and other towns. He concluded by saying the government has devised plans that have yet to be prioritized concerning urgencies within Education, Health, agriculture, communications and other sectors. The rest of the interview will be aired today at8:00, local time.
hailu January 28, 2017
I have not listened his interview since 2001 and i do not think i will listen him anymore any time soon.
The reasons was until 2000-2001 people were naive and humble but after that devastated failure of the regime by Ethiopians and also the lies he was doing to bolster a fake strength on Eritrean people while he was not doing practically. Then most of the people decided he is not worth to listen.
Isayas has nothing to talk except to install fear, certainty, hopelessness on his people. He continuously blames the Western and Ethiopians for his failures and ..
He promises empty promises like improvement in Electricity, agriculture, transport, salary etc…..
As to me it is a rubbish talk waste of time
If there is one supporter or die hard for Isayas PLEASE TELL HIM TO START PACK HIS BAG AND LEAVE LIKE GAMBIAS JAMMEH.
asgedom January 29, 2017
you sound someone from the south of the border, nothing wrong with that but better stay within your boundary. do not try to inflame issue already a hot button within the family
asgedom1 January 29, 2017
why are you using my pen name?And by the way the fashist Italian border you are talking about does not exist for me. as Eritrean Kebessa..The will and idea of indegenous people must have pariority over the blood sucker,murderer European colonizers.
zeray January 28, 2017
Dictator and savage evil moslem Arabs slave/abeed Isaias evolved into what he is because there was no meaningful voice to check and balance him in the savage evil-ghedli shefatu/banditry revolution mendef. In his mind the greatest of the EPLF was his; and as a true believer he could not give up on the aims of the shefatu/banditry revolution mendef shit even when the prevailing conditions in post-independent (slavery) Eritrea were not conductive.
His comrades were not brave enough to pull the trigger and relieve him of the burden of the savage evil bandit revolution shit. He despises them (his comrades), but even more, he despises the Eritrean people who have not, in any meaningful way, stood up to him to defend their honor and dignity.
Sadly, it has always been the old case of let the rat go so as not to break the mogogo shit or the savage evil-ghedli of shefatus/banditry revolution shit. When authority is entrusted on unqualified people like the criminal corrupted evil-ghedli generation, is a sign of doomsday. The quality of leadership in any society is a good indication of its health. In poor Eritrea’s case, the shefatu/bandits of evil-ghedli is indeed an awful sign/indication of decaying and of cancerous moslem part of evil-ghedli generation.
alem January 28, 2017
Hirgigo declared dead. Airport infrastructure is non existent. Trained water supply lines brocken , rusted or non existent. Factories idle. About 12000 highschool finishers wasted every year b/s no college to admit them to.” President iseyas”
alem January 28, 2017
P/s. This is just after all the fuss he made every year for the last six years.
Degoli January 28, 2017
Given the amount of money flowing to Eritrean refugee camps in Ethiopia and Sudan by the Europeans to decrease the flow of refugees coming to Europe will make Eritrea depleted out of its crucial human resources and its dwindling population going extinct – ጽንታ ብሄረ ትግረ-ትግርኛ-ብሌን.
Add to this the evil systematic Arabization of Eritrean identity and languages, the fruits of our hard fought and earned Ghedli will be nothing.
Eritrea’s problem is not only the dictator but also the malignant cancer of Arabization that is making Eritrea slavish and Abeed of the savage Arab Muslim world.
Z, Hagos January 28, 2017
Under the rule of Isaias, Eritreans are forced to buy whatever Isaias tells them. The first thing Isaias did upon arrival in 1991, he ripped the guts of Eritreans out and placed them into chicken’s bodies. Ever since, every Eritrean is a chicken for him. To weaken and control Eritreans, Isaias also ordered belts out and trousers down. The Eritrean women are right when they say and sing songs telling that there is no man except Isaias.
Isaias is in complete control of the country. Whatever he does and says, he is not accountable. He turned Eritrea and its people into his play thing. He tells the Eritrean people, if you don’t like what you see here, you may go where ever you want. Isaias does not care whether one gets killed while crossing the border or sinks in a sinking ship while crossing to safety.
No peace. He even let the whole Eritrean population go empty handed after turning over their monies to Isaias’s banks. People have no money to buy with. Because no money, people are not buying. And, because there is no anyone buying, the prices of goods dropped way down. Once all goods run out, the stores have become empty. The people cannot use foreign currencies to buy their necessities. The whole nation is condemned to mass starvation. Even the foreign currencies have become valueless. By decree of Isaias, all currencies have become valueless. No goods, no sales. No money, no one buying. The country is in a total freeze.
Isaias is even against those refugees in the camps. He does not want the refugees to get life in their camps. His filthy policy of badmouthing those countries that help the Eritrean refugees is just what he can do. His nasty approaches as explained in his speech are just attempts of going after those in the refugee camps. He has no strength, no power to reach the refugees and stop life in their camps. His frustration taken out on those who help his victims in the refugee camps and the anger expressed in his speech condemning all those helping hands offered to the refugees are just part of his cruelties and dirty policies. His policies of never breathe, never drink, never eat, never sleep and never move can only be imposed inside Eritrea.
AHMED SALEH !!! January 28, 2017
After independence they refused to cooperate with UN commission for refugees in
concern of resettlement to Eritrean families displaced at Sudan camps .
To hear him say ‘ why don’t give us the money to train our truth ” reminded me the
same greedy excuses that left those poor Eritreans forgotten by their own .
Life inside Eritrea still held hostage in that dark tunnel . But nobody want get close
to it and try to rescu the criminalized society .
Mizan January 28, 2017
Ahmed Saleh;
Why do not you go to Asmara stay there for reasonable period and deal with this dictator decisively. you could be better remembered more than the Fortto hero, by the whole Eritrean mass! your name will be on the history book of Eritrea for eternity! There is too much talk but no real Man realy!
alem January 29, 2017
He considered himself normal, sane and sound and then used himself as a yard stick to measure the state of mind of all leaders in the world. The result- all of them are insane suffering from psychiatric diseases. He even determined gorbachov to be insane. All african leaders insane. Weyane in intensive care. He hinted he was not sure if weyane was dead. Aboy iseyas why do not u let the youth live in their country on their land.
AHMED SALEH !!! January 29, 2017
Does truth hurts your feelings ?
AHMED SALEH !!! January 29, 2017
response meant to mizan nick-name again nick-name because
our NEFAHITTO likes to use previous commentators names .
The real Mizan was one of the favorite brilliant compatriot .
Beruke January 28, 2017
I stoped listening to Isayas’s speech long since I realized that his speech had always been boring repetition, false promise, scapegoating and wining for his self made failures in every sector of economic, political and social activities. People may listen to his speech to make a joke out of it. He is a born spoiler and nothing good is reasonably expected to come out of his mouth and deed. Just waste of resources.
alem January 29, 2017
I listen to his speeches to make fun out of it. Beruke ab komishtato fentahtah tibilsi entay africa eka? Entay afrika kabey amxika eka fentahtah tibil tebekuka entay tibil? Genzeb wexae geru aboka 3000 4000 geza endatekareye nikalot akbirulom minbar yisienu. Niska tesededelka genzeb gerka fentahtah tibil. ” iseyas the only sane leader in the world”
Samrawit January 28, 2017
Is it not Amusing an insane aging man calling healthy leaders “insane”? Eritrea has never been powerful in the first place, and how could he claim the world is at war with Eritrea to weaken it? why can’t he pack his backpack and leave for Qatar or Egypt and the following day of his departure there will be peace and Eritrea will get Power from Ethiopia all economic and business activities will be restored the following month. There is no way of restoring relations with Eritrea while 3000 babies and thousands of innocent killer Issayas is a leader of Eritrea. There is no need to beat about the bush,and hold the population a hostage for the sake of one tyrant, Just he must leave the Eritrean people alone and die else where in exile.
stefanos temolso January 29, 2017
If a lunatic says whatever he means he is only showing his insanity nothing more. Isayas had a lecture as usual and it had no content. Totally hollow! at the end he tried to put the blame on the west and attacked two leaders as irresponsible and lunatics. The most amazing is unlike his earlier speeches (not interviews) he claimed that Eritrea does not have an airport, no infrastructure, no viable agriculture, no adequate water system etc etc. OK, but who is to blame? What about the daily news about the achievements of the regime and specifically about what the regime claimed to have achieved in the quarter of century in all fields??? It is all rubbish as usual. This man is a mentally deranged but at the same time a mischievous and evil person who only desires to persecute the Eritrean people.
alem January 29, 2017
I do not know what adey amete is going to say after his admission speech that there is nothing left in the country that is functioning.
asgedom January 29, 2017
My time is too precious to waste listening to Afe CHerkis interview but out of blue i listened a tiny portion of it.Every Eritrean by now knows before hand his garbage talks,year after year is the same trash in trash out…. “we have learned our lessons” the guy is nuts , he even not able to correct himself from his mistakes….a nation is like its leader if the leader is sane and healthy the nation cannot be different….I think the guy is a prisoner…injected with drug and they make him sit before the camera and talk this garbage…i have given up long time ago to believe the guy has any responsibility of leadership in Eritrea…he is a puppet…if you consider all the Arabization going on and the exodes of the endegenous people of Eritrea…things become crystal clear…