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Voice of Assenna:Interview with Famous Artist Yohannes Tikabo (Wedi Tkabo) on Assenna

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  • most trusted October 29, 2013

    Wedi Tekabo ,, you are very wise and got the answer of the questions to the point. You are very wise and know what you are talking about. I really admire you of the answer and wise comment you made. My advise to you is, be yourself and do not follow the wind of this journalist. As you said in your interview , unit is the solution of Eritrean people and recognize the whole colour of Eritrean people( this comment made me think widely and I have notice that Eritrean are not only Tigrina speaker but there are others as you said (kulu hemerat eritrean). you are very intellectual, wise, independent, think about 100 years ahead and I really proud of you . well done wedi tekabo
    Muslim Jeberti

    • Dahab October 29, 2013

      most trusted,
      you seem to have a problem with Mr. Amanuel Eyasu. though i wonder what that could be unless you oppose his firm stand against the dictatorial regime back in Asmara. you call him “this journalist”. what is the journalist -Mr. Amanuel Eyasu’s wind? you apparently have no idea what you are talking about. because the journalist you seem to despise is a very humble, hard working, articulate individual we are so blessed to have on our side-the wind of change. he is someone who loves his country and his people. but by the way you call yourself at the end of your comment, “Muslim Jeberti” i can see where you might coming from. as you know Amanuel Eyasu has always advocated for the oppressed. he is always talking about unity. no one in his right mind would accuse this smart Eritrean fighter for anything less than that. so as a sister i advice you to be honest. Eritrea’s issue is a big deal. stop being mean. either you are a pfdj supporter or you have other ulterior motives. if you hate him because he is a christian, i tell you he can do nothing about that. think before you say something my brother. our people is in danger. we have no time to be petty.

      • most trusted October 29, 2013


        Relax and mind your own business , I am expressing my view and if you want to interpret my view the way you think that is about you as we are living in the blessed countries who allowed us to express our view without any habitation. you seem you are very concern about my last name (Muslim Jeberti) that is my nickname and I am proud to be called Muslim Jeberti as you know Jeberti are one of the wisest people in Eritrea ref to history been told by your christain brother great man WEdi tomono who believe in truth . while your brother Amanuel Eyasu , yes I recognize his hard working journalist and I give him credit but at the end of the day journalist is journalist as they want to put their word in your mouth.

        You mansion about religion , for your reference I am Jerberti brought up in Kebesa with christain brothers and sister which I am proud of been brought and enjoyed my childhood with two religion and share our fest, wedding, sorrow together. You seems very racist and brought up in isolation society and the only thing i can say to you may God help (MEHERAT YAZEZLKI) to come to your sense to find our eritrean culture ,


        • Dahab October 30, 2013

          most trusted,
          i am minding my own business. but apparently you have not noticed. i am an Eritrean who is calling a spade a spade here. you have a lot of misconceptions about journalists apparently. journalists are people who are bound by their profession to tell the truth, to inform the public. they don’t put their word in your mouth. but if you have no word of your own you may go on using their wisdom because they are also opinion makers. you also have apparently some issues. i am Jeberti myself. but i am put off by the way you are misusing my community’ name here. you are a disruptive element. but i want to assure our Eritrean brothers and sisters that we Jeberti are not like this person. we are just like all other Eritreans, tolerant, wise, loving, kind and humble. and we appreciate it when we find brothers in individuals like Amanuel Eyasu. we respect our people and our country. because as wise as we are we know there won’t be Eritrea without the unity and mutual respect of its people. and if there is any one group that thinks otherwise we will see where it is gonna get it.

          • most trusted October 30, 2013


            Again you need to relax and try to change your colour. stick to what you are belong , do not try to be other object to satisfy Amnuel as Amnuel is the most racist eritrean journalist I have ever seen. That is fact. Dahab distance yourself from talking about jeberti as jeberti is not you level to talk about them.

            Muslim Jeberti

          • Dahab October 31, 2013


            Again you need to relax and try to change your colour. stick to what you are belong , do not try to be other object to satisfy Amnuel as Amnuel is the most racist eritrean journalist I have ever seen. That is fact. Dahab distance yourself from talking about jeberti as jeberti is not you level to talk about them.
            most trusted,
            thank you for making us see ur true colors, brother. i do not need to change my color. i am Eritrean and i am proud to be one. i know Amanuel Eyasu is an Eritrean who keeps emphasizing unity. and i see how narrow minded and disruptive you are. so i won’t stop being Jeberti because you someone who does not know what he is talking about is Jeberti. and i remind you i am proud to have Amanuel Eyasu on our side. the oppressed people’s side. the side of truth. whether you like it or not we Eritreans achieve freedom only when we are united.

          • most trusted October 31, 2013


            you fekas and you want to be Jeberti . we do not have a jeberti like as you are try to follow the hater of jebert. Jeberti respect whoever respect him and on contrary we disrespect whoever disrespect us , if you want to pipit of amanuel you are free as you are fekas and i do not believe you are a jeberti but you want to call jeberti as you are pipit . you may have a dream to be jeberti but jeberti identity can not be achieved by dreaming. This my last replay to you stupid comment and continue with you weak attitude because you are a person who lost her confident to be herself and defend others while Amanuel does not bother about you as he is the most hater of Jeberti. Fokas get lost
            Muslim Jeberti forever

          • Dahab November 1, 2013

            most trusted,
            at this point you are downright funny. you have deep seated issues. go consult a shrink. you are an insult to human intelligence. to call Amanuel Eyasu racist and Jeberti hater is only an indicator of how foolish you are. you better stop your narrow mindedness if you want me to call you my brother of which you seem to be envying Amanuel Eyasu, the Eritrean fighter. as an Eritrean though i advise you to see a shrink. a real shrink!

          • most trusted November 1, 2013


            You are fokas derbay nebesa zekeber heserti

        • most trusted November 1, 2013

          why are u bothering about some one who can defend and protect himself, abezi alka zeyblow abzi alku yebeleka. serahki zetgeberi . i can see you how u are very cheap person. Teblok teblok , abezey zetewa tatu . you are very cheap person.

          Muslim jeberti

          • Dahab November 5, 2013

            most trusted,
            sidnetka mekeni yeblun. as i said time and again, as an Eritrean everything that concerns Eritreans is my business. i know you are not worth my while but still i don’t easily give up. you better grow up. if i have to i can remind you that it is only those self-respecting individuals of us who have zero tolerance for stupidity. i am a self-respecting individual. and i say no when i have to say no. bealege!

  • ahmed saleh October 29, 2013

    Wedi Tukabo
    You were my favorite singer but you surprised me with your wisdom . Do not worry you will find many friends
    of your alike with good heart in your surroundings . Just keep it up the moral high , don’t give up .

  • yosief October 29, 2013

    You were living in Eritrea, but you were treated like a prodigal son. you have never experienced any hardship in the last 13 years. so you are just talking like a “Mama Italia”. It sounds you are saying that the reason people are dying in their way to the west is the lack of border guards.. So the way to save lives is to go to the boarders of Eritrea, you do not need to seek asylum in USA. shame on you because you know Iseyas loves you and you do not want to talk against him.

  • ባሻይ October 29, 2013

    መርሓባ ወዲ-ትኳቦ ኣንቋዕ ኣዋጽኦ ረኸብካ ይብል ብልቢ!! ምክንያቱ ክትነብር ስለ ዘልካ፡ ስለ ህዝቢ ኸኣ ስለ ትግደስ። መምህር ኢኻ ታሪኽ ተንብብ፡ ለካዒ ኢኻ ግዜ ትሕብር’ሞ ንበረልና። ዮውሃንስ ንስካ ኣብ ፖለቲካዊ ዓለም ካብ ትእቱ ነዊሕ ኣቑጺርካ ኢኻ፡ ስለዚ ኣብ ማኣከል ክትከውን ኣይትኽእልን ኢኻ። ህዝብና ኣንታይ ኮይኑ ስኒት ስኢኑ ነንሕድ-ሕዱ ይናቆት ኣሎ? ሕጂ ኣነ ከምዚ ከምትን ክብለካ ኣይኮንኩን። የግዳስ ጽቡቕ ናይ ምስትውዓልን፡ ምስትብሃልን ዓቅምታት ኣዋህሊልካ ስለ ዘለኻ፡ ታሪኽ ኣብ ዕርበቱ መነጸርካ ኣጽሪካ ኣንተ ተመልኪትካ ጽቡቕ ስእሊ ክትረክብ ኢኻ። መርበብ ሓቤሬታ እቲ ቀንዲ ናይ ሓቤሬታን ዘተ ይኩን ክትዕ ወይ ተምክሮ ናይ ሰባት ዝትንተነሉ መርበብ ሓቤሬታ’ውን እዩ’ሞ፡ ብጌጋ ኣይትምዘኖ። ሕጂ ኣብ ነጻ ዓለም ኣቲኻ ኣለኻ፡ ነጻነት ኣለካ ኩሉ ዓይነት መጽናዕቲ ክትገብርን፡ ብነጻ ክትካታዕን ወይ ከኣ ነጻ ንዓካ ዝመስለካ ክትእምን ትክአለሉ መድረኽ ኢካ ዘለኻ’ሞ ተጠቀመሉ።ሎሚ ካብ ኤርታራ ብጥምየት ጥራይ ኣይኮነን ዝስደድ ዘሎ፡ ርግጸኛ እየ ካባይ ንላዕሊ ንስኻ ትፈልጥ። እዚ ስርዓተ ሕጊ ዘይብሉ ናይ ዓዋሉ ስርዓት ዝተኸሉ፡ ከምቲ ዝበልካዩ እቲ ዝመረረን ዝሓየለ ናይ ናጽነት ቃልሲ ዝተኸፈሎ ረዚን መስዋኣቲ፡መዳርግቲ ዘይርከቦ ኣብ ዓለም”ዩ። በዚ ከምዚ ዓይነት ተመክሮን ዋጋን ዝመጸት ሃገር፡ ተምሊሱ ህዝባ ብጃምላ ክስደድ ኣከጃህ’ዩ ሓዎም ኣስተውዕል። ስመርርርርርርርርርርርር ኣርርርርርርርርርርክብ ካብ ሳንፍራንሲስኮ

  • Kalighe October 29, 2013

    Few points to ponder upon (for Wedi Tekabo):

    – Now that you are a free man, stay away from Higdef, else you will be invited to serve them.

    – An artist should be an expression of his people’s cause.

    – You cannot serve two camps engaged in a fierce battle, at one point in time you have to decide. I hope that is what you have done these days.

    – Some artists lose popularity easily, others live in memory of their people, decades after they are passed away.

    – In Eritrea, the problem is not anymore about opposition groups or government, it’s rather about freedom or slavery. You don’t have much time left to decide whom to serve.

    • belay nega October 30, 2013


      “- You cannot serve two camps engaged in a fierce battle, at one point in time you have to decide. I hope that is what you have done these days.”

      Do not forget, that the so called oppositions, are the strongest part of the gov.They are more interested in: WHO HE/SHE is,instead of appreciating and exploiting the common ground they share.

  • Tes October 29, 2013

    Wedi Tukabo,

    I think you are not that grate artist. You couldn’t even answer a simple question. May be i/we over estimated your your statuses to level of great artist like Yemane Bariya who can manege to drive the resistance forward. I doubt you have that quality in fact you have none of that. You are completely luck the unique talent of those grate artists.Even a child knows why the youth are leaving their country in the thousands dispute shot to kill policy of the dictatorial regime. It is not the lack of boarder guards my friend. We have more than enough of those. In fact the whole arm of Eritrea are rendered their task just for that. When do they stand to defend the boarder. If i remember long long time ago.I don’t expect any contribution from you to the resistance but it is a good to leave the regime rather than sinking with him. I wish you good luck but better stay away from this kind of silly interview. I feel sorry for Aman he tried hard to guide you to the right answer. But he find you lower than a child mentality.

    • sara October 29, 2013

      @tes on
      yes, you right but I know wdi tkabo personally, he is smart but I have no idea why he is scared to condomen hgdef. by the way, wdi tkabo has a point … our opposition party are not working together to bring the change that they want…… look around….more than half oppostion party members run to ethiopian women and party instad of organizing eritrean youngster…….

  • Kibrom Weldu October 29, 2013

    i love ur comments wedi Tekabo really it is time to serve your people stay away of HEGDEF keep it up your good job

  • Dani October 29, 2013

    So funny many people expected Wendi taqabo would say HIGDEF this and that. Wedi Tqabo is a wise man and he knows he will no be used by both sides. As he stated he is in the middle and trying to unite people. Many oppositions want Ed him to be come hater like them, but remember hate brings hate.
    Wedi Tqwabo you will always be the greatest.

  • kokob October 29, 2013

    here is the thing you just didn’t hear what you want to hear. What part of the quiestion is that didn’t get answerd by tikabo? He was answering all the questions in a deeper level not just on the surface . every body is diffrent don’t comper him with someone else and he is unique talented artist .So tes, don’t be negative. I sure wedi tikoba is bigger than your nagative criticism. And by the way Amanial said he can’t wait to hear from weditikobo againe and was appreciative

    • Tes October 29, 2013

      Ok my friend that is fine by me what ever he dose in future and I won’t be disappointed if he doesn’t contribute his share to the good of our people. I am wondering what part of his answer you are happy with and bet you won’t hear from him any more. For two reason first no one will invite him for interview and second no one will be eager to hear what he will say he already expose his capacity. I am not being negative but that is the reality. and i am really really wishes him all the best.

      • Zebib October 30, 2013

        Know it all. You know everything! Sahme!

  • Bisrat Amare October 29, 2013

    Cut the crap Yohannes Tequabo and come out and condemn the massive human rights abuse in Eritrea and make your stand clear. Either you are with the opposition/HGDEF or are against the opposition/HGDEF. There cannot be any middle way. You seem concerned more about the disunity of Eritrean communities in the Diaspora rather than the annihilation of the people of Eritrea in the hands of your previous masters the HGDEF. That is neither there nor here with the issue at hand. Did you abandon HGDEF because of the suffering of your people and are you going to make a committed stand or not ? Tell us. CUT THE BULLSHIT CRAP of going around the bush and playing with words.

    • Tes October 29, 2013

      Bisrat Amare,

      I agree with you. He has to come out say it as it is not but not if. This is exactly what he needs to do or we expected him to do. Otherwise what is the point to come for interview. Yes unity is important but that is not what we want from him. You can’t have both way you either with the opposition ( those who fighting for freedom ) or with HGDEF. You can’t be in a middle and claim I am a peoples man and come for interview. As simple as that. He can lead his life quietly as many HGDEFawians do. No one force him to come with substance less interview.

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