Assenna and brother Amanueal thank you for the inspiring interview like this, I listen all of it I’m proud of you Scients/ Dr.Berhan. I’m hopeful our people to learn from the past to cherish our genesis and gifted son/daughter of Eritrea. Dr. Berhan I understand a hunderd percent what happend to you sometimes I’m not surprise where we are today. Thank you doctor and assenna team.
Salam nihzbi eritrea March 5, 2016
THANK YOU DR. BIRHAN, NeTI ZITEREFE HIzbi ERITREA KEMti NATKA yifterelu,Nikulina amlak libi yihabena
meg March 13, 2016
Assenna and brother Amanueal thank you for the inspiring interview like this, I listen all of it I’m proud of you Scients/ Dr.Berhan. I’m hopeful our people to learn from the past to cherish our genesis and gifted son/daughter of Eritrea. Dr. Berhan I understand a hunderd percent what happend to you sometimes I’m not surprise where we are today. Thank you doctor and assenna team.