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Voice of Assenna: Voice of Assenna: OUR LIVES – Intv with Dr Berhan Tecle – Part 7 & Final/ Amanuel Sahle Commentary. Thursday, March 03, 2016

Review overview
  • Salam nihzbi eritrea March 5, 2016

    THANK YOU DR. BIRHAN, NeTI ZITEREFE HIzbi ERITREA KEMti NATKA yifterelu,Nikulina amlak libi yihabena

  • meg March 13, 2016

    Assenna and brother Amanueal thank you for the inspiring interview like this, I listen all of it I’m proud of you Scients/ Dr.Berhan. I’m hopeful our people to learn from the past to cherish our genesis and gifted son/daughter of Eritrea. Dr. Berhan I understand a hunderd percent what happend to you sometimes I’m not surprise where we are today. Thank you doctor and assenna team.