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VOICE OF ASSENNA: Sat Radio Program – Friday, May 4, 2018 – News and Eritrean Constitution Part 3

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  • Zer'ay Deress May 5, 2018

    Dekebat Kebessa Metahit Tigry Tigre Bahri Habesha, ready for Unity. All those who fellow the Colonialist and Menelik King Amhara Traittor are, the same as Traittors for our Beloved People of Kebessa Metahit Tigry Tigre Bahri Habesha is time to defend their Freedom, Peace,Democracy, The word Eritra belongs to Colonialist, and it is cloused in 1941,therfore now is better there is no Hagher, try to forget the bad action of Menelik and Colonialist action. You talking against your Fathers. All those who are against Isayas, they are in the same direction. So those who are to be clever, they talk in the name colonialist name, they have to know ,they are Colonialist. Don’t waist time to lead the wrong direction. It is easy to talk, but better to follow the Dekebat Histry- move this direction.. Dekebat- Dekebat- Dekebat, you will enjoy. Forget Isayas, try the right Direction Unity of Kebessa Metahit Tigry Tigre Bahri Habesha. Ready for Unity with Tigry Tigre- Nakfa – Mekele. Zer’ay Deress.