Voice of Assenna Resumes its Regular 3 Days a Week Broadcasting to Eritrea http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iFUTzGC0to&width=200&height=200 October 14, 2013 9:58 pmassenna301833Views SHARE
Awet October 15, 2013
The 10 worst countries for child labor:
Yeaaa Eritrea is rank #1. Wey’Mekera….Wey’dekey
A new report by risk analysis firm Maplecroft, which ranks 197 countries, identifies
1. Eritrea
2. Somalia
3. Democratic Republic of Congo
4. Myanmar
5. Sudan
6. Afghanistan
7. Pakistan
8. Zimbabwe
9. Yemen
belay nega October 15, 2013
Eritrea, a country which is set free by under ages,is not surprise for it’s child labor.
daniel October 15, 2013
Thank U Assena