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Voice of Assenna Online: Dutch Judge Dismisses Meseret Bahlibi’s Case Against Prof Miriam. The Fmr YPFDJ Leader in the Netherlands, who asked 25000 Euro in damages, has been ordered by the Judge to Pay Prof Miriam’s court expenses. ( ክቚነና ዝኸዳ ተላጽየን ተመልሳ!)

Review overview
  • Michael Haile February 10, 2016

    Congra ato Kibrom,professor Miriam and all deleyti fthi eritreans.

  • Amanuel February 10, 2016

    Good result, this prove how the justice system works. YPFDJ learn from the system and advice you regiem the Eritrean people to have the right to exceresie the justice system

  • Asmara Eritrea February 10, 2016

    Excellent, the truth always triumphs! Professor Miriam, thank you and thank you for standing up for the voiceless Eritrean people. This is only the start and eventually the dictator himself will face justice – the very justice he has denied the Eritrean people for decades.

    Eritrea forever, death to dictatorship.

  • fithi Haile February 10, 2016

    We can make excuses to those who learn from this and ask forgiveness to all the oppressed Eritrean people.
    I believe many youngsters born in Europe are misinformed by their narrow minded parents.

  • Semere Gaim February 10, 2016

    I am glad justice was served in this case. Hopefully a counter suit was filed to cover her court costs; PFDJ is well known to spend huge amount of money while starving our own people any ways. Alem Goitom will be crying like a baby now.

  • k.tewolde February 10, 2016

    Rule of law 101, one lesson at a time.Rookies committing political suicide.There is more in the works.Truth always prevails.Thanks to all those justice seeking Eritreans who presided throughout the process.

  • gerimuna February 10, 2016

    Deja vu! The sad part is that we are not only led by maniac brutal dictator with sadistic intention, but also its followers who are either easily duped or dig heels opportunists who could sell their mothers for money.
    There is no any grey area in the situation of our people that could tolerate so much for so long under one man show and few puppets but absolute failure as a society and nation.
    The victory of professor Miriam was not her effort but the dismal absurdity of existing dictator and mimicking followers as Meseret family.
    In fact, Meseret and his sister are victims of the regime. It is accomplishing its agenda of debilitating the society in one form or another.
    Unfortunately, we could have exploited the situation to obliterate the image of the regime and deny of any support abroad as the monkey would like it otherwise.
    One may not agree with me but I feel pity for Meseret and his sister for being too naive.

    Congratulation! professor Miriam! We all love you and hopefully will be a guest of honourin a free Eritrea. I also hope Eritrean professors still supporting the regime would have a change of heart as of today such as die hard supporter professor Gideon.

    • Musa Ali February 10, 2016

      Professor Gideon is not a hard line supporter. Infact, he does not have a stand. He just an opportunist aiming to benefit from the situation. He is not different from a prostitute in geza birhanu

  • Simon G. February 10, 2016

    “Be careful what you wish” applied directly here. This YPFDJ guy tried to abuse a wonderful country’s democracy and the law of the rule hit him back, much harder! He deserve it. Thanks, Prof!

  • Berhe Tensea February 11, 2016

    This case needs no discussion. The judge must rule against Meseret Bahlbi. His accusation is motivated by a lawless dictatorial regime in Africa.
    It is shameful and laughable issue that an individual who has never voted in his homeland and has no clue about the freedom of the press is trying to sue an independent minded prof. in the Netherlands.
    This individual that is accusing or trying to Sue professor Miriam must be deported to the place where he belongs.

  • Anghesom February 11, 2016

    Thankyou and congradulation Professor Miriam ! You and the Neitherlands court have tought a lesson of the rule of law to our blinde dictator and his regiem.Enough is enough !!