Voice of Assenna Online: Dutch Judge Dismisses Meseret Bahlibi’s Case Against Prof Miriam. The Fmr YPFDJ Leader in the Netherlands, who asked 25000 Euro in damages, has been ordered by the Judge to Pay Prof Miriam’s court expenses. ( ክቚነና ዝኸዳ ተላጽየን ተመልሳ!)
Tewolde T. February 11, 2016
The higher a monkey klimbs the more he shows his tail. Well done prof and my true compatriates.
semere 2 February 11, 2016
Now it should be the other way round. Revoke his Dutch citizenship and deport him back to his boss Isayas Afeworki. If honest he should be happy to return home where honey and milk flows!
Ghirmay Berhe February 11, 2016
I like that Semere. Can the people in Holland initiate petition?
Teach the thugs the language they understand
Nsane February 11, 2016
Way Meseretka titfae kabey eika ke weriskayo kahsa mblae.
Miskinay medadibkayne nerka kea mesleni ezen 25,000 Ero
Kishafa n Eseyas kab Adihalo nab Yemen nab Amrica nab Europa kikeshif zkiel megzei.
N YPFDG memaebeli
Emo yelennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Oyyyyyyyyyy n amorraaaaaaaaaa
hakenga kiltsim sieraaaaaaaa
abbysinia February 11, 2016
Ha…ha…ha…. this is a crying shame. For the fictitious claim the compensation should be double.