it was so good of you guys to record the lunatic dictator’s TV speech. it is useful for future reference. and as we found out now even a little while after he made that stupid speech, we see how he compares with any leader currently in office. as you rightly put it he is the tale of the league the north korean dictator belongs to. eseyas should have gone with his comrade in stupidity gadafi. it is ironic that we Eritreans who have made huge sacrifices for our independence should be treated as lice.
our counry is i very cross road now. it is the right time now to to do some thing about it , Before it is too late.please let us not waste our preciuos time energi blaming one anather.blaming one anther only breeds hate.i understand that hating one anther wont lead us to the right direktion. i blive that our commen enemy is the unjust system that does not work .it is not working.
rahwa April 29, 2014
it was so good of you guys to record the lunatic dictator’s TV speech. it is useful for future reference. and as we found out now even a little while after he made that stupid speech, we see how he compares with any leader currently in office. as you rightly put it he is the tale of the league the north korean dictator belongs to. eseyas should have gone with his comrade in stupidity gadafi. it is ironic that we Eritreans who have made huge sacrifices for our independence should be treated as lice.
Asmeret May 1, 2014
Thank you assenna for doing this and well said Rahwa.
tesfay May 9, 2014
our counry is i very cross road now. it is the right time now to to do some thing about it , Before it is too late.please let us not waste our preciuos time energi blaming one anather.blaming one anther only breeds hate.i understand that hating one anther wont lead us to the right direktion. i blive that our commen enemy is the unjust system that does not work .it is not working.