I see leadership on Dejen. I hope he will not polluted by the many opposition groups who are attacking at each other. I hope to see him work for Eritreans (Similar as Wedi Vacaro start-but wedi vacaro didn’t end well especially the one he did in Holland).
omar you are insane to suggest this was drama. is our people’s suffering a drama to you? are you an Eritrean? if you are then you must be one of those parrots who repeat everything your master iseyas says. use your brain bro this is the Eritrean reality not some drama. stop making fun about our misery. go lick iseyas’s boot. bootlicker!
you the same loser who has been writing idiot comments or (blind =owor ) it is shameful to pillorie from Eritrean suffering even ASENA IS NOT TOUCHING ABOUT ALL the suffering innocence under idiot weddi khommarit’s regime in Eritrea a huge devastating going on to our people I am going to write small comment to Mr. Omer
السيد عمر اسم بحد ذاته مرتبط بالعدالة والانصاف أي بعمر الفاروق والسخرية من الذين وقع عليهم الظلم شئ معيب ولا أصف لك اسنا بالكمال ولكن نراها تدافع عن المظلومين في حالة دجن سرق النظام 15 عاما من عمر وبدون محاكمة بتهمة معينة وما هو شعورك اذا أنت في محله وحالة هذا الانسان واحدة من بين الآلاف الذين سرقت حياتهم وهم ابرياء وبصفة عامة لم يكن هناك مواطن اريتري لم يسرق نظام ابن الخمارة اسياس جزء من حياته فضلا عن دمار البلد بشكل عام
Witsae meat is not here to argue with people like you rahwa and others who do not think beyond your nose. Did I said I support dictator? I am also a victim of him. But my point is the news was very devastating at that time and relatives of the victims like were shuttered by that news at that time. Official apology shows maturity and trust. Yes, listened aman say sorry, i respect that but he needs to assure people things happened Otherwise. This is not a media of war of words. Its a media to exchange ideas. Dpls do not try to manipulate expressions.
witsae meat i don’t need your permission to argue with you. i find your attitude off putting. also you don’t need to say you support the dictator. we read what you write and we understand whom you may or may not be supporting. but certain things you mention need clarification:
1. what does official apology mean?
2. i heard Mr. Amanuel Eyasu apologize then and there on radio not at some night club to some friends around a table. are you saying this is not an official apology even though he used the same medium he used to report the news?
3. we all know the news was devastating b/s we all justice seekers were devastated. But most devastating of all is witsae meat, the FACT that eseyas has put innocent Eritreans in prison without charge and incommunicado. but you obviously don’t want to acknowledge that.
4. you also say official apology shows maturity and trust by which you are implying our Dear BROTHER, the hard working and brilliant journalist Mr. Amanuel Eyasu lacks maturity and trust. seriously witsae meat, maturity and trust? really? i see this fellow country man, Mr. Amanuel Eyasu as a role model in maturity and trust. he is the only one we have who have the guts to apologize whenever and wherever. you also say you listened Aman say sorry. who is aman? i am confused. are you calling the great man Mr. Amanuel Eyasu ‘aman’? and what more do you want from him if you already heard him apologize? issue an apology via Barack Obama or esyas?
5. and what do you mean by “he needs to assure people things happened otherwise?” you witsae meat find you can order people around, right? all Mr. Amanuel Eyasu needs to do is his job. we have a country without constitution where we are denied all our fundamental rights including freedom of speech. it is very difficult for us in diaspora to find out what is going on inside Eritrea and it is impossible for us and our people inside the country to get the truth from the regime’s propaganda machine which is called enda zena. Assenna on the other hand, with its volunteer staff is doing more than its fair share. if you have the guts ask eseyas for denying us our rights and putting our heroes in prison.
media of war of words, witsae meat? you are so cute. but stop patronizing others. this is Assenna not shabait or tibi-ere and it is if you haven’t heard yet called THE VOICE OF THE VOICELESS, which includes rahwa and all the other voiceless Eritreans. now witsae meat i demand that you apologize publicly to Assenna and to us. APOLOGIZE publicly.
Witsae meat is not here to argue with people like you rahwa and others who do not think beyond your nose. Did I said I support dictator? I am also a victim of him. But my point is the news was very devastating at that time and relatives of the victims like me were shuttered by that news at that time. Official apology shows maturity and trust. Yes, listened aman say sorry, i respect that but he needs to assure people things happened Otherwise. This is not a media of war of words. Its a media to exchange ideas. Pls do not try to manipulate expressions.
Dear witsae meat
You said, you are a victim of the dictator and PFDJ’s network. OK, so do some of his supporters. If you going to bring up Assenna’s error for ever, we can’t help it, but to wonder if you really are a justice seeker. Don’t give me wrong, bringing up error and to be critical of errors and mistakes is not all wrong. However, if you continue to be tormented by this error, even after apology was extended, even after the news was released as unconfirmed news, then we have to question your obsession with this issue. It could be because of many things. But the exact reason, you only know that. Don’t forget, people can easily draw to the right conclusion by analyzing your thought process. I wonder, if you are subconsciously supporting this dictator and his PFDJ’s network. May be that is why, you can’t let go of this issue. If an error is occurred, and the error is corrected in a timely manner, then that is the end of the story. If any one brings the issue after that, then he/she has ulterior motives. Good luck.
You are an imposter. You were too coward or too selfish to go to mieda to help bring Eritrea’s independence. Interestingly, the Wahyos, those who helped destroy the Eritrean social fabric, were exactly like you. They never sacrificed anything, and had big, foul mouths. Now, because Eritreans were not able to harvest the fruits of their independence, you are belittling the martyrdom of Eritrea’s gallant fighters, aiming at discouraging Eritreans, thereby giving up their future. NO Way! Nothing you say or do will change the fact that Eritrea is independent. Unlike the Eritrea of PFDJ thieves like you, Eritrea will have a bright future with ALL its sons and daughters. Sure 22 years of independent years have been 22 years of enormous loss and sufferings. However, I can assure you, Eritreans will unite, close the rift that the thieves like were able to snick through, and build of a united and healthy Eritrea.
FG writes, “Interestingly, the Wahyos, those who helped destroy the Eritrean social fabric, were exactly like you.”
selam FG,
who are the gangsters who massacred the young Fallul Eritreans in the name of Sewra?
who are the gangsters who burned a dozen Kunama villages in the name of Sewra?
who are the gangsters who killed hundreds of university students as in Sreyt Addis?
who are the gangsters who marched poorly trained and poorly armed Kebesa youth in the battle of Barentu as human mine sweepers — fenji regach?
Who are the gangsters who committed linguistic suicide by burning Eritrean languages because they hate themselves, identity and history?
who are the gangsters who abandoned the poor kebesa youth to die while they run away with their tail between their legs to Arab nations, and then run away to the christian West because the Arabs kept on spitting on their faces hurling insults of Abeed Aswad Wahid?
Here and now, please tell me who is the real “Wahyos, those who helped destroy the Eritrean social fabric”?
To hear unnecessary insults from
your own people mouth hurts more
than to hear from strangers .
Why get pleasure to repeat same
stupid languages in this forum to
irritate nationals ?
Kabzi ziabi hasot emo entay alo??? N bihiwet zelo seb mikital!!!! Asena zibluwo kea n gele kemzi nay beAl Dejen tiray ena niamno. Ente beAl nisiki emo Sigab amezazinkin tihasba gzie kedliyekin eyu. Again ask asena proper apology !! Tera zereba aykonen. From now on I am not gonna follow assena.
kabzi ziabi hasot? now you made it way clearer, witsae meat. do you even know what you are saying? in an attempt to defend a dictator who has put at least 20thousand Eritreans in prison for their political and religious beliefs and many more for being patriots you come here to accuse Assenna. you are a shameless moron. if you were a human being you you could stand by our brothers who are languishing in eseyas’s prisons and who by the way have never been charged because they were innocent. nay diki “Ente beAl nisiki emo Sigab amezazinkin tihasba gzie kedliyekin eyu” tblni zeleki keytsters tigter kemzbhal nski (wey dma nska) da eti tukuan meliu zelo hangolki nab shrink wesidki astekakilyo ember ane da entay nay mimzizan hixret neruni. now once again i ask you to APOLOGIZE publicly to us the voiceless Eritreans and our brothers and sisters who are languishing in eseyas’s prisons and to Assenna staff. Apologize or i will start campaigning against you b/s you are an esyas zombie and we will never see you around here.
witsae meat,
poor you! you say, “Tera zereba aykonen. From now on I am not gonna follow assena.” who gives a shit whether a pfdj zombie like you who does not even have common sense follows Assenna or not? tera zerebaki dma tihti tera ms tihti muwutan iyu zseraaki. abzi mexiki seb blackmail kitgebri tikieli aymselki. nhna Ertrawyan chekok ilna nihgza zelena n Assenna natna mkuana slezamena ina. nski dma bilignaki nabti zlemedkyo nab shabait gexki zewer beli. Apologize publicly, witsae meat.
You did the right thing – you did ask for an apology and retracted the “false” leading story you were given by and from people that “some people did die while in prison”. That is a sign of a responsible news media practice. And you did just that – you apologized for the wrong information. Job well done! Now, the future is for you to use that lesson and work on the reporting side – when and if you run in to such kind of false leads.
Note: Once a person is thrown in to a jail and there has not been any justice to it whatsoever then that for itself is close if not the same as the death sentence. When a bunch of angry and sick leaders in Eritrea are practicing this (robbing many Eritreans to run the most productive years of their life in prison) then that is no different than death sentence.
Denden May 27, 2014
“Fitihi kem Fenji eYa. EnteregiTsigaya tifinigereka”, Dejen Ande HiShel.
tafla May 27, 2014
I see leadership on Dejen. I hope he will not polluted by the many opposition groups who are attacking at each other. I hope to see him work for Eritreans (Similar as Wedi Vacaro start-but wedi vacaro didn’t end well especially the one he did in Holland).
Omar May 27, 2014
Another drama from Assena. If its true let him call the big names .
nati May 27, 2014
omar you are insane to suggest this was drama. is our people’s suffering a drama to you? are you an Eritrean? if you are then you must be one of those parrots who repeat everything your master iseyas says. use your brain bro this is the Eritrean reality not some drama. stop making fun about our misery. go lick iseyas’s boot. bootlicker!
ahmed omer May 27, 2014
you the same loser who has been writing idiot comments or (blind =owor ) it is shameful to pillorie from Eritrean suffering even ASENA IS NOT TOUCHING ABOUT ALL the suffering innocence under idiot weddi khommarit’s regime in Eritrea a huge devastating going on to our people I am going to write small comment to Mr. Omer
السيد عمر اسم بحد ذاته مرتبط بالعدالة والانصاف أي بعمر الفاروق والسخرية من الذين وقع عليهم الظلم شئ معيب ولا أصف لك اسنا بالكمال ولكن نراها تدافع عن المظلومين في حالة دجن سرق النظام 15 عاما من عمر وبدون محاكمة بتهمة معينة وما هو شعورك اذا أنت في محله وحالة هذا الانسان واحدة من بين الآلاف الذين سرقت حياتهم وهم ابرياء وبصفة عامة لم يكن هناك مواطن اريتري لم يسرق نظام ابن الخمارة اسياس جزء من حياته فضلا عن دمار البلد بشكل عام
witsae meat May 27, 2014
Witsae meat is not here to argue with people like you rahwa and others who do not think beyond your nose. Did I said I support dictator? I am also a victim of him. But my point is the news was very devastating at that time and relatives of the victims like were shuttered by that news at that time. Official apology shows maturity and trust. Yes, listened aman say sorry, i respect that but he needs to assure people things happened Otherwise. This is not a media of war of words. Its a media to exchange ideas. Dpls do not try to manipulate expressions.
rahwa May 27, 2014
witsae meat i don’t need your permission to argue with you. i find your attitude off putting. also you don’t need to say you support the dictator. we read what you write and we understand whom you may or may not be supporting. but certain things you mention need clarification:
1. what does official apology mean?
2. i heard Mr. Amanuel Eyasu apologize then and there on radio not at some night club to some friends around a table. are you saying this is not an official apology even though he used the same medium he used to report the news?
3. we all know the news was devastating b/s we all justice seekers were devastated. But most devastating of all is witsae meat, the FACT that eseyas has put innocent Eritreans in prison without charge and incommunicado. but you obviously don’t want to acknowledge that.
4. you also say official apology shows maturity and trust by which you are implying our Dear BROTHER, the hard working and brilliant journalist Mr. Amanuel Eyasu lacks maturity and trust. seriously witsae meat, maturity and trust? really? i see this fellow country man, Mr. Amanuel Eyasu as a role model in maturity and trust. he is the only one we have who have the guts to apologize whenever and wherever. you also say you listened Aman say sorry. who is aman? i am confused. are you calling the great man Mr. Amanuel Eyasu ‘aman’? and what more do you want from him if you already heard him apologize? issue an apology via Barack Obama or esyas?
5. and what do you mean by “he needs to assure people things happened otherwise?” you witsae meat find you can order people around, right? all Mr. Amanuel Eyasu needs to do is his job. we have a country without constitution where we are denied all our fundamental rights including freedom of speech. it is very difficult for us in diaspora to find out what is going on inside Eritrea and it is impossible for us and our people inside the country to get the truth from the regime’s propaganda machine which is called enda zena. Assenna on the other hand, with its volunteer staff is doing more than its fair share. if you have the guts ask eseyas for denying us our rights and putting our heroes in prison.
media of war of words, witsae meat? you are so cute. but stop patronizing others. this is Assenna not shabait or tibi-ere and it is if you haven’t heard yet called THE VOICE OF THE VOICELESS, which includes rahwa and all the other voiceless Eritreans. now witsae meat i demand that you apologize publicly to Assenna and to us. APOLOGIZE publicly.
witsae meat May 27, 2014
Witsae meat is not here to argue with people like you rahwa and others who do not think beyond your nose. Did I said I support dictator? I am also a victim of him. But my point is the news was very devastating at that time and relatives of the victims like me were shuttered by that news at that time. Official apology shows maturity and trust. Yes, listened aman say sorry, i respect that but he needs to assure people things happened Otherwise. This is not a media of war of words. Its a media to exchange ideas. Pls do not try to manipulate expressions.
rahwa May 27, 2014
now witsae meat i demand that you apologize publicly to Assenna and to us. APOLOGIZE publicly.
rahwa May 27, 2014
go on witsae meat, APOLOGIZE NOW.
Genet-orginal May 28, 2014
Dear witsae meat
You said, you are a victim of the dictator and PFDJ’s network. OK, so do some of his supporters. If you going to bring up Assenna’s error for ever, we can’t help it, but to wonder if you really are a justice seeker. Don’t give me wrong, bringing up error and to be critical of errors and mistakes is not all wrong. However, if you continue to be tormented by this error, even after apology was extended, even after the news was released as unconfirmed news, then we have to question your obsession with this issue. It could be because of many things. But the exact reason, you only know that. Don’t forget, people can easily draw to the right conclusion by analyzing your thought process. I wonder, if you are subconsciously supporting this dictator and his PFDJ’s network. May be that is why, you can’t let go of this issue. If an error is occurred, and the error is corrected in a timely manner, then that is the end of the story. If any one brings the issue after that, then he/she has ulterior motives. Good luck.
FG May 27, 2014
Kombishtato, Listen,
You are an imposter. You were too coward or too selfish to go to mieda to help bring Eritrea’s independence. Interestingly, the Wahyos, those who helped destroy the Eritrean social fabric, were exactly like you. They never sacrificed anything, and had big, foul mouths. Now, because Eritreans were not able to harvest the fruits of their independence, you are belittling the martyrdom of Eritrea’s gallant fighters, aiming at discouraging Eritreans, thereby giving up their future. NO Way! Nothing you say or do will change the fact that Eritrea is independent. Unlike the Eritrea of PFDJ thieves like you, Eritrea will have a bright future with ALL its sons and daughters. Sure 22 years of independent years have been 22 years of enormous loss and sufferings. However, I can assure you, Eritreans will unite, close the rift that the thieves like were able to snick through, and build of a united and healthy Eritrea.
Kombishtato May 27, 2014
FG writes, “Interestingly, the Wahyos, those who helped destroy the Eritrean social fabric, were exactly like you.”
selam FG,
who are the gangsters who massacred the young Fallul Eritreans in the name of Sewra?
who are the gangsters who burned a dozen Kunama villages in the name of Sewra?
who are the gangsters who killed hundreds of university students as in Sreyt Addis?
who are the gangsters who marched poorly trained and poorly armed Kebesa youth in the battle of Barentu as human mine sweepers — fenji regach?
Who are the gangsters who committed linguistic suicide by burning Eritrean languages because they hate themselves, identity and history?
who are the gangsters who abandoned the poor kebesa youth to die while they run away with their tail between their legs to Arab nations, and then run away to the christian West because the Arabs kept on spitting on their faces hurling insults of Abeed Aswad Wahid?
Here and now, please tell me who is the real “Wahyos, those who helped destroy the Eritrean social fabric”?
ahmed saleh May 27, 2014
To hear unnecessary insults from
your own people mouth hurts more
than to hear from strangers .
Why get pleasure to repeat same
stupid languages in this forum to
irritate nationals ?
kiros May 27, 2014
Fthi mechereshu mis giziye iu zidani” Dejen andi Hishel
witsae meat May 27, 2014
Kabzi ziabi hasot emo entay alo??? N bihiwet zelo seb mikital!!!! Asena zibluwo kea n gele kemzi nay beAl Dejen tiray ena niamno. Ente beAl nisiki emo Sigab amezazinkin tihasba gzie kedliyekin eyu. Again ask asena proper apology !! Tera zereba aykonen. From now on I am not gonna follow assena.
rahwa May 27, 2014
kabzi ziabi hasot? now you made it way clearer, witsae meat. do you even know what you are saying? in an attempt to defend a dictator who has put at least 20thousand Eritreans in prison for their political and religious beliefs and many more for being patriots you come here to accuse Assenna. you are a shameless moron. if you were a human being you you could stand by our brothers who are languishing in eseyas’s prisons and who by the way have never been charged because they were innocent. nay diki “Ente beAl nisiki emo Sigab amezazinkin tihasba gzie kedliyekin eyu” tblni zeleki keytsters tigter kemzbhal nski (wey dma nska) da eti tukuan meliu zelo hangolki nab shrink wesidki astekakilyo ember ane da entay nay mimzizan hixret neruni. now once again i ask you to APOLOGIZE publicly to us the voiceless Eritreans and our brothers and sisters who are languishing in eseyas’s prisons and to Assenna staff. Apologize or i will start campaigning against you b/s you are an esyas zombie and we will never see you around here.
rahwa May 27, 2014
witsae meat, apologize publicly and now. thank you for showing your true colors though.
rahwa May 27, 2014
witsae meat,
poor you! you say, “Tera zereba aykonen. From now on I am not gonna follow assena.” who gives a shit whether a pfdj zombie like you who does not even have common sense follows Assenna or not? tera zerebaki dma tihti tera ms tihti muwutan iyu zseraaki. abzi mexiki seb blackmail kitgebri tikieli aymselki. nhna Ertrawyan chekok ilna nihgza zelena n Assenna natna mkuana slezamena ina. nski dma bilignaki nabti zlemedkyo nab shabait gexki zewer beli. Apologize publicly, witsae meat.
Verify May 27, 2014
Witsae Meat
Please get the hell out of here . Don’t say it just do it.
Exerisce your garbagness with others .
Insetad of asking why Dejen was behind bars , you are going around the bush . People know you very well , In the name of Hager you guys
have massacared the whole Nation.
What is Eritrea for me if I am dead?
I would friendly advise you , to check up you sanity . If how you think is this way , go and seek some medical attention .
You are useful to none .
Mike May 27, 2014
Dear Assenna,
You did the right thing – you did ask for an apology and retracted the “false” leading story you were given by and from people that “some people did die while in prison”. That is a sign of a responsible news media practice. And you did just that – you apologized for the wrong information. Job well done! Now, the future is for you to use that lesson and work on the reporting side – when and if you run in to such kind of false leads.
Note: Once a person is thrown in to a jail and there has not been any justice to it whatsoever then that for itself is close if not the same as the death sentence. When a bunch of angry and sick leaders in Eritrea are practicing this (robbing many Eritreans to run the most productive years of their life in prison) then that is no different than death sentence.
Assenna Good job!
Ashebr Habtegergish May 27, 2014
Ajoka dejen kulu dahdahayo nezi zengiau zelo akal hbreteseb Eritrea mharo nezom nhna nsu nsu nhna endabelu dedhri ketali seb zgou zelewu kulu ngerom ajoka dma kulu halifkayo eka adme nasnetka beliaomlka entekone gn kabtom hiwetom zseanun ab tihti zi diablos znebru zelewu nska thaysh ajoka harnetna nay gdn u
qedawi Meresiea May 27, 2014
Hi ane qedawi zetbhlkew dagfay assenna eu Selazy gegnant dejen zethgoskew eu ne dejen demany enka kabzy armnawey zekona aerate angfka kebl yeftew