Voice of Assenna: Freweini Habte Re Efforts to Inform Italians About Eritrean Women’s Challenges, Thursday, 24 April, 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMEClnVc5Cw&feature=youtu.be April 24, 2014 6:58 pmassenna401898Views SHARE
Selam April 24, 2014
Freweini and friends great job and thank you. Kemakatken yebzeha..
monicasalguero April 25, 2014
Xefuf srah yehwat Ab Awet yebzhana.
sara gual eritra April 25, 2014
FORZA ! donne eritrei in italia
se vogliamo POSSIAMO
nobel April 25, 2014
freta I am very proud of you we love to hear more from you, because you are talented to inspire more people.